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The holidays movie thread

Created by getfunky > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2011
WA, 2520 posts
7 Jan 2011 2:19PM
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Saw it on a plane a couple of weeks back (before Xmas)... very poor - and then it just ended abrubtly... 3/10.

WA, 4485 posts
7 Jan 2011 3:25PM
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myusernam said...

hey funky what was the road like? read the book but have yet to see the movie.

Er.. been unusuallyactive of late - was gonna watch it last night but found out a mate had the Big C and went over instead. Good news he's ok for now. Hopefully watch it tonight. (gotta love new to weekly)

Agree with most of PR's picks. I'm not a big action flick guy but Distric 9 was pretty awesome. Might put you off prawn toast for a bit tho.

Pretty much anything Coen Bros is a 10 ten contender. I easily have 2-3 of their films in my top 10. Haven't seen True grit but they mine gold in any genre.

If anyone hasn't seen Raising Arizona (late 80s Coen Bros) GET IT OUT. Was super whacky in it's day and still laff till it hurts now I reckon.

As far as Oz film's (and staying on a Ben Mendohlson tack) The year my voice broke was great in its' day and Beautiful Kate was an outstanding film a couple of years ago.

So many good films out there to still catch.

Ta for the suggestions folks.

Still think Kenny had the most GOLD one liners per minute of any film any time.

Pretty crazy old night, that one. I mean, that's really put me to the end of my test tonight, I tell ya what, that's... that's almost my limit, I reckon. I mean, no man should be set on fire trying to save one of his ****ters, you know. It's, er... ridiculous.

My mate is a sound guy working festivals and we had a good cack over this one:

“As soon as the sun comes out every bastard has a festival, it just goes bonkas. It’s as silly as a bum full of smarties” And it does and it is![}:)]

3952 posts
8 Jan 2011 1:54PM
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Just saw The Human Centipede - most disturbing.

Couldn't help wondering how they could get actors for it. I could just see the girl in the film saying: "mom, I finally got some work in a feature film - that's me in the middle".

WA, 4485 posts
8 Jan 2011 1:58PM
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Ok saw the Road last night..

Phew! That is one mutha of a grueling film! I'm not afraid to guts out a tuff flick but that really did stretch the friendship.

A top film all the same.

Despite reviews - not convinced by Kodi Smitt Mcfee (oz kid). It's Viggo Motensens movie really and he is outstanding. Oh Carlize Theron is very good too.

The look/direction/sound - everything are all TOP notch, but it is bloody hard yards getting through it with prescious little light (literally) at the end of the tunnel.

The ending (can't say why without a spoiler warning) was a bit unconvincing and actually didn't seem that plausible to me, but probably wouldn't have been released otherwise. Might have drowned my sorrows in ciggys and JD (beercchh) if it had have been any other way tho.

LOTS of great questions thrown up in/by the film and a 'worthy' if not uplifting viewing experiance. The pack/animal scenario seems very believable (speshly in the wake of Hurrican Katrina etc) and bodes scarilly for OUR future in the real world.

Hungry anyone?

Mmmm.. 7.5/10 (would have given higher if more convinced at the end)

NSW, 6874 posts
8 Jan 2011 9:19PM
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Went to the movies first time since 2006 to see the Kings Speech. Well worth while only try and avoid the Newcastle City Cinema centere in case the two f***wits who dropped in for a two hour conversation are still there!

NSW, 378 posts
9 Jan 2011 5:29PM
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Deadwood and TV mini's ever without the adds...

WA, 5921 posts
11 Jan 2011 10:58PM
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Gestalt said...

yes classic movie waterworld,

i wonder if it was CQ irony to put it on air.

we got it to in kalgoorlie too , maybe big corporation getting cheap to air movies, I enjoyed it more than ever , and it was my 11th time.
Anybody got a spare flood we can have , it is so fn dry here

QLD, 12327 posts
12 Jan 2011 1:09AM
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If it was transferrable, you are welcome to the Toowoomba Flood.

WA, 177 posts
12 Jan 2011 12:19AM
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Watched 'Paranormal Activity' about 2 weeks ago.
Still spooked..
Good one to watch at late at night hang on a minute - Don't recommend doing that at all..

TAS, 2213 posts
12 Jan 2011 10:15AM
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Watched UP (kids movie) last night, great film.

WA, 4485 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:26AM
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Have said it before but kids movies are made to much higher standards than most of the dross that passes for adult vewing. Better stories, characters, gags the lot.

Up is a goody and all 3 Toy stories tap into deeper emotions than any pathetic rom-com out there.

Aside from Cars, anything from Pixar is 24 ct Gold IMO.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
12 Jan 2011 1:14PM
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Gaslands or the kings speech

QLD, 166 posts
12 Jan 2011 5:13PM
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Went to see The Fokker Kids , very funny!!

WA, 718 posts
12 Jan 2011 4:24PM
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easty said...

Watched UP (kids movie) last night, great film.

That has to be the saddest movie I've seen; well the beginning anyway, always gets me.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The holidays movie thread" started by getfunky