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Wanta know the TRUTH about the world we live in???

Created by Flux > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2008
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WA, 533 posts
1 Jul 2008 9:59AM
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Do yourself a favour and see what really is out there watch this and make your own assumptions I hope you see what every person on this planet should see!!

Also watch it when your comfortable it's a 2 hr long movie ok..............

Spread the word do your bit to open the eyes of the world!!!!

QLD, 2770 posts
1 Jul 2008 12:02PM
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take it somewehere else

WA, 533 posts
1 Jul 2008 10:17AM
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I can take it anywhere I like mate

QLD, 1011 posts
1 Jul 2008 12:29PM
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Put down the hash pipe mate. If you believe that load of old crap, you have serious mental issues. I think you may have the wrong forum for Christianity,9/11 and international bank conspiracies.

1357 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:24AM
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There is no truth, just convenient perceptions of reality.

NSW, 165 posts
1 Jul 2008 2:14PM
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Aparently its round and not flat!!!

VIC, 132 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:29PM
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NSW, 141 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:34PM
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Surfer62 said...

There is no truth, just convenient perceptions of reality.

there is truth, then there is the convenient perceptions of concensus reality...

NSW, 1114 posts
1 Jul 2008 6:15PM
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that is closer to the truth than what any of us will ever accept!

QLD, 1326 posts
1 Jul 2008 6:21PM
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The real truth is that conspirasy theories are just diversionary myths promoted by governments and multinationals to coverup the real truth.......

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Jul 2008 7:24PM
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Simple question: How do you know that movie is telling the truth?

If I get a decent, to-the-point answer I promise I'll watch it. I was going to keep hiring out all the Kubrick movies but the woman at the video store had never heard of "2001: A Space Odyssey".

1357 posts
1 Jul 2008 5:35PM
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Paradox said...

The real truth is that conspirasy theories are just diversionary myths promoted by governments and multinationals to coverup the real truth.......

The truth is that paradox cant spell, now that's a paradox

NSW, 141 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:06PM
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evlPanda said...

Simple question: How do you know that movie is telling the truth?

If I get a decent, to-the-point answer I promise I'll watch it. I was going to keep hiring out all the Kubrick movies but the woman at the video store had never heard of "2001: A Space Odyssey".

building seven... no plane hit it, no debris hit it, fell as a controlled demolition.
besides, how can you call it rubbish if you have not seen it.

it's not even two hours long, what have you got to lose, atleast after you've seen it and IF you still think its rubbish, you have basis to disregard it...

VIC, 1619 posts
1 Jul 2008 10:38PM
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Best to keep an open mind and view/research as much as possible on related material if you want to get the other side of the story to what your fed straight out of the box, there is so much of it out there. More questions than answers, heres some more

Re, Ridchard Gage interview...

and WTC7 witness...

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:11PM
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teabagg said...

evlPanda said...

Simple question: How do you know that movie is telling the truth?

If I get a decent, to-the-point answer I promise I'll watch it. I was going to keep hiring out all the Kubrick movies but the woman at the video store had never heard of "2001: A Space Odyssey".

building seven... no plane hit it, no debris hit it, fell as a controlled demolition.
besides, how can you call it rubbish if you have not seen it.

it's not even two hours long, what have you got to lose, atleast after you've seen it and IF you still think its rubbish, you have basis to disregard it...

Here is building 7, which had no debris hit it. Concrete cancer?

Oops, somebody left the toaster on.

Dude, two of the largest buildings in the world, two of them, collapsed across the street. Thus the giant ****ing hole in it, thus a zillion little fires in it, thus building not looking too stable. Building fall down.

Speaking of two: two hours! Bloody hell. If it's full of spooky music and text that is displayed at a rate for children learning to read I won't make 2 minutes.

Also speaking of two, why is this thread posted twice? Is there a connection? I think it is obvious to anyone who really questions this and looks deeper into it that it is ... ah I give up.

NSW, 141 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:45PM
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before you do, watch zeitgeist... then 9-11 eyewitness, then loose change the final cut, then 9-11 in plane site, then painful deceptions, then maybe truth and lies of 9-11, or 9-11 made in america... then maybe secrets of the matrix, watch these then come back and tell us you've researched it enough, decided its all conspiracy hoopla and have decided to give up, or maybe just quit now and go back to your adl buddies

NSW, 1412 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:53PM
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I think we need 'King of the Point' in on this - to give us some perspective [}:)][}:)]

QLD, 2081 posts
2 Jul 2008 12:21AM
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okay so I couldn't be fd watching the ENTIRE thing., so I watched the trailer...

I will get around to it later tonight.

BUT this just seems to be the OPINION of one person/ group of people... Who, as like any minority, cult or religious group, can make something sound accurate, and support it with fair and just research to back it up... EVERYTHING we look back on, such as war and happenings in the world, seem to have a more clear and concise understanding and solution ONCE it has actually occurred...

Maybe I just need to watch it and comment back later....
okay looking more into it, it addresses 3 parts, religion, Sept 11 and the Reserve Bank.

I'm skipping the first one on religion... I've had enough of 12 years of religious schooling that I'm over commenting on my opinions and beliefs.... >next<

So I'll look into the other two.

QLD, 2081 posts
2 Jul 2008 12:33AM
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Okay, so there it is... downloading... 3minutes into it and its still a hazy black screen... Sorry but visual learner here.... Anyway...

Just to THROW this topic off as I always seem to do with all topics, I thought you would all rather spend 1 hour 16 minutes watching Randy Pausch's lecture of life, time management and can all learn something positive and important about life.... rather than recapping events in the past that cannot be changed... This was uploaded by another SB user, but forget who sorry....

Updates on Randy for those interested is avail. here

I know I showed my year 7s the 10 or 20min Oprah one and they learned so much from it!.... AND they are children... let alone adults and have the understanding on life as we do...

Randy is still fighting fit and alive today!....

QLD, 2081 posts
2 Jul 2008 12:40AM
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teabagg said...

watch these then come back and tell us you've researched it enough, decided its all conspiracy hoopla and have decided to give up, or maybe just quit now and go back to your adl buddies

oooh yeah and man walking on the moon was really filmed in a TV set and its all fake...

Seriously... Everyone has theories about everything... once again its life and OPINIONS... Everyone has them... But that is it... They are merely opinions., and until something can be proven beyond reasonable doubt and this I believe to be adequately supported by a Government or several Professors, I believe its an opinion.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 10:49PM
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I find you very attractive liz.

QLD, 2081 posts
2 Jul 2008 1:15AM
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poor relative said...

I find you very attractive liz.

Is it my red nose, white eyes or silver sparkling antennas !?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:35PM
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Its the antennas. unusually alluring

WA, 6277 posts
2 Jul 2008 12:46AM
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Even if you ignore the 911 bits, zeitgeist is still a great movie.
If nothing else, it makes you think...

892 posts
2 Jul 2008 8:02AM
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Try and find "What the Bleep do we know?" Kinda puts a different perspective on things.

Now back to that other problem.. Take the red pill, or the blue pill?

WA, 1140 posts
6 Jul 2008 6:47PM
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Want the truth??
Good luck !

It seems common knowledge to some that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Why haven't we been told?

NSW, 141 posts
6 Jul 2008 10:31PM
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fbi admits there is zero link between 9-11 and osama bin laden,
cia documents allude to osama's cia code name to be tim osmond,
osamas' family business, bin laden constructions has the contract to build u.s military bases in the middle east,
cia admits to funding and training al queda, and its south east asian off shoot jamal islami,
j.i are held responsible for the bali bombings.

but of course the truth might demand that we think, and we are too scared our little dream bubble will burst and we will be forced to deal with a reality that will demand we take action, and its so much easier to remain asleep.

as the late george carlin so succinctly put it... its called the great american (australian/western) dream.... because you have to be asleep to believe it.

WA, 125 posts
7 Jul 2008 11:56AM
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My perception...

It’s a dog eat dog world and getting worse by the second. It’s truly sick and twisted. Everything everyone does it’s motivated by survival and always has been.
As time goes we have changed definition of survival.
It’s a fight to keep up with the times.

But honestly if it really isn’t as I have summed up, then why aren’t we all living back in the simple times, even to the cave man years. Not giving an f*k what we are wearing, about who drives what or where the kids go to school.

eat. stay warm. hygiene. keep active. love and be loved in return.

argue that. I like a good debate.

NSW, 141 posts
7 Jul 2008 4:24PM
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why aren't we ALL... cause we are mostly too scared to really think for ourselves, but instead follow the flock thinking we are better and more individual than the next sheep. but, SOME of us do, and we are usually looked down through the nose by people who think they really have it all because a sheep glossy publication or an unblinking flickering blue eye tells them so.
.... my perception, its a truly beautiful world, only its full of scared insecure people who give their power away to an authority structure which scares them and confuses them further until they believe totally that they cannot survive without the structure, they believe the purpose of life is to achieve happiness by owning things, by controlling things, because they themselves are owned and controlled.

WA, 125 posts
7 Jul 2008 2:43PM
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Is it a beautiful world? I know for a fact it used to be. But is it now? Sure there are millions of beautiful places everywhere where you will find true beauty... but you have to find it. Also depends on your opinion of beauty. I prefer the natural sort.

I have come to Perth and it is beautifully structured... but there is that word again... structure. Kings Park, beautiful but then concrete and sky scrapers and move pavement. The world is changing as we all know, but the true nature’s beauty is being striped.

Think of the destroyed countries, Iraq or Africa for example. Beauty destroyed by fear, hate and poverty. The richer get richer and the poor get poorer. Wars carry on, but for most of us it’s behind closed curtains and so the world still remains seemingly beautiful.

If we were to open our eyes, we could see the hole we are digging, if you open your eyes further more, you could see that we are in the hole and its walls are collapsing in all around us.

so, the world used to be humane, used to be beautiful, used to be free... now, damage done. So now who’s going to make a change? If ever. And is the damage repairable.

WA, 949 posts
7 Jul 2008 9:03PM
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teabagg said...
why aren't we ALL... cause we are mostly too scared to really think for ourselves,

I don't know why you let it all concern you so much, didn't you know we are going to eventually crash into the sun and burn to death. enjoy today

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Wanta know the TRUTH about the world we live in???" started by Flux