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Kite surfer missing in Mandurah

Created by Intheozone > 9 months ago, 30 Nov 2015
61 posts
30 Nov 2015 8:31PM
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Eppo that's pretty mean towards what could have been a midget for whom the estuary was rather neck deep
Watch out he may come back and bite you in your leash
But in all seriousness I am also very keen to hear the true story, it sounds a bit strange.

WA, 1549 posts
30 Nov 2015 8:53PM
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I've been in a similar situation offshore at horrocks past the reef. Kite slammed and shat itself. Cross shore and heavy breeze.

It was getting sketchy and no easy way to self rescue other that full pack down and swim it..

With a 2-3 m swell and overhead slammers I made the call to ditch and swim.
Looking back on it.. It was the best thing given the conditions (25+) on a 7. Even without the kite I got punished several times coming through the reef. With a kite I don't think it would have been possible.

Maybe old mate should have realised the conditions and the situation & made the call on self preservation and bail out.

Nothing wrong with ditching the kite if its warranted, the conditions are extreme and you are out of all other options.

QLD, 1211 posts
30 Nov 2015 10:56PM
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If you dont know this guy why would he owe you a explanation?

WA, 1549 posts
30 Nov 2015 8:56PM
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Juddy said...
dusta said..
I'd lol if it was waveslave

From what I hear, Slave's got many more runs on the board than 37....

Yeah double that number and you are pretty close..
I hear APIA has called him for sponsorship this season!!!!

WA, 8407 posts
30 Nov 2015 9:10PM
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Apparently he survived on water from the humidity in his le bladder and raw blue swimmer crabs, with a kite line spaghetti

WA, 3271 posts
30 Nov 2015 9:12PM
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Sounds better than what I'm tucking into for dinner.

WA, 3619 posts
30 Nov 2015 10:13PM
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puppetonastring said...
All you need is one of these.....
In celebration of Mr. Sandbarmans miraculous reappearance Ill give every WA kiter who contacts me this week (&who promises to use it) a Free iDri phone pouch.
Just need to pay postage? Ill check out the cost - probably just a double stamped envelope? $1.30

WOW. So many pms. Great.
Should have been an offer to WAKSA members only. But as its a safety thing I'll leave it open even to irresponsible kiters
BUT if you send your request for a "safety" pouch along with a screen shot of your this weeks WAKSA membership application I'll give you your FREE iDri including POST FREE.
If for no other reason than not wanting to loose you house over one kitemare (anyone anytime) you owe it to yourself; your family & your fellow kiters to join the crew.

NT, 2177 posts
1 Dec 2015 8:02AM
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timmybuddhadude said..

Intheozone said...

loftywinds2 said...
more than 400m from shore. Including a PFD and if further a PLB.

Excuse ignorance whats plb in this instance? A flashing neckbrace ..might google it thanx
U have to carry a heavy big epirb thing at 400m??! Wow..i must be naughty

... PLB is Personal Locator Beacon,,,,, which is basically a small EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon).

185 posts
1 Dec 2015 8:02AM
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eppo said..
The entire local crew needs an explanation because it's our water ways and access to them that these events jeopardise.

call me me wonder boy to my face Luther and see how long you last.

Oh god. Another nepotist.

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:12AM
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Luther said..

eppo said..
The entire local crew needs an explanation because it's our water ways and access to them that these events jeopardise.

call me me wonder boy to my face Luther and see how long you last.

bit less self pontificating on your behalf wonder boy ...even you acknowledge that you didn't have all the facts before you start your diatribe about being "pissed off""

I am just voicing the opinions of every local plus others who have texted me) having chat at that very spot yesterday afternoon.

As I said we are very glad he is safe and by all accounts a decent bloke) but we all have to find out what exactly happened to avoid this again.

I've fished, crabbed, wakeboarded, supped, kited these waters for a number of years now and know them very well. Something just doesn't add up. It's our local spot, of course we won't to know and deserve to know what happened. And the general feeling was one of being pissed off, its not personal mind you. Rescue boats, bad media coverage, you should all be worried about this not just us.

This is an example of an incident that is getting kiting banned in many areas around the world.

Lots of posts from people who are not locals, some not even in this bloody state. Hell Luther you don't even have a place mentioned in your personal offer still stands you keyboard hero by the way.

..and lofty, there would be a line to crack your moronic mouth.

84 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:40AM
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Well Eppo there are more congenial ways of going about voicing your concern... i quote "lowest retard in the herd" is not the kindest thing to say and the poor fellow may take that as an inference to his plight.
Perhaps you should just stick to "kite reviews" ..... i think they have real value .

as for lasting with "you" to your face , about three minutes

WA, 3271 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:54AM
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Not sure why the big beat up, something went wrong while he was kiting, he drifted across the estuary, someone noticed him missing, others looked for him, once daylight turned up he got himself out and all lived happily ever after.

Exact timelines and and details will get lost in the media circus. It might not have been 6 hours drifting but only 3, or two, does it really matter?

I haven't kited there but I gather some spots inside the estuary are cross-off? So everyone that kites there in cross-off does it in the belief that worst case they will drift all the way across to North or South Yunderup, or that it's only ankle deep and you can just walk back. Looks like that might need to be reconsidered...

WA, 4263 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:54AM
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dusta said..
I'd lol if it was waveslave


By the way, I don't kite in the swamp.

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:55AM
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Luther said..
Well Eppo there are more congenial ways of going about voicing your concern... i quote "lowest retard in the herd" is not the kindest thing to say and the poor fellow may take that as an inference to his plight.
Perhaps you should just stick to "kite reviews" ..... i think they have real value .

as for lasting with "you" to your face , about three minutes

fair point...but wasn't directed at the guy personally, just the fact that in society 'we gotta walk as slow as the slowest person' - jim jeffries, classic comedian.

Give this nanny baby boomer controlled state (and country) any opportunity at all to regulate and police the fck out of fun they will.

and don't for one second think that if stupid restrictive regulations were brought about down here, this wouldn't bleed into other areas of the state and indeed the country.
I tell ya man, for all the locals i spoke to, something doesn't add up here man! This affects ALL OF US. So to all you kiters who think what this guy did was okay, regardless or circumstances, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror. This is a benign mainly shallow estuary FFS, with stuff all relative tidal movement and of course not a wave or swell line in sight!

3 minutes...doubt it ...

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:57AM
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Chris6791 said..
Not sure why the big beat up, something went wrong while he was kiting, he drifted across the estuary, someone noticed him missing, others looked for him, once daylight turned up he got himself out and all lived happily ever after.

Exact timelines and and details will get lost in the media circus. It might not have been 6 hours drifting but only 3, or two, does it really matter?

I haven't kited there but I gather some spots inside the estuary are cross-off? So everyone that kites there in cross-off does it in the belief that worst case they will drift all the way across to North or South Yunderup, or that it's only ankle deep and you can just walk back. Looks like that might need to be reconsidered...

exactly chris you are not familiar with the area at all. hence why locals are scratching their head. Nothing needs to reconsidered, 12 years of kiting there tells me that!

and you don't think rescue boats, chopper in the air - twice! (and the associated costs) and whats-not plus a distraught partner at home is not a problem at all! Add in the media beat up...I personally got 7 emails and 14 texts asking if it was me for gods sake! 3 of those from work!

24/7 media cycle, sh1t like this does not help our cause one bit. So excuse me if I can't take your laid back 'everything is okay approach'.

reckon you'd be singing a different tune if it affected your particular part of the world and where you kite everyday and those goes for all of the other commentators here.

anyhow let's find out hey what really happened although it would take a left field variable to surprise me.

WA, 4263 posts
1 Dec 2015 11:09AM
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eppo said..

I tell ya man, for all the locals i spoke to, something doesn't add up here man!

I know the guy.

He's American and he calls me bro all the time.

It's kind of weird.

I reckon it's about chasing fame.

I mean why else would you camp out all night on a weedbank.

He'll write the book first ...

and then the movie will be released.

WA, 682 posts
1 Dec 2015 11:28AM
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Geez Eppo, thought you'd have more sympathy for the poor bloke. That part of the estuary is actually pretty deep and as you'd know plenty of critters inhabit that area, think of things we've seen walking around there at night! I think he did the right thing, but the visibility was good that night so maybe YOU would have pushed on! I'm pissed at the media coverage "drifted in the ocean" juxtaposed with "peel inlet" there is a big difference in terms of life threatening locations that the media seemed to not care about when I contacted them yesterday. They didn't think it was worth amending their story as he was found! WTF

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 11:39AM
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Who says I don't have sympathy for him. Would have been a hell of a night.

Bakes why did he end up there in the first place mate? When did self rescue not enter the equation? How did he get so far north into the open inlet? Did the kite delflate at sunset? Surely there was plenty of daylight hours to sort it. These are the hard questions that have to be asked rather than pussy footing around the issue feeling sorry for him.

And if you do know these waters (and I know you do) you also know that the main population of crabs is well up the estuary right now, they will come back down and back into the sea jan feb. Stingrays would be the biggest worry i must admit.Cobblers to but...

why did he end up so far into the inlet in the first place!

Do you know anything about the actual incident, be good to know more. How the hell did noone see him with half of perth down here that day enjoying the gusty horrible winds we get....?

and be pissed at the media for sure, but this will always happen with those headline junkies. The trick is to find out what happened and make sure it is avoided in the future.

He wouldn't be the only kiter at that spot who may find themselves without the skills/experience to make the right decision.

So let's educate everyone. Hey we've all had our kitemare moments, mine mainly well offshore and in far more life threatening situations. But we've all had them, he's not alone.

Sorry for him personally sure, not sorry one bit for the problems it can/has/will cause.

oooooh the life threatening estuary ooooooohhhhhh

WA, 8407 posts
1 Dec 2015 11:52AM
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puppetonastring said...
All you need is one of these.....
In celebration of Mr. Sandbarmans miraculous reappearance Ill give every WA kiter who contacts me this week (&who promises to use it) a Free iDri phone pouch.
Just need to pay postage? Ill check out the cost - probably just a double stamped envelope? $1.30

WOOPS - sorry about the size!!!!

BTW - They come from the ex shop clearance sale Im currently running on Seabreeze Buy&Sell - check my ads for crazy bargains.

Here's my take

He had one of these gadgets on him
He phoned up the missus
She heard him say I'm at the : sand bar:
She thought it was some new pub in the area
Hung up on him
she thought he would turn up half cocked in the morning

WA, 682 posts
1 Dec 2015 1:00PM
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you are a mad dog! Would post a shot of me pushing charlie into a seals slab but it wouldn't be in context. I've canvassed the public but will let you know in person, let's just say he tried to do all the right things but the dark causes you to make safer decisions. I wouldn't say he was "lowest retard in the herd" material, hahaha you are a dick! Excellent and safe kiter though and a great dad!

WA, 3271 posts
1 Dec 2015 1:05PM
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eppo said..

Chris6791 said..
Not sure why the big beat up, something went wrong while he was kiting, he drifted across the estuary, someone noticed him missing, others looked for him, once daylight turned up he got himself out and all lived happily ever after.

Exact timelines and and details will get lost in the media circus. It might not have been 6 hours drifting but only 3, or two, does it really matter?

I haven't kited there but I gather some spots inside the estuary are cross-off? So everyone that kites there in cross-off does it in the belief that worst case they will drift all the way across to North or South Yunderup, or that it's only ankle deep and you can just walk back. Looks like that might need to be reconsidered...

exactly chris you are not familiar with the area at all. hence why locals are scratching their head. Nothing needs to reconsidered, 12 years of kiting there tells me that!

and you don't think rescue boats, chopper in the air - twice! (and the associated costs) and whats-not plus a distraught partner at home is not a problem at all! Add in the media beat up...I personally got 7 emails and 14 texts asking if it was me for gods sake! 3 of those from work!

24/7 media cycle, sh1t like this does not help our cause one bit. So excuse me if I can't take your laid back 'everything is okay approach'.

reckon you'd be singing a different tune if it affected your particular part of the world and where you kite everyday and those goes for all of the other commentators here.

anyhow let's find out hey what really happened although it would take a left field variable to surprise me.

I've no doubt he probably stuffed up with some decisions he made, I've said that already, whether he burst a bladder, inverted his kite, ripped it in half or didn't put his feet down to see how deep it is 't doesn't really matter. My point of view of from a search and rescue background, he stuffed up and ended up in the pelican poo, people noticed him missing and the system worked well to look for him, he had the good sense to stay put once he hit solid ground in the dark and re-assessed his situation at first light. I guarantee that more SAR air assets were spooling up at first light and would have found him shortly thereafter.

If we relied on people making the right choices all the time we wouldn't need search and rescue organisations.

Whilst he may have stuffed up to start with, it looks like he did make the right choice to stay put. So many searches are compounded in complexity and duration by people that get lost and keep moving, thinking they're making the right choice.

And is it cross-off at any of those spots near Wannanup? looking at the prevailing winds and lay of the land it looks like some spots are? especially if there is any west in the wind direction and you get out from shore 200m or so? Is it possible at the point where he could walk he still thought he could fix the problem, then by the time he realised it was terminal he has been dragged out into the estuary proper?

We don't need to hang the guy here on this one, his missus has probably done it, and then put his gear for sale on Gumtree

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
1 Dec 2015 1:40PM
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RPM said..
I've been in a similar situation offshore at horrocks past the reef. Kite slammed and shat itself. Cross shore and heavy breeze.

It was getting sketchy and no easy way to self rescue other that full pack down and swim it..

With a 2-3 m swell and overhead slammers I made the call to ditch and swim.
Looking back on it.. It was the best thing given the conditions (25+) on a 7. Even without the kite I got punished several times coming through the reef. With a kite I don't think it would have been possible.

Maybe old mate should have realised the conditions and the situation & made the call on self preservation and bail out.

Nothing wrong with ditching the kite if its warranted, the conditions are extreme and you are out of all other options.

its a bit of a rights of passage to do this at Horrocks! We've all done it in various forms. Some more than others...(Craig tops the Leader Board haha) Apart from getting smashed in the waves its not as bad as it seems as the current finishes up washing you and your gear to Stinky Point. The main variable being how close to Stinky you finish up and how mangled you get in the shorebreak!

WA, 4263 posts
1 Dec 2015 2:07PM
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eppo said..

I tell ya man, for all the locals i spoke to, something doesn't add up here man!

QLD, 258 posts
1 Dec 2015 5:26PM
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Just an observation from somebody on the other side of Oz… I haven’t read every post in this thread, never been to this kiting place but it sounds like a very popular spot so it would be reasonable to assume there were other kiters in the area at the same time, so the question I put to you is; “why weren’t you looking out for your fellow kiters?"

ATM we don’t know what happened to this guy so lets not be too hard on him and most of us on this forum seem to portray kiters (us) as a supportive bunch that watch out for each other, so I ask again; “why was this bloke not seen by another fellow kiter while he floated off into the distance?”

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 3:39PM
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bakesy said..
you are a mad dog! Would post a shot of me pushing charlie into a seals slab but it wouldn't be in context. I've canvassed the public but will let you know in person, let's just say he tried to do all the right things but the dark causes you to make safer decisions. I wouldn't say he was "lowest retard in the herd" material, hahaha you are a dick! Excellent and safe kiter though and a great dad!

Bakesy, bakesy know I have a lot of time for you and your son but You don't even kite man. Us old hacks have watched the sport grow with quiet apprehension as the numbers have significantly grown with inverse proportion to the the overall kiter skill. And it worries and those I rate as well. I also read closely areas of the world where kiting is either banned or starting to be banned and this also worries me.

Sure the the red thumbs in this kangaroo court reveal the lack of understanding and experience on this thread (and most threads to be honest).

You say malcolm (it's Malcolm isn't it?) is a safe kiter...sure I am sure you may think so and overall he probably is, but there is no excuse, non whatsoever for someone who has had the proper training, and is a worthy waterman to continue to drift for so long until his options ran out for rescue that night. Although how the Fck would you know lol.

Im sorry, you guys can red thumb me and either do the old 'oh leave the poor sod alone hes a nice guy routine' or just provide the usual unhelpful replies, but I stand by all my comments. There is a much broader issue here than poor malcomes terrible kiteMare...and spending a whole night on bird**** island is right up there.

For example yesterday afternoon I was out just holding down a 10m in gusts up to 30 sometimes higher. I then see some bloke strap his 50kg girlfirend to what looked like a near 9m kite....and for a lesson!!! He didn't even have a harness on. My brother suggested they stop after she was nearly flung through the trees. Thankfully he agreed. That's the kind of bullsh1t I see down there and it has to stop! Before someone gets killed.

A 'safe' kiter...I don't think so bakey, self recuse needs to be ingrained and Automatic. One doesn't just keep floating away like that.

BakeSh you also know I'd be the first to have a beer and chat with Malcolm to about this, so it isn't personal...

red thumb away, the expereinced guys I know and rate completely agree with me, although they think I'm mad even bothering saying something on this twisted forum.

Plus us for the record people just for reinforcement bakesy doesn't even kite...nor spends anytime with kiters, but he's a top bloke nevertheless And would be loving my excessive replies and loving even more your moronic thumbing, to someone who knows NOTHING about kiting. He finds our forums most amusing.

Just goes to show you morons thumbing away who you choose to Listen to And agree with You bunch of peckerheads.

Kite away kooks, dont say I didn't warn you.

WA, 179 posts
1 Dec 2015 3:51PM
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^^^^ FIGJAM - ****c I'm Good Just Ask Me

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 3:54PM
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I rest my case above and yeh Fck you I can ride to back it up. again come down and say that to my face. this is our local spot come down and look me in eye and say that. See what happens.

WA, 3028 posts
1 Dec 2015 3:56PM
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eppo said..

bakesy said..
you are a mad dog! Would post a shot of me pushing charlie into a seals slab but it wouldn't be in context. I've canvassed the public but will let you know in person, let's just say he tried to do all the right things but the dark causes you to make safer decisions. I wouldn't say he was "lowest retard in the herd" material, hahaha you are a dick! Excellent and safe kiter though and a great dad!

Bakesy, bakesy know I have a lot of time for you and your son but You don't even kite man. Us old hacks have watched the sport grow with quiet apprehension as the numbers have significantly grown with inverse proportion to the the overall kiter skill. And it worries and those I rate as well. I also read closely areas of the world where kiting is either banned or starting to be banned and this also worries me.

Sure the the red thumbs in this kangaroo court reveal the lack of understanding and experience on this thread (and most threads to be honest).

You say malcolm (it's Malcolm isn't it?) is a safe kiter...sure I am sure you may think so and overall he probably is, but there is no excuse, non whatsoever for someone who has had the proper training, and is a worthy waterman to continue to drift for so long until his options ran out for rescue that night. Although how the Fck would you know lol.

Im sorry, you guys can red thumb me and either do the old 'oh leave the poor sod alone hes a nice guy routine' or just provide the usual unhelpful replies, but I stand by all my comments. There is a much broader issue here than poor malcomes terrible kiteMare...and spending a whole night on bird**** island is right up there.

For example yesterday afternoon I was out just holding down a 10m in gusts up to 30 sometimes higher. I then see some bloke strap his 50kg girlfirend to what looked like a near 9m kite....and for a lesson!!! He didn't even have a harness on. My brother suggested they stop after she was nearly flung through the trees. Thankfully he agreed. That's the kind of bullsh1t I see down there and it has to stop! Before someone gets killed.

A 'safe' kiter...I don't think so bakey, self recuse needs to be ingrained and Automatic. One doesn't just keep floating away like that.

BakeSh you also know I'd be the first to have a beer and chat with Malcolm to about this, so it isn't personal...

red thumb away, the expereinced guys I know and rate completely agree with me, although they think I'm mad even bothering saying something on this twisted forum.

Plus us for the record people just for reinforcement bakesy doesn't even kite...nor spends anytime with kiters, but he's a top bloke nevertheless And would be loving my excessive replies and loving even more your moronic thumbing, to someone who knows NOTHING about kiting. He finds our forums most amusing.

Just goes to show you morons thumbing away who you choose to Listen to And agree with You bunch of peckerheads.

Kite away kooks, dont say I didn't warn you.

Knee boarder..

WA, 9505 posts
1 Dec 2015 4:09PM
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Yep darth.

WA, 682 posts
1 Dec 2015 5:07PM
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trolling well there Barb's/Doggie/Darth, truth is I'm lidding due to the knee reco, so have fun with that!! No worries Eppo but I still don't get the self-rescue thing. Are you able to do it if your kite is "jellyfishing"? I don't kite but you know I would be into it if I could afford it and could find the time, fish need to be caught and barrels need to be sought. Darth's in the same boat, he's a SUP enthusiast....


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite surfer missing in Mandurah" started by Intheozone