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let them free

Created by Cassa > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2009
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WA, 1305 posts
25 Sep 2009 8:17PM
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I heard on the news today that the do gooders of aus want to let the asylam seekers that run to our country in herds , in frigin boats, free ,to do whatever ,until their STATUS has been confirmed!!!!!, not be confined in a controlled environment to be asessed as they should be to make sure we dont end up with a country in 10 or so years , filled with those who have been brought up to believe that WE are the problem in this world .Looking at what has happened in the worlds society lately I think that our security in Australia has to be considered a little more thoughtfull than to say let em in,cause the doo-gooders say so. So much of the violence that occurs in aus today can (and Im not forgetting that we are also responseable , meaning aus born citizens) and is being spread by those of foreign descent .13000 !!!!new arrivals in the march quarter what does it mean to you and me I am not beating the racist stick , lots of my friends were born in macadonia, kalgoorlie, england,sweden, indonesia, italy, malaysia,Oh yeah and the kiwis, zac if you read this forum , a zulu from SA , great bloke,looking forward to a beer with you and your bro, but they all came in through strickt procedures, why change what worked so good..... sorry for the negative approch but I think if things keep going the way they are we are heading for many more security issues in the future........ Watch the movie The Kingdom that is a scary insight into the teachings of certain religions. Thats my 3 cents worth

QLD, 14393 posts
25 Sep 2009 11:45PM
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i'm guessing i know what the problem is in the world.

ok, i'll spell it out.... i n t o l e r a n c e

VIC, 772 posts
26 Sep 2009 1:12AM
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Cassa said...

I free ,to do whatever ,until their STATUS has been confirmed!!!!!, not be confined in a controlled environment to be asessed ..............I am not beating the racist stick .............. sorry for the negative approch

totally agree... boat loads of randoms rocking up on the coast, probabily being treated better in detention in aus than in real life back home, we cannot have and open door. if that happens many many thousands, maybe millions will be here tomorrow, of course brought here by ruthless traffickers....

its not racist or negative, its a matter of quality of life. of course we could support these people. but hey, im not here to support the unwanted from the rest of the planet.. if these people havent managed to arrive at this country within the correct procedures and have something to offer the country they should be returned from where they came. open ocean? send em back its fine by me. there are no free tickets in this world and many home grown aussies have been cast into the gutter for various unfortunate reasons. lets look after our own before we accept responsibilty for the cast offs from the rest of the world.

its dog eat dog, you see it every day on the roads...


NSW, 9029 posts
26 Sep 2009 8:26AM
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I heard in the news the Australian government was locking up men, women and children in prisons who apparently haven't committed any crimes.

Meanwhile people who commit serious crimes such as injuring police officers have their day in court and are let out to roam the streets of our fair towns.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
26 Sep 2009 12:17PM
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Gestalt said...

i'm guessing i know what the problem is in the world.

ok, i'll spell it out.... i n t o l e r a n c e

If you were running a gold or diamond mine, or a bank vault with millions of dollars in it, would you screen potential employees (police clearance etc) to make sure they are trustworthy and not thieves?

Would you let anyone (and I mean a n y o n e) in your front door at night to use your house as they see fit for 10mins.... and you go next door whilst they are inside? Maybe you'd chance it once (some people are dopey). What about a different person every night for a year?

Anyone who thinks letting illegal arrivals wander around for months (more like a couple of years) whilst the Govt investigates if they are genuine refugees who are in danger in their homeland has rocks in their head. Do you think you'd be able to find the crooks amongst them later, once they have gone AWOL?

All the above applies people who are black, white or brindle. It is not racist, it is pretty simple logic.

Now to the bit you will probably think is racist but it is fact:
The Koran plainly states all non- Muslims must die.
Most of the boat people are Muslim.
Simple arithmetic tells us some of them will be radicals who hate us.

They pass thru safe Muslim countries to get here. Now why would they want to live amongst people they don't particularly like or in some cases even hate (us)? Perhaps cos we are a soft touch and give them welfare etc.....

QLD, 12327 posts
26 Sep 2009 3:26PM
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Facism and nazi-ism followed by ethnic cleansing and outright mass murder happened in Germany in the 1930s because the GOOD people in Germany did nothing until it was too late.

We here should learn from that lesson. However it seems the only voices our pollies hear are those of the vociferous minorities such as the greenies, animal libbers and other assorted "do gooders".

I am sure that if the situation was reversed and it was boatloads of Australians trying to illegally enter Muslim countries, we would be shot at the borders.

The nations of "Western Civilisation" are being played for suckers because of our strong sense of fair play. Those that use it against us do not adhere to the same standards or rules.

Ask a western European, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,or British person what they think about what has happened over there.

From the Australian point of view it is not a racist issue at all. It is plain and simply a "National Security" issue. Our generosity and tolerance is being played and preyed upon.

Protesting to the elected politicians I believe is a futile excercise as I believe they only do the bidding of the "Faceless Few". They have taken our guns from us and are flouridating our water so it looks like we are up the proverbial creek without paddles.

Time to "Wake Up Australia".

QLD, 14393 posts
27 Sep 2009 2:27AM
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actually the most number of assylum seekers accepted into australia are from china. (hardly a muslem country)

and if you are so worried about terrorism you should really take a look at "Home grown terrorism" that has nothing to do with refugees.

some facts -
and a few more -

at the end of the day, racism is still racism even when wrapped into nationalism.

as i said originally,

the problem with the world today is intolerance, we can either be part of the cure or the cause. everyone has that choice.

QLD, 12327 posts
27 Sep 2009 11:17AM
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Gestalt said...
as i said originally,

the problem with the world today is intolerance,

Admittedly it is one of the problems of the world but possibly not the major one.

If in a neighbourhood of households where the majority of households accept a common set of rules (such as a Charter of Common Individual Rights), a household that subscribes to the Charter accepts a person from a non Charter household because it is one of the articles of the Charter.

Is it not then obligatory for the newcomer to accept and abide by the articles of the Charter, the major one being the concept of TOLERANCE of the rules and other occupants of the household??

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
27 Sep 2009 9:56AM
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Gestalt said...

actually the most number of assylum seekers accepted into australia are from china. (hardly a muslem country)

I did not know that, but so what? My comments still apply to them. If you roll up and expect asylum, that is fine.... but you must be detained until you are properly checked out.

and if you are so worried about terrorism you should really take a look at "Home grown terrorism" that has nothing to do with refugees.

I am very worried. I guess you are also? Why the hell would we then want more people in this country who have values that are completely the opposite to ours? So we can have more home grown terrorists?
You have strange logic dude.
Look at Britains experience where the children of refugees have bombed the train stations ......... attacking the country that gave their family aslylum, hope, a future.

at the end of the day, racism is still racism even when wrapped into nationalism.

Don't throw that one in. As soon as anyone displays any opinion that is NOT pro immigration or left of centre, people say they are racist.
I have Muslim mates (obviously not radicals!), an asian wife, and aboriginal mates one of whom is just next door. Just because some of us have an opinion does not mean we are racist.

QLD, 14393 posts
27 Sep 2009 3:09PM
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cisco, i defiantely think people should accept and abide by australian rules if they move here.

but were do you draw the line. a simple example is the south africans i work with. they all still go for south africa in the cricket and rugby. i of course really wind them up about this......

Mark Aus,

i'm not saying that voicing a view that is not pro immigration is racist, or accusing you of being racist. i was pointing out that it's a fine line between patriotism and racism and that saying, one race of people may be terrorists etc purely because of their county or religion is prone to walking along that grey line. whether political correctness or not, innocence before being proven guilty and tolerance are things that sets australia apart from the rest of the world. that and our wicked sense of humour.

it's interesting that there has been a lot of studies into home grown terrorism in both the US and UK. what is being proven is that the second generation of immigrants are turning to extremist doctorines because they are feeling isolated and racially dissadvantaged.

some people feel that locking up assylum seekers doesn't work becasue of the reasons mentioned above regards tolerance and UN charters and is also prone to producing mentally unstable disaffected citizens.

NSW, 5780 posts
27 Sep 2009 4:12PM
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but it was christians who poisoned, hunted and wiped out the indigenous peoples of the world... africa, australia, north america, etc..

1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government

that definition above sounds to me more like the crap THIS western government uses against us rather than a made up threat from a bunch of towel heads looking for a better life...

to sumise the bigotism i'm reading here it kinda sounds like...
"fark off, we farked over the locals here to claim this place for ourselves well before youse cants, so we deserve it more"

WA, 2371 posts
27 Sep 2009 2:24PM
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theDoctor said...

to sumise the bigotism i'm reading here it kinda sounds like...
"fark off, we farked over the locals here to claim this place for ourselves well before youse cants, so we deserve it more"

yep!....for me my tolerance is spent...I have had a large number of years
being tolerant of others and really working at it for a few years now, when before it came naturally...

Totally had it up to here with our country changing for the worst.
Call me a racist now!..that's fine!..cause now I am!

QLD, 14393 posts
27 Sep 2009 5:24PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

theDoctor said...

to sumise the bigotism i'm reading here it kinda sounds like...
"fark off, we farked over the locals here to claim this place for ourselves well before youse cants, so we deserve it more"

yep!....for me my tolerance is spent...I have had a large number of years
being tolerant of others and really working at it for a few years now, when before it came naturally...

Totally had it up to here with our country changing for the worst.
Call me a racist now!..that's fine!..cause now I am!

i hope you don't include me in that description dr. for one thing is for sure i will never hold that view. ever.

gypsy drifter, it's sad that you feel that way,

i was wondering with your user name is it irony?

NSW, 5780 posts
27 Sep 2009 5:35PM
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no, not with a user name like gestalt

WA, 1305 posts
27 Sep 2009 5:20PM
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Mm seems to me that alot of us here want the Australia we had 15 years ago,only trouble is the way they keep letting anyone who drops in in a wooden boat, we are going down the same path as England.
The problem is there is nowhere like Aus that you can move too to feel safe.(new country that is)
My next move is definitely going to be to the far north west of WA, on the coast somewhere like Exmouth , you can leave ya car unlocked everyone is friendly and the lifestyle (except for the heat) is like Aus of old!! You gota be happy with that.

WA, 504 posts
27 Sep 2009 6:32PM
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I stayed 2 nights with the asylam seekers befor bein deported,propper lockdown and laps arround the exercise yard kickin a ball,i never dropped the soap and slept with one eye open,,those boys came straight off the boat and into lock down and were still better off,one guy had been there for years and had learned to speak english fluent,the thing is they have got nothing to lose, at worst they get sent back with a education and after numorous appeals it can take years.I say if they prove worthy and love this land like me then thay should stay.

WA, 2371 posts
27 Sep 2009 8:17PM
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westhammer said...
I say if they prove worthy and love this land like me then thay should stay.

here here!

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
27 Sep 2009 11:09PM
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theDoctor said...

but it was christians who poisoned, hunted and wiped out the indigenous peoples of the world... africa, australia, north america, etc..

No it was white people who wanted to conquer other countries. IT WAS WRONG but there are major differences.
Rembering NOT to judge yesterday's actions by todays standards can you truthfully answer:

(1) is there anywhere in the bible.... (new testament, as that was in place during the crusades and later colonialism that you allude to) ..... that says non believers must be executed and should die (I think it says convert them, love the sinner but not the sin etc.... but the Koran says they must die.)

(2) did the christians go to another country, amalgamate / assimilate / etc, then two generations later they started to attack the other country from within ... children of refugees calling "us" and "them" and blowing sh!t up ????

(3) name a country invaded by christian (British?) colonialism where the indigenous people were "wiped out" ?? (You said it)
They still exist in all the countries you mentioned.... and in all 3 they have land rights.
I'm NOT saying what was done was RIGHT... but you said "wiped out": and that is obviously not the case.

QLD, 12327 posts
28 Sep 2009 1:48AM
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Quote "Rembering NOT to judge yesterday's actions by todays standards"

and not blaming the son for the sins of the father.

Quote "but the Koran says they must die."

Not sure that it exactly says that, but that is what the fundamentalists believe and that is their intention.

Judeaism, Islam and Christianity are all monotheist accepting the God of Abraham. They are also compatible. It is only some people who are not compatible.

Some alleged Jews kill other Jews, some alleged Muslims kill other Muslims and some alleged Christians kill other Christians. And some people kill anybody for the sake of killing and use some religious excuse to justify themselves.

Anybody that intentionally kills another cannot rightly claim to be a child of God.

WA, 658 posts
28 Sep 2009 1:09AM
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WA, 658 posts
28 Sep 2009 1:11AM
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Cassa said...

everyone is friendly and the lifestyle (except for the heat) is like Aus of old!! You gota be happy with that.

What, you mean before white man came?

WA, 1305 posts
28 Sep 2009 6:14AM
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DL , No Im not refering to before the white man colonized Aus ,my reference was to the time when we didnt have the amount of problems in society , many caused by religious beliefs of which most australians dont cause fear to society by carrying out violent acts based on religious beliefs, bali bombings,2 of, twin towers, madrid train bombings ,london bombings,and HUNDREDS of other attacks on inocent people throughout the world.
As I said years ago, Aus was pretty much void of all these actions, but if we keep letting anyone who floats a boat here free to walk in our community, there is no question that eventaully we too will have many of the problems that face much of the world today occuring here . I would hate to see the violent attacks that are happening regularly in the rest of the world become commonplace in Australia!

NSW, 9029 posts
28 Sep 2009 8:31AM
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You will find almost all those terrorist attacks were not committed by people seeking asylum or "queue jumpers". All those attacks were committed by people who were either citizens of the countries that the attacks took place in or people who had a legal right to live in those countries.

So what do asylum seekers have to do with terrorist attacks?

Remember the most recent terrorist attack that took place in Australia, the Sydney Hilton Hotel bombings had nothing to do with refugees. The recent cases of alleged plans to commit terrorist attacks involve individuals who are Australian citizens who do not have a background of being refugees or asylum seekers.

Perhaps we should be considering Australia's immigration policy as a whole rather than concentrating on refugees. The numbers of refugees coming to Australia is only a very small fraction of the total number of people coming to Australia. Perhaps we should ask our governments to develop population policies in light of the benefits and costs of increasing or decreasing our population.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
28 Sep 2009 9:51AM
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cisco said...

Quote "but the Koran says they must die."

Not sure that it exactly says that, but that is what the fundamentalists believe and that is their intention.

I think it does........

2: 191 And slay them wherever ye catch them

5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides

8:12 I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.

8:60 Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you

9:5 fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem

22:9 on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (note it does not say Allah will do it.... it says "We" (the Muslims) will do it)

“Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Hadith Al Buhkari vol. 9:57)

“Slay the idolators [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the last Day…. Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed.... (Sura 9:5,29,41).

8:59-60 (depends on which translation but one of them is this:) “The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.”

I won't go on....

QLD, 12327 posts
28 Sep 2009 3:03PM
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Quote "I won't go on...."

No please don't. Is the Koran to Muslims like the New Testament is to Christians?

If the verses you quoted are what they study and chant to themselves, there can be no negotiating with them. They are "Satanic Verses".

QLD, 14393 posts
28 Sep 2009 3:30PM
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Judaism, Islam and Christianity are collectively known as "Abrahamic religions" because they trace their history to the covenant God made with Abraham in the Hebrew Bible.

here are some of the wars over the years based on religion

WA, 1321 posts
2 Oct 2009 11:34PM
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Well I gotta something that wants to be let free

WA, 1321 posts
3 Oct 2009 2:20AM
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Cassa said...

Mm seems to me that alot of us here want the Australia we had 15 years ago,only trouble is the way they keep letting anyone who drops in in a wooden boat, we are going down the same path as England.
The problem is there is nowhere like Aus that you can move too to feel safe.(new country that is)
My next move is definitely going to be to the far north west of WA, on the coast somewhere like Exmouth , you can leave ya car unlocked everyone is friendly and the lifestyle (except for the heat) is like Aus of old!! You gota be happy with that.

My olds were " 2 pound poms" and had me in 79 , Springwood south of Brisbane.

So who here has Aussie roots past 2nd Gen???

I grew up East coast, Now west coast. 30 years later. Does that make me an Aussie????. I Dont care about Past credit or who's the best.............

Quicksilver released a movie over 10 years ago called ETR

Enjoy The Ride Crew.

this is how we Rowl

WA, 1305 posts
3 Oct 2009 5:08PM
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I dont care about 2 pound poms either , or any other forieners who choose to live here like us.

I do care that if they do let all these boat floaters that keep coming( 11 this month!!!)free to walk amoungst us and that we are ,,or may end up with some security issues that might change the way we feel about life in Aus.
I would think that many people in america would get concerned about low flying planes now , where before 911 they were just planes overhead .
The last lot of bombers in indo spoke about the fact that they want to destroy Australia!! .does that not concern ANYONE!!
I just think PROPER secrity checks should be in place before they are set free here!!
This is a great place with a great diversity of people from all over, with lots to offer us , just let the right ones in.

NSW, 5780 posts
3 Oct 2009 10:09PM
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911 was an inside job.......

there was more to bali bomb than has been reported on the idiot box...... foolmetwice

WA, 1321 posts
4 Oct 2009 12:59AM
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The Bali Bombs had nothing to do with Religon, purely between Javanese and Balanese and the "jelouse trade" agreement.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"let them free" started by Cassa