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anarchy rules

Created by ockanui > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2011
NSW, 9202 posts
10 Aug 2011 2:18PM
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WA, 15849 posts
10 Aug 2011 12:20PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

What? Hooters are scum? Never!

(one for doggie...)

VIC, 1300 posts
10 Aug 2011 2:57PM
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I tend to agree with little John with the notion of the finance industry being held accountable,or at least sections of, for the corporate looting that has and continues to cause such economic uncertainty both that and the street looters behavior is reprehensible as for the idea that the Libyan conflict is similar to Englands woes is incorrect these thugs roaming and burning the streets are just that ,they are not fighting for political freedom, the signs are worrying in the wholesale breakdown of social values

WA, 15849 posts
10 Aug 2011 12:59PM
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evlPanda said...

Not very bright are they

505 posts
10 Aug 2011 1:09PM
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kk said...

Hamsta, I think your condoneing of the riots is out of order

Actually I think your a Tossa

Based soley on the comments you made

Ok. You are possibly right about my anti-royal hate being inappropriately injected into this thread making me a 'Tossa'. I am not condoning the rioting, I am annoyed that the rioters haven't focused their stupidity, in my opinion, towards a worthwhile target, (imagine the headlines, the journalistic frenzy, the sheer outrage) such as Buckingham Palace, and instead made the poor choice to **** in their own nests.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Aug 2011 3:26PM
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The reason the rioters haven't focused their attention on anything worthwhile is because they are not rioters. They are looters.

Rioters have a purpose, a goal to attain.
Looters just steal stuff.

If there was such a political issue behind all this you'd see more than just kids looting stores and destroying things. You'd see older people too, and you'd see at least one banner or placard or message.

The reason you don't is because it is just a lot of brat kids being assholes.

WA, 15849 posts
10 Aug 2011 1:27PM
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evlPanda said...

The reason the rioters haven't focused their attention on anything worthwhile is because they are not rioters. They are looters.

Rioters have a purpose, a goal to attain.
Looters just steal stuff.

If there was such a political issue behind all this you'd see more than just kids looting stores and destroying things. You'd see older people too, and you'd see at least one banner or placard or message.

The reason you don't is because it is just a lot of brat kids being assholes.

Panda you are the voice of reason.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Aug 2011 10:09PM
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Looters showing how marginalised and racially profiled and forgotten they are by stealing from an injured child:

NSW, 1575 posts
10 Aug 2011 11:45PM
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The question was asked about insurance paying for the damage .
Based on my policy I'm only covered for the first 72hrs of rioting after that the insurance is void.
Even if the damage occurred in the first 72hrs.
Are the insurance company's paying agitators to keep it going ?
So what will happen to all the claims that are put in ?
Can there government afford to cover this ?
I don't think so .
So when all the citizens who think there covered by insurance find out that there not then we will see a riot .
And you can guaranty that the army will be involved then & they will be meet by lethal force .

NSW, 4453 posts
11 Aug 2011 12:03AM
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laceys lane said...

hmmm, looks like england needs to find a new dumping ground like australia was, except there's nowhere left now.

I hear Malaysia's still open for business

NSW, 4453 posts
11 Aug 2011 12:10AM
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FlickySpinny said...
I'm a Brit, in the UK at the moment. A lot of my friends live very close to where this is all going on.

Oi Flicky you PB, can you sort mi out some Umbro's size 11 and a Blackberry from Carphone Warehouse... And while your out & about pick us whatevas left in the corner Top Shop... allwight mate. Just walk in pick'em up, walk out.


14 posts
10 Aug 2011 10:11PM
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The British government should probably declare a war on some ambiguous theme such as Anarchy. Its a war that isn't really possible, since it is a war against an ideal, and not a tangible opponent. Although they could probably find an as yet little known, foreign, multi-syllable named character that is apparently responsible for masterminding these riots (which are attacks against the British way of life) to focus the attention of the war. When the government harbouring this 'criminal' refuses to extradite him, even in the absense of any recognized extradition treaty, then they could use the media to develop the association of that government with this evil, hence deeming them an 'axis of evil' and worthy of invasion. Send their troops there and this whole ordeal should be over in a matter of 10-15 years..

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
11 Aug 2011 6:44AM
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bundeep said...

The British government should probably declare a war on some ambiguous theme such as Anarchy. Its a war that isn't really possible, since it is a war against an ideal, and not a tangible opponent. Although they could probably find an as yet little known, foreign, multi-syllable named character that is apparently responsible for masterminding these riots (which are attacks against the British way of life) to focus the attention of the war. When the government harbouring this 'criminal' refuses to extradite him, even in the absense of any recognized extradition treaty, then they could use the media to develop the association of that government with this evil, hence deeming them an 'axis of evil' and worthy of invasion. Send their troops there and this whole ordeal should be over in a matter of 10-15 years..

It all sounds very familiar.Great idea

VIC, 5000 posts
11 Aug 2011 10:20AM
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Easy to comment from over here in the 'lucky country' ay? How many of us have lived a life on the streets like these 'kids' have. We have the lifestyle that allows us the simple pleasures in life, they don't, and obviously haven't been educated/shown how to live in the current 'society'. Their government HAS failed them, and now through sheer frustration (and lack of educational support) they are hitting out.

I watched the news this morning, sadly 3 dead trying to protect their property (it was bound to happen sooner or later) and started thinking that the government shouldn't be worried about rubber bullets, but get real ammo & clean them up!!!

I then took a look at my kids as they got ready for school, kissed my wife as she left for work & gave my 1y/o a hug & kiss goodbye as I dropped her next door to my neighbour's for the day ('adopted granny') and drove my kids out to a semi-rural school where the student population is <100 and they get 1-on-1 with teachers...

So who am I to judge?!

(I must be getting soft in my old-age)

154 posts
11 Aug 2011 10:02AM
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Manchester Police have confronted rioters trying to escape from the city centre, knocking them off their bikes and beating one with a baton.

In a disturbing video uploaded to YouTube, police dressed in riot gear can be seen running around a corner where they intercept a group of people on bikes who are being chased by more police.

The eyewitness who filmed the video describes the men as "rioters trying to flee from the city centre" and said they were being tracked by a police helicopter before they were stopped.

One man can be seen dismounting his bike and is shoved to the ground by the officer while another policeman beats his legs.

The man does not fight back and the police stop hitting him, letting him stand and taking him to the side of the road.

Copy and Paste from Nine MSN Home page. The only thing I find "disturbing" is that the reporter thinks it is disturbing. Maybe if there was more of this treatment handed out the "precious little darlings" might think about staying home and not running amok.

SA, 4032 posts
11 Aug 2011 11:55AM
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Gunna1 said...

Manchester Police have confronted rioters trying to escape from the city centre, knocking them off their bikes and beating one with a baton.

In a disturbing video uploaded to YouTube, police dressed in riot gear can be seen running around a corner where they intercept a group of people on bikes who are being chased by more police.

The eyewitness who filmed the video describes the men as "rioters trying to flee from the city centre" and said they were being tracked by a police helicopter before they were stopped.

One man can be seen dismounting his bike and is shoved to the ground by the officer while another policeman beats his legs.

The man does not fight back and the police stop hitting him, letting him stand and taking him to the side of the road.

Copy and Paste from Nine MSN Home page. The only thing I find "disturbing" is that the reporter thinks it is disturbing. Maybe if there was more of this treatment handed out the "precious little darlings" might think about staying home and not running amok.

exactly what they need, make them think twice about doing it again in the future, another population cull(world war) maybe needed soon[}:)]

QLD, 12326 posts
11 Aug 2011 2:30PM
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Certainly a terrible situation that looks to be "class difference" motivated.

Don't forget we have had similar here with the Cronulla riots. Not as widespread and more "racially motivated" but essentially the same thing i.e. a breakdown of law and order.

If it is a "class and/or economic" divide that has motivated the riots, then attacking their local shopkeepers is quite insane, as is rioting.

Buckingham Palace and Fleet Street are more logical targets. If they were the targets you could bet the military would respond in a flash.

WA, 718 posts
11 Aug 2011 1:41PM
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Sailhack said...

Easy to comment from over here in the 'lucky country' ay? How many of us have lived a life on the streets like these 'kids' have. We have the lifestyle that allows us the simple pleasures in life, they don't, and obviously haven't been educated/shown how to live in the current 'society'. Their government HAS failed them, and now through sheer frustration (and lack of educational support) they are hitting out.

Last I heard, the world doesn't owe anyone a living.

These **heads have been let down by their parents and by mixing with the same sort of trash has made what they think and do seem acceptable to them.

I'd never have done anything like this when I was growing up, I never had a priveleged lifestyle, but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

VIC, 1300 posts
11 Aug 2011 4:20PM
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there is a movie that came out a few years back called "harry Brown" starring Michael Caine, based in one of the English public housing estates it depicts all the the hoods in a scenario not to dissimilar to what has transpired over the last few days in London , a really powerful movie and alarmingly real [5 stars]

154 posts
11 Aug 2011 2:33PM
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oceanfire said...

Sailhack said...

Easy to comment from over here in the 'lucky country' ay? How many of us have lived a life on the streets like these 'kids' have. We have the lifestyle that allows us the simple pleasures in life, they don't, and obviously haven't been educated/shown how to live in the current 'society'. Their government HAS failed them, and now through sheer frustration (and lack of educational support) they are hitting out.

Last I heard, the world doesn't owe anyone a living.

These **heads have been let down by their parents and by mixing with the same sort of trash has made what they think and do seem acceptable to them.

I'd never have done anything like this when I was growing up, I never had a priveleged lifestyle, but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

The only thing that has "failed" them is their conscience. I would bet my house that if i nicked $10 off one of these dirtbags they would be running to the "authorities" demanding justice. They are an out and out waste of oxygen. There are millions of people surviving in the same area without resorting to this sort of behaviour. Education start at home, if little Johnny suddenly came home last night in manchester with a brand new pair of Nikes and a new Ipod Dad should give him clip under the ear and a quick trip to the local cop shop.
To start the tirade i will say what most of us think, Enoch Powell was right and must be turning in his grave!

NSW, 807 posts
11 Aug 2011 7:11PM
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Maybe not such a class-based spree either:

WA, 1305 posts
11 Aug 2011 5:35PM
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oceanfire said...

Sailhack said...

Easy to comment from over here in the 'lucky country' ay? How many of us have lived a life on the streets like these 'kids' have. We have the lifestyle that allows us the simple pleasures in life, they don't, and obviously haven't been educated/shown how to live in the current 'society'. Their government HAS failed them, and now through sheer frustration (and lack of educational support) they are hitting out.

Last I heard, the world doesn't owe anyone a living.

These **heads have been let down by their parents and by mixing with the same sort of trash has made what they think and do seem acceptable to them.

I'd never have done anything like this when I was growing up, I never had a priveleged lifestyle, but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

Too right , THEIR GOVERNMENT DIDNT FAIL THEM . They do not have good role models , eg mums and dads that care , most important in todays society.
How can any normal minded person , blame someone else for their own violent, looser, thuggery behaviour.
Sailhack , you have got to be kidding!!!!!!

NSW, 9029 posts
11 Aug 2011 7:46PM
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oceanfire said...

but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

Why would kicking your donkey show that he cared for you?

NSW, 2005 posts
11 Aug 2011 9:07PM
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As my kids are getting older, I give them more and more responsibility for choices they make, including their morality.
I still keep 100% of the fault if they do bad things when they're adults - means I didn't do my job. I believe responsibility does not add up to 100%.

Those you saw on TV are adults or soon to be, surely the beginning of being responsible for one's own principles - or lack thereof in this case.

We're not talking "I didn't know looting was bad" here. Bad stuff...

WA, 718 posts
11 Aug 2011 7:15PM
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Mobydisc said...

oceanfire said...

but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

Why would kicking your donkey show that he cared for you?

Cause then the donkey would come to me for cuddles and I frigging loved that animal, man.

WA, 1305 posts
11 Aug 2011 7:46PM
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oceanfire said...

Mobydisc said...

oceanfire said...

but I knew if I did something like this my old man would have absolutely kicked my ass.

He cared about us like that.

Why would kicking your donkey show that he cared for you?

Cause then the donkey would come to me for cuddles and I frigging loved that animal, man.
Cool +1

WA, 1227 posts
11 Aug 2011 11:11PM
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Mobydisc said...

choco said...

get the army in there and give those ferals a hiding that they'll never forget and lets see if they do it again

Any state that turns its army against its own citizens deserves to fail.

Put 'em in blue uniforms then. What's the difference?

NSW, 184 posts
12 Aug 2011 9:01AM
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Its times like these that brute force should be used from day one. Standing there with a shield hoping that they will just stop and go home is a load of crap. These scumbag low lifes need to know if they break the law they will get f@#$ed up. I would hate to be a police officer in this day and age.

VIC, 5000 posts
12 Aug 2011 9:56AM
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Cassa said...

Too right , THEIR GOVERNMENT DIDNT FAIL THEM . They do not have good role models , eg mums and dads that care , most important in todays society.
How can any normal minded person , blame someone else for their own violent, looser, thuggery behaviour.
Sailhack , you have got to be kidding!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone any of the behaviour, and I agree that there's no-one to 'blame'...they're making their own paths, and it should be handled with the full force of the law.

My point was more about me (including most of us on this thread) having an opinion of something that is so far removed from our lifestyles that some of us (including myself) shouldn't even comment as with my (and some of 'our') life hasn't dealt me the same unfortunate hand as most of these young guys - but making a comment simply for the sake of voicing (my) our opinion...(wow, trying to explain my opinion is more confusing than I thought it would be!)

Unfortunately, same goes for most threads/comments on refugees, aboriginal treatment & behavior, animal treatment etc.

[double flame suit on - for critisizing many s/breeze members' comments]

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
12 Aug 2011 5:26PM
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I lived on a council estate in SE London for about 5 years in my younger days.
Although the estate had lots of social problems the one thing that united everybody was a sense of community.
Either in the pub, local shops, on the estate or the chippy people were chirpy and knew each other taking time to give a sh!t about what was happening with their neighbor.
I guess that's gone now?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"anarchy rules" started by ockanui