Climate warrior ship of fools happened
You must believe the earth is flat and science is settled with a show of hands
^^ People who have a history of climate skepticism, have a blog dedicated to spreading doubt about the science and self-labels as a "scientist" , worked for the INstitute of Public Affairs when they took donations from Murray Irrigation Limited is probably dodgy.
She's a highly compromised source of unscientific opinion. Believing someone like that is like believing a paid internal report into the health impacts of smoking done by tobacco companies.
If it suits your agenda, go for it. Confirmation bias at it's most transparent.
Now youtube is throwing up all these climate denialist/ alarmist videos at me. At least this one is by an Aussie. (He's entertaining, and he's a scientist, at Melbourne uni). I only fact checked the Sea shepherd getting fined for dumping oil on the Barrier Reef. It was an accident but never let the truth spoil a good story.
The Liberal and National Party are a Ship of Fools. They are on the take and think the public don't know about it.
Australia will be an energy superpower, if only the coal dinosaurs will get out of the way and admit they are wrong.
Japan has already announced it will not build coal plants, will build renewables, will phase out nuclear and buy hydrogen to make up the new energy mix shortfall, so let's get making the stuff on a large scale using renewable energy.\
Basically , stop digging the black crap up and start digging up more valuable stuff and manufacturing it into refined ores and metals here.
Enough jobs for decades.
When did Japan say this?
I thought they just announced they are building up to 22 new coal fired power plants to replace some of the nuclear power plants.
No crystal balling and no I'm not talking about an instant solution. I'll leave the childhood dreams about coal to the National Party and nuclear to the Libs.
I'm referring to AEMO's own projections for the transition to renewables. You talk as if this is a figment of someone's imagination, when in truth it's happening right before our eyes.
According to the AEMO, by 2050 under business as usual most Australian energy generation will be renewables. Not coal. Not nuclear. Not gas.
As I've said before, by 2040/2050 we'll see if AEMO was right, or if you were right.
Maybe by 2040 you will have restarted all of Japan's nuke reactors too....