Forums > Kitesurfing General

Board-Finding Leash Substitute

Created by djdojo > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2010
WA, 317 posts
5 Jan 2010 1:29PM
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even the pro s loose boards

VIC, 162 posts
6 Jan 2010 11:25AM
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what if you used a short leg rope (max 30cm) which you attach when you put your feet into the straps, it would allow you to still be able to move your feet around but when the board comes off the board will be less inclined to hit you in the head because it attached to your lower extremities not you waist. With a shorter attachment leash the board will not be able to generate as much speed from being dragged through the water.

This is only a suggestion, I'm a beginner and have already made the decision to heed the warning and just perfect my body dragging.

SA, 4 posts
6 Jan 2010 11:46AM
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Also I really think bright boards are underated, they are much easier to spot especially in bad light situations. Personally I don't give a fig how the board looks, just how it rides. Some of the board graphics that companys produce(such as grey/blue colours) would be much hardrer to spot than say a bright orange/green/red board. But I guess how they look is more important as they are the designs that sell.

That's right! Make sure that you have a board with Bright Colours and avoid boards with lots of blue and white!

I have a 2006 Jamie Pro and it's white on one side and blue on the other. It's extremely difficult to spot from a distance in blue water with a lot of white caps (i.e. always) . Very stupid choice of design colours.

Thank God it has black foot straps and red fins, just enough colour to give you a hint.

Last week I almost lost it (again) after one of the bridle lines snapped about 400m from the shore in Adelaide. Obviously body dragging wasn't an option.
Fortunately I got a binocular for Christmas (First I though it was a stupid present) that was very handy to locate the board, but it still took me an hour to get it back.

VIC, 1607 posts
6 Jan 2010 12:18PM
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Albos said...

what if you used a short leg rope (max 30cm) which you attach when you put your feet into the straps, it would allow you to still be able to move your feet around but when the board comes off the board will be less inclined to hit you in the head because it attached to your lower extremities not you waist. With a shorter attachment leash the board will not be able to generate as much speed from being dragged through the water.


Look, how about all you beginners with your "what about this sort of leash?" ideas take a minute to watch some of the better kiters at your local. Sooner or later you'll see them kick their board off mid-air when things go wrong or have it come off involuntarily. Look closely at what happens to them in the second or two after this and ask if you really want a stiff, sharp, rectangle attached to you in any way at all as you hit the water hard and fast and often in a direction/orientation that is not of your choosing.

The alternative is this, we nominate say one venue in each state to be used exclusively by those who think board leashes are great, or might work, or just need to be the right design, length, whatever. They all sign disclaimers and then go kite at the specified venue to let natural selection do its work and let the rest of us kite in peace.

WA, 317 posts
6 Jan 2010 5:47PM
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what s rong if u wear a hat n vest and only use the leash to learn how to stand n ride then ditch the thing in the box , no f in tricks , think about it noobs just want a helping hand ,

QLD, 701 posts
6 Jan 2010 8:31PM
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He He too ^^^ i too as a learner used a leash could not get the good one from kite shop so bought a tempory clothes line that was retractable from bunnings for 16 dollars. Bargin knowing it was going in bin once i got up and going . It is made of plastic out side with a spring loaded coil of line the line is about 20 meters long and made life soooo much easer when learning . There was no sign of board flying back at you , every time you came off board you had too pull board too you as it did not have enough tension in it too come back itself . it worked for me all the critics out there say this and that i dont care it worked for me and i would do it again . After all it is up too you if you use it . I stoped using it after i got going and had learnt the basics .

WA, 2119 posts
6 Jan 2010 9:39PM
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"After all it is up too you if you use it . I stoped using it after i got going and had learnt the basics ."

As a former IKO instructor, I though you learnt the basics AND then learnt to kiteboard. With the ridiculous ease some kites relaunch now, (until something goes wrong), many people just dont spend the hours on the basics and get a false sense of security.

Spending an extra hour or 3 learning how to competently body drag upwind before you even attempt to stand up, saves time and money. Learning how to relaunch a kite in all positions and if that fails self rescue, learning how to safely self launch and self land makes you an independent kiter. Good schools will always teach how to walk before you can run before you can fly. You cant take shortcuts in life, kitesurfing is no different. Just cause you can pull one string and the kite relaunches (most of the time), doesnt make you an expert.

The Waterboy
VIC, 109 posts
7 Jan 2010 6:02PM
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'Thought of both of the concepts mentioned by djdodo/mattyjee and surface2air early last year and did a bit of research into it.

Was thinking of them again this morning.... weird eh?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Board-Finding Leash Substitute" started by djdojo