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Created by L2L > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2014
QLD, 1855 posts
4 Dec 2014 6:23PM
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Thought it was capped at 100?

Gonna be a busy startline

QLD, 2432 posts
4 Dec 2014 10:12PM
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Wow on a lighter note.

Weed report:

Went for a little kite off Quinn's tonight, went no more than 1km off the coast. There is quite a bit of weed, not the stringy weed, the bushy clumpy stuff that has bubbles you can pop.

It didn't bother me as I'm a noob on a twin tip, but realistly I was running over weed every 10 seconds.

WA, 490 posts
4 Dec 2014 8:27PM
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Underoath said..
Wow on a lighter note.

Weed report:

Went for a little kite off Quinn's tonight, went no more than 1km off the coast. There is quite a bit of weed, not the stringy weed, the bushy clumpy stuff that has bubbles you can pop.

It didn't bother me as I'm a noob on a twin tip, but realistly I was running over weed every 10 seconds.

Yeah lots of weed, did the Scarbs to Pinnas run, mainly the long broad ribbon type mixed with bushy stuff

WA, 368 posts
5 Dec 2014 7:20AM
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Went over to Rotto by boat from Hillaries on Wed and there was a bit of weed around.
Seemed to come across clumps every 300-400m easily seen and avoided but there was ribbon weed as well which was a bit more spread out.
The graghs were showing green arrows when we left Rotto at 2pm but it didn't feel that windy.
Have done the race twice and not racing this year but I would lean towards a bigger kite.
Good luck everybody

QLD, 2060 posts
5 Dec 2014 9:47AM
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One of these should do the trick!

WA, 195 posts
5 Dec 2014 8:49AM
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A very special thanks goes to the team at Sportspage.

Go to SAILING section, then WA Kite Surfing Association, click on Results ...

QLD, 236 posts
5 Dec 2014 12:09PM
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I have a choice of larger or smaller TTs, which would be better? I am guessing large, bigger planing area, more stability?

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
5 Dec 2014 10:24AM
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Larger would likely deal with the chop better as well.

WA, 551 posts
5 Dec 2014 10:44AM
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Forecast looking under 20knots for tomorrow - I'm a little disappointed as Gage Roads is a super fun beast at 25 knots.

Would have preferred 20 -27knots like yesterday arvo as I was fully crazy lit on my 9m Chrono doing runs back to Leighton with the crew from 6-8km out. Man that would make a hard core - L2L race. Survival of the fittest if you try to ride at full speed.

a bit of weed - a bit of swell - a bit of side chop - 4 monster ships parked 8km out the back - and no crashes - a great arvo out in the deep, deep blue.

P.S We were ( about 6-8 racers)all packing flares and Epirb and feels way safer out there - as it happened in less than 10 minutes Andy Hansen had crashed 4-5km out totally lit on his 12m and snapped a centre line and his kite went down in crazy loops - somehow over the next 10 minutes he untangled the kite mare and tied a knot in broken centre line and kited back to beach. I reckon new offshore flare and Epirb rules are Fab.

WA, 13 posts
5 Dec 2014 1:46PM
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Late notice I know...

But if anyone wants to lend me a sector (preferably 54cm) there'll be a slab of your choice in it for you. Happy to leave a deposit incase the worst happens as well. PM me if interested...

WA, 122 posts
5 Dec 2014 3:33PM
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Crap conditions forecast like last year right now - not looking good - why don't they postpone till Sunday - looking a lot better than tomorrow.

QLD, 417 posts
5 Dec 2014 9:35PM
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burnsy11 said...
Crap conditions forecast like last year right now - not looking good - why don't they postpone till Sunday - looking a lot better than tomorrow.

Buy a bigger kite it's called a race

WA, 491 posts
5 Dec 2014 8:21PM
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I am calling ;

if we wake up in the morning and it's cloudy then be worried,

but if it's blue sky's all will be sweet,

and it should be 15 - 20 knts

- but how has the forecast been, i have never seen it change so much over the course of the last 7 days,

from almost troughing out to 25knts ?

- keeps it interesting .....

Ben - Ikon
WA, 113 posts
5 Dec 2014 9:02PM
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I'm sure Laurie is playing with our nerves by changing forecasts everyday! :-)

WA, 3464 posts
5 Dec 2014 9:28PM
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Good luck and safe journey to all. Going to be blue sky and beautiful tomorrow...fingers crossed for you all

37 posts
5 Dec 2014 11:11PM
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Can't sleep

VIC, 181 posts
6 Dec 2014 10:32AM
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Good luck for today, fingers crossed the wind comes in for you all.

QLD, 2432 posts
6 Dec 2014 9:55AM
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sk1nner said..
Good luck for today, fingers crossed the wind comes in for you all.

Its not a matter of if, but how hard!

Best of luck to all.

WA for the win.

WA, 122 posts
6 Dec 2014 8:12AM
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sky's looking nice and clear - fingers crossed.... - all the forecasts are not looking good though - chance it could be postponed till tomorrow if it does not hit the required 15kts

QLD, 417 posts
6 Dec 2014 11:14AM
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burnsy11 said..
sky's looking nice and clear - fingers crossed.... - all the forecasts are not looking good though - chance it could be postponed till tomorrow if it does not hit the required 15kts

if you want to race buy the gear you need ?

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
6 Dec 2014 1:28PM
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I reckon its going to be a big kite day, maybe even 18M Chrono weather!

WA, 1549 posts
6 Dec 2014 10:40AM
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Wonder how many will do a Houdini today and voluntarily pull out due to light wind and not having a big kite.. Will it roll the same as last year and then they are automatically allocated a spot for next year.... If so that sucks.

The wind looks ordinary, and those who don't have the right size gear are going to struggle.. Me thinks that should have been called to postpone a couple of days ago prob on tues going on the forecast

QLD, 417 posts
6 Dec 2014 12:45PM
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RPM said..
Wonder how many will do a Houdini today and voluntarily pull out due to light wind and not having a big kite.. Will it roll the same as last year and then they are automatically allocated a spot for next year.... If so that sucks.

The wind looks ordinary, and those who don't have the right size gear are going to struggle

if you dont have a big kite and the right gear they should not ...... enter

WA, 1549 posts
6 Dec 2014 10:55AM
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It's a race not a jolly up.

I know that King of Carnac nominations you have to provide a list of your gear. Eg how many kites, sizes ect. This eliminates the 'I don't have a big kite and I can't race ect'

QLD, 236 posts
6 Dec 2014 1:15PM
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Agree, with limited places, pulling out due to not having sufficient gear means someone else misses out, which is a unfair. No need to postpone, let's go!

WA, 1501 posts
6 Dec 2014 12:29PM
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It will be easily windy enough for even 9m kites. You can feel nice cool gusts in freo already, just like on any good day where it's 20knots by 2pm. Can't wait to see the pack come hurtling towards the beach!

WA, 3464 posts
6 Dec 2014 1:27PM
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I want a live feed of this event....when is start time? It's getting

WA, 317 posts
6 Dec 2014 1:44PM
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I think it starts at 2 o clock from rotto heading down soooooon.

QLD, 236 posts
6 Dec 2014 4:10PM
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230pm start.

WA, 1501 posts
6 Dec 2014 4:44PM
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Here's the finish, didn't catch the names of who won, he was a brit though, world champion of some sort?


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