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WA Perth Coastline Madness in the lineup

Created by Offshore77 > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2016
VIC, 1040 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:46AM
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I came across with a couple of nasty posters with 77 extensions on the other forum and wondered wtf that 77 means.

Google said:"The number 77 is related to universal intelligence, intuition, inner study and higher plane wisdom."

VIC, 564 posts
12 Feb 2016 10:29AM
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Offshore77 said..
Yesterday unfortunately I broke a teenagers leg in the heavy lineup in TRIGG Point.
I helped him in with his Dad and apologised for the collision
BEFORE you start crucifying me surfers - I spoke with the kid after and asked him why he didn't try getting out of the way or duck dive as I had taken priority on a big fast wave right off the back & gone over the reef ledge 25m earlier. He said he froze. He was apologised for freezing up in front of me. So if he had been paddling I could have gone around his legs easily or he could have duck dived as you cannot duck dive properly without paddle momentum.

The point I want to raise is this.

We now have 100's of kooks on learn to surf programs flooding the wave zones from Trigg to Scarborough forcing everyone to the Point to try and get a decent wave.

If we can lobby to get these groups down to the less populated Contacio area away from swimmers and normal surf boards the need to wrestle with the point for a wave would be a lot less.

So then its what do we do with the Point - Perths best wave?

When I surfed on short boards before injuries forced me to look at SUP, Long boards and goat boats were considered the curse of the Point.

Do we make the Point break solely a short board zone to avoid any extra madness as short boards are hitting people too.

But first do we need to get those annoying commercialised money making kook learn to surf schools out of our wave zone.

BTW don't comment if you cannot provide any positive comments to solving this issue as I no longer want to surf the Point again. But that doesn't stop others of any type of craft, goatee, Mal, SUP, Boogie, wanting to does it or at least until its regulated in some better way as its always been a short board zone really.


from reading between the lines basically because i cant be bothered with your BS excuses. you cleaned the kid up! and your defense is it was crowded? yeah by you! it would seem. The answer it appears is remove anyone or anything that might affect you? lets get that big pot of tar out and start brushing eh!
sure maybe he was in a bad place? maybe you should of exercised more due care and diligence as well?

Hope the young bloke is OK and gets back in the water soon.

VIC, 117 posts
12 Feb 2016 10:37AM
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Bit rich Mike, if you're wanting to set up a Surf SUP club maybe be skilled enough or have the common surf sense to not break a kids leg. Don't be surprised when a similar post comes up berating the set up of such a club likening it to the surf schools you so easily blame.

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Offshore77 said..
Hi Peeps,

There doesn't seem to be a structured WA SUP Wave Surf Focused Club in WA

If there is one? then how can people join?

If not can peeps over east help advise the best way to set this up for fun / competitive events.

I think the emphasis should be on participation - with fun expression / novice / competitive events and would like to help us lobby our position in the Surf Community.

Cheers Mike

PS the long board marathon SUP is not where we want to be without sounding trite - as they are two distinctly different types of SUP.

1595 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:17AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
It sounds like you are the one that needs banning. If you are taking off 25m away and think there is any chance of a collision surely you would avoid it all costs and straighten it before hand rather than try and beat the section and the possible collusion. It's not like you did not have time. All surf craft riders need to be aware of the environment they are operating in. Simple. Take responsibility for your actions before they become a danger to others. It's not that hard - it's only a wave. Plenty more coming after that one. How long to the young fella gets another........

BS, the problem is most prone surfers want to paddle back out right down the middle and expect people surfing on a wave to get out of THEIR way. That's not how the rules read, you're supposed to paddle around to get back out not a direct route right back up the middle of the break. Furthermore if you are paddling back out and encounter someone riding a wave in you are supposed to let them go in front of you not try to beat them to the lip with your head down. You're supposed to take on the white water behind the surfer after you let him go in front of you.
When you're on a wave up down up down you expect people to get out of your way, you are not focusing on all the people loitering in your path.
A lot of SUP's are shorter than longboards and a lot more maneuverable and obviously paddle faster to get out of people's way.

VIC, 564 posts
12 Feb 2016 12:28PM
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Beaglebuddy said..

Ted the Kiwi said..
It sounds like you are the one that needs banning. If you are taking off 25m away and think there is any chance of a collision surely you would avoid it all costs and straighten it before hand rather than try and beat the section and the possible collusion. It's not like you did not have time. All surf craft riders need to be aware of the environment they are operating in. Simple. Take responsibility for your actions before they become a danger to others. It's not that hard - it's only a wave. Plenty more coming after that one. How long to the young fella gets another........

BS, the problem is most prone surfers want to paddle back out right down the middle and expect people surfing on a wave to get out of THEIR way. That's not how the rules read, you're supposed to paddle around to get back out not a direct route right back up the middle of the break. Furthermore if you are paddling back out and encounter someone riding a wave in you are supposed to let them go in front of you not try to beat them to the lip with your head down. You're supposed to take on the white water behind the surfer after you let him go in front of you.
When you're on a wave up down up down you expect people to get out of your way, you are not focusing on all the people loitering in your path.
A lot of SUP's are shorter than longboards and a lot more maneuverable and obviously paddle faster to get out of people's way.

isn't whole point tho the fact that every body there has a right? its a public place, if its cram packed with people then common judgment would say " maybe this isn't such a great idea? Maybe i have an obligation not to put others at risk? by my actions. but yet its easier to make excuses and take two steps back, one to the left and point! You can honestly trust random people to do what you expect or what you think? you can only control your actions!

1011 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:46AM
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Razzonater said...
Offshore77 said...
No I navigated thru the many there but this kid got hit by my board when I bailed as he appeared on my setup. I felt gutted for him assisting him with his dad. there was no malice only sadness being involved in this as anyone in a surf accident will tell you.
The point I was making was the surf schools do not allow any space for 1km next to the point now . Perhaps I should have just left this topic where I felt sorry for the kid and instead mentioned what to do with this new congestion. But of course you get trolled with an idiot like Mitchbat whose opinion is only inciting more anger. especially in me with him right now. If I could remove this post I would . But Im leaving it alone now for an eternity to gather more dust from **** opinions of no constructive opinions to better for all surfcraft in Perths line ups for every surfer . Of course twat surfers on surf boards like Mitchbat feel their infinite superiority is warranted but in reality they are not the real surfers or men just trolls with out any balance...

You dont take a sup oit at crowded trigg point.....

There is no excuse it is poor behaviour and bad etiquette. honestly are you serious you are lucky the kids dad didnt kick your boat in half and go to workon you. Clearly you dont have the skill to navigate a crowded line up and in fact if this was yesterday\day before one of my dear friends who sirfs thete stated there was a guy on a sup dropping in\snaking everyone.
if i put two and two together it could only be you.

It may be best to avoid trigg point for a while buddy

If this is actually true and someone copped a broken leg, there will be no shortage of witnesses and it will be fascinating to hear the other side of the story.

WA, 7671 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:51AM
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petermac33 said..
The kid did apologise too.

Take this with a grain of salt... A kid, confused, scared and most probably in shock, could say anything... He had a broken leg, right...

If this story is real, and not a troll who is, say, a short boarder trying to get SUPs banned, then the actions Raglan66/Offshore77 seem a little inadequate.

He had the opportunity to avoid a collision much earlier, didn't take it, expecting an inexperienced youngster to get out of his way...

Is Raglan66/Offshore77 a troll - quite possibly... the behaviour is erratic, lots of anger, threats of violence etc. Further, Raglan66/Offshore77 sought advice and this was given. The overwhelming consensus is that Raglan66/Offshore77 is probably lacking the skills (board or crowded area common sense) to be in the area and should move elsewhere... pretty solid advice that appears as though it has been ignored...

Tequila !
WA, 876 posts
12 Feb 2016 9:56AM
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Raggy gets to the point. It's about common sense. There are rules or etiquette yes, but all gets murky when you have lot's of people, learners, swimmers the lot in the water. It's a metropolitan break in a very hot summer with many in the water, and I am good for all of them.

I would just drive away for REAL waves if I wanted to be on my own.

Is up to the more skilled and experienced to lead by example, not by force or intimidation in such a popular spot with children present and involved.

Even K Slatter or Fanning would bail the wave in the last heat of a comp with prize money involved to avoid getting someone injured or killed, because they have common sense and know there are plenty more waves to come.

WA, 6556 posts
12 Feb 2016 10:25AM
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Beaglebuddy said..

Ted the Kiwi said..
It sounds like you are the one that needs banning. If you are taking off 25m away and think there is any chance of a collision surely you would avoid it all costs and straighten it before hand rather than try and beat the section and the possible collusion. It's not like you did not have time. All surf craft riders need to be aware of the environment they are operating in. Simple. Take responsibility for your actions before they become a danger to others. It's not that hard - it's only a wave. Plenty more coming after that one. How long to the young fella gets another........

BS, the problem is most prone surfers want to paddle back out right down the middle and expect people surfing on a wave to get out of THEIR way. That's not how the rules read, you're supposed to paddle around to get back out not a direct route right back up the middle of the break. Furthermore if you are paddling back out and encounter someone riding a wave in you are supposed to let them go in front of you not try to beat them to the lip with your head down. You're supposed to take on the white water behind the surfer after you let him go in front of you.
When you're on a wave up down up down you expect people to get out of your way, you are not focusing on all the people loitering in your path.
A lot of SUP's are shorter than longboards and a lot more maneuverable and obviously paddle faster to get out of people's way.

Beaglebuddy, with the greatest of respect I assume you have not been to Trigg Point.

It may be called "Point" but it is not a point. It is a rock/sand bottom beach break. There is no "middle of the break" or "round the back".

Trigg is just a beach break for all intents and purposes. There is no single bowling take-off area, no paddling route and no surfing route. It is a jumble of people paddling everywhere, a jumble of people taking off everywhere and a jumble of people riding any which way.

Rumour has it there were once some banks and some channels back in the "good old days" but that is just a rumour.

WA, 213 posts
12 Feb 2016 11:53AM
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WA, 285 posts
12 Feb 2016 12:20PM
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Your a clown , Get in your car a go for a drive , crowded Perth beachies and SUP will never mix
Mandurah has heaps of places to go ,Some with no one out .

1595 posts
12 Feb 2016 1:46PM
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I'll say two things differently,
1. If it is indeed a beginner spot or a beginner day then one should expect people to be out of place and extra preventative care should be given, like driving thru a school zone.
2. In the video it looks like a quick steep shortboard wave and lots of shoulder hoppers, not a good place for SUP.
I saw some people in the way and the guy on the wave had to turn, people paddling out not going around, not cool but it's what surfing has become more and more. Also looks like the wave is breaking in one specific spot not spread all along the beach. If someone gets in the way on the drop you will run them over regardless of what kind of board you are on and it's the fins that break arms and legs so it can be any board. The surfer tries to turn at the last minute to avoid collision by standing on the tail, a natural reaction, the board goes up and the fins hit the crawler.

WA, 6913 posts
12 Feb 2016 4:24PM
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Beaglebuddy said..
I'll say two things differently,
1. If it is indeed a beginner spot or a beginner day then one should expect people to be out of place and extra preventative care should be given, like driving thru a school zone.
2. In the video it looks like a quick steep shortboard wave and lots of shoulder hoppers, not a good place for SUP.
I saw some people in the way and the guy on the wave had to turn, people paddling out not going around, not cool but it's what surfing has become more and more. Also looks like the wave is breaking in one specific spot not spread all along the beach. If someone gets in the way on the drop you will run them over regardless of what kind of board you are on and it's the fins that break arms and legs so it can be any board. The surfer tries to turn at the last minute to avoid collision by standing on the tail, a natural reaction, the board goes up and the fins hit the crawler.

Also for reference, those videos are of what I would call epic Trigg..

Its a no brainer, this guy shouldn't have been out their on a SUP, especially with his attitude he seems to be showing on the forum..

WA, 883 posts
13 Feb 2016 4:10PM
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Well that's certainly an active thread.

WA, 258 posts
13 Feb 2016 5:05PM
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Surf69 said...

Well that's certainly an active thread.

Pretty devo no body faught anybody.. Thought $h!t was gonna get medieval.

WA, 306 posts
14 Feb 2016 7:50AM
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I've said it before I'll say it again sups and crowds don't mix period no matter what your skill level, yes you have the right to go out but should you..........

Think about it, you are standing up the whole session on a board that's usually 8-10ft long, 32" wide , 3" thick and generally a 10 foot leash. I rarely see a sup rider kick out of a wave with control of there board meaning you have a missile with a range of around 18feet when you "bail". Ask yourself can you stand on your board without falling of the whole session l, I think the answer is no. So do you think it is wise to take your sup out in a line up where there is no room to move on a bad day.

I'm not anti sup, it's just by there very nature you need space to operate safely around people. I hope the kid is recovering well, by the way you have probably left some poor parents with a large medical bill.......... This is what happens when you take a sup in a crowded line up, so I say to the suppers before you paddle out think about how you will feel when you break some poor kids leg.

WA, 306 posts
14 Feb 2016 7:51AM
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i have a sup and being around people on it scares the **** out of me, you must have been getting so much stink eye out there that day

QLD, 1534 posts
14 Feb 2016 2:27PM
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Hope the kid is OK and the OP has now learned some common sense.
Just being in a crowd with a SUP is dangerous. Paddling back out and getting hit by a wave means the board washes back-with force on those behind because you can't hang on to it or duck dive it.

WA, 3519 posts
15 Feb 2016 9:31AM
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I am not a SUP or surfer so I am trying to do a similarity comparison. I am atruck driver going down the road and I can see that guy on a push bike, I blow my horn to let him know I am coming and have rite of way..... looks like he is young and inexperienced, he must be in shock as he is not moving out of my way! Ok I am bigger than him I will drive over him............ what the heck he should have gone outa my way, I talked to him after I smashed his legs and told him he should have known better!
Fair comment?????

WA, 6556 posts
15 Feb 2016 10:04AM
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Nope. Not a fair comment.

It would start earlier with :

I am a truck driver. I can to get from A to B by either :

Road X : the most direct route, nice drive, flat but it is full of kids on bicycles. Plus it is 3.00pm more kids will be streaming out of schools. Plus it is summer so there will be kids on skateboards as well as bicycles.
Road Y : bit longer, not a very scenic drive, I have to change gears lots because of the hills, I can never get a decent run at anything and the surface is a bit bumpy which annoys my bottom because my suspension isn't very good but there is never any traffic there, no schools along the route and it is known as a recommended truck route from A to B. And it still gets me from A to B.

Now, I get to the intersection of Road X and Road Y and I can make a decision. The only person who can make that decision is me.

I see road X is busy, busy, busy. The radio traffic news says road X is busy, busy, busy. I see road Y is empty. The traffic news also says road Y is empty.

I think "mmm but Road X is much nicer drive so I'll take road X although deep down I have some reservations but, hey, I once saw another truck on this road. Don't know what it was doing but I saw it so it must be OK for me to do my thing on this road"

Then I'd add felixdcat's comment.

Then after I hit a kid I'd blame the schools as well

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Feb 2016 12:19PM
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Incidents happen but its always your call to take off often knowing someone is in front of you/ expect the unexpected bail before impact, and avoid body parts / lesson learnt for young fella throw board instead /hard when in the surf we encourage crew to hand on to your gear but if you carnt avoid a small kids legs you gotta think twice about why your out there

WA, 949 posts
15 Feb 2016 3:16PM
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KOTP has the last word on this issue. Because he is The King Of The Point!

Don't make him come to your point and adjust your attitude, just don't.

1595 posts
15 Feb 2016 4:09PM
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felixdcat said..
I am not a SUP or surfer so I am trying to do a similarity comparison. I am atruck driver going down the road and I can see that guy on a push bike, I blow my horn to let him know I am coming and have rite of way..... looks like he is young and inexperienced, he must be in shock as he is not moving out of my way! Ok I am bigger than him I will drive over him............ what the heck he should have gone outa my way, I talked to him after I smashed his legs and told him he should have known better!
Fair comment?????

No not a fair comment.
It would be more like, you drive a truck (or car) down a road, you have the right of way however there is an endless multitude of imbeciles on foot, bicycle and autos who are constantly trying to cross the road directly in front of you. It's like they are playing chicken, they seem to want to wait until the last possible moment to run across your path and narrowly avoid collision. Now they could wait until you pass and cross behind you but NOOOOO! It's even to the point where you are forced to slow down or change direction to avoid hitting them on occasion.
Now the road becomes steep and windy and you are concentrating on just driving and finally you run over one of the idiots and the whole lot of them start screaming it's your fault.

WA, 306 posts
15 Feb 2016 8:20PM
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^^^hahaha muppet

WA, 399 posts
15 Feb 2016 10:15PM
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I surf, kite and now sup. Sup 2 to 3 times a week (when its small which is summer) at trigg and paddle away from crowds, Thats what sups are for. There is no fkng way i would sup at trigg point. Why would you even consider that. What did you expect!!

NSW, 1301 posts
16 Feb 2016 9:51PM
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I thought common sense would prevail you take off see a kid 25m down the line he's not paddling out of your line what shall I do - go around him
Flick off
Straighten out or
Run him over
I know what you did and you failed a multiple choice decision with three right answers -the majority of sup riders shouldn't be out when it gets over 3ft- all the gear with no idea

VIC, 564 posts
17 Feb 2016 10:29AM
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I think the common consensus seems to be your a douche bag tho i,m not even convinced its not a BS story?( and if it is your one sad MOFO) I cant think of anyone in our Water Sport Community being that stupid?.....................

WA, 6913 posts
20 Feb 2016 7:50PM
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Trigg on a quiet day..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"WA Perth Coastline Madness in the lineup" started by Offshore77