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Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by junglist > 9 months ago, 24 Apr 2008
This topic has been locked
WA, 178 posts
27 Apr 2008 8:29PM
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MavericK040 said...

This thread is a pointless stab at windsurfing.

It makes me sick , you people make me sick.

i agree

SA, 402 posts
27 Apr 2008 10:07PM
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Nothing beats a bit of good ol banter as long as thats where it stays...

I have surfed for the past 30 plus years and never thought much about Windsurfing or Kiting - till I tried kiting just over a year ago and now I rarely surf. Having said that just watched this vid -

check out the air the guy gets at the 12 second mark... I am in awe that just looks amazing!

Watched the guys out at Margs one day too - they have an awesome conveyor system going for waves... I was very impressed... cant wait to kite their either - looked magic!!

WA, 4263 posts
27 Apr 2008 8:52PM
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Spacemonkey! said...

Well your on a good bet fences considering I already ride bindings.

Well that seems like the smart thing to do if you're a hardcore wakestyler....ride bindings, of course.
I mean,
if you want to look like a wakeboarder (with a kite).....
you might as well wear the boots.
Board-offs are gay and passe....
so why the need for straps anyway ??
Maybe use straps when you're a newbie wakestyler....
but when you become a ripper, go boots and all.

NSW, 132 posts
27 Apr 2008 11:10PM
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haha, now the threads locked for posts! ;)

look how much air this windsurfer got, wow!

SA, 2288 posts
27 Apr 2008 10:42PM
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God some people are really poor at reading comprehension.

My opinion of kitesurfing, really boring to watch. Fun to do. Comprehend? I don't give a rat's if your into board off's or like surfing behind the kite. I was just pointing out that people shouldn't disrespect pole boarders.

NSW, 132 posts
27 Apr 2008 11:17PM
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Spacemonkey! said...
I was just pointing out that people shouldn't disrespect pole boarders.

Because they deserve so much respect, especially when they start a thread on users avatar! Nothing like a bit of maturity, good to hear in your opinion kiting isn't fun to watch for you, check out the guys on every beach i've been to and they really seem to enjoy watching it

WA, 4263 posts
27 Apr 2008 9:29PM
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Spacemonkey! said...

My opinion of kitesurfing, really boring to watch.
I was just pointing out that people shouldn't disrespect pole boarders.

Oh my God !
Spacemonkey is now a poley-lover.
The gps nazis who speed at Woodies must have become his new friends.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
27 Apr 2008 10:20PM
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I don't think it will last long.....................
last in before lock>?

VIC, 701 posts
28 Apr 2008 9:38AM
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I agree with Spacemonkey on one thing, watching kite surfing is just above paint drying as a spectator sport.

Assuming you want kite surfing to be a popular sport for the general public (personally I do not) then it needs something that is going to give it mass appeal and a unique identity.

Now (so called) wake style is not going to do this, why? Well, because it is not unique, it’s been done already. Is kite surfing wake style going to get credibility from wake boarders? Nope as, lets face it, no matter how clever and technical it is, it is still a mere copy. Is it going to bring something ‘new’ that is going to provide kiting with the ‘wow’ factor? Well no again.

Aping surfing is the same deal, pure surfers are not going to dig it no matter how hard we try to bring them in. Why? Well, if you want to see a perfect bottom or top turn then look no further than Slater & co. The surf companies have been trying for years to make surfing popular to the mass market, they have succeeded with the lifestyle and clothing thing, but the vast majority of the public turn the TV off when it comes to watching professional surfing.

So what’s going to do it for kite surfing? Well the one thing that we have over all the others is the propensity to go huge. All the non kite surfers that I speak to all mention big airs as being the thing that really gets them going from a spectators point of view and Mega Loops totally blow them away. They literally have seen nothing like it before!

I was watching Catalyst the other day with a non kite surfing friend and it occurred to me that it was just about the best kite surfing DVD I have ever seen. Not because there was anything ground breaking on show, it was just that there was a balance between wake style, surf style and some (not enough) airs.

So my opinion, for what its worth, is that our sport will only gain mass appeal when we forget trying to copy other sports and use what is unique about or own to give it its identity.

The first global kite surfing superstar will be the person who takes wake, surf and big air styles and mashes them together in a way that kite surfing only really can.



WA, 1194 posts
28 Apr 2008 8:38AM
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junglist said...

I agree with Spacemonkey on one thing, watching kite surfing is just above paint drying as a spectator sport.

Assuming you want kite surfing to be a popular sport for the general public (personally I do not) then it needs something that is going to give it mass appeal and a unique identity.

Now (so called) wake style is not going to do this, why? Well, because it is not unique, it’s been done already. Is kite surfing wake style going to get credibility from wake boarders? Nope as, lets face it, no matter how clever and technical it is, it is still a mere copy. Is it going to bring something ‘new’ that is going to provide kiting with the ‘wow’ factor? Well no again.

Aping surfing is the same deal, pure surfers are not going to dig it no matter how hard we try to bring them in. Why? Well, if you want to see a perfect bottom or top turn then look no further than Slater & co. The surf companies have been trying for years to make surfing popular to the mass market, they have succeeded with the lifestyle and clothing thing, but the vast majority of the public turn the TV off when it comes to watching professional surfing.

So what’s going to do it for kite surfing? Well the one thing that we have over all the others is the propensity to go huge. All the non kite surfers that I speak to all mention big airs as being the thing that really gets them going from a spectators point of view and Mega Loops totally blow them away. They literally have seen nothing like it before!

I was watching Catalyst the other day with a non kite surfing friend and it occurred to me that it was just about the best kite surfing DVD I have ever seen. Not because there was anything ground breaking on show, it was just that there was a balance between wake style, surf style and some (not enough) airs.

So my opinion, for what its worth, is that our sport will only gain mass appeal when we forget trying to copy other sports and use what is unique about or own to give it its identity.

The first global kite surfing superstar will be the person who takes wake, surf and big air styles and mashes them together in a way that kite surfing only really can.



Ditto to everything he said, recalling the time I was looking at kite surfing as something to try out, what hooked me was the height in some of the old school tricks I had seen on videos while trolling for more info on the sport!

I think I met a windsurfer once, but to be honest im not sure, actually could of been a albino dolphin. It was a fair distance away. Apparently they are a rare species to find.

QLD, 1245 posts
28 Apr 2008 10:48AM
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VIC, 701 posts
28 Apr 2008 11:53AM
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Whats the problem mate?



WA, 3856 posts
28 Apr 2008 10:00AM
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This topic is going nowhere fast .. in fact, it's going the same route as the one in windsurfing ..

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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Filth" started by junglist