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Lou Wainman Kites

Created by fozzy > 9 months ago, 8 May 2008
SA, 501 posts
8 May 2008 8:09PM
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Anyone know anymore on these than what's provided here:

The guy was so far ahead of his time it's hard to be anything but interested.

WA, 384 posts
8 May 2008 6:46PM
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his website could use a bit of work. why is it so futuristic... ot claims it does what every kite in the market claims to do, but then doesnt go in to detail why, sorry but not really impressed, admititly ive never head of him, who is he?

SA, 501 posts
8 May 2008 8:33PM
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Hmm.. Not sure if you're taking the piss or not.

If not, he was one of the original Maui crew and was nailing tricks back then that most struggle with now, but was doing it on the very first kites.

Fair to say, A Legend!

QLD, 448 posts
8 May 2008 9:16PM
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h20fly said...

but not really impressed, admititly ive never head of him, who is he?

look at some youtube vids of what he was doing in 2001 and you will see who he his

WA, 5353 posts
8 May 2008 7:22PM
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research your roots. he is kiteboarding. lou is why we do what we do.

QLD, 701 posts
8 May 2008 9:38PM
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dusty do your homework and stop surfing kite vids

WA, 4263 posts
8 May 2008 7:52PM
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h20fly said...
sorry but not really impressed, admititly ive never head of him, who is he?

You can't help but feel old when kitegrommets don't know who Lou is ?
I need to pioneer another board sport.

QLD, 312 posts
8 May 2008 10:57PM
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I hadn't heard of him either. I just searched his name on youtube and this is what I found: and HOLY **** he was WAY ahead of his time!

WA, 789 posts
8 May 2008 9:02PM
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Yeh can you imagine how good he would have been if safety leashes worked 10 years ago!!

QLD, 2765 posts
8 May 2008 11:12PM
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i'm surprised he is promoting a bridled model in the range. wainman has always been loudly opposed to SLE kites

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
8 May 2008 9:36PM
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felixk said...

I hadn't heard of him either. I just searched his name on youtube and this is what I found: and HOLY **** he was WAY ahead of his time!

Oh man that takes me back! Lou was really setting the pace a long while back. Not massive progression since him really, just versions of the same but with kiteloops in the tricks.

When you consider Lou was riding in boots and on 2-line kites when most had changed to 4-lines depowerable kites. Kiters were hard back then!

I hope he did well out of kiting!

Good winds,

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
8 May 2008 9:48PM
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Is no one gonna pick 'Slave up on his claim to be a pioneer of kiting??!?

'I need to pioneer another board sport'

And on a post about Wainman too...

gimme a break.


QLD, 5283 posts
9 May 2008 12:37AM
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lots of people pioneered 2 lines, some excelled, some crashed and burned and lou was the shining light........egos........egos............nice pioneering 'slave......SUP for you next. good call ben.


WA, 5353 posts
8 May 2008 10:49PM
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yeah and i pioneered it
p.s. quick everyone can claim now if they want, the door is open for a claim fest.

WA, 49 posts
8 May 2008 11:09PM
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smooth - Ive noticed some seriously short lines in a few of his clips

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
9 May 2008 1:38AM
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short lines short board short man.

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
9 May 2008 8:52AM
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Trem said...

smooth - Ive noticed some seriously short lines in a few of his clips

Hey Trem,

Lou was attempting to do a complete forward roll loop where the rider is inverted and the kite directly below him, I think he was trying to pull off the sailboard style forward loop, end over end.

He never really pulled it off, but had a few good goes at it.

In theory, the trick is totally possible, but you need about 5-7m lines, some altitude ...... and huge kahunas

Who will be the first?????

WA, 4263 posts
9 May 2008 9:25AM
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Ben De Jonge said...

Is no one gonna pick 'Slave up on his claim to be a pioneer of kiting??!?

'I need to pioneer another board sport'

And on a post about Wainman too...

gimme a break.


I stand by my claim.
Anybody who began kiting at the change of the millennium (of before) was a pioneer.
I was one of the first in the waves around my neck of the woods.
Does that make me a pioneer or just an early adopter ??
A pioneer doesn't have to be a star....Lou's a star.
I'm just a sh1t for brains kitefreak.

QLD, 4083 posts
9 May 2008 11:26AM
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stamp said...

i'm surprised he is promoting a bridled model in the range. wainman has always been loudly opposed to SLE kites

Which one of those guys from the early days rode for Flysurfer? It's on the teamrider section of my DVD, do you think I can find it? Whoever it was he isn't on their website now, I thought it might have been Lou?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 May 2008 9:34AM
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I'm just a sh1t for brains kitefreak.

Your special 'slave

NSW, 238 posts
9 May 2008 12:07PM
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stamp said...

i'm surprised he is promoting a bridled model in the range. wainman has always been loudly opposed to SLE kites

No he wasn't. He didn't choose to ride the ones that came out - some of them, because they didn't suit what he wanted to do at the time. The thing about him is that he will try pretty much everything, and adjust/fiddle/ruin/improve/void the **** out of warranty of whatever he gets his hands on. He has always been quite open minded about the stuff he uses or tries and importantly, has resisted getting into silly tribal camps with rigid ideas about what is 'cool'. I like him!

WA, 5353 posts
9 May 2008 12:35PM
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he rode flysurfer...........

Josh K
QLD, 318 posts
9 May 2008 4:04PM
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hell sailor.

too many drugs lol

QLD, 1203 posts
9 May 2008 4:19PM
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Trem said...

smooth - Ive noticed some seriously short lines in a few of his clips

That is also a seriously small board

WA, 1440 posts
10 May 2008 9:40AM
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who is lou wainman and where can i find him?

QLD, 39 posts
10 May 2008 2:17PM
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Chek out the buy & sell section for the Old School 2 line kites like Lou rode

WA, 516 posts
12 May 2008 12:58PM
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I remember him being the main pusher for a wake board style that had square ends. It was the first I saw that didn't use the fork designs which everyone else was using at the time. It ended up being the standard as far as twin tip designs go. It was called the hazmat and was totally rad at the time.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
12 May 2008 4:31PM
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Lou was one of the first to ride the pickle fork design. Jimmy lewis made them in the early days, and Liquid Force made a Lou signature 141 Pickle fork. Thats way back in the day though. I actually had a couple of pickle forks my self, a 141 and a 151. They sucked! but that was a long time ago now, back when we used 2-line kites, and no leashes.

Lou was doing it way before any one! When I say doing it, I mean pushing it, and hard! Watching Lou, Mauricio, Elliot and crew in those early days was just painful. Never seen any one punish them selves like they did. If you can find a movie called "HIGH" watch it. Most of Lou's moves are better than anyone is doing today (if you are going to compare them to wakeboarding moves) and that was shot in 1998.

Very talented rider.


QLD, 4083 posts
13 May 2008 1:12AM
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sir ROWDY said...

he rode flysurfer...........

Then I'd say he isn't opposed to bridles.

So that was Lou interviewed on the FS DVD (I wasn't concentrating too hard). Seems like a nice bloke, not full of himself despite his achievements. That was the impression I got anyway.

WA, 568 posts
13 May 2008 12:15AM
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If you want more old school Lou, Elliot, Robby, Mauricio, Flash Austin and the guys check out "Air Sickness" on VHS. Everyone is ripping pretty hard but Lou's segment in the very end is in a completely different league.. He's the king, simple as that.

NSW, 1000 posts
13 May 2008 5:57PM
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GreenPat said...

sir ROWDY said...

he rode flysurfer...........

Then I'd say he isn't opposed to bridles.

So that was Lou interviewed on the FS DVD (I wasn't concentrating too hard). Seems like a nice bloke, not full of himself despite his achievements. That was the impression I got anyway.

I got the impression he was just really stoned and would rather be kiting....


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Lou Wainman Kites" started by fozzy