mm might need to lose the ol' toilet stance.. also point the board down wind when landing jumps.
Constructive criticism
Haydn24 quit before you make yourself look more like a tool!! He doesn't need tips from u when his old man is a solid kiteboarder
Holy shxt, by the time he's 10 he'll be showing Youngy how to do a downwinder
And good on his old man for getting him into it
Great video Mark Every time we come down he's progessed to the next level.
Makes you proud to watch & see them all enjoying it because they love it..... & not because it's just something Dad wants me to do. So much more rewarding & I'm definately look forward to being able to ride with my two, hopefully by the end of summer.
Keep it up Nate & Catch you guy's soon
Greta stuff mate, I got a 5yo that wants to get into it so I just got him a trainer that he can play around with. I got a question, how big is the kite he's using and where do you get a harness small enough for a kid?
Drum edited this by himself, not bad at 11. Will have one with Trisso and Nate in soon. The kids are frothing it is great to hear the hoots :)
That would have to be every water loving dads dream, to have his son join him surfing, kiting, diving etc, we all know what the feeling is no matter how we engage with the ocean, to introduce our kids to it and have them love it just as much is awesome, not only does it get them to connect with the environment, they also become the crusaders to protect our oceans in the future.
I beg everyone not to respond any further to the negative comments, its the only thing these people live for and adds to their enjoyment when we reply.
Thanks for sharing, great video/photos from both kids.