I been kiting for 3 years and I bought a woo jumping meter. But I can't jump higher than 5m (16 feet) I mostly kite in flat water or choppy. Any helpful tips is appreciated.
When you want to jump big is it good to go a little down wind before to get speed and then edge up hard? I find edge up hard when you already are at your max speed is impossible.
Wind is the main thing you need, no matter how good your technique is, there is a limit to how high you can go in a certain amount of wind.
But aside from that, perfecting your timing sending the kite with your load and pop makes a big difference. If you need to work on your pop you can try keeping the kite as low in the window as possible (below 45°) and do some back rolls or hooked in raleys just using your edge.
Getting the technique and timing of sending your kite is hard to describe... I didn't really "get it" until I tried a few other kites and noticed how different they were. Like, I could jump just as high on a LF envy (terrible jumping kites back in 2012/2013) if I kept it low and deep in the window and sent it hard until it got to 12 o'clock and then up over my head. Other kites like different techniques, kind of hard to explain until you try it. Sending the kite and learning some downloops or really low-powered, tight kiteloops might help with timing also, so you get a sense of when the power is delivered throughout the jump.
Really 5m, thats not very high at all.
The timing and pop are the main things. As mentioned above. Go as fast as you possibly can redirect the kite fast!!!!! go downwind a little, enough to really be able to sink that heal edge.
It doesn't matter how much wind you have, if you can't pop you won't get any hight.
I love the woo, such a fun device. Here is my best so far
Wow. I didn't know you could get all those stats from what's essentially a GPS receiver with an altimeter / barometric reader. Might have to get one
Woo isn't a gps or altimeter. To quote woo
"The WOO detects jumps by tracking and analyzing your motion. To do this, it fuses data from the 9-axis motion sensor to understand orientation in space and the accelerations acting on it. It is able to categorize your riding into distinct phases of motion: inactivity, riding, jumping, landing or crashing and so forth. When a jump is detected, it is analyzed:
The Woo is a great performance humbling device. For the short time it worked for me it certainly showed I plateaued my highest jumps between 10 and 12m.
Aside from technical improvements, you have to find your own optimal conditions/equipment combo. For me that's winds above 30 knots gusting 35 or more, a 7m kite and a small twin tip and launching either from waves or really flat water. Basically winds when you can ride fast even with the bar sheeted out.
The highest jumps recorded on the Woo scoreboard were all in winds above 30 knots and most of them launched from a wave as a kicker, which can make a huge difference.
The advice you got is great. The quickest way to improve your technique and give you more specific feed-back would be for you to record a few take-offs on camera and share it.
Most of the time jump height is limited from poor edging performance. The typical mistake being trying to go too fast and not being able to hold a strong enough and high enough edge angle.
Basically you have to be able to hold your edge as hard and as long as possible when you are sending the kite. The tiniest changes in your timing and edging performance have a direct influence on your height.
You can measure your edging performance by looking at the height of water you spray before take-off. The higher the spray, the stronger your edge hold is and the higher you will go. That being said, I find in very strong winds it's easier for me to get higher jumps by slowing down a bit which improves my edging. Yes, in theory, the faster you go the higher you'll jump but if you can't hold that edge, there is no point going too fast. It's all about compromise.
When teaching students how to boost in high winds, I start by challenging them to boost as high as possible with as little speed as possible, this allows you focus on proper edging technique and aggressive kite sending. Even going close to half the speed you normally ride, you would be surprised how high you can jump in high winds with correct technique.
This is far from perfect technique but it's what my take-offs look like in my highest jumps in flat water (35-40 knots/7m kite). You can see in the center pic I'm loosing a lot of edge hold while the kite passes over 12. If I could have the same edge hold as the pic on the right during the sending of the kite I would gain much more height. Also I if could manage to hold that bar sheeted further in, the kite would be sent much faster with more power: much more height.
Step to Step
Step 1: gain speed
step 2: bear down wind
step 3: load up and redirect kite from 11 to 12 (never going past 1)
step 4: boost to the moon
step 5: pull bar in and out repetitively to gain altitude
step 6: spot the landing
step 7: redirect the kite downward
step 8: land and ride away
there you have it... as easy as 1,2,3
Certain kites are natural or easier kites to jump with, some kites need a better understanding and are more technical to make them produce height,
Where is step - LOOP??
step 3: load up and redirect kite from 11 to 12 (never going past 1)
How about keep going around the clock....
I;m trying to work out step 5 as well. I think he might be thinking of something else and is "pulling his bar in and out repetitively to gain altitude".
Christian, critique on this ?? At Augusta you were twice as high it may be my chicken legs not holding edge ? Or does my board look too big??
Pin Puller looks like no wind & no whitecaps.
Perfect conditions to annoy them pesky suppers!
Anyway, I know you can boost PIN PULLER, remember Bombing Range and the time you swallowed seawater up your bum!
Thats was megga height and a megga crash!
Im doin it all wrong
cant get past no.2
I never do that and now feel deflated
Lars - some nice wind this weekend... go hit some ramps and report back to us, always good to see people trying to improve
Re video - Send it from lower down - then it'll be travelling and pulling up for longer. You'll get more glide and height, just be careful not to send it too far back when you send it from low in the window. Engage and release your edge more quickly - looks like you're losing too much speed while edging longer than necessary.