Kitesurfing - Ho hum
I have just finished snowboarding 2 feet of fresh Vail champagne powder on my last day of a 10 day trip.
I know it's off topic but I had to tell someone :)
Do whatever you can to get there - best resort in the world!
but why would you want to be anywhere else than WA at the moment, best season ever for kite surfing or windsurfing.
Every thing else becomes pointless,
i think a few 1980's windsurfers are comin out of the closet here
The snow boarding was great, great kitesurfing season with more than enough windy days,
imo a 4 second tube surfing in glassy autumn douth is a winner, if you compared. pity i dont get that much.
I like i could have 2 x 4 hours sessions of snowboarding in a day, definitely less strenuous compared to kiting and surfing
If you are a kiter that came from Windsurfing, then we may be on a par, but the late 90's early 00's provided some epic seasons with both wind and swell in abundance.
Been keeping a diary since learning to windsurf in Leeman back in 94.
(Bugger, now I sounds like an old fart!)
Yep you won the bet! LOL!
Don't know about snow boarding being easier, maybe it was becuase I was a Kook, in blizzard conditions, trying to follow my eastern states mate down black runs who had snow boarded since he could just stand. But my back leg was on bloody fire after an hour.
One thing i will say is farq the cold!
You guys are close but still missing the point
Combine the kiting with the snow
all the fun of the snow and kiting without the lift passes or lift cues
ride up a fresh peak and board down with or without the kite
Anybody who has ever seen Entropy will know what i mean
( just slating you coz i'm jealous)
at minus 10deg C on the mountain and snowing I was hoping the wind wasnt picking up. theres only so many under, mid and top layers i had. fingers were getting numb after a few hours on the colder and windy days. someone told me its my body shutting off the periphery parts.
How do you handle kiting in such cold condition with wind chill etc?
Only 2 feet of fresh - doubt it compares to the thigh - waist deep ive just had in japan. and as for resort areas you have to go a long way to beat the likes of Sunshine and lake louise in Banf, and Squaw, Kirkwood, lake Tahoe and Mammoth Mountan in the states. And numerous places in Europe.
And you just cant beat snow kiting on the Hardangervidda plateau in Norway.
Ive had a wail of a time in all of them over the years
Wal269 - Champagne eh -- Niseko was Brut de Brut this year - but I reckon the scenery in Vale would be hard to beat
Look forward to trying snow kiting - especially with deep powder protection - aka water (deep enough!!) substitute...