Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kurnell Movie

Created by KIT33R > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2009
NSW, 604 posts
6 Jan 2009 1:52PM
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Whats the hardest part about kiting flat water spots???????? ( telling your parents your gay)

NSW, 131 posts
6 Jan 2009 1:52PM
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Re Rollerblade, haven't done it for a few years, I had to disappear after not landing the last jump.

BTW theDoctor and loco4olas, weren't you that cute couple sitting on the corner of the Oxford bar watching the Rollerblades go past every Wednesday? Have you told your parents yet?

Watch from 3mins 17secs onwards.

NSW, 414 posts
6 Jan 2009 2:35PM
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The car won... Rollerblading looks so $h!t, if a girl did it then I may be interested. It's a fairly dainty sport.

How cool does the guy look with the singlet, elbow pads, wrist pads and kneepads in the background?

PS: Love your avatar Milko, those waves look awesome

NSW, 131 posts
6 Jan 2009 2:46PM
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Hey Jeff2231, trust you to be checking out the chunky Asian guy, Looks like you did not even notice the hot chick in the middle? Have you told your parents yet?

NSW, 414 posts
6 Jan 2009 3:17PM
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Your right! I was having trouble seeing through the tears of laughter after watching that guy with a rocket on his back gangle his way over the finish line

NSW, 131 posts
6 Jan 2009 9:48PM
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I was having trouble seeing through the tears of laughter after watching that guy with a rocket

To much sand in your Vaseline?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kurnell Movie" started by KIT33R