Forums > Kitesurfing General

"30+knots @ Caloundra" by Marcus

Created by Marcus45 > 9 months ago, 2 Feb 2010
QLD, 91 posts
2 Feb 2010 9:08PM
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It was an awesome day let me tell you, I regested 35 knots in the gusts. I have some more video's coming. Tim is a hellman in my books lol, I put the camera down and went out for a blast, seen Tim getting epic air time.

leave a comment, cheers Marcus

QLD, 8 posts
2 Feb 2010 9:34PM
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Sick boosties!! I even liked those 'wakestyle' (rail slide) tricks at the end!!

TAS, 778 posts
2 Feb 2010 10:34PM
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you guys don't get 30 plus that often then? Looks like fun and warm to boot!

Thanks for sharing.

WA, 773 posts
2 Feb 2010 7:45PM
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just another cab rider

QLD, 362 posts
2 Feb 2010 9:55PM
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average air considering 30 plus ask rattlehead what big air is nice work of the sign slider but that really wasnt big air. maybe get a nine rhino on these days if you want to see the building tops

WA, 995 posts
2 Feb 2010 8:04PM
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railslides at the end are priceless.

kiter zac
QLD, 295 posts
2 Feb 2010 10:36PM
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nice vid. we had awesome wind at Tannum. 35knt gusting to 40+.

VIC, 484 posts
2 Feb 2010 11:56PM
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smart move would have been to wait another hour or two until the tide started running out. also i want my 4 minutes back, that was horrible, sorry guys.

WA, 2940 posts
2 Feb 2010 10:17PM
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did not realise this was the same guy and his god awful commentary until i hit play and then stopped it . Cannot watch

WA, 228 posts
3 Feb 2010 3:56AM
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And??? Sorry but you need to try harder to impress this crowd. Alot of us go out in those conditions and think nothing of it.

QLD, 3338 posts
3 Feb 2010 11:20AM
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WOW that guy rips!!!!!! wish he was my friend.


QLD, 555 posts
3 Feb 2010 3:53PM
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rhinoman said...

average air considering 30 plus ask rattlehead what big air is nice work of the sign slider but that really wasnt big air. maybe get a nine rhino on these days if you want to see the building tops

yep that was survival conditions on Monday ,I rekon a few of those squalls were 40+ ,1st time I've ever kited with 100% depower on for the whole 3 hr session.

QLD, 200 posts
3 Feb 2010 4:17PM
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What a dumbass. Launching in the carpark followed by the stupid scramble down the rocks with the kite lit looks like a recipe for becoming a victim of natural selection. It is much easier to either wait a couple of hours for the beach to return or launch at Golden Beach and kite over to the passage.

QLD, 91 posts
3 Feb 2010 7:13PM
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I've just switched sports after 15 years, from dirt bikes to kitesurfing, they told me that the kitesurfers were a great bunch of guys, very friendly they said. Well I guess that is partly true and to those who left positive comments I salute you. To the rest of you...well please...come on guys lighten up, no wait...better still post something up so we can all enjoy your videos/pictures.
I might not be Steven Spielberg and not everyone that kites is Kevin Langeree but at least I am having a go.
And to you Dusta....I am looking forward to seeing your next kitesurfing video, failing that, the next time you see a post that says "by Marcus" just don't bother clicking on it. cheers Marcus

dusta said...

did not realise this was the same guy and his god awful commentary until i hit play and then stopped it . Cannot watch

QLD, 1011 posts
3 Feb 2010 7:39PM
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Awwwww, does little Marcus want his dummy??????

WA, 2940 posts
3 Feb 2010 5:50PM
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Marcus45 said...

I've just switched sports after 15 years, from dirt bikes to kitesurfing, they told me that the kitesurfers were a great bunch of guys, very friendly they said. Well I guess that is partly true and to those who left positive comments I salute you. To the rest of you...well please...come on guys lighten up, no wait...better still post something up so we can all enjoy your videos/pictures.
I might not be Steven Spielberg and not everyone that kites is Kevin Langeree but at least I am having a go.
And to you Dusta....I am looking forward to seeing your next kitesurfing video, failing that, the next time you see a post that says "by Marcus" just don't bother clicking on it. cheers Marcus
dusta said...

did not realise this was the same guy and his god awful commentary until i hit play and then stopped it . Cannot watch

sorry but you post a film clip that anyone can produce with little to no editing apart from chopping up some clips. Woopy . You could have at least edited out the wind noise as it was painful . To the idiot with the kite , i just watched the video and i was expecting him to get blown into the trees or slip on the rocks and cause an emergency .

marcus next time please don't speak, put some music over the clip and don't post it on youtube, do it on some other medium that allows you to put what music you want .

If you cannot accept criticism and handle it like a little boy then i suggest

QLD, 91 posts
3 Feb 2010 8:55PM
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I just looked at all post from Dusta, you know how many video's I found? I said, at least I'm having a go. If someone came up to you at the beach who had never kited and said you were crap, you would most likely drop them. You've never made a kite video have you Dusta? I've posted over 100 video's of motorbikes on youtube and other forums which have 5 star ratings and have had over 1.3 million views. Its true, I didn't spend hours editing these 2 kitesurfing video but until you can do better than keep your negitive comments yourself. As I said before just don't click on my posts. cheers Marcus

dusta said...

Marcus45 said...

I've just switched sports after 15 years, from dirt bikes to kitesurfing, they told me that the kitesurfers were a great bunch of guys, very friendly they said. Well I guess that is partly true and to those who left positive comments I salute you. To the rest of you...well please...come on guys lighten up, no wait...better still post something up so we can all enjoy your videos/pictures.
I might not be Steven Spielberg and not everyone that kites is Kevin Langeree but at least I am having a go.
And to you Dusta....I am looking forward to seeing your next kitesurfing video, failing that, the next time you see a post that says "by Marcus" just don't bother clicking on it. cheers Marcus
dusta said...

did not realise this was the same guy and his god awful commentary until i hit play and then stopped it . Cannot watch

sorry but you post a film clip that anyone can produce with little to no editing apart from chopping up some clips. Woopy . You could have at least edited out the wind noise as it was painful . To the idiot with the kite , i just watched the video and i was expecting him to get blown into the trees or slip on the rocks and cause an emergency .

marcus next time please don't speak, put some music over the clip and don't post it on youtube, do it on some other medium that allows you to put what music you want .

If you cannot accept criticism and handle it like a little boy then i suggest

QLD, 1011 posts
3 Feb 2010 8:58PM
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Do you need me to call you a waambulance?

QLD, 91 posts
3 Feb 2010 9:01PM
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Hahaha..nah I'm fine, lol.

Paul1 said...

Do you need me to call you a waambulance?

18 posts
3 Feb 2010 7:20PM
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Marcus45 said...


Its true, I didn't spend hours editing these 2 kitesurfing video but until you can do better than keep your negitive comments yourself. As I said before just don't click on my posts. cheers Marcus

I think its great that someone is out there with a camera collecting evidence.

VIC, 772 posts
4 Feb 2010 12:21AM
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That launch is sketchy as

WA, 2940 posts
3 Feb 2010 11:11PM
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Marcus45 said...

I just looked at all post from Dusta, you know how many video's I found? I said, at least I'm having a go. If someone came up to you at the beach who had never kited and said you were crap, you would most likely drop them. You've never made a kite video have you Dusta? I've posted over 100 video's of motorbikes on youtube and other forums which have 5 star ratings and have had over 1.3 million views. Its true, I didn't spend hours editing these 2 kitesurfing video but until you can do better than keep your negitive comments yourself. As I said before just don't click on my posts. cheers Marcus

holy smoke 1.4 million hits on youtube . Dood i bow to your greatness. Forgive me for voicing my opinion . I should have known better .

Please accept my apologies and good luck at the bafta's next year with "Tim's Excellent Caloundra Tree adventures "

QLD, 796 posts
4 Feb 2010 8:06AM
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My 14 yr old son went out at sandgate at the start of the week and it was blowing 35+ but him and the four guys that where out with him all set up and launched on the beach AFTER high tide. This guy seems to ride ok so where is his common sense. Its things like this that go bad and have beaches closed to all kiters. I dont think Tim is a hell man i think he is irresponsible. As for the critics of your clip, dont post them if you dont want criticism. I was too busy working out what the moron with the kite was thinking to worry about the clip.

18 posts
4 Feb 2010 7:09AM
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jas73 said...


As for the critics of your clip, dont post them if you dont want criticism. I was too busy working out what the moron with the kite was thinking to worry about the clip.

I see. So people just post their video clips here so the likes of you can criticise them? Got it!

Its interesting though how, by your own admission, the subject matter was so compelling that you didnt care about the technical quality. I think that was the film makers point though. The subject matter was interesting enough to warrant posting here, in spite of the technical lapses.

I think its a great vid, if only because it shows a kook in full flight.

Hmmm, that gives me an idea.....

Now, any other unwritten forum rules I should know about

NSW, 604 posts
4 Feb 2010 2:44PM
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Big Timmy looks like he would need 30+ knots just to stay upwind [}:)]

QLD, 28 posts
4 Feb 2010 3:56PM
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yeah real safe and what a hero, hellman tim and his epic airs are embarrasing,why show vids of some kook unsafe kiting at many peoples fav spot , just highlights what could have so easily gone wrong and wrecks it for all the responsible safe people that ride here and dont want some hellman ruining it for everyone, lose the idea of the dont think it cant happen to me ,because in those winds and where he launched if some little unforseen thing went wrong he would have been deadman

SA, 582 posts
4 Feb 2010 4:52PM
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I thought the video was well done, but after kiting at Bulcock Beach last year while up there on holiday, I thought the launching area was a bit tight, especially when the tide comes in. Launching the kite in extreme winds, between Norfolk Pines and rock walls, is probably asking for a Darwin moment! It reminded of that equally experienced kiter that got blasted into the concrete wall on Bondi Rescue some time ago. Very scary at the time for the sport and national TV.
This webcam shows the launch area from above. PM&camName=Bulcock Beach

QLD, 232 posts
4 Feb 2010 4:49PM
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He's a competent kiter and he can make his own decision about whether a launch is safe or not.

WA, 2940 posts
4 Feb 2010 2:59PM
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andyy said...

He's a competent kiter and he can make his own decision about whether a launch is safe or not.

and those are the people that normally get themselves into trouble . If the hellman does get injured doing something stupid like that then please post on here and watch the sympathy fall by the wayside

QLD, 232 posts
4 Feb 2010 5:08PM
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dusta said...

andyy said...

He's a competent kiter and he can make his own decision about whether a launch is safe or not.

and those are the people that normally get themselves into trouble . If the hellman does get injured doing something stupid like that then please post on here and watch the sympathy fall by the wayside

He knows what he's doing. Only absolute noobs get themselves into trouble off a launch.

QLD, 431 posts
4 Feb 2010 5:17PM
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Yes Caloundra is dodgy as hell...

the dude in the Vid knows what hes doing.

the conditions in the vid were epic, and have had a couple good sessions there when its blowing it tits off.. have to say its one of the best combination breaks/flatwater ive been to!

N00bs should stay well away from the place!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

""30+knots @ Caloundra" by Marcus" started by Marcus45