Forums > Kitesurfing General

Coldshot Donations

Created by dusta > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2013
WA, 4 posts
26 Sep 2013 1:46PM
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Done. Very sad news, really nice to see the kiting community coming together.

QLD, 417 posts
26 Sep 2013 3:49PM
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What a amazing family we have on here well done to all so far!

WA, 4 posts
26 Sep 2013 2:04PM
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Condolences to the family and friends!


WA, 337 posts
26 Sep 2013 2:15PM
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My son and I started kitesurfing earlier this year and Marc was one of first people to welcome us to the sport and give us some good advice. I am shocked and saddened by this freak accident. Our thoughts are with his family.

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
26 Sep 2013 2:43PM
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Dusta your a good man, cheers.
RIP Marc shame i never had the pleasure to meet you, seeing all posts you were much loved.

WA, 773 posts
26 Sep 2013 3:31PM
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Done .
Going to pass the hat around up here at site and see if we can get a little more help.

WA, 8 posts
26 Sep 2013 5:08PM
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WA, 28 posts
26 Sep 2013 5:14PM
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WA, 3271 posts
26 Sep 2013 6:33PM
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Done. Stunning result so far. Nice to see underneath the sledging, banter and forum shenanigans there is a great little community on here!

WA, 87 posts
26 Sep 2013 7:00PM
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Sincere condolences to Marc's loved ones.
I'm very new to kiting, and sadly I'll never meet Marc, but I'm truly moved, not only by the great generosity he showed, but the huge respect which has been shown within the kiting community. I hope when Milo grows up, he can read a copy of these forums and get a real sense of the sort of bloke his dad was and how he made this world a better place.
RIP Marc
(Dusta, I don't know you either but hats off to you for a great job)

WA, 995 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:15PM
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Done. Thanks Tim.

Hopefully my little bit helps young Milo to one day get his first surfboard or kite or guitar or whatever it is that helps him find the stoke that his dad so clearly had.

Well done all, keep it coming.

WA, 2940 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:42PM
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current total

my feelings can be only be projected through this image

WA, 9503 posts
26 Sep 2013 8:45PM
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Wow, fck yeh!!

QLD, 417 posts
26 Sep 2013 11:12PM
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Love it amazing

WA, 1222 posts
26 Sep 2013 9:28PM
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awesome work setting this up guys! having a couple groms myself its so good to know the community gets behind to help when families are in need during such a tragic time!
RIP Marc- condolences to his friends and family
The Blakeneys

WA, 453 posts
26 Sep 2013 9:32PM
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... to Milo.
Condolences to the family and friends.

WA, 301 posts
26 Sep 2013 10:19PM
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So guttered to here of this,
First met Marc when I was an apprentise down in Esperance, he would regularly drop by for a beer after a hard days work to catch up with my boss
and talk bloke stuff, my job was fridge boy, run backwards and forwards to make shore everyone had a can in their hand. great times!
When I finished my time I ended up in the Big Smoke, it wasnt until the start of this winter that I was kiting at Sproddy's spot
and saw his familiar smile, we caught up and had a great session on the water, he is definatley one of those few people that if you are ever lucky enough to meet you will never forget, I just want to echoe everyones kind words about Marc and make a contribution to help out his loved ones left behind.
Feelings and thoughts are with you.

WA, 2940 posts
27 Sep 2013 7:41AM
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total now $12500

VIC, 166 posts
27 Sep 2013 10:55AM
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never met coldshot but...... DONE! enough money there for Milo's first set of gear AND his first year at uni!

4 posts
27 Sep 2013 10:01AM
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Someone suggested I move this to keep all coldshot posts together

We Fein for a warm summer breeze
buckled by sand blasted knees
White caps flow through our dreams
in the arms of our queen
one with mother nature
a turn at a time
flowing so peacefully
or boosting sky high
With her we exist
she makes us feel whole
the call of the ocean
has such a strong hold
When the windy waves are on
it cannot be explained
the feeling that touches us
of forces that cannot be tamed
Today we mourn a lost soul
who felt what we feel
the dream... the stoke..... consumed him
his feeling was real
His love took his life
he will be remembered by all
every time we yahoo
when the freo doctors on call
So ride in peace old mate
cause we are riding for you
Whenever that wind blows
we will be thinking of you.

Rip coldshot

QLD, 2433 posts
27 Sep 2013 12:46PM
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Thanks for helping Dusta.

WA, 247 posts
27 Sep 2013 12:21PM
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RIP Coldshot, Milo I am heartbroken for you, please remember what a legend your dad was and make us all proud. I am sure Marc's mates will always be there for you! Dusta you are doing an awesome job in very difficult circumstances. Thank you.

VIC, 268 posts
27 Sep 2013 2:27PM
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Done. Didn't know Marc, have never kited WA or Perth but I have a 3 yrs old daughter and a 8 mts old son and I am gutted. Milo, remember your dad was having a blast in the most awesome sport that exists. RIP.
Thumbs up, dusta.

WA, 174 posts
27 Sep 2013 1:29PM
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Done....I kited with Marc a few times but did not know him well. The last time was when my pump broke and as i walked towards his van he instinctively knew what i wanted and dug out his pump before i even asked him. Passionate kiter... I hope my small contribution helps.

WA, 18 posts
27 Sep 2013 1:42PM
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Done....Don't know Marc but from what everyone has posted he sounds like a good guy,
and someone who is passionate about the sport I'm looking forward to the seabreezes
this summer its a pity he can't also. RIP

SA, 313 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:31PM
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WA, 84 posts
27 Sep 2013 2:39PM
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My condolences to his family

WA, 2 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:33PM
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This tragedy made me very sad.
This could have happened to any of us.
Respect to the kite community for such a nice solidarity.

Next time I enter the water I will be thinking of you Marc.

Sincere condoleances to familiy & friends.

NSW, 984 posts
27 Sep 2013 5:48PM
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dusta said..

total now $12500

What a great legacy to pull everyone together like this. The money is a helpful token, but it's the love and support behind it that will give the strength needed for the family. From those of us that can't make the funeral, our thoughts will be with you all.

WA, 1 posts
27 Sep 2013 3:57PM
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pearl said..

What a great legacy to pull everyone together like this. The money is a helpful token, but it's the love and support behind it that will give the strength needed for the family. From those of us that can't make the funeral, our thoughts will be with you all.


Well said pearl...yes it's great to see all the support out there in the kiting community...

My condolences to Marc's friends and family.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Coldshot Donations" started by dusta