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soft drinks...dangers

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2010
WA, 6415 posts
3 Jan 2010 5:33AM
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have cut down my pepsi addiction since finding out about the pesticides it contains, but since found out about a few other nasty surprises.....

firstly.....high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks/junk food contains..... mostly genetically modified corn.

secondly.....they extract the syrup, then add a chemical to the syrup so its not even a natural sweetner.

alan watt, quoting from article in washington post.... it contains mercury!

now i know why i am a bit dumded down.

will have to think twice or three times before buying my next 1.25 litre pepsi.

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
3 Jan 2010 8:32AM
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NSW, 4188 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:12PM
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The report that claimed pesticide levels in India (and nowhere else) can be found at and if you are concerned about this kind of thing I recommend you read the whole thing.

From another article (

The CSE said it found residues of lindane, DDT, malathion, and chlorpyrifosup to 36 times the maximum allowable limits set down by European regulations for pesticides in water used as food.

Last time I checked we are not in India, and India isn't in Europe...

As water was the primary ingredient for soft drinks and I would have loved to see the same tests done on the water used in the manufacturing processes, but then again that wouldn't sell the story at all would it?

QLD, 679 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:53PM
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Elroy Jetson said...

Hit it on the head there

WA, 1321 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:14PM
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To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

WA, 15849 posts
3 Jan 2010 1:37PM
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KEARNSY said...

To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

Lol, I only drink them with spirits so that should nullafy<<spell check- any of those other pesky problems

ginger pom
VIC, 1745 posts
3 Jan 2010 6:16PM
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Peter mac is paranoid but high frustose corn syrup is interesting. He is still wrong though...

High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity. In America, it is used instead of sugar. The American corn lobby have pushed for it as an alternative to importing South American sugar.

It has been suggested that North America is not interested in any white powder being imported from South America....

Peter is paranoid though because


Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
3 Jan 2010 4:21PM
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On the subject of sugar and it's connection with obesity.

How many of you have heard of a natural sugar substitute called Stevia?

Thought it would be an appropriate link because of it's health and political controversies in some countries over the past 30 years or so.

NSW, 5778 posts
3 Jan 2010 8:08PM
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I think I'd rather be paranoid than a ginger pom

QLD, 2039 posts
3 Jan 2010 7:49PM
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KEARNSY said...

To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

NOOOOOO, don't spoil Grey Goose with soft drink.

NSW, 9202 posts
3 Jan 2010 9:36PM
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ginger pom said...

Why read the label when you can do all your research on the internets? Some people like being paranoid, stop spoiling their fun with your "science".

QLD, 14317 posts
3 Jan 2010 9:27PM
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i don't drink pepsi anymore.

i switched from blended scotch to single malt.

QLD, 1628 posts
4 Jan 2010 12:55AM
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NSW, 864 posts
4 Jan 2010 9:39AM
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Elroy Jetson said...

How many of you have heard of a natural sugar substitute called Stevia?

Saw an ad for it on tv in the last couple of weeks. Never heard of it before then. Interesting... so Japan uses a lot of it and the Japanese have probably the longest life spans on the planet. Hmmm...

Does it come complete with pesticides or are the manufacturers ripping us off?

WA, 6415 posts
4 Jan 2010 6:49AM
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corn syrup is now in hundreds, maybe thousands of different foods.

much of this corn is probably genetically modified.

much of the australian produced food we buy is made from imported ingredients.

not heard anything that this corn syrup is not allowed in australian food production.

then there is the food we buy direct from U.S.

look at the studies that have already been done on rats fed G.M food.

australians are consuming this stuff from imported foods.

maybe from australian produce as well.

hope its not a tenth as bad for us as studies suggest.

ginger pom
VIC, 1745 posts
4 Jan 2010 10:12AM
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theDoctor said...

I think I'd rather be paranoid than a ginger pom

I think I'd rather be me than you

ginger pom
VIC, 1745 posts
4 Jan 2010 10:22AM
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petermac33 said...

corn syrup is now in hundreds, maybe thousands of different foods.

much of this corn is probably genetically modified.

much of the australian produced food we buy is made from imported ingredients.

not heard anything that this corn syrup is not allowed in australian food production.

then there is the food we buy direct from U.S.

look at the studies that have already been done on rats fed G.M food.

australians are consuming this stuff from imported foods.

maybe from australian produce as well.

hope its not a tenth as bad for us as studies suggest.

You're right to be concerned if you buy imported food from specific shops - like gift shops for people who miss home.

In general though, people who make food will use ingredients that are cheaper so that they make more profit. They will import ingredients to do this. HFCS is not cheaper than sugar in Australia (because taxes are not set up the same as the US), so only companies who are not looking to make a profit would use it or maybe shops that are importing niche American products that are not made here eg a shop called Gifts from Home in Melbourne that sells things that expats miss like marmite and persil washing powder.

To illustrate this, look at the amount of sugar consumed by the USA (31.3kg per year per person) versus Australia (50.8kg) on the WHO website

So to summarise, you're safe from HFCS but you probably can't take off the foil hat yet though.

Who killed Michael Jackson?

WA, 6415 posts
4 Jan 2010 8:01AM
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i don't know.... just a theory unlike the other stuff.. my guess, listen to some of the things he said before they, sorry before he died.

3952 posts
5 Jan 2010 9:55PM
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KEARNSY said...

To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

Grey Goose - now you are talking. I would never mix it with pepsi, that would be like smothering a ragu beef steak in tomato sauce.

NSW, 9202 posts
8 Jan 2010 5:45PM
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oliver said...

KEARNSY said...

To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

Grey Goose - now you are talking. I would never mix it with pepsi, that would be like smothering a ragu beef steak in tomato sauce.

Tsk tsk tsk. Grey Goose. Sure it's smooth, but it's too bitter.

Ruski Standard my friends. And finally you can get it here. Twice as good and half the price. Do a blind taste test if you don't believe me. There are some premium versions of it too I guess they'll also eventually ship over to these antipodes.


I actually bought a Pepsi the other day and I had a look at the contents.
HOLY WTF?!!! 43 grams of sugar!!!

WA, 1916 posts
8 Jan 2010 7:48PM
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mix it with Jim Beam

NSW, 6815 posts
9 Jan 2010 12:09AM
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Look up cysteine, made from hair commonly rendered in China collected from barbers.

I had 12 years with Masterfoods. Everything that comes out of a processing factory is highly suspect. The amount of powders that go into giving food a shelf life is quite staggering. Most are fairly new compounds, many of which have only been tested on your pets.

QLD, 12321 posts
9 Jan 2010 12:38AM
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I am now starting to wonder about anything that comes in a packet, can jar or bottle.

WA, 6415 posts
9 Jan 2010 2:50AM
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cisco....I am now starting to wonder about anything that comes in a packet, can jar or bottle.

.........that has not been deliberately contaminated bt the N.W.O.

NSW, 5778 posts
9 Jan 2010 12:26PM
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evlPanda said...

HOLY WTF?!!! 43 grams of sugar!!!

i know, measure out 43 grams of sugar, thats fikken heaps of sugar

ginger pom
VIC, 1745 posts
9 Jan 2010 12:37PM
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4 grams is one teaspoon... it's bad

There's something about the way it tastes that hides the fact that it's ten spoonfuls of sugar

The guys that make it are trying to get you to drink more too

VIC, 1230 posts
9 Jan 2010 1:16PM
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I don't understand this thread. Surely there is nobody around who believes that soft drinks have any dietary or nutritional value.

But if you you are going to discuss soft drinks then Coca Cola is the first and best. Who can actually admit to ordering a "bundy and Pepsi" as opposed to "bundy and Coke"

TAS, 753 posts
9 Jan 2010 3:09PM
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A Pub in Darwin switched from coke on tap to Pepsi on tp a few years ago. It encouraged me to drink more beer

WA, 2940 posts
9 Jan 2010 10:34PM
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KEARNSY said...

To be honest my main concern with softdrinks is adding too much rum or grey goose

you mix grey goose with softdrinks ?

You should be shot for your sins . Never mix grey goose with anything other than a clean glass .

NSW, 6815 posts
10 Jan 2010 7:50PM
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Sugar is critical to a mans existence.

18 kilos of sugar mixed with two bags of turbo yeast and fifty litres of water yields 10 liters of ethanol which, when filtered carefully will do you a whole world of good! Much much better than Grey Goose.

WA, 1194 posts
10 Jan 2010 5:55PM
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all i get is an image of city slickers worried about softdrinks while in peak traffic sucking up those car fumes.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"soft drinks...dangers" started by petermac33