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WA Perth Coastline Madness in the lineup

Created by Offshore77 > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2016
WA, 7 posts
11 Feb 2016 1:04PM
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Yesterday unfortunately I broke a teenagers leg in the heavy lineup in TRIGG Point.
I helped him in with his Dad and apologised for the collision
BEFORE you start crucifying me surfers - I spoke with the kid after and asked him why he didn't try getting out of the way or duck dive as I had taken priority on a big fast wave right off the back & gone over the reef ledge 25m earlier. He said he froze. He was apologised for freezing up in front of me. So if he had been paddling I could have gone around his legs easily or he could have duck dived as you cannot duck dive properly without paddle momentum.

The point I want to raise is this.

We now have 100's of kooks on learn to surf programs flooding the wave zones from Trigg to Scarborough forcing everyone to the Point to try and get a decent wave.

If we can lobby to get these groups down to the less populated Contacio area away from swimmers and normal surf boards the need to wrestle with the point for a wave would be a lot less.

So then its what do we do with the Point - Perths best wave?

When I surfed on short boards before injuries forced me to look at SUP, Long boards and goat boats were considered the curse of the Point.

Do we make the Point break solely a short board zone to avoid any extra madness as short boards are hitting people too.

But first do we need to get those annoying commercialised money making kook learn to surf schools out of our wave zone.

BTW don't comment if you cannot provide any positive comments to solving this issue as I no longer want to surf the Point again. But that doesn't stop others of any type of craft, goatee, Mal, SUP, Boogie, wanting to does it or at least until its regulated in some better way as its always been a short board zone really.


WA, 397 posts
11 Feb 2016 1:14PM
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Heavy lineups, big fast waves and all in a 1.5m summer swell. I suspect you should not be driving your oversized ship through the super crowded zone that is "Perth's best wave". You are clearly a danger to others and we should be lobbying to send you and your mates back down to Contacio. Even better stick to Iso's where you belongAnd yes short boards are hitting people but they are not breaking their legs. If it were my son there would have been more than one broken leg.

WA, 258 posts
11 Feb 2016 1:27PM
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Fat people shouldnt be allowed on the bus seat next to me nor big slow truck on the road infront of me either because #makeuprules.

You surf the point because u accept the risks just like I Take the bus and risk sitting next to a cow.

QLD, 2432 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:28PM
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Raglan66 said..

BTW don't comment if you cannot provide any positive comments to solving this issue as I no longer want to surf the Point again. But that doesn't stop others of any type of craft, goatee, Mal, SUP, Boogie, wanting to does it or at least until its regulated in some better way as its always been a short board zone really.

What was the name of the boke in top gun who died?

Oh yeah, it was Goose.

WA, 3028 posts
11 Feb 2016 1:34PM
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Trigg Point? Is that a surfing spot??????

QLD, 1211 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:44PM
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Yeah go raglan66 UFC mitchbat all the way back to Scarborough break all the legs you can find raaaahhh

WA, 4263 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:09PM
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Raglan66 said..
Yesterday unfortunately I broke a teenagers leg in the heavy lineup in TRIGG Point.
I helped him in with his Dad and apologised for the collision
BEFORE you start crucifying me surfers - I spoke with the kid after and asked him why he didn't try getting out of the way or duck dive as I had taken priority on a big fast wave right off the back & gone over the reef ledge 25m earlier. He said he froze. He was apologised for freezing up in front of me. So if he had been paddling I could have gone around his legs easily or he could have duck dived as you cannot duck dive properly without paddle momentum.

The point I want to raise is this.

We now have 100's of kooks on learn to surf programs flooding the wave zones from Trigg to Scarborough forcing everyone to the Point to try and get a decent wave.

If we can lobby to get these groups down to the less populated Contacio area away from swimmers and normal surf boards the need to wrestle with the point for a wave would be a lot less.

So then its what do we do with the Point - Perths best wave?

When I surfed on short boards before injuries forced me to look at SUP, Long boards and goat boats were considered the curse of the Point.

Do we make the Point break solely a short board zone to avoid any extra madness as short boards are hitting people too.

But first do we need to get those annoying commercialised money making kook learn to surf schools out of our wave zone.

BTW don't comment if you cannot provide any positive comments to solving this issue as I no longer want to surf the Point again. But that doesn't stop others of any type of craft, goatee, Mal, SUP, Boogie, wanting to does it or at least until its regulated in some better way as its always been a short board zone really.


Your story is a little confusing for me.

Was the kid (who had his leg broken by you on your sup) a student doing lessons with the surf school at the time ?

It's just that you seem to be trying to blame surf schools.

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:26PM
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Yes, the penny drops at the mention of SU...
I, a surfer of quite a few years, also feel unsure of how to react or where to paddle when a behemoth is aimed vaguely in my direction.

Looking objectively, now, were you in sufficient control of your beast to have not hit him?

1: Yes- Then why did you hit him?
2: No- Why were you out there?

As to moving crowds to suit your ideals, who made you KOTP?

WA, 1121 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:27PM
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I hope the careless kid didn't get blood on your board.

1011 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:32PM
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Something a bit smelly in here

WA, 7671 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:35PM
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Your post reads as though you have some sense of guilt or remorse... lot's of emotion... confused... This is fair enough.

Blaming schools, kooks etc... These are people using a public space and a perfectly within their rights to do so. I am pretty sure schools need permits, insurance etc. What is a kook anyway? Someone who is lacking skill? Perhaps lacking skill to avoid collisions or injuring others. Sounds a little like negligence to me.

Seems reasonable to ask why someone didn't get out of the way as things are rationalised... I also understand how a kid could get scared and not know what to do. Seems to me that the person with speed and power has more opportunity to take action to avoid a collision. Let's not blame the victim here.

I think your proposed solution of you avoiding the area is wise. You cannot injure people in a crowd if you avoid the crowd.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Feb 2016 5:46PM
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Surely in this day and age at Perf's best wave it was captured on a digital format of some description and we can see what really happened.

Hope the kid is ok - poor buggar - no fun breaking a leg no matter whose fault it is

shi thouse
WA, 1136 posts
11 Feb 2016 2:51PM
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Let's face it...SUP's and crowded spots just don't work. I don't care if you are Kai Lenny or just some muppet out trying to dominate a popular surf/swim beach. As a surfer (and yes someone who also SUP's) I don't like them or enjoy being around them when on a short board. They are unfortunately the scourge of the ocean - the goat boats of the 80's and people using them/like myself need to be aware of their dominance on the water and risk to other people. I SUP in areas that only have other SUP's (and yes those places exist) or I will travel way up beach away from a crowd so that basically I am on my own, even if this wave is not as good as the crowded one. 10kg and 250+ litres of board hitting a child is nothing short of negligence. As Mitch said...damn pleased it wasn't my child.

For the sake of others don't take up kiting (and yes I kite as well) as the flagged areas of Perth beaches will be at risk as you attempt to get "your waves" no matter what the cost.

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:02PM
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There's one simple solution to all of this....Ban SUP's from all surf beaches

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
11 Feb 2016 6:18PM
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It sounds like you are the one that needs banning. If you are taking off 25m away and think there is any chance of a collision surely you would avoid it all costs and straighten it before hand rather than try and beat the section and the possible collusion. It's not like you did not have time. All surf craft riders need to be aware of the environment they are operating in. Simple. Take responsibility for your actions before they become a danger to others. It's not that hard - it's only a wave. Plenty more coming after that one. How long to the young fella gets another........

WA, 6913 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:19PM
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Sometimes you just have to give way when someone is sitting in your way when your surfing. Just pull off before its too late its not that hard..You've already surfed for 25 m so you had your fun.

The other night a young guy dropped in on me, i didn't actually see him until i ran into him in a close out. His board hit me and he was so upset, but as the mature adult i am i laughed it off, made sure he was okay and continued to encourage him some more for the rest of our surf. We were surfing with about 40 plus body boarders and it was super crazy.. Id be devastated if i had hurt him, even though it was his fault Yes the back of my head is nasty bruised..

Don't like kooks in the line then help them, cant do that then get out of the water. Who is to say the line up belongs to short boards, long board or SUPS so next time you suggest it be a short board only spot, consider how you'd feel if it gets rezoned a soft board area only

I really cant see in the current conditions any issue with beginners being in the water sorry.

Edit i should say his board hit me because as i saw him i dived forward to block my board from hitting him. As an adult thats what you do..Don't just run him down..

WA, 397 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:31PM
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For the record I'm not sure if I could break wind in a .... Sounds tough but I am Fairly sure I can maneuver my short board around innocent children when I need to though. 10 ft board + 10 ft Leggie equals a massive radius of destruction and inside a thick crowd is extremely dangerous. The fact that you are getting all worked up after you've broken the poor kids leg is painting a not so pretty picture

Mark _australia
WA, 22283 posts
11 Feb 2016 4:04PM
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Raglan were you on a Starboard?
If you were, you yell "starboard!!!" and then everyone gives way to you

Something like that.

VIC, 5904 posts
11 Feb 2016 8:58PM
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raglan .............. that sounds like you were to blame , no one else .

WA, 504 posts
11 Feb 2016 6:29PM
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What a tool this bloke is,,surly his just winding us up!

Tequila !
WA, 876 posts
11 Feb 2016 8:10PM
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Is this a troll? It has to be.

OP should have bailed instead of trying to mount on the boys leg. Come on. Not even in a surf compo anything like that would happen if a ''kook'' is around.

Regulating the line up? Shutting down surf schools? What's next??

Early 1st of April I guess.

QLD, 1211 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:47PM
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Why did you delete your second post? It was a real winner
Something about punching mitchbats fat face in ha

WA, 397 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:23PM
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^^^ the real punchline was a lot better than smashing my face. I suspect the moderators are at work here.

WA, 7 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:44PM
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It had nothing to do with the fact that the kid was in the wrong spot at the wrong time and it was a very unfortunate accident
You are a twat who offered nothing constructive AT ALL except incite VIOLENCE YOURSELF within your piss ant little opinion
Im prepped to meet you but Im sure your bravado will back off with the need to hide behind your keyboard and be a cxxt!

WA, 7 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:56PM
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No I navigated thru the many there but this kid got hit by my board when I bailed as he appeared on my setup. I felt gutted for him assisting him with his dad. there was no malice only sadness being involved in this as anyone in a surf accident will tell you.
The point I was making was the surf schools do not allow any space for 1km next to the point now . Perhaps I should have just left this topic where I felt sorry for the kid and instead mentioned what to do with this new congestion. But of course you get trolled with an idiot like Mitchbat whose opinion is only inciting more anger. especially in me with him right now. If I could remove this post I would . But Im leaving it alone now for an eternity to gather more dust from **** opinions of no constructive opinions to better for all surfcraft in Perths line ups for every surfer . Of course twat surfers on surf boards like Mitchbat feel their infinite superiority is warranted but in reality they are not the real surfers or men just trolls with out any balance...

WA, 1121 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:57PM
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raglan, as they say in the theatre, break a leg.

QLD, 1211 posts
12 Feb 2016 2:15AM
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You just have a name change? I like it nice name got a good ring to it.
You said "especially in me with you right now"

VIC, 3829 posts
12 Feb 2016 7:36AM
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Good on you for helping the kid but IMO you should never have been out there if you can control your board of choice go surf somewhere else

WA, 6415 posts
12 Feb 2016 4:52AM
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At least offshore had the courage to start the thread.

He seems remorseful for what happened.

The kid did apologise too.

Sometimes accidents happen.

SUP's in an area with a lot of surfers....I can see potential danger for the surfers.

2224 posts
12 Feb 2016 5:58AM
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Offshore77 said...
No I navigated thru the many there but this kid got hit by my board when I bailed as he appeared on my setup. I felt gutted for him assisting him with his dad. there was no malice only sadness being involved in this as anyone in a surf accident will tell you.
The point I was making was the surf schools do not allow any space for 1km next to the point now . Perhaps I should have just left this topic where I felt sorry for the kid and instead mentioned what to do with this new congestion. But of course you get trolled with an idiot like Mitchbat whose opinion is only inciting more anger. especially in me with him right now. If I could remove this post I would . But Im leaving it alone now for an eternity to gather more dust from **** opinions of no constructive opinions to better for all surfcraft in Perths line ups for every surfer . Of course twat surfers on surf boards like Mitchbat feel their infinite superiority is warranted but in reality they are not the real surfers or men just trolls with out any balance...

You dont take a sup oit at crowded trigg point.....

There is no excuse it is poor behaviour and bad etiquette. honestly are you serious you are lucky the kids dad didnt kick your boat in half and go to workon you. Clearly you dont have the skill to navigate a crowded line up and in fact if this was yesterday\day before one of my dear friends who sirfs thete stated there was a guy on a sup dropping in\snaking everyone.
if i put two and two together it could only be you.

It may be best to avoid trigg point for a while buddy

2224 posts
12 Feb 2016 6:13AM
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Offshore77 said...
No I navigated thru the many there but this kid got hit by my board when I bailed as he appeared on my setup. I felt gutted for him assisting him with his dad. there was no malice only sadness being involved in this as anyone in a surf accident will tell you.
The point I was making was the surf schools do not allow any space for 1km next to the point now . Perhaps I should have just left this topic where I felt sorry for the kid and instead mentioned what to do with this new congestion. But of course you get trolled with an idiot like Mitchbat whose opinion is only inciting more anger. especially in me with him right now. If I could remove this post I would . But Im leaving it alone now for an eternity to gather more dust from **** opinions of no constructive opinions to better for all surfcraft in Perths line ups for every surfer . Of course twat surfers on surf boards like Mitchbat feel their infinite superiority is warranted but in reality they are not the real surfers or men just trolls with out any balance...

This post will affect all sup riders in perth. you see most water users already have extremely limited tolerance to boats in crowded line ups ridden by crabs who cant ride them.. and yes that is you
this reflects on all sup riders and their mentality.
it paints you out to be a selfish kook with bad manners and ettiquette.

surely surely surely you are trolling cause if not you have the iq of a tic tac and the surf skill of a peanut


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"WA Perth Coastline Madness in the lineup" started by Offshore77