Wow, that is a ** load of kites, one wrong move and you will have more tangles than you girlfriends hair after acrobatic quality time
I counted 48 not including those parked on the beach, glad i had a kite with 2 other kiters yesterday in Perth, but obviously missed the party and beer at kitestock.
Kite stoked, awesome event, congrats WAKSA for a job well done so far but it ain't over yet, i'm off to the pub.
There may be a lot of kites, but there's also a lot of beach. Anyway, I reckon the breakfast BBQs might just be getting going in a minute, I feel a need for bacon...
Come on Green Pat , If you are going to do live reports from K stock how about some interesting info, Like :
Was it over 20knts on Saturday?
How was the swell?
Was anyone busting any crazy moves, out on the water or on the dance floor?
and of course - Did anyone manage to pull any local chicks?
Well it's all over bar the shouting now. Live reports from kitestock? That wasn't in the contract, these were just hungover mumblings. But if you must know, the wind was over 20 knots every day, it's about 25 out there right now. Should hit 30 tomorrow, but I don't know if I've got the strength left to kite anymore.
There was some crazy moves on the dancefloor, and the woodies monkeys all tripping over each other as they tried to push each other out to go join the crazy groover, whoever she was. Apparently some sex was had, by some persons, but it wasn't me so I couldn't tell you the details. One local girl did try take on a bouncer at the pub, which I did see, and she came off second best. There was lots of blood on the concrete.
Anyway, I'm here with puppetonastring at the caravan park, Poor Relative is on the way, and half a dozen other regulars for a BBQ. I'm off to be sociable. more later from back at home on a real computer, plus pics.
By the way KITESTOCK absolutely rocked.
There was a surprising amount af room available to kite in unhasseled considering there were 300 kiters up there .
Yes , there were waves , very good waves . Luckily most weren't that interested in them . You would have loved it Ozzie , where were you ?
Thanks WAKSA for a quality weekend . The food was brilliant , crayfish lunch after a couple of hours on the water went down very well .
Thank you
Hi Guys and Girls,
Big Props to WAKSA for a job well done. The awesome food, the band on Friday night went off! The wind was excellent all day every day, I need time to recuperate. Very sore, very sun exposed, very tired.
Speak to you all soon,
Good winds,
Thanks Alex, Jess, Phil, Sue, Nick, Pat and all the other WAKSA family and crew behind the scenes for putting on yet another outstanding event :-)
Need to take a week off to recover - haven't had so many nice waves in a LONG time Thanks also Pat for being on standby on the jetski on the outer reef and taking some pix!
Can you ever have too much sun, white sand, wind, waves, food, booze, party, sex??? 4/8 definitely!
Yep it just kept getting better all weekend, you couldn't ask for anything more, the organisation, location, wind, food, music, company and "the vibe" were all first class.
Felt sorry for Alex, Phil, Jess, Sue, Pat and the rest of the WAKSA crew and helpers as I don't think they got much time on the water, but rest assured guys those of us that did really appreciated your fantastic efforts.
There was also heaps of support from suppliers, retailers etc, In the way of prizes, demo's and the like. I wont start mentioning names as there was to many but you know who you are and your efforts helped make it a fantastic weekend for us all, especially for a few of the really lucky one's (Reli, Matty etc).
I would love too see some photo's if anyone has some to post as I was to "busy" most of the time to take photo's.
What an awesome event, 100% up on last year. Well done to the WAKSA crew for all their efforts. As one of the sponsors I was trully stoked with the response to the Angostura Bitters. Next year as well as the Lemon, Lime and bitters I'm thinking of doing cocktails on the Saturday night with the rums just to make sure we all get well and trully hammered. Great winds, good food and awesome vibe.
Loved it.
Thanks to all the WAKSA crew who put in their unpaid time and effort to bring to us a phenomenal event.
Everything was perfect from food to entertainment to wind to waves to the vibe.
Met lots of new people and caught up with old friends.
Truly a fantastic time
As the newest and least experienced kiter at kitestock (first time up on my board sunday! YEW!)... Thankyou to everyone who made it such an awesome weekend! Everyone was so chilled and friendly, a very welcoming, non-intimidating atmosphere..
Dunno about everyone else but I am definitely having withdrawal!
Look forward to seeing everyone out there!
Yep - like they all said, a fantastic time, best organised event I've been to. More food than you could eat, great vibe, heaps of demos. Great to put faces to so many logins! Thanks to Alex, Jess, Phil and all the other volunteers for a sweet weekend.
How about the wind? .. 12 knots by 10am, steadily increasing to 25+ by nightfall. We worked out that if you were fit enough, you could have kited for 9 hours per day, 3 days straight. On Monday, and the seabreeze went nuts in Dongora .. 30-40 knots by midday.