Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Ufo's - Aliens - Exist?

Created by K Dog > 9 months ago, 31 May 2011
K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
31 May 2011 4:50PM
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TAS man took a video of some UFO lights....

I tend to always say everything is fake unless i actually witness something. And I haven't......

Does anyone subscribe to UFO's and aliens existing? Why?

I don't doubt the possibility - but no proof yet........

NSW, 6868 posts
31 May 2011 4:52PM
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The Hollywood Congress cabal will pull an alien out of the cupboard when they need one.

WA, 4642 posts
31 May 2011 3:01PM
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K Dog said...

Does anyone subscribe to UFO's and aliens existing? Why?

I don't doubt the possibility - but no proof yet........

There's heaps of them around when you look.
They are generally wierd looking people but with unusual talents, like Michael Jackson, Julia Gillard, you know,..

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
31 May 2011 3:19PM
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Some people think so others don't know
Some believe they were captured probed and speak directly to them
Most people i've met don't really give a sh!t

WA, 3519 posts
31 May 2011 3:33PM
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pweedas said...

K Dog said...

Does anyone subscribe to UFO's and aliens existing? Why?

I don't doubt the possibility - but no proof yet........

There's heaps of them around when you look.
They are generally wierd looking people but with unusual talents, like Michael Jackson, Julia Gillard, you know,..

Julia is weird looking all right but what talent does she have?
And Michael was very good as an alien in planet of the apes did not need much makeup![}:)]

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
31 May 2011 5:37PM
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poor relative said...

Some people think so others don't know
Some believe they were captured probed and speak directly to them
Most people i've met don't really give a sh!t

Typically, I don't give a sh1t - but got a mate who is right into it and thinks that heaps of people have witnessed it, but my take is.... its a sham........

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
31 May 2011 5:37PM
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poor relative said...

Some believe they were captured probed and speak directly to them

Does that make Max H@rdc0re an alien because he does so much probing?

WA, 15849 posts
31 May 2011 3:46PM
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K Dog said...

poor relative said...

Some believe they were captured probed and speak directly to them

Does that make Max H@rdc0re an alien because he does so much probing?

I recon he has a lot of "tools"

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
31 May 2011 5:50PM
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doggie said...

K Dog said...

poor relative said...

Some believe they were captured probed and speak directly to them

Does that make Max H@rdc0re an alien because he does so much probing?

I recon he has a lot of "tools"


130 posts
31 May 2011 3:58PM
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I believe that there could be other beings out there somewhere on different solar systems. But UFOs and aliens on Earth? Have to see it to believe it.

WA, 1227 posts
31 May 2011 4:16PM
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pweedas said...
There's heaps of them around when you look.
They are generally wierd looking people but with unusual talents, like Michael Jackson, Julia Gillard, you know,..

A wide ranging read around the Seabreeze forums would seem to confirm it

SA, 2865 posts
31 May 2011 6:18PM
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Herry said...

I believe that there could be other beings out there somewhere on different solar systems. But UFOs and aliens on Earth? Have to see it to believe it.

Ever been to a "Port Power" or "Collingwood" AFL match?

VIC, 8020 posts
31 May 2011 7:11PM
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Here's the evidence of UFO existence.

WA, 6415 posts
31 May 2011 5:32PM
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friend came around other night, start talking to him about why in music videos alien card is pushed.

he kindly explained to me it's used as predictive programming to get the ba ba's believing in aliens, so when they tell us/show us real liiving aliens [area 51 hybrids]the ba ba's will accept a lockdown of society.

very good read

4 posts
31 May 2011 5:39PM
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petermac33 said...

friend came around other night, start talking to him about why in music videos alien card is pushed.

he kindly explained to me it's used as predictive programming to get the ba ba's believing in aliens, so when they tell us/show us real liiving aliens [area 51 hybrids]the ba ba's will accept a lockdown of society.

very good read

Ye right

I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy too

WA, 2371 posts
31 May 2011 6:26PM
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People that have had these experiences don't usually say alot!

ACT, 2174 posts
31 May 2011 8:40PM
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you wouldn't either being probed and stuff ........unless of course you like that

NSW, 5780 posts
31 May 2011 8:57PM
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WA, 4642 posts
31 May 2011 11:03PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

People that have had these experiences don't usually say alot!

That's true.
Kevin had that experience with Julia and now we don't hear much from him.

WA, 1227 posts
1 Jun 2011 12:42PM
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pweedas said...
That's true.
Kevin had that experience with Julia and now we don't hear much from him.

Excellent line! Do you mind if I use it?

WA, 3519 posts
1 Jun 2011 3:10PM
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maxor said...

petermac33 said...

friend came around other night, start talking to him about why in music videos alien card is pushed.

he kindly explained to me it's used as predictive programming to get the ba ba's believing in aliens, so when they tell us/show us real liiving aliens [area 51 hybrids]the ba ba's will accept a lockdown of society.

very good read

Ye right

I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy too

What the hell..... the tooth fairy!!!!! next you are going to tell me that Santa doesn't exist!

VIC, 267 posts
1 Jun 2011 5:15PM
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pweedas said...

GypsyDrifter said...

People that have had these experiences don't usually say alot!

That's true.
Kevin had that experience with Julia and now we don't hear much from him.

that's cause he is now our Universal Foreign Officer, I mean Foreign Minister......

WA, 15849 posts
1 Jun 2011 3:45PM
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maxor said...

petermac33 said...

friend came around other night, start talking to him about why in music videos alien card is pushed.

he kindly explained to me it's used as predictive programming to get the ba ba's believing in aliens, so when they tell us/show us real liiving aliens [area 51 hybrids]the ba ba's will accept a lockdown of society.

very good read

Ye right

I suppose you believe in the tooth fairy too

He does

NSW, 2495 posts
1 Jun 2011 10:59PM
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i used to be a firm denier of this ufo alien stuff, but when you look at the size of the universe, coupled with the potential of time and space manipulation (as in stephen hawkings type quantum physics), things start o look a little more interesting.

NSW, 5780 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:44PM
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as a human, you/we see in the light scale of what....?

blue to red...?

how much of that same light scale exists in this same dimension (that we pretend to understand)...

that we cannot see....?


we believe we have answers to it all...

I don't know either, but I bet there's bozo's here that do...

probably the same ones who understand global warming,

and the relavence of human induced climant change

tax me now

save us all

3777 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:09PM
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VIC, 5000 posts
2 Jun 2011 9:35AM
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I know what I know, but don't know what I don't know...that's my position on the subject!

UFOs & aliens can't be argued to exist without physical evidence...but unless there's physical evidence that they don't exist, the opposite can't be proven either!

SA, 2865 posts
2 Jun 2011 9:38AM
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Sailhack said...

I know what I know, but don't know what I don't know...that's my position on the subject!

UFOs & aliens can't be argued to exist without physical evidence...but unless there's physical evidence that they don't exist, the opposite can't be proven either!

How about we change a few words .....

UFOs & aliens (climate change) can't be argued to exist without physical evidence...but unless there's physical evidence that they don't exist, the opposite can't be proven either!

And now they will tax us on it

NSW, 2495 posts
2 Jun 2011 11:21AM
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little green man tax?

SA, 4032 posts
2 Jun 2011 11:03AM
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we've been trading water to aliens for years, see them all the time just got to know where to look

VIC, 260 posts
2 Jun 2011 12:07PM
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The estimated size of the universe is 93,000,000,000 light years.

This is made up of millions of gallaxies that would support multiple solar systems and within which would conatain planets with an enviroment capable of maintaining life.

Our solar system, and earth is young in comparison to the rest of the universe and "earth" is just a stock standard planet going through a standard planets cyle (from creation to dust)

As our solar system is young in comparison to other galaxies, so it would be naive of us to assume there has been no other form of life out there.

on the scale of things:

earth is young in comparison to the rest of the universe and estimated at: only 4.5 billion years old

primitive homo-sapien species estimated existance is only 500 thousand years

so in relation to just our planets existance we have only existed for 0.00001% of the earths life to date.

the fact of the matter is, we are so insignificant in the scale of things it is highly likely that more advanced lifeforms have existed within the universe at one point or another and may have of even disapeared millions of years ago....

we are nothing!!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Ufo's - Aliens - Exist?" started by K Dog