Forums > Kitesurfing General

Great video - Winter Session in WA

Created by lynxmo0 > 9 months ago, 28 Jul 2013
VIC, 518 posts
30 Jul 2013 2:02AM
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faark me if seabreeze forums was a person theyd be one passive aggressive skitso

WA, 73 posts
30 Jul 2013 2:02PM
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nice work, great video!

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
30 Jul 2013 2:20PM
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Nice going dude. Well shot and edited.

As for not filming other blokes and short tacking...those that were unhappy aboutit - dont start bitching about it after the day has been, go and have a chat to the guys "doing the wrong thing" at the time (or is the safety of the internet more some peoples style??) I've got no doubt the guys filming would have been happy to oblige.

- Why should you feel obliged to film someone else nor should they feel they should have someone film them.

- As for the short tacking, going by whats happening in the background and if it is the day that I remember, there was only a handful of blokes in the water. I get the rules when the pond is pumping with a million people during summer but this is different and rules are made to be bent in situations like that. Plus being local, I've got no doubt you get the rules and were being respectful to the others.

Keep up the great work, I enjoyed watching!

matty b
WA, 25 posts
1 Aug 2013 9:24AM
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Cant believe the negative Comments on here and in WA the dong moved over here from vic a few years ago they dont have a very good kitting culture over here at all

They are so negative about everything some ppl think they own a kiting spot and get quiet rood when new ppl cum they treat the euros like absolute **** they have such a bad relationship with the windsurfers that they nearly punch on when near each other and nearly every negative comment on here comes from wa

Its sad cos its defiantly not all meet some real great blokes over here kiting just a few are wrecking for the rest of WA
WA is one awesome place to kite sorry for this comment but this is not what this site is for ppl should be able to post a vid without getting attacked

WA, 9503 posts
1 Aug 2013 10:28AM
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I am mulling over what WA riders are thinking when they read the above post....

No point in saying it.

One of the early posters is a very experienced rider, well more experienced than all of you I can attest (that includes me) by a significant margin, especially at this particular spot and if he said there was an issue, there was an issue, period.

Most of you are making comments and you were not even there, just insinuating from pictures and ideas.

That being said, the forum is not to attack for sure, that is meaningless outcomes, but also to inform.

It is how you inform that is important of course and this could have been done in a more constructive way for sure.

But to label the WA point in saying it.

Ps I liked the vid, kind of gave us mere mortals some hope.

WA, 115 posts
1 Aug 2013 1:03PM
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Sorry for more negativity but regarding this signs are up to tell people not to rig/launch/land on Tern Island (that isn't an island). The people would have walked past these signs to film and evidently landed in said area. Tern Island is a nature reserve. Its a privilege to access and kite in the surrounding water. If locals can't follow the rules (that are old and clearly explained on signs) little wonder the euros cover the place with kites and crap every summer Just a matter of time before more restrictions I'm afraid....and no I'm not going to walk around being a kite cop telling everyone what to do. If the ranger gets physically threatened by douche bags why would they listen to anyone else?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Great video - Winter Session in WA" started by lynxmo0