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why do you care

Created by CH3MTR4IL5 7 months ago, 12 Feb 2024
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WA, 1021 posts
21 Jun 2024 9:23AM
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That's fair

Did these people make these statements too early or based on insufficient evidence?

Did these people change their advice, recommendations and statements as new evidence came to light?

Have these people acknowledged errors? (Probably not the President, because historically President's are just as terrible at that as they are communicating science, medicine and health information)

You could also ask similar questions of Dr Campbell, after all, he too changed his mind after becoming aware of new things.

The difference is that that, Fauci and co. have continued to change their advice as more information comes in.
And they will continue to do so, as the scientific evidence is provided.

Dr Campbell however is stuck. He can only stick with his story that COVID has zero impact on anyone who isn't "vulnerable" and that the vaccines are deadly, dangerous and responsible for the surges in excess deaths.
And he cannot change that story even if evidence to the contrary is presented to him.
He ignores feedback, comments and critique of his videos when they point out: logic holes, fabricated evidence, hiding evidence, mis-representation of evidence, mis-interpreting evidence, and flat out lies.

Most health authorities changed the recommendations for AZ distribution on a very small number of reported cases of TTS, which were later verified. None of them covered it up.

Dr Campbell had an opportunity to have one his videos about excess deaths featured on UK media with him as a special feature (the opposite of censorship).

Do you know what he did?

He deleted the video and declined to comment.
He self-censored.
Because his video was full of falsehoods and misinformation.

Has Dr Fauci or Director Rochelle done the same?

(I'm not going to say anything more about POTUSA, because most of them are not where anyone should be getting reliable information)

WA, 2788 posts
21 Jun 2024 9:40AM
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Medical professionals and public servants can only present the science to politicians. The politicians then interpret that evidence how they choose.

The scientific investigation continues, new information comes to hand, from other scientists, not conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers, or YouTubers, actual researchers.

Science is not a belief system.

In their defence, politicians and media presenters do have to dumb the science down so that the significance can be grasped by most of the population.

WA, 1021 posts
21 Jun 2024 10:01AM
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Can't find your Dr Fauci quote, can you provide a link?

As for the CDC director?
Yes she made a statement similar to your quote, in March 2021 she told MSNBC during an interview that "Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick.""(A)nd that it's not just in the clinical trials," the director added, "but it's also in real world data."

Emphasis is mine.
They clarified this suggested possibility a day or so later by saying "It's possible that some people who are fully vaccinated could get Covid-19. The evidence isn't clear whether they can spread the virus to others. We are continuing to evaluate the evidence."

And even though she made that statement, the official CDC advice and directions a month later still said "fully vaccinated people should avoid large indoor gatherings and wear a mask at crowded, outdoor events."

Edit: so does this mean she lied or just mispoke or made a claim that wasn't quite backed up by the evidence?

I think the fact the CDC continued to provide advice that did not match the confidence of her statement should be seen as evidence of her not lying, but definitely not being as precise, accurate and evidence based as she should have been at the time.
She was the head of the CDC, she should have done better.

WA, 2788 posts
21 Jun 2024 10:29AM
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Fauci Mar 26, 2021 - White House Transripts.

"we know when people are vaccinated, that the endpoint of the trial showed that they were protected against clinically apparent disease. But the prevailing question is: When these people get infected, how often is that? If they're asymptomatic, how much virus do they have in their nose and do they transmit it to people who are their close contacts? Again, this will help inform science-based decisions about mask use and about social distancing post vaccination."

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1491 posts
21 Jun 2024 10:50AM
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Select to expand quote
D3 said..
Can't find your Dr Fauci quote, can you provide a link?

As for the CDC director?
Yes she made a statement similar to your quote, in March 2021 she told MSNBC during an interview that "Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick.""(A)nd that it's not just in the clinical trials," the director added, "but it's also in real world data."

How can the CDC Director get on TV and tell people data suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick? Even blind Freddy saw people getting vaxxed still catching covid and spreading it to grandma. C'mon. I'm not having a go at science, I'm having a go at the lack of it.

Fauci quote in video below.

So Dr Campbell is stuck because he's expressed his thoughts? How about Bill Gates? Is he stuck?

WA, 1021 posts
21 Jun 2024 12:49PM
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She made a statement but her agency did not change their advice. Maybe her statement was a mistake, but at least she did not definitively state you can't get COVID once you're vaccinated

But back to your link to the AMP and their special guest Dr John Campbell.

What am I supposed to think of a group of medical practitioners and professionals who invited him to be their headline act?
He hasn't just made a few "off-the- cuff" statements that can be misinterpreted or that don't exactly match science.
He has built a YouTube channel with over 3 million subscribers based on spreading FUD using videos where he lies and even contradicting his own earlier statements and education/training videos.

If Dr Campbell is the kind of person the AMP want to be associated with? That makes me think they're less interested in actual science and instead focussing on political clout and using his viewers to help them win popular vote.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"why do you care" started by CH3MTR4IL5