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AUSTRALIA: Land of Cotton Wool

Created by echostorm > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2009
WA, 39 posts
27 Jan 2009 1:33PM
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latest results indicate 92% of statistics are found to be untrue

VIC, 702 posts
27 Jan 2009 4:50PM
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my wife copped a fine posted in a mail for double parking, while she stopped for less than 10 seconds for our son to come out of the car at his school, where the council never built a drop-off zone or a school carpark... she was not blocking the traffic as no one was behind her... the f.cking parking inspector was hiding in a parked car taking photos (taking a parking spot that a parent could use)... all this was organized by council (Maribyrnong council to be specific)... so if anyone still claims that some of our laws and some things that government does are fair and justified, you are out of your mind.

AUSTRALIA = Land of Cotton Wool , you've got my vote...

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
27 Jan 2009 5:57PM
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jev7337 said...

dirtyharry said...

Saffer said...

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mikekx102 said...

At 65km/h, the risk of crashing is double that of 60km/h

Where did you get this from??? Sounds suss.

You may want to but this i context, on a small road in the middle of the Andes maybe on the freeway from Melbourne to Geelong - nah. But there is another example of ridiculousness. Melbourne to Geelong is a wide new 4-lane freeway with a speed limit of up to 100km/h - with at least 10 speed cameras. Once you get off it on a small narrow country road the speed limit changes to 110km/h. Where is the logic in that

Totally agree Jev7337
Geelong - Melb freeway 4 LANES EACH WAY DIVIDED ROAD good quality and drainage = LIMIT 100KM







NAtural selection is what has advanced the human race some have been injured some have died but a lesson was always it seams society makes laws for the dumbest, the softest and the weakest and we must all stay within the limits these morons can handle.....

PS : REGARDING SPEED LIMITS : It is not speed that kills people it is inattention and poor driver skill. In many parts of Europe they have much higher speed limits they do not have a much higher ( in fact many lower per capita ) accident rate.. I have experienced the roads first hand on several occasions.... and have come to the following conclusions...... a good driver in eg: Germany is no better or worse than a good driver here.......A BAD driver in eg: Germany is a lot lot better than a bad driver here !
When you are driving slowly on an autobahn you have to remain alert because cars can be travelling at double your speed all drivers use THEIR MIRRORS and keep to the right out of the overtaking lanes ( opposite over there for those who need clarification ).....difference in Australia people will sit in the overtaking lane (right hand lane ) do less than the speed limit and then ignore the vehicles banked up behind them...

as for 50km speed limits (40 for schools i tend to agree with ) i say educate the bloody pedestrian " dont step out onto the road unless it is safe " next the trains will be forced to go slower because some idiot might get hurt if they are on the roof....


QLD, 200 posts
27 Jan 2009 5:23PM
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harry potter said...



QLD, 298 posts
27 Jan 2009 6:06PM
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Hey echostorm, you stole my uncle chopper idea from my earlier post but I do agree with ya.

VIC, 1159 posts
27 Jan 2009 10:04PM
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Drove on the freeway in Queensland the other day after getting back from the UK and have to say Australians are the worst freeway drivers... Leave the right hand lane for those wanting to go fast! And least give us 130km/hr speed limits on dual carriageway! We have long distances to drive here!

Harry Potter: nothing makes you look like an imbecile more than spelling imbecile incorrectly ya numpty!

im·be·cile (mb-sl, -sl)
1. A stupid or silly person; a dolt.
2. A person whose mental acumen is well below par.
3. A person of moderate to severe mental retardation having a mental age of from three to seven years and generally being capable of some degree of communication and performance of simple tasks under supervision. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

NSW, 172 posts
27 Jan 2009 11:10PM
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To "superlizard",.... if your wifes double parking had caused another lazy parent to run over a kid you might think differently. If you have ever had to see people dead on the road you would have a different view. That is why highway patrol police don't flinch when they write you a ticket.... because they have seen to many "good drivers" bleeding on the bitumen.

I agree that some rules and regulations are over the top and they are often enforced without reasonable discretion, but road rules are there for a reason.... think about the people who have to clean up the mess and tell your families that you took your wool off for the afternoon.

There are times and places to push your limits.... namely when a mistake will only kill yourself and not others around you.

Stop whining.

VIC, 4982 posts
27 Jan 2009 11:30PM
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mikekx102 said...

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a regulation or whatever that manufacturers are allowed to make a car with a spedometer that is 10%+4 out..... meaning that in a 70 zone you could be driving a car at what the spedo says is 70 km/h and actually be going at 81 km/h....

Bullshi.t! Get yourself a GPS and check your speedo. You will find it to be dead accurate at 60k. Most cars have a 4-5k error reading high at 100-110. (ie. You'll only be doing 96 when it reads 100kph).

All that whinging about speed errors come from cu.nts that are too stupid to drive on the speed limit. They should all find a brick wall and exceed the speed limit straight at it. Cu.nts!

QLD, 1245 posts
28 Jan 2009 8:34AM
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marty72 said...

Hey echostorm, you stole my uncle chopper idea from my earlier post but I do agree with ya.

I am glad you agree... I think the chopper htfu video is open slather though as it has been used extensively on forums around the world over the past few years to tell people to harden the fck up...




So, stop winging about a stolen idea and HTFU [}:)] (just kidding )

WA, 368 posts
28 Jan 2009 7:52AM
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I don't mean to be the "old stick in the mud" but check the stats on the difference 5km/h can make to your stopping distance and you may get a shock.

At 65km/h, the risk of crashing is double that of 60km/h

This chart is a bit misleading. It fails to note that in normal circumstances it also takes the car in front of you just as long to stop, so really the difference is just the reaction time. Most people drive further behind the next car to cover their reaction time - the ones who dont are the easily recognised "tailgaters".

So far as stopping to avoid (eg) a pedestrian - well WTF was the idiot doing stepping out in front of you? People must take basic precautions for their own safety on the roads.

And BTW, why the hysteria about the roads? You are 10 times more likely to die from being admitted (for non life threatening procedures) to a hospital than you are driving there in a car. Why dont we have Hospital Laws? Why dont we have Police enforcement of such laws? Why does the AMA fight tooth and nail to protect dangerous Doctors from legal claims?

I say...


VIC, 702 posts
28 Jan 2009 9:53AM
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Brien said...

To "superlizard",.... if your wifes double parking had caused another lazy parent to run over a kid you might think differently. If you have ever had to see people dead on the road you would have a different view. That is why highway patrol police don't flinch when they write you a ticket.... because they have seen to many "good drivers" bleeding on the bitumen.

I agree that some rules and regulations are over the top and they are often enforced without reasonable discretion, but road rules are there for a reason.... think about the people who have to clean up the mess and tell your families that you took your wool off for the afternoon.

There are times and places to push your limits.... namely when a mistake will only kill yourself and not others around you.

Stop whining.

Brien, if you had to look half an hour for a parking every day for two years with another toddler in the car so that your kid can just come out of the car (which takes 5 seconds), and the council did not give a sh1t about solving the issue and providing a dropoff zone but instead kept increasing the tax rates, you might think differently too, being in her situation. I didn't say she does that every day, and when she did it she made sure no one was behind her, hence she couldn't have caused anyone to run over a kid. So you are telling me that you support the council's strategy to spend money paying ticket inspectors to hide like bus.tards taking away parent's parking spots and fine people for such ridiculous reasons (BTW few of my friends received totally illegitimate parking fines by the same council), instead of investing money and effort to solve such important safety issue??? If you think that, I think you lack common sense and logic mate. If they (council or government) were concerned about safety and seing dead people on the road they would have done something about solving this issue, but this way works better for them... less money spend, plus they can profit on innocent hard working families.

Here is another example: I get fined for riding a 600 cc bike, two weeks before my probation period ends, and two weeks before they increase the legal limit to probationary motorcycle riders to 600cc. So, if the government already decided that 600 cc is safe enough for probationary riders, and only because of the logistics the law hasn't came into play yet, why did the cop fine me if this is ALL JUST ABOUT SAFETY? If you can argue that their actions have any ethics whatsoever, then you are either a cop or work for government and look after your own profit ... in which case i understand why you challenge my thinking. (And i don't mean any of this in an offensive manner to you, just having an open discussion here)

(BTW even if they haven't changed the law, it still didn't make sense, as you could have a guy who got his license, and never riden a bike for a year, and then went and bought a 1200 cc race bike, yet the law is ok with that and that's completely safe, but if you ride a small learner bike for 6 months every day, and gain valuable experience, you still can't ride faster bike for another 6 months.... )?!

WA, 368 posts
28 Jan 2009 8:04AM
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Gorgo said...

mikekx102 said...

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a regulation or whatever that manufacturers are allowed to make a car with a spedometer that is 10%+4 out..... meaning that in a 70 zone you could be driving a car at what the spedo says is 70 km/h and actually be going at 81 km/h....

Bullshi.t! Get yourself a GPS and check your speedo. You will find it to be dead accurate at 60k. Most cars have a 4-5k error reading high at 100-110. (ie. You'll only be doing 96 when it reads 100kph).

Speed limits are fine on flat roads and metro areas but there needs to be some tolerance in the country where hills, wind, and the openness can cause your car speed to increase without your immediately realising it.

Official Cautions should be issued for ppl exceeding the limit by less than 10kph in 100kph or 110kph zones, with 3 cautions in 12 months constituting an infringement. Some outback areas should have the limit raised to 130kph as it now is in the NT which will help mitigate the problem of driver fatigue.

VIC, 4501 posts
28 Jan 2009 10:13AM
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sandgroper said...

So far as stopping to avoid (eg) a pedestrian - well WTF was the idiot doing stepping out in front of you? People must take basic precautions for their own safety on the roads.

WTF? What if it happens to be a 7yr old child? Should he/she also be responsible for their own actions?

superlizard said...
Here is another example: I get fined for riding a 600 cc bike, two weeks before my probation period ends, and two weeks before they increase the legal limit to probationary motorcycle riders to 600cc. So, if the government already decided that 600 cc is safe enough for probationary riders, and only because of the logistics the law hasn't came into play yet, why did the cop fine me if this is ALL JUST ABOUT SAFETY? If you can argue that their actions have any ethics whatsoever, then you are either a cop or work for government and look after your own profit ... in which case i understand why you challenge my thinking. (And i don't mean any of this in an offensive manner to you, just having an open discussion here)

So to put this into perspective, you broke the law, knowing it was the law, because you were too excited to wait 2 weeks, and now you're trying to blame this on the government and the police? How about something called "taking responsibility for your own actions"?. Sorry, you deserved to get fined, the law is the law. If we shift the lines, where do we stop? Its okay to drive without your drivers or learners because its only 2 weeks until you turn...

sandgroper said...
Speed limits are fine on flat roads and metro areas but there needs to be some tolerance in the country where hills, wind, and the openness can cause your car speed to increase without your immediately realising it.

Official Cautions should be issued for ppl exceeding the limit by less than 10kph in 100kph or 110kph zones, with 3 cautions in 12 months constituting an infringement. Some outback areas should have the limit raised to 130kph as it now is in the NT which will help mitigate the problem of driver fatigue.

If you can't keep your speed accurately on uphills and downhills you should be on a P plate, or better yet, an L plate. Its not hard, you just have to want to do it. If they put in a caution system, people will abuse it and drive 10km/h faster knowing they can get away with it.

VIC, 702 posts
28 Jan 2009 11:26AM
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So to put this into perspective, you broke the law, knowing it was the law, because you were too excited to wait 2 weeks, and now you're trying to blame this on the government and the police? How about something called "taking responsibility for your own actions"?. Sorry, you deserved to get fined, the law is the law. If we shift the lines, where do we stop? Its okay to drive without your drivers or learners because its only 2 weeks until you turn...

Pretty close but not quiet. For starters, i ventured into this knowing that i may get fined, and i was prepared for that and didn't give a rats arse about getting that fine. It was well worth it for me, as i felt way safer on the heavier and safer 600 cc touring bike, than a small sh1tty 250 which i almost got blown off each time crossing the westgate bridge. I also started riding 600cc after 9 months of legaly riding the 250cc EVERY DAY as i felt i had enough experience and responsibility to move on so i didn't put my self nor anyone else in danger. But speaking from logistics point of view, you are correct - i did broke the law because i have a spine to stand up for what i believe (unlike most of general public). And I don't blame anyone nor government for getting this particular fine, i just proved that their actions are focused solely on money and revenue generation in this instance. The cop didn't fine me because he was worried about my safety, but because he wanted to squeeze the last penny while he had the chance. You completely missed my point or the point of this thread. This thread is not discussing whether law offenders should receive fines (as i never disputed that). My point was about ethics of some of the authority's actions.

VIC, 4501 posts
28 Jan 2009 12:13PM
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superlizard said...
Pretty close but not quiet. For starters, i ventured into this knowing that i may get fined, and i was prepared for that and didn't give a rats arse about getting that fine. It was well worth it for me, as i felt way safer on the heavier and safer 600 cc touring bike, than a small sh1tty 250 which i almost got blown off each time crossing the westgate bridge. I also started riding 600cc after 9 months of legaly riding the 250cc EVERY DAY as i felt i had enough experience and responsibility to move on so i didn't put my self nor anyone else in danger. But speaking from logistics point of view, you are correct - i did broke the law because i have a spine to stand up for what i believe (unlike most of general public). And I don't blame anyone nor government for getting this particular fine, i just proved that their actions are focused solely on money and revenue generation in this instance. The cop didn't fine me because he was worried about my safety, but because he wanted to squeeze the last penny while he had the chance. You completely missed my point or the point of this thread. This thread is not discussing whether law offenders should receive fines (as i never disputed that). My point was about ethics of some of the authority's actions.

Could you imagine the problem if every person just drove when they felt safe instead of following the law? Laws were brought in to deal with differing judgements regarding what two different people may consider safe. You for example, may feel safe after 9 months, but hey, what if I feel safe after 6 months? Can I also just start riding a larger bike when I feel like it?

This has nothing to do with ethics. You were driving illegally. The cop is not there to make judgement calls on whether you are safe driving a bike after 9 months of riding every day, he's there to uphold the law and the law says you were riding illegally. If you think he showed a lack of ethics, or regard for your safety, you should remember you are dealing with someone who has to deal with people who think they know better every day.

QLD, 4083 posts
28 Jan 2009 11:51AM
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Some thieving piece of work is riding around on my bike illegally at the moment.

Stolen from in front of a client's office on Friday afternoon, it's more likely that it's in pieces and slowly being sold off the back of a truck somewhere than actually being ridden.

The guys in the office over the road saw someone hammering at the steering lock, so they took a photo with a mobile phone.

VIC, 702 posts
28 Jan 2009 1:01PM
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this whole thread is exposing the holes in our laws, and you are still not able to see it:

- high spead limits on dangerous and narrow roads, and low limits on big wide freeways
- 1 year restrictions on bike capacity, instead of providing adequate training and testing to ensure people are skilled enough to upgrade to bigger bikes (didn't you read what i said, what is there to stop someone getting a license, and after 1 year without any experience getting a fast bike... nothing... where is the safety in that - and i've seen people do this)

The thing is in normal circumstances, where a law is in place and it's not about to be changed, i'm all for authorities making sure that the laws are upheld. But this time cop knew that the amended new law is about to take place in two weeks... the authorities already decided that 600cc is now adequate for beginners... how the hell was he contributing to the safety of anyone on this planet, apart from making extra profit?? If he wanted to uphold the law, i'm sure he would have found much more useful places to spend his time. (such as stopping the thiefs from steeling GreenPat's bike)

Are you a cop perhaps?

WA, 753 posts
28 Jan 2009 11:29AM
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Cops should never give fines!!!!

Unfortunately, enforcing the laws is necessary and government are relying on revenue making.

However,there could be a private company monitered by the justice department in charge of administrating fines.

Police should be here to help and protect the community and not revenue making.

Imagine the respect they would get and deserve from us all if they would actually fulfill their duty.

I have zero respect for the police, they are unable to attend when contacted for an emergency yet they are always standing in some dodgy spot (slight downhill, 200 meters before an inrease in the speed limit) keeping our roads safe (yeah,right!!!).

If their true purpose is to slow down traffic, why are they going to sooo much effort to hide behind trees

VIC, 4501 posts
28 Jan 2009 2:19PM
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superlizard said...

this whole thread is exposing the holes in our laws, and you are still not able to see it:

- high spead limits on dangerous and narrow roads, and low limits on big wide freeways
- 1 year restrictions on bike capacity, instead of providing adequate training and testing to ensure people are skilled enough to upgrade to bigger bikes (didn't you read what i said, what is there to stop someone getting a license, and after 1 year without any experience getting a fast bike... nothing... where is the safety in that - and i've seen people do this)

The thing is in normal circumstances, where a law is in place and it's not about to be changed, i'm all for authorities making sure that the laws are upheld. But this time cop knew that the amended new law is about to take place in two weeks... the authorities already decided that 600cc is now adequate for beginners... how the hell was he contributing to the safety of anyone on this planet, apart from making extra profit?? If he wanted to uphold the law, i'm sure he would have found much more useful places to spend his time. (such as stopping the thiefs from steeling GreenPat's bike)

Are you a cop perhaps?

Not a cop, just enjoying seeing them take the brunt of people's blame for their own mistakes.

Irrespective of whether it was decided or not, what you did was illegal and you knew it. Accept it and move on. You knew the risks, it had nothing to do with the cops lack of ethics, he was upholding the law. If a cop pulls me over for lane splitting, I'm not going to blame the cop, its my own fault.

You could easily argue that if we didn't have people doing lesser crimes, police would have no reason to pull people off the road to check their licenses to see if they were riding bigger bikes than they should and they could devote their time to more important things.

Incidentally, I'd rather see cops pulling over random people than have speed cameras. At least its more chance of people getting picked up for driving without licenses, D.U.I etc which is taking dangerous people off the road. I'd also argue that if you had stolen your bike, he would probably have picked it up when he stopped you so isn't he doing what he is supposed to?

VIC, 702 posts
28 Jan 2009 2:48PM
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Saffer said...
Not a cop, just enjoying seeing them take the brunt of people's blame for their own mistakes.

Irrespective of whether it was decided or not, what you did was illegal and you knew it. Accept it and move on. You knew the risks, it had nothing to do with the cops lack of ethics, he was upholding the law. If a cop pulls me over for lane splitting, I'm not going to blame the cop, its my own fault.

You could easily argue that if we didn't have people doing lesser crimes, police would have no reason to pull people off the road to check their licenses to see if they were riding bigger bikes than they should and they could devote their time to more important things.

Incidentally, I'd rather see cops pulling over random people than have speed cameras. At least its more chance of people getting picked up for driving without licenses, D.U.I etc which is taking dangerous people off the road. I'd also argue that if you had stolen your bike, he would probably have picked it up when he stopped you so isn't he doing what he is supposed to?

i didn't make a mistake. I took a choice that provided greater safety in my opinion which is not just a gut feel, but derivative of research, and advice given by experienced people/riders. but if it makes your life more interesting, you are free to think that i made mistake.

i also don't blame anyone, nor did i ever say they shouldn't pull people off to do random checks (not that they really do that - for the 15 years of my driving, i've been pulled off once for a random check), nor do i give a rats arse for the fine, ... i can afford it, plus i budgeted for it in the first place. The cop couldn't care less about my personal safety, so i'll always do what i feel is the safest option for me and not rely on someone else doing it for me. If people truly cared for others, the world wouldn't be in state it is.

And i've got nothing to move on from... i don't get why are you even telling me that... after i already said that i couldn't care less. I just used the experience to prove the point that they are revenue oriented rather than safety. And it seems that majority of responses are along the same lines.

The argument i was making is about his motives and that he did what he did so that he can squeeze more profit out of me... and if you can't see that, then i can't help you as you are clearly set in your way of thinking.

VIC, 4501 posts
28 Jan 2009 3:10PM
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superlizard said...
i didn't make a mistake. I took a choice that provided greater safety in my opinion which is not just a gut feel, but derivative of research, and advice given by experienced people/riders. but if it makes your life more interesting, you are free to think that i made mistake.

The argument i was making is about his motives and that he did what he did so that he can squeeze more profit out of me... and if you can't see that, then i can't help you as you are clearly set in your way of thinking.

If you really took a choice made based on a derivative of research and the opinion of experts you would be riding a 50cc scooter not a 900cc Bike. The accident rates on them are so low that some states allow you to ride one on a vehicle drivers.

Do you really think that cops just sit there scheming about how much money they can make out of individuals? Or do you think that maybe, the real reason he gave you a fine is so *this may come as a shock*, you wouldn't do it again?

QLD, 1245 posts
28 Jan 2009 2:22PM
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Saffer said...

sandgroper said...

So far as stopping to avoid (eg) a pedestrian - well WTF was the idiot doing stepping out in front of you? People must take basic precautions for their own safety on the roads.

WTF? What if it happens to be a 7yr old child? Should he/she also be responsible for their own actions?

Couldnt agree more with you on this one saffer. I obey the speed limit, however sometimes on the hwy one goes 5 - 10 ks over by accident. Residential streets are totally different. Do you have kids sandgropper? Because if you did I am sure you would feel different. I HAVE had a kid walk under my wheel while doing 50 once, I slammed on the brakes as a reflex but didnt have time to stop, lucky for me her dad did this miricale / un-natural body movement, grabbed onto her back, and ripped her from under my car in the instant before I hit her.


WA, 70 posts
28 Jan 2009 1:33PM
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Gorgo said...

mikekx102 said...

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a regulation or whatever that manufacturers are allowed to make a car with a spedometer that is 10%+4 out..... meaning that in a 70 zone you could be driving a car at what the spedo says is 70 km/h and actually be going at 81 km/h....

Bullshi.t! Get yourself a GPS and check your speedo. You will find it to be dead accurate at 60k. Most cars have a 4-5k error reading high at 100-110. (ie. You'll only be doing 96 when it reads 100kph).

All that whinging about speed errors come from cu.nt that are too stupid to drive on the speed limit. They should all find a brick wall and exceed the speed limit straight at it. Cu.nts!

Well I did say correct me if I'm wrong, not call me a cu.nt. but anyway.... look I got those figures from some stupid 60minuites or whatever i watched when i was bored about a year ago. Mabee it was today tonight?

Take a chill pill you dickhead!

VIC, 702 posts
28 Jan 2009 3:50PM
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Saffer said...
If you really took a choice made based on a derivative of research and the opinion of experts you would be riding a 50cc scooter not a 900cc Bike. The accident rates on them are so low that some states allow you to ride one on a vehicle drivers.

Do you really think that cops just sit there scheming about how much money they can make out of individuals? Or do you think that maybe, the real reason he gave you a fine is so *this may come as a shock*, you wouldn't do it again?

- How many different types of bikes have you riden Saffer - in different conditions to compare the different aspects (handling, braking, stability, safety etc)...?
- I never said i was riding 900cc bike... are you reading the same thread?
- No i do'nt think cops do that...they are too busy collecting fines, setting up speed hidden cameras, and cracking down on corrupt cops... it's the particular government departments that do it.
- One more thing - human's are not perfect, neither are all the laws they make. Therefore if cop tells you to do something, it doesn't mean it's always right... "this may come as a shock" to you, but there are also corrupt cops out there too... (not that i'm saying that one that fined me is one).

VIC, 4982 posts
28 Jan 2009 3:51PM
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Sorry. I was responding to what I saw as yet another repeat of the claim that there is a 10% error allowed in the speedometers therefore it is impossible to drive on the speed limit because speedos not accurate enough. It's not true and I can prove it easily.

I'm sure you are not personally a **** but drivers who habitually speed and try to justify their behaviour certainly are.

BTW. People are not perfect and with all the care in the world people will exceed the speed limit, either accidentally or even deliberately. Being unlucky enough to get a speeding fine is just part of driving. Statistically there are so few cops and so few speed cameras that the chances of getting a ticket are very slim.

If you are getting booked on a regular basis it is because you are not even trying to observe the speed limits and you deserve everything you get ... including being locked in a cell with Ivan Milat.

WA, 752 posts
28 Jan 2009 1:53PM
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Boxburg said...

Might have been better to be 100m away from this one.

that is absolute gold !!

VIC, 17 posts
28 Jan 2009 4:01PM
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Maybe if drivers learned that the correct action when faced with a 'situation' isn't always to stamp on that middle pedal and close their eyes? All those nice stopping distance statistics would be irrelevant: How many accidents do you see where the black lines lead straight to the scene of the accident, yet simply letting off that pedal and twirling the big wheel in front of the driver could have avoided a mess?

Sure speed kills - if we never went anywhere, we'd never have accidents, but get real. P1ss poor driving kills. That includes inappropriate speed, but doesn't mean the world will end if I exceed 110kph.

As for australian speed limits, they mean I'm far more likely to fall asleep at the wheel than anything. Seriously, the speed myopia in vic particularly makes for some of the most incredibly unaware, unpredictable drivers I've had the displeasure to mix with. I'd rather drive round milan in rush hour. Nutters for sure, but at least they know what's going on around them.

As for the hypothetical 7 year old mentioned earlier, the kid shouldn't be ****ing around by the road unsupervised. About time people (parents too) took responsibility for their own actions, and consequences thereof, rather than making it everyone else (and particularly the motorist's) fault.

WA, 170 posts
28 Jan 2009 2:37PM
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No shyte we are being wrapped up. Can grown up people be responsible for their own actions by any chance? As for motorcycle riders, i dont think lane splitting at the lights is a big deal, in fact it may encourage people sitting in cars at lights in city to get on a bike or smaller greener transport if it can be quicker to get around. I do think however, that motorcyclists who want to be seen and treated like any other road user, should obey the same rules.

Speed limits are there because inexperienced drivers are getting in powerfull cars with crap brakes, bald tyres, no seatbelts, driving like dkheads and wondering why there is a lightpole imbedded in their head. These dkheads are the ones that are likely to wipeout other drivers doing the right thing, and therefore have the speedlimit dropped again. No turbos, and no V8,s for p platers, unless theyre on the track.
Harden the **** up australia.............and get out on the water

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
28 Jan 2009 4:39PM
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mark1234 said...
As for the hypothetical 7 year old mentioned earlier, the kid shouldn't be ****ing around by the road unsupervised. About time people (parents too) took responsibility for their own actions, and consequences thereof, rather than making it everyone else (and particularly the motorist's) fault.

Agree on that one as well.....where are the parents ?.....just last week a THREE year old was attacked by a dog in a carpark in NSW ( I think ) the report was she was playing in the carpark whilst her parents were in a nearby BEER GARDEN. WTF the child is three why is she playing in a public place without supervision..... the dog will probably end up being destroyed but for all we know it could have been defending itself from an ear or tail pulling.... who knows !!
But almost certainly it could all have been avoided if the parents took responsibility and supervised the child.

One more..... WTF are 14 and 15 year old kids getting involved in stabbings in the city at 2-3 -4 in the morning.....WHERE ARE THE PARENTS !!!! what parent in their right mind would allow a 14year old to wander around the city in the early hours of the morning..... not only that but they end up stabbing someone and get a slap on the wrist and are hanging around the same spot the following week.....

VIC, 4501 posts
28 Jan 2009 4:40PM
Thumbs Up

superlizard said...
- How many different types of bikes have you riden Saffer - in different conditions to compare the different aspects (handling, braking, stability, safety etc)...?
- I never said i was riding 900cc bike... are you reading the same thread?
- No i do'nt think cops do that...they are too busy collecting fines, setting up speed hidden cameras, and cracking down on corrupt cops... it's the particular government departments that do it.
- One more thing - human's are not perfect, neither are all the laws they make. Therefore if cop tells you to do something, it doesn't mean it's always right... "this may come as a shock" to you, but there are also corrupt cops out there too... (not that i'm saying that one that fined me is one).

I've ridden plenty of bikes. The handling on most bigger bikes may be better, but that doesn't mean the riders on them are more capable of controlling the speed, particularly not after 9 months of riding every day. It doesn't make you any more mature or less likely to do stupid things. It also doesn't make you more capable of swerving an obstacle at higher speed, because most smaller bike riders choose not to rider at that speed. You can say that a bigger bike is better in strong wind, but a smaller bike at 60m/h is just as safe, if not safer than a 600cc at 100km/h.

A 600cc bike and a 50cc scooter will handle exactly the same way when they hit a wet tram track, but I'm willing to bet the 600cc bike will result in a worse injury because the guy riding it will be going faster.

I'm not saying the laws are perfect, but I am telling you the speeding ones are justified. I'm loving the whole "I can drive a car/bike at 130km/h and still be safe" attitude displayed from a lot of people on this thread. It shows the arrogance of most male drivers and gives a classic example of why women have lower accident statistics, they don't ever estimate their own abilities. Wanna know why self governance in kiting doesn't work? Because every guy on the water also over estimates his ability to jump near hard objects, swimmers etc.

mark1234 said...
As for the hypothetical 7 year old mentioned earlier, the kid shouldn't be ****ing around by the road unsupervised. About time people (parents too) took responsibility for their own actions, and consequences thereof, rather than making it everyone else (and particularly the motorist's) fault.

You've never seen a young kid do something spontaneous? guess what, they do! You can be walking next to a 7 year old, and they'll decide to sprint towards something random at the time you least expect it or before you have a chance to stop them. I don't even have kids and I know that.

I agree that parents should take responsibility for kids, but there are times when kids do stupid things.


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