Latest version Drum is turning :) and you get lots of turns(repetitive vid warning), poo stance and harness up under armpits. Yes working on this. Smile is the winner for me, I wish he had the time on the water the others get.
Great shots and videos.
STELLA, let them know they're inspiring the older lads out there.
The look of stoke already, that's where it all started for Nate as well, from there he moved to a foil with a bar. Keep them away from the playstation & xbox and start experiencing the real joy life has to offer.
Very cool . My son is really cruising now and yes is better than me and nothing can compare to be out together . We have a blast together and try and do some big trips as many times as we can but dad is old and wants to stop for a break all the time . He started at 12 and is now 15 and boosting all over the place . A simple hand sign of thumb up is all I need to see during a session , keeps me smiling for a week .
All this makes me jelly. Can't wait till my girl is out kiting wit me. I'm going to wait till she's 30 kg. What do you guys think?
30 kg is talked about as being the minimum weight, personally I think its a matter of how competent they are with a kite and the conditions you let them out in.
One thing I will always remember is that I was terrified when I finally let Nate go.
Ensure that it is instinctive for them to release if they sense that anything is wrong, Nate has released on a couple of occasions and those two occasions have been my proudest moments as it tells me that he is mature enough to kite.
With above . It is not easy teaching them as they say they know stuff but really they don't . My son used trainer kite for at least 150 hours and actually use a boogy board behind that kite for some really cool down wind runs in the shallow lagoons was cool to watch but also was frustrating for him when he stuffed up and it went into the drink and took ages to dry and get it flying again . Kite selection is hard as small kites are built for high winds more so then small people . Epic do a great kite for junior riders with smaller handel , smaller chicken loop (kids have smaller arms and cant reach stuff) and throws . He is now 30 kgs and rides a sligshot rpm 8 meter in 10 to 18 kn range . After being on this and learning for a while I did send him off to another instructor (they seem to listen to another people better) . The best thing he learnt was if in doubt let it go and hit the quick realese , after he had done a couple of release and realised you can easily reconnect he was gone . But more important I felt better that he knew it was there when ever it all gose to crap .
They must be confident with both what is around and in swimming and stuff .
Release first then think is the key to a very worrying dad . Not think then release
Just want to say.... Epic thread
great to read so much positivity and support for the young guys. I can't wait till I have a mini me wanting to come out and kite...
Answer to pfd is get to your local water ski place and get the wet suit with floatation already built in . Don't have to worry about the vest going up over there head ( which I have seen ) and not as in ya face all the time safer then a jacket type .
Thats awsome Drum, thanks Hilly for Pic of Nate and keeping this great thread going I thought it had died out.