Forums > Kitesurfing General

Insurance from KA - worth it?

Created by oceanfire 7 months ago, 23 Jan 2024
WA, 718 posts
23 Jan 2024 2:03PM
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G'day all,
I'm just hoping to get some thoughts on Insurance that is provided as part of kite association membership.

If you join KA just to get the insurance, do you think it is it worth it or are there any better & or cheaper alternatives?

I understand that the cost of membership goes towards events etc as well as insurance, however not all of us are attending comps or events in regional areas, or even in the metro area.

Just wondering if anyone has found any insurance alternatives?

WA, 2100 posts
23 Jan 2024 6:12PM
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Absolutely worth it. I can't understand anyone not having it. When **** goes bad on the beach, it won't be me that goes broke. Imagine paying the medical bills of some kid that didn't listen to 'don't'.

NSW, 1637 posts
24 Jan 2024 7:53AM
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100 percent worth it. Ten years ago I had an injury kiting and there was zero hassles with the company in paying. I couldn't imagine kiting without it, especially if you have a family and commitments.

WA, 718 posts
24 Jan 2024 7:35AM
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Yeah, I'm not questioning if having insurance is worth it, it definitely is.

The question was, is KA the best place to get said insurance.
The fees we pay for membership go not only towards the insurance, but also to running the association and events and wages to the paid committee members.
If you're not attending events or comps, taking that price component out of the picture, the insurance cost alone should be cheaper.

To be completely honest, there are very few events in individual areas, KBWA haven't updated their events page since Jan 2022. KA have events listed at various locations around Aus, but we're not all entering wave titles and freestyle events.
There's very few events (not necessarily comps) for the average punter.

WA, 2100 posts
24 Jan 2024 1:40PM
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I reckon KA have negotiated a great deal with the insurer. A single policy could never achieve such a small premium as our collective bargaining.
My other non kiting public liability for the same level of cover costs me over a thousand dollars a year, and it's not even a 'dangerous' sport. Even travel insurance, which is a lot of money for a short period of time will specifically exclude kitesurfing.

WA, 718 posts
24 Jan 2024 2:42PM
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I thought it may work out something like that.


NSW, 601 posts
24 Jan 2024 7:33PM
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psychojoe said..
Even travel insurance, which is a lot of money for a short period of time will specifically exclude kitesurfing.

I've read through quite a lot of travel insurance PDS's and haven't come across kitesurfing being excluded. Most make no mention of it.

For example Covermore Adventure covers 'Kite Landboarding' (aguably a lot more dangerous) but kitesurfing is missing from either included or excluded:

VIC, 1473 posts
24 Jan 2024 10:15PM
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dafish said..
100 percent worth it. Ten years ago I had an injury kiting and there was zero hassles with the company in paying. I couldn't imagine kiting without it, especially if you have a family and commitments.

Worth it but I think they removed the income protection part to keep premiums lower
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psychojoe said..
I reckon KA have negotiated a great deal with the insurer. A single policy could never achieve such a small premium as our collective bargaining.
My other non kiting public liability for the same level of cover costs me over a thousand dollars a year, and it's not even a 'dangerous' sport. Even travel insurance, which is a lot of money for a short period of time will specifically exclude kitesurfing.

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oceanfire said..
Yeah, I'm not questioning if having insurance is worth it, it definitely is.

The question was, is KA the best place to get said insurance.
The fees we pay for membership go not only towards the insurance, but also to running the association and events and wages to the paid committee members.
If you're not attending events or comps, taking that price component out of the picture, the insurance cost alone should be cheaper.

To be completely honest, there are very few events in individual areas, KBWA haven't updated their events page since Jan 2022. KA have events listed at various locations around Aus, but we're not all entering wave titles and freestyle events.
There's very few events (not necessarily comps) for the average punter.

Not much in Vic either, these don't rely on membership revenue rather the work of dedicated members/volunteers

WA, 2100 posts
24 Jan 2024 8:45PM
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Phoney said..

psychojoe said..
Even travel insurance, which is a lot of money for a short period of time will specifically exclude kitesurfing.

I've read through quite a lot of travel insurance PDS's and haven't come across kitesurfing being excluded. Most make no mention of it.

For example Covermore Adventure covers 'Kite Landboarding' (aguably a lot more dangerous) but kitesurfing is missing from either included or excluded:

I had a couple that wouldn't cover wind powered sports, I think they're aiming at hang gliders, but it doesn't matter now coz I'm sticking with KA

WA, 770 posts
24 Jan 2024 11:19PM
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What a great post
Big thumbs up

Seems to me they got a greeeaaaat deal with insurance companies and that part is worth it if you do 'hazardous' kiting/winging and are prone to accidents and have no idea about self rescue or and 'sea sense'
It still seems a good deal insurance wise only despite yes their office shenanigans..
Commercial dive insurance is way more and professional diving and things like jetski&skydive insurance..

Don't really care about their 'new' events..quite alot of people don't .they are actually really annoying when you are having a nice peaceful session with a spliff and you suddenly get fifty people rock up boasting about their shenanigans ..yawn...years behind everyone else....
But it definitely has annoyed me lately that they suddenly think they can expect events that were there before them and are of no relevance to all... To have to pay 'KA' $700 to run an event when they are of no relevance to them at all.. not sure who they think they are but I am glad the event involved told them to poss off would I have
Not to mention I think you have to be a 'resident' to take part in their ridiculous..but maybe I have that wrong..

WA, 718 posts
25 Jan 2024 8:02AM
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The other issue I see is if the 40% membership discount that KA are offering wingers, 40% is a huge discount.
Makes me wonder how they can offer that if it's a not-for-profit and if the wingers get the discount, why can't kiters get the same?

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Peahi said..
Not much in Vic either, these don't rely on membership revenue rather the work of dedicated members/volunteers

I'm not sure about that, they seem to have paid members to organize events, or at least paid members to help the unpaid

WA, 692 posts
25 Jan 2024 10:00AM
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Is it kitesurf specific or will you get cover for wingdinging ,windsurfing as well.

WA, 718 posts
25 Jan 2024 10:37AM
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Rango said..
Is it kitesurf specific or will you get cover for wingdinging ,windsurfing as well.

The 'full' membership covers kiteboarding and wing-dinging.
The 40% discount for wing-dingers covers only wing-dingers.

I wonder why there isn't a 40% discount for kiteboarding only.

I think the Pole-dancing insurance would be covered by adult-entertainment industry insurance companies.

NSW, 601 posts
25 Jan 2024 3:10PM
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Why would you want to take out insurance for wing-dinging? Is it for personal injury protection? Because I've never heard of one injuring a bystander / swimmer and would imagine the risk would be almost non-existent.

WA, 718 posts
25 Jan 2024 2:26PM
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Did you get in trouble for that last post, Peahi?
Not sure why you would though.

VIC, 1473 posts
25 Jan 2024 8:07PM
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Phoney said..
Why would you want to take out insurance for wing-dinging? Is it for personal injury protection? Because I've never heard of one injuring a bystander / swimmer and would imagine the risk would be almost non-existent.

Because you have not heard of one and neither have I therefore it can't possibly happen. Personal injury - why do most of them wear helmets? To make themselves look more kooky of course

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oceanfire said..
Did you get in trouble for that last post, Peahi?
Not sure why you would though.

No but its hard to remove sarcasm from my post... Hampton LSC where all the dingers go out is a no-boating zone. Swimmers are often out there. A foil speeding through the water.. what could go wrong?

NSW, 5780 posts
26 Jan 2024 5:37PM
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timmybuddhadude said..
What a great post
Big thumbs up

Seems to me they got a greeeaaaat deal with insurance companies and that part is worth it if you do 'hazardous' kiting/winging and are prone to accidents and have no idea about self rescue or and 'sea sense'
It still seems a good deal insurance wise only despite yes their office shenanigans..
Commercial dive insurance is way more and professional diving and things like jetski&skydive insurance..

Don't really care about their 'new' events..quite alot of people don't .they are actually really annoying when you are having a nice peaceful session with a spliff and you suddenly get fifty people rock up boasting about their shenanigans ..yawn...years behind everyone else....
But it definitely has annoyed me lately that they suddenly think they can expect events that were there before them and are of no relevance to all... To have to pay 'KA' $700 to run an event when they are of no relevance to them at all.. not sure who they think they are but I am glad the event involved told them to poss off would I have
Not to mention I think you have to be a 'resident' to take part in their ridiculous..but maybe I have that wrong..

man, it must be so hard to be so cool all of the time
how do you not get jaded and cynical and turn into whinging tripper whose had a little too much sun.....

oh wait...

WA, 77 posts
27 Jan 2024 6:26PM
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Having to be an Australian resident is only to be able to place in a state or national title but you may be able to compete without placing. Kiteboarding Australia are a not for profit recognised as the governing body in Australia for kiteboarding and the biggest thing they do is advocate for kiteboarding.

They don't really have an office but just a couple of staff plus the voluntary board. As far as I'm aware the wages are paid via a grant from the department of sport but happy to be corrected.

Many other places worldwide are finding waterways closed to kitesurfing however in Australia we have KA to fight to keep them open. The events are very visual and what everyone sees with regards to the organisation but not the only aspect. All events are aimed to break even and not run at a loss and generally run using grants from local government (this is why they are often regional events)

honestly the misinformation on this post is embarrassing and coming from those you
would think would want to support the sport.

WA, 770 posts
27 Jan 2024 8:50PM
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I just had a look at the 'iko' one ..that seems a bit more of a bargain...

SA, 10 posts
28 Jan 2024 10:28PM
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I won't kite/wing without some insurance, but tbh I tend to agree regarding events, they all cost extra anyways. Surely K.A should be transparent with what percentage of the moneys goes to what roughly? It would be nice to hear from one of them here??

WA, 77 posts
29 Jan 2024 3:18AM
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Just search for Kiteboarding Australia financials online and you can see the annual reports. There seems to be some concern of membership fees going to events however I suggest you look at the 2023 Kiteboarding WA financials for this information as they hosted both the National wave and freestyle titles in that year. The total expense for events for KWA in 2023 was $28,511 which would have included 2 national titles and 2 state titles as well as the king of the pond. The income for events isn't broken down but you can see grants in there including DLGSC grant is for $29,000 so I'm guessing no events ran at a loss in 2023.

Maybe have a look at the about us section of the kiteboarding Australia website if you are trying to get a better idea of what they do.

NSW, 424 posts
29 Jan 2024 7:33AM
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I don't understand why you have to join K.A. when entering Merimbula contest...Doesn't the contestant fee have an insurance component in it ,,instead of having to pay an extra $160 for K.A...So your up for $300 entry for both...K.A. is irrelevant in N.S.W...not needed.

WA, 77 posts
29 Jan 2024 5:19AM
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You don't have to be a member of KA to enter Merimbula but you do need to have public liability insurance and the best way to find cheap insurance is generally through KA.

honestly $300 for a 4 day event including all you can eat from the BBQ and the chance for a share of the $50,000 prize pool is cheap in my eyes and since they had record entries near to 300 competitors this year I'd say I'm not the only one thinking this way.

NSW, 424 posts
29 Jan 2024 10:01AM
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It states quite clearly on Merimbula Sailboard site regarding contest , you have to join K.A. first, which catch newby competitors offguard on arrival when registering.. $300 is i bit excessive for joe ordinary competitor who wins nothing but gets a mambo T shirt and free food . Its the only contest in NSW ,thats why people go . Guys who surf have no insurance , rec cyclists on council cycleways have no insurance ,snow skiers??? I have been to Mambo 8 times since 1987 . Kiting insurance is a choice , but not for me .

WA, 770 posts
30 Jan 2024 10:55AM
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theDoctor said..

man, it must be so hard to be so cool all of the time
how do you not get jaded and cynical and turn into whinging tripper whose had a little too much sun.....

oh wait...

Plleeaaaaase send the cocaine found on NSW beaches this way ...many thanks....lots of love xxxxxxx

Hint... can hide it in kite and foil bags on private planes...
Woops..let the cat out of the bag .....

WA, 77 posts
30 Jan 2024 11:28AM
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In the photo you sent it says proof of alternate insurance is necessary I took this to mean you can have alternative insurance if you provide proof and that was also my understanding from the briefing at the last event. Not looking to start an argument over this or anything as I have no reason to be involved I was just trying to help with information I already had in my head.

NSW, 1261 posts
30 Jan 2024 3:12PM
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KA do offer Event Membership for $76 for One event

WA, 2100 posts
30 Jan 2024 5:18PM
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If the guy who hit the girl with his lines at Dutchies had insurance, he probably wouldn't have ****ed off without giving over his details.

WA, 770 posts
30 Jan 2024 10:03PM
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theDoctor said..

Plllleeeease put all the cocaine in 'NORTH' bags they all get confiscated.... ..

WA, 770 posts
31 Jan 2024 12:13AM
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towradgi said..
I don't understand why you have to join K.A. when entering Merimbula contest...Doesn't the contestant fee have an insurance component in it ,,instead of having to pay an extra $160 for K.A...So your up for $300 entry for both...K.A. is irrelevant in N.S.W...not needed.

Couldn't agree more...not necessary and nothing to do with them.....
That's what they tried to do with a WA long running thing I won't mention lately..which is what I was referring to. (Ok..its Shark bay) ..
They're a bit like a 'slowly spreading' cult in a way ..just like Marilyn Manson but that's probably too cynical..apologies as they do good too.....under16s etc

R.e 'events' it is nice to see people enjoying themselves though ..

R.e insurance I am not sure if there is another insurance company that covers Aus...there is in America..Germany etc...quite a few .don't know about Aus..maybe someone can clarify ..

Froth Goth
677 posts
31 Jan 2024 6:22AM
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I use a vpn and use polish travel insurance for australia. Costs me $30 a year covers everything i do from shooting sharks and crocodiles and pigs to jumping off mountains and landing in middle tiger country


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Insurance from KA - worth it?" started by oceanfire