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Kitesurf Jump height measurements......... on your smartwatch?

Created by dachopper > 9 months ago, 1 May 2022
623 posts
29 Aug 2023 6:39PM
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The app is definitely getting better all the time!

2 things I noticed in my most recent session.

1. Don't do one footers with your watch arm. The app detects you moving your arm down to the board and interprets it as the start of the descent. It took me a few minutes to work this out on the water
2. Really soft landings aren't detected all the time. I got a 15m jump with 10 seconds of hangtime as the landing wasn't detected (I'm guessing it was the next bit of chop that was detected as the landing). I'm happy with this as I'd rather that be the case than have a heliloop detected as the landing with me yanking the bar. Also I don't think I've ever had such a smooth landing as that. Definitely not the correct heights though as it was 12-15 knots of wind on a directional with a 12m kite.

Also - in terms of marriage saver, its good to be able to show a GPS track to prove I was actually exercising and not just sat in the pub for 2 hours avoiding the kids

WA, 1790 posts
29 Aug 2023 9:26PM
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weebitbreezy said..
The app is definitely getting better all the time!

2 things I noticed in my most recent session.

1. Don't do one footers with your watch arm. The app detects you moving your arm down to the board and interprets it as the start of the descent. It took me a few minutes to work this out on the water
2. Really soft landings aren't detected all the time. I got a 15m jump with 10 seconds of hangtime as the landing wasn't detected (I'm guessing it was the next bit of chop that was detected as the landing). I'm happy with this as I'd rather that be the case than have a heliloop detected as the landing with me yanking the bar. Also I don't think I've ever had such a smooth landing as that. Definitely not the correct heights though as it was 12-15 knots of wind on a directional with a 12m kite.

Also - in terms of marriage saver, its good to be able to show a GPS track to prove I was actually exercising and not just sat in the pub for 2 hours avoiding the kids

:) Marriage it ! good to here,

I have been heavily distracted with some other projects lately, and I haave not really had much use myself of the latest version, but maybe this weekend.

Yeah..... It's a challange to do everything, with the watch, ultimately if you really want accuracy the only place that will guarantee it is strapping your watch to the chicken loop or maybe on your head on a hat or helmet, and in that case you can spin, dingle dangle, board flip as much as you like - those are the areas of least corruption when it comes to corrupting factors.

The watch won't allways detect the board - off as a descent, but because the sample resolution is what it is, sometimes rapid movements can do things like capture the descent but miss the descent reversal when you stop your hand descending which then makes the data tricker to interpret.

I have put some limits on the landing in relation to the acceleration phase that does two things.

1 - If there is no landing detected within that period, it will assign you the average landing time for that typoe of jump, and
2 - If you do manage to get hit by an updraft after the apex, then your landing will probably be off the end of the recording data ( 10 - 12 seconds ), in which case the landing will be averaged and not the actual 15 / 30 / 60 second handtime.
This is a nmmecessity due to a lot of the basic watch models running out of memory for calculations if there is too much data being stored.

Froth Goth
677 posts
31 Aug 2023 12:35PM
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The new garmin dive watches look insane can keep track of your dive buddys air tanks on your own watch (you can display multiple people and all your little watches act like an underwater computer network have you looked into possibly utiliseing this it could almost be used as a FLARM / transponder collision avoidance etc etc bit of kit maybe? my heads spinning at the thought of codeing it all but with AI writeing code these days maybe it wouldnt be that difficult?

If they can track your friends air in real time maybe they can track eachothers airtime in real time get enough people networked out there and could use eachothers data to calibrate if everyones going between 5 and 60kmph then when one person gets a bad gps ping and it says they just travelled at 120kmph instantly then it would check to see what the rest of the watches are doing and void out that "bad" gps ping ?

Hmm where else could this go?

59 posts
12 Sep 2023 1:15PM
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Hi @dachopper,

Thank you for developing KiteJump Beta.
It is so convenient to use. So much easier than the fussing to use the mobile (start/stop the app, waterproof).

I have used the app a couple of times now and really enjoy the buzz when you set a new record height.

Keen to hear, is there:
- Development to come - like when does it stop being a beta!?
- A way to see a list of each jump in say table format of when it occurred (in addition to the existing chart format - it is hard to pick a specific jump - fat fingers!).

Must admit the recent record height surprised me on a recent session yet stoked is is higher than my mates!

Thanks again!

WA, 1790 posts
12 Sep 2023 6:26PM
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KiteAddicted said..

Hi @dachopper,

Thank you for developing KiteJump Beta.
It is so convenient to use. So much easier than the fussing to use the mobile (start/stop the app, waterproof).

I have used the app a couple of times now and really enjoy the buzz when you set a new record height.

Keen to hear, is there:
- Development to come - like when does it stop being a beta!?
- A way to see a list of each jump in say table format of when it occurred (in addition to the existing chart format - it is hard to pick a specific jump - fat fingers!).

Must admit the recent record height surprised me on a recent session yet stoked is is higher than my mates!

Thanks again!


I haven't really done any testing since I introducted the AI part of the code.
You can go into the menu with the app running, and change the view to scroll up and down through the jumps before you close the app down.

Unfortunately the Garmin ecoystem is incredibly locked down in some respects, and so I cannot add new tables to the Garmin Connect , I can only use the graphing options that Garmin provide.

Alternatively the only way to get more options is to webhost a seperate webpage with custom information.
The issue with that is the cost of webhosting is prohibitive and right now I am aware there are two areas I need to change / improve in the software regarding detection and accuracy.

I have had offers to collaberate with some big aplication providers, and they might be able to offer something in the future, but for now the focus is not on that portion.

623 posts
12 Sep 2023 7:05PM
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If you open a session in the garmin connect app you can view the jumps after the fact in the graph. Its a little fiddly as you have to drag your finger over the jumps one by one but you can look at historic data.

WA, 1790 posts
12 Sep 2023 11:52PM
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I spoke too soon........ Garmin just increased some of the sensor update rates by 400% in a software patch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add support for setting sampling frequency to 100hz for real-time accelerometer data.Add
APIs for getting real-time gyroscope and magnetometer data.
Gyroscope supports sampling rates up to 100hz,
Magnetometer supports up to 50hz.

That will make a massive difference.

1 posts
13 Sep 2023 7:54PM
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dachopper said..
I spoke too soon........ Garmin just increased some of the sensor update rates by 400% in a software patch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add support for setting sampling frequency to 100hz for real-time accelerometer data.Add
APIs for getting real-time gyroscope and magnetometer data.
Gyroscope supports sampling rates up to 100hz,
Magnetometer supports up to 50hz.

That will make a massive difference.

That's great news :D Does that mean, that you'd be able to create a new app version that uses these features, or even the version that is live at the moment should by itself become more precise?

Thanks for all the great work you've been putting into this!

WA, 1790 posts
14 Sep 2023 4:42PM
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mari0x00 said..

dachopper said..
I spoke too soon........ Garmin just increased some of the sensor update rates by 400% in a software patch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add support for setting sampling frequency to 100hz for real-time accelerometer data.Add
APIs for getting real-time gyroscope and magnetometer data.
Gyroscope supports sampling rates up to 100hz,
Magnetometer supports up to 50hz.

That will make a massive difference.

That's great news :D Does that mean, that you'd be able to create a new app version that uses these features, or even the version that is live at the moment should by itself become more precise?

Thanks for all the great work you've been putting into this!

I don't know, I fiddled around today and could not figure out how to access the faster Hz modes.
It should mean higher accuracy, but will require re-coding and re-optimization

and, I don't know yet which ( all or only some )? watches have the ability or not

59 posts
15 Sep 2023 11:51PM
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Ok sounds good. Thanks for the update dachopper and your efforts!

I went out yesterday and scored a massive jump. Like at least double the height of anything previous. It was right in the middle of the session and the other jumps look reasonable. I would love for it to be true but wonder if I did something to "fake" it. The watch sits under my wetsuit. Could that or the way I moved my arm be a factor?

WA, 1790 posts
18 Sep 2023 12:41AM
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KiteAddicted said..
Ok sounds good. Thanks for the update dachopper and your efforts!

I went out yesterday and scored a massive jump. Like at least double the height of anything previous. It was right in the middle of the session and the other jumps look reasonable. I would love for it to be true but wonder if I did something to "fake" it. The watch sits under my wetsuit. Could that or the way I moved my arm be a factor?

Both could.

You can try attaching your watch to your chicken loop, or your head somehow if you are brave :)

WA, 1790 posts
4 Oct 2023 1:21PM
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Version 3.9 released.

I had an issue develop with a software update from Garmin, which ultimatley stopped all jumps from being measured.

That is now fixed, and in time the update will improve the measurements.

Check it out and give me feedback please


Froth Goth
677 posts
4 Oct 2023 4:16PM
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Today i was registering jumps incorrectly much higher then it would normally say one was 20 odd meters and if i had to guess id say it was more like 15ish but i used a pretty big wave kicker

Was with 3.9 on a instinct 2 surf

WA, 1790 posts
5 Oct 2023 1:24PM
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Interesting, that is the general comment that it seams to be registering higher than usual.

WA, 1790 posts
5 Oct 2023 1:28PM
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Froth Goth said..
Today i was registering jumps incorrectly much higher then it would normally say one was 20 odd meters and if i had to guess id say it was more like 15ish but i used a pretty big wave kicker

Was with 3.9 on a instinct 2 surf

How was the detection? and would you think all jumps were overreading, or just 15 meterish jumps?

I have optimised and tested the jump heights for the sub 10 meter range at present

44 posts
6 Oct 2023 12:06AM
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Had a session today with beta 3.9. For my style and conditions the jump detection is spot on and have always been consistent. But with all versions I have had few outliers every session - jumps that are way too big both as absolute and as compared to others in the same session. Today I was on 11m? in 14-18 knots, most of my jumps were around 4m-6m and correctly detected. But I have a 16m, 12m, 10m and 8m all of which are way off. If the algorithm can be fine tuned to not have such outliers the app will work perfectly for me.

1 posts
11 Oct 2023 11:50PM
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I came across this post and decided to give the app a go. I have a Fenix 5x Plus running v3.9. The app picked up pretty much as many jumps as surfr did (phone in wetsuit mode). Similar readings too except for one outlier (16m, was probably 7m or 8m, as that was more or less the rest of jumps).

I cant share screenshot as I'm a first time poster, but happy to share data if it helps development.

Froth Goth
677 posts
12 Oct 2023 6:09AM
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Im gonna try for a 50km jump today

WA, 1790 posts
13 Oct 2023 12:59PM
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Froth Goth said..
Im gonna try for a 50km jump today

WOO 5 ?

I should have some time over the next few weeks to work on the outlier solution.

Unfortunately although I can see the sources of the error, it's going to require a bit more AI type coding.

WA, 1790 posts
13 Oct 2023 8:37PM
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Version 5.0 released today to reduce false jumps, try it out and give feedback please. Particularly Garmin Instinct users.

Go try get that 50km jump :)

Froth Goth
677 posts
23 Oct 2023 7:50AM
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I might connect it to the leading edge so the launch measures as a jump next time

WA, 1790 posts
25 Oct 2023 12:40AM
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Hang gliding.... there's your roblem right there ! :)

WA, 1790 posts
25 Oct 2023 12:54AM
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Meanwhile, back in the real world I made some progress today, got data from my last session , 2 different watches and 2 different Woos'.

When its good it's good, just need to iron out a couple outliers.

Blue is woo2, orange woo1, grey Kitejump beta 4.0

75 posts
26 Oct 2023 3:05AM
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Hi Nick

installed beta 4.0 on garmin fenix 6x pro
Didn't seem to record data in first session; gps ok but couldn't find the data tabulation in the garmin app where kitejump data usually everything else, but no jump/speed chart as I was getting with previous version....should I reinstall? Or somethign else going on d'you think?

Thanks v much.....

WA, 1790 posts
26 Oct 2023 6:52PM
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Hi, did you get any jump detected during the session on the watch, and best jump? Or just talking about GCM not recording. I suggest uninstall / reinstall.

75 posts
27 Oct 2023 4:56AM
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G'day, thks
didn't seem to be anything recorded....that whole panel of stuff that's usually there in the garmin app was missing

so will un/re-install and let u know if it sorts it

BTW what's GCM? Garmin something??

thks again

WA, 1790 posts
27 Oct 2023 5:40AM
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GCM is the Garmin app....
Yeah, if you ever have problems with any garmin apps, usually uninstall / reinstall.

I've made some good progress with the last jumpset. Looks pretty good, Just introduced an issue I need to fix before I can release it. Maybe in a week or 2.

RED is WOO 2


The rest are Kitejump 4.5 on different watches

WA, 1790 posts
27 Oct 2023 7:34PM
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Version 4.5 released today, please uninstall and re-install to get the correct version.
Increased jump height accuracy, Menu operation, button mapping

* Known issue still open - Jump length and hangtime
These will be improved once I get some feedback on 4.5 Jump height

Please provide watch model used for any jump height feedback

Comparison chart

WA, 1790 posts
27 Oct 2023 8:51PM
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brinm said..
Hi Nick

installed beta 4.0 on garmin fenix 6x pro
Didn't seem to record data in first session; gps ok but couldn't find the data tabulation in the garmin app where kitejump data usually everything else, but no jump/speed chart as I was getting with previous version....should I reinstall? Or somethign else going on d'you think?

Thanks v much.....

Please uninstall and try version 4.5 ;)

75 posts
28 Oct 2023 6:52AM
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OK, will do and soon as we have wind!

Thks v much.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kitesurf Jump height measurements......... on your smartwatch?" started by dachopper