Forums > Kitesurfing General

Interest in Kiting

Created by zboro 8 months ago, 4 Jan 2024
Froth Goth
677 posts
19 Jan 2024 2:59PM
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ive been here since 2007

And was one kiteforum and XK well before that (i competed in kiteing before kitesurfing existed (i still think kitesurfers are all w8nkers with fast sunglasses))

If you dont possess the Ai capabilitys to recognise a drunken rant about how we should be throwing shadecloth over our kites when theyre bot in use on the beach then i think you need a bit of an upgrade

Fact i know everyone by there first names a bit of a give away. Speaking of give aways fernando bit of wind up your way soon

QLD, 152 posts
22 Jan 2024 9:46AM
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ahh 07 - the great kiteing depression. I was on the original kiteforum when we used to send messages in bottles with little kites about mandatory raley's.

I don't possess artificial intelligence, and if you mean IQ, then please re-read your 'sentence' or ease up on the koala beers.

Say hi to loftywinds and cauncy for me.

Froth Goth
677 posts
22 Jan 2024 10:58AM
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it seems that all the other ghosts in the movie know they're dead. So perhaps another question would be do all ghosts in The Sixth Sense Kiteboarding go through a "transition period" where they don't realize they're dead? At what point to they become aware of it?

QLD, 1069 posts
1 Feb 2024 1:36AM
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Froth Goth said..
Speaking of give aways fernando bit of wind up your way soon

Sorry, but do I know you?

QLD, 799 posts
2 Feb 2024 10:42AM
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NorthernKitesAUS said..

Froth Goth said..
Speaking of give aways fernando bit of wind up your way soon

Sorry, but do I know you?

Of course u know him, he knows everybody and everybody knows him....u just don't realise it!!

He's that blow in that comes to ur local, throws down all that flicky spinny sh!t, buzzes all the jet skiers and helicopters while regularly hitting the 18m mark on his woo woo wewah....spare hand on the bar while unhooked, cos he's got a six pack in the other ready to have a chug with ya and then talk some sh!t on the beach like...."did yas see me kl3, f16 flicky thingo?"

A true chameleon is frothie....a bit like urself?? surely u remember kozzie, kazan and the likes??....wait a minute....multiple usernames....why would someone need more than one login name on a forum??

Stir it up frothie / lofty....whatever ya name is??

Froth Goth
677 posts
10 Feb 2024 10:33AM
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Just read this too funny

(I have been told im remarkably nicer in person then on the forums)

Dont forget i need at least a few drinks and a joint before i can go out so that when i crash for the 38th time in half hour i dont tense up and tear any more tendons

So back on topic

If you replace surfing MIDLENGTHs with changeing to BIGAIR kiteing its just far too perfect
You're probably aware of the K?bler-Ross model (not the Mayhem flat decked 6'10'') that states that those experiencing grief go through five emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Devised in the 1960s, the model has been recently discredited. Modern research indicates that while these emotions are a part of the process of grieving and dying, they are not linear, and often all occur at once. And yet it remains a well-quoted part of the cultural fabric. It also has many other applications. Also known as The Change Curve, there is of course the arc that allows us to trace the stages a surfer navigates on the way to riding a mid-length. The new theory goes like this and actually has six stages.

DenialThe first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality. This will often take the form of surfers clinging on to their progressive surfboard dimensions, meaning their board's volume is writing checks that their increased weight and age can't cash. Some may also isolate themselves, avoiding others who may have accepted what is happening. Here a surfer might stick to his favorite pounding shorebreak, aggressively dismissing the cowardice of his friends surfing the softer, longer point option.

Anger When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at proximate individuals. "Why me? It's not fair!" are common surfer refrains, especially after a painful nosedive. "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"; "Why would this happen?" Are other violent laments as the surfer's wave count decreases in direct correlation with their sense of well-being.

BargainingIn the third stage, the surfer clings to the hope that they can avoid the cause of grief. In case of terminal illness, an extended life is negotiated in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. In surfing terms, they vow to get fitter, surf more, eat better and do yoga, which are seen as viable attempts that will negate the move to the mid-length.

During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at recognizing their surfing mortality. In this state, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors, and spend much of the time mournful and sullen. They can often be found watching re-runs of their favorite surf vids when they were frothing 20-year-olds. Thin, tri-fins gather dust in the garage, wetsuits go stiff with a lack of moisture, and the good old days are invoked, often with a beer chaser. At breakfast.
Acceptance "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it so I may as well prepare for it."In this last stage, individuals embrace mortality or their inevitable future. It will start with watching a whole Torren Martyn movie, following Devon Howard on Instagram, and eventually scanning the mid-length models on the Channel Island website. This stage typically comes with a calm, retrospective view of the individual and a stable condition of emotions. A mid-length purchase will be entertained, then made.(And Joy!) This is where the K?bler-Ross model ends, with the finality of death. And yet for the Mid-Length Change Curve, there is a last stage - JOY. As the surfer paddles with newfound ease into a beautiful glassy wave, sets his trim level to maximum and glides down the line with more speed and control than he has had for a decade, all the anger, denial, and depression is forgotten

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
10 Feb 2024 1:19PM
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1051 posts
11 Feb 2024 12:15AM
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zboro said..
Has the bottom fallen out of Kiting?
No Redbull this year
Few posts on Seabreeze
Carparks now empty
and I now have the ocean to myself
Whats going on???

In the west side of the San Francisco Bay Area kiting has pretty much disappeared, taken over by winging. In a typical day I see one, maybe two kites on the most popular beaches, while a few dozens wings zoom around. It is a cumbersome (large foot imprint on the beach), and dangerous toy compared to pretty much anything else, and now that there is an easier alternative people have switched.

Froth Goth
677 posts
11 Feb 2024 4:37AM
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Dat xylezene and fentanyl be makeing the kites hard to see so far away winging is a far more tranq friendly sport yall

NSW, 461 posts
11 Feb 2024 6:50PM
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Froth Goth said..
And thats the exact bull**** that ruined kiteing

Rather then teaching students how to depower with theyre board and body position fat old kooks made it all about the kite.

Because all they wanted to do was to SELL a kite not actually improve the riders ability

If you all read steves message and actually THINK about it youll see thats the exact hardlined carved into stone bull**** every shop sold.

Thats exactly why you all suck at kiteing and cant unhook.

A unhooked air railey is the OLLIE to skateboarding
The very first move anyone should be inspired to do. Find a gap in the pavement line ya wheels up in it and eat some concrete.

From there you want to try it rolling up a slight incline.

All of you and i mean this with the exception on half a dozen of yas which is just so mind blowingly pathetic cant even do that because you have simply never tried.

Ask yourselves why havent you tried?!?

I got $50 its because you were told not to that the bare basics of kiteing was touted as something that only gymnists in theyre teenage years could do.

If you have even just a bit of wind knowledge you would know that if your matching the kites speed with your board theres little to no resistance infact it can even go slack! Omg not slack!! What heavens would you do then? You know when the kite is DEPOWERED ?!? Rather then learn how to kite you all got sold some bull**** and practice makes permamnent so all you can do is kite on overpoweres kites that pull you left and right and let you do big jumps and you think that that is kiteboarding.

That is not kiteboarding!

Thats useing a piece of gear that you shouldnt be useing but they made it so that "it can depower (a 10sqm kite ALLWAYS has 10sqm of power reguardless of what angle its at) by makeing it fly so inefficiently that its basically stalling"


If you had any knowledge or skill or practiced at all

You could use a kite that is probably 2sqm smaller that doesnt NEED to be depoweres AT ALL because its the correct size kite for that windspeed and if you had some board control then you could actually kite percectly fine.

Bowkites and pulleys and bridals made kiteing APPEAR EASIER it didnt make it RIGHT you all have woeful technique and it shows

Look at all the countrys where kite shops didnt force feed this bull**** down every student and customers throat and then have the audacity to tell the manufacturers we only want big bow kites for our big fat rich clients with lots of money and they want to jump 8 meters high even tho they have no twchnique and think that they are underpowered if they were on an actually apropriate sized kite cause they dont even know that theyre ment to be standing on theyre front foot not digging in theyre backfoot the entire time.

Ever see those kook surfers who are all backfoot heavy and wonder why they cant surf for ****? Thats what you all look like.

An? why arw you all still wearing straps?!? Cause you cant control your over powered kite and it throws you around ?

Boots arent for some sort of PRO LEVEL kiter theyre for people who can CONTROL theyre kite and they dont need DEPOWER to control theyre kite! They just need some lessons.

How do i put this into words you boomers will understand....

You know how houseing is big business over here? But in other countrys its just normal and nothing special everyone seems to only have one and theyre happy?

Well you got sold some bull**** and now your all houseing mad but in other countrys where there hasnt been some sort of GOLD RUSH forced down theyre throats about houseing investments theyre all actually quite peaceful and happy and they dont even think about houseing.

So who do you think HYPED the bow kite market? And spent all theyre time trying to destroy the older equipment?

If you were a small shop that had old stock and you couldnt afford to fill it with bow kites it was a instant fatal blow if all the bigger shops and brands just spread FEAR about c kites and that you were only safe on a bow.

Who would do that? Why?


You all got scammed and now you all ride completely wrong on oversized kites cause you lack the ability to to actually fly a properly sized kite.

You need to go to a ACTUAL kite spot where people train freestyle to see how kiteboarding is actually ment to be. Your going to need to buy a plane ticket tho cause everyone in australia sucks

Step 1: unhook

Hooked in?? Doesnt count!

30 years is along time!
show us your railey!

I don't Kite.....never have but a senseless monologue stream of consciousness rant like yours connecting the ability to ride un hooked and the property market makes me want to try it as.... Im obviously missing something on a whole other level. Priceless where is the pop corn....

WA, 29 posts
11 Feb 2024 6:38PM
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IanR said..
I feel that the decline of the Sport is due to the focus on extreme performance and professional level competition.... I have just returned from a trip to Augusta in WA. The arrogance and attitude of many of the pro rides practicing in the small area near the launch area was appalling. And from my chats with the locals we are doing a good job of burning our bridges down there.

The Augusta situation is nothing like you're portraying.

Each peak holiday period post COVID has had 2 to 4 weeks of high visitation in January. This year the big air nats are on sometime in Feb yet there is only a single day when it has been unpleasant on the water kiting this season and THE worst, most dangerous person on the water was riding a surfboard, jumping with a rotation in full swing just downwind, short tacking everyone and nearly decapitated a current local within a minute of hitting the water. In short, it was totally out of order - she was a self centred bitch to all and claims to be currently living somewhere in the region: not a big air kiter.

To claim there were impolite pros is BS. There are maybe 20 pro kite riders world wide, there are 1 or 2 WA kids hoping to turn pro but they're still amateurs like the rest of us for now. Pretty much all the high standard kiters this season have been great to share the water with: observant of the rotation, help out with rescues and polite in giving launches/landings - none are pros.

What has been an issue this season is inattention by the great many as to where is safe to launch - when it's busy go out to the end of the sandspit and don't dangle your kite into the jumping zone. Foilers, wind surfers and kiters could also do us all a favour by keeping their gear well away from the waters edge when not in use (including jet skis). The other issue has been beginner/intermediate kiters getting themselves in trouble with the tidal current and natural hazards. Despite appearances, Augusta is not some miracle zone absent of risk nor is it perfect for beginners to jumping (there's a safe, sheltered spot to the South at Jays for this category of water user).

On other points: if we don't want to follow the surfing sickness, we should keep kiting about fun, inclusiveness and safety. Competitions have a tendency to EXclusiveness and the weekend warriors find themselves unable to enjoy their passtime...they're above all the ones who keep the industry going; surfing interests forgot that.

WA, 770 posts
11 Feb 2024 7:55PM
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Ruud said..

There is only a single day when it has been unpleasant on the water kiting this season and THE worst, most dangerous person on the water was riding a surfboard, jumping with a rotation in full swing just downwind, short tacking everyone and nearly decapitated a current local within a minute of hitting the water. In short, it was totally out of order - she was a self centred bitch to all and claims to be currently living somewhere in the region: not a big air kiter I can guess who they were.. ? ..
Have they got a really shhhhh#it sense of humour too (non existent).....and take themselves just a wee bit seriously ??..

WA, 29 posts
11 Feb 2024 9:30PM
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timmybuddhadude said..

Ruud said.. I can guess who that is ? ..
Have they got a really shhhhh#it sense of humour too (non existent).....and take themselves just a wee bit seriously ??..

Get funked

WA, 770 posts
11 Feb 2024 10:43PM
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Ruud said..

timmybuddhadude said..

Ruud said.. I can guess who that is ? ..
Have they got a really shhhhh#it sense of humour too (non existent).....and take themselves just a wee bit seriously ??..

Get funked

Wasn't referring to you

QLD, 3615 posts
12 Feb 2024 8:57AM
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Froth Goth said..
i still think kitesurfers are all w8nkers with fast sunglasses


This forum got old, then Froth came along. Pre- 2012 everyone was a troll. I miss that!

WA, 29 posts
12 Feb 2024 8:14AM
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timmybuddhadude said..

Ruud said..

timmybuddhadude said..

Ruud said.. I can guess who that is ? ..
Have they got a really shhhhh#it sense of humour too (non existent).....and take themselves just a wee bit seriously ??..

Get funked

Wasn't referring to you

No offense taken, none intended.

QLD, 1069 posts
16 Feb 2024 12:21PM
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bjw said..

Froth Goth said..
i still think kitesurfers are all w8nkers with fast sunglasses


This forum got old, then Froth came along. Pre- 2012 everyone was a troll. I miss that!


Someone should create a "sbrz forum dinosaur" timeline, of all the trolls that have come and "gone" in here. I'll volunteer to be slotted into the 2012-2015 period - if I remember back then... gawd it's been a while.

ps: no trolls will be hurt in this experiment.

Froth Goth
677 posts
19 May 2024 11:13PM
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Instructions unclear the trolls are getting hurt

People on here thinking were a watersports forum now we getting sued for saying impacting the ground at 200kmph can be hazardous for ya health were going to need to delete it all and start again

This time no wing dings

Froth Goth
677 posts
20 May 2024 12:01AM
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Anyone else been sued before just because they have 2 dicks ?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Interest in Kiting" started by zboro