WHAAAT, is that ur skull? Sounds like ur lucky to be around to hold it .
I remember the story of a guy around here that had the top of his skull removed when he was in an accident and his brain swelled .they removed it to allow for the swelling and were going to put it back later but lost it .
i like those ones with the little peak that you wear bacxkwards .I alredy weigh 110 kg dry ,More weight whats the lightest > isaw a guy with a foamy bike helmet the other day .they look nice and light .
Hi all, dont mean to dis anyone but most probably will - IMO this thread should be moved to the newbie section.
^^^^^^^^^^Sorry man,,but.Maybe time to ask for your balls back dude.
With ya misus keeping your balls in a jar,,might be why your so scared and safety conscious, not having your testies would have to make any man be worried and scared all the time.
"Dude, I'm totally suited up in the full rubber."
"Cool Man."
"Dude, I'm clipping on the white plastic helmet."
"That's nice Man."
"Dude, I'm buckling on the impact vest real snug."
"Simply wow Man."
"Dude, I'm slipping on the gloves now."
"Want me to launch you Man?"
"Yeah Dude, next to that big gnarly rock wall."
^^^^Has your missus got ya by the balls as well, and your not aloud to say straight out what you think
What has happend to the Aussie blokes? No one is game to say it how it is or are too frightened of the wife.
Man up Australia.
If you want to wear a helmet,,,,wear one. Who cares what someone you dont know thinks.
If you arent allowed outside, by you missus, unless you wear a helmet,,,,you have more of a problem than bumping ya noggen on something.
Clearly with all the comments helmets is a personal perspective thing however when bike helmets were made compulsory a few years ago there was a good argument that car drivers should be made to wear a helmet before any cyclists did because of the extensive head injuries car accidents caused their drivers and passengers.
I wonder how the probability of a head injury from kiting compares with getting a head injury from driving a car without airbags?
I tend to use my helmet now, only for twin tipping! When boosting, and looping. when im in the waves on the surfboard, no helmet.
Otherwise if i want some gopro footage, ill strap the helmet on.
The helmet has saved me on some big wipeouts, and when i was trying kiteloops, i would certainly make sure the helmet is on.
Head wounds bleed the most. Even the smallest cut looks grizzly as the blood flows everywhere.
I never wear a helmet with a tt, but always when I ride a surfboard. Not long ago another rider friend who always wears a helmet came in and said, "Wow, two years of wearing this helmet and nothing has ever happened. Today the board slammed me on the head, and now I know why I wear it." This guy is a great kiter with loads of experience.
Not long after that we went out to a reef for a kite surf and it was pretty small, 2 3 foot. I got myself ready and was going to leave the helmet in the car. For some reason, at the last minute I changed my mind and put it on. Second wave of the day and I came off my board and dragged downwind with the white wash. When I came up the board slammed me on the back of the head, almost to the point of seeing stars, a real bell ringer. No helmet would have meant end of session and a few stitches, or perhaps concussion. I shook my head in gratitude and kited for another three hours. I don't use a leg rope by the way, when I come off I am happy to body drag where ever I need to go to retrieve it. Might be different if I was in Fiji or something.
Each to his own, forget about what you look like. Your riding and confidence will always set you apart. We all assess our own risks, some have more to lose than others. It is always a shame to see people get hurt, but in any sport that offers thrill and spills, it is eventually inevitable that something will go wrong. Hopefully not too wrong...
I've mentioned this before on similar threads about helmets, I was on Kite forum a couple of years ago and they had posted pictures of a guy in Brazil (I think) who got lifted into a building.
They showed him lying on the ground with a large puddle of blood around his head, I don't know if he was dead then or if he died later, but I recall that he died at the scene. The removed the pics shortly from the thread out of respect of his family and the pics where far too gruesome for public view. I think the majority would wear them if they had seen those pics.
My understanding was that he was lofted quite a distance into a building behind the promenade from the beach.
That night I ordered a helmet on the net, I am anti the new HS&E movement and believe that safety is common sense ( unless you are thick as two short planks ) unless the job is hazardous and requires procedure but pics of that scene affected me strongly ( compounded by the facts I had a new baby boy).
There's my reason.