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15m chiropractor

Created by Plummet > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2013
kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
7 Sep 2013 5:53PM
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Tobii said...
Not sure how to embed but if anyone missed the Catalyst show on chiropractic care. Even covers vaccination and the views of the AMA.

Thank you Tobii it would be great if people watched that vid and educated themselves a bit more. these issues are incredibly important which is why I'm pushing my argument despite the rain of red.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
7 Sep 2013 8:10PM
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eppo said..

Yeh this post went all weird.

Sorry mate. I had just finished reading about how there was one professional group that constituted far more paid up, joined-up members of the Anti-Vaccination Network than any other. Guess who they are? A group who are allowed to legally call themselves "Dr" (so long as it's immediately followed by ...(Chiro)). You've got one professional group working at complete odds to all the other healthcare professionals in this country, undoing the work done by all the others. The sheer bloodymindedness of that is incredible.

The anger was running strong when I hijacked the thread, and for that I apologise, but the thread had probably run it's course and I stand by my original comment that chiros are fragmented into 2 camps, under 2 peak bodies, and one is causing us serious harm. Watch the Catalyst vid.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
7 Sep 2013 10:16PM
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spikeysteve said..

Not afraid of a robust discussion, just not interested in getting to a war about vaccination with some dude on the internet who is stalking my posts (!?!) on other forums. Got better stuff to do with my time. So this will be my last post on the matter

since you asked so nicely, i will provide some links to EBM stuff before i sign off.

Now keep in mind that i am not saying EBM is bad, only that it has limitations that I as a clinician have to face everyday as i make clinical decisions. One of the main criticisms of EBM is that anything less than a double blind RCT is seen as inferior evidence. Chiropractic, and other holistic interventions, dont lend themselves well to double blind RCT - i need to see who i am treating, and i know whether i think that my treatment will be effective or not.

chiropractic has heaps of clinical evidence, but is commonly written off because 'its not enough, we need an RCT'

I look forward to more research, and I donate money each year for chiropractic research.

how much evidence do we really have?

bias in medical trials

or from the editor or the new England journal of medicine

The chiropractor who was interviewed on catalyst, and his response to the program

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too - Voltaire

Thanks for your contribution, if you hadn't called me a "small-minded fundamentalist a$$hole" in your first post then we might have had a more friendly discussion.

Your 4 links:

How we categorise outcomes in evidence based medicine (ok, things aren't black and white, that's expected, but science better than no science)
Big Pharma bad mmmkay
Big Pharma bad mmmkay (Yes, but almost as much $$ in Big Woo these days, doesn't justify big Woo's problems, 2 wrongs etc)
Tony Croke responds to Catalyst vid.

Re no. 4. Of course he has a response - he's on the board of the Shonky peak body, and he looks a fool in the vid.

As for his his research stats - may or may not be right - I don't have the research power.

As for his claim that he was a fully paid member of AVN for the "alternative viewpoint" as here

Well here is his son, also a Chiropractor, liking horrible anti-vax rubbish

And here is his wife, who is listed as part of his practice, liking AVN posts:

Tony Croke is saying he "doesn't meet chiropractors who are anti-vax". Apparently he's never met his own family.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"15m chiropractor" started by Plummet