I've also sent my emails to council and will be there to support.
There were such good numbers the other week at Rylands movie premiere, it was great to see such support for one of our own. (Great work too.)
I hope the same numbers of support are shown for this.
Hi ***
Thanks for your email and taking the time to express your opinion in relation to the Beach Management Plan. There are a wide variety of issues that has raised considerable interest including kite surfing. At this stage no decision has been made and it is ultimately a determination for Council to make as to what it believes is in the best interests of the community, taking into consideration the feedback received from the public consultation and comments made during that process.
The above is the response I received from the Mayor of Joondalup to an email voicing my "ahem" displeasure at the councils intention to pursue the extended option 2 scenario. I hope,as Mayor Pickard states that "At this stage no decision has been made " is true and the combined efforts of all metropolitan area kiters will lead them to the realisation that the nigh on total ban will not work and is not in the best interests of anyone including the ellected officials.
Let them Know that you are upset about the proposal. Squeeky wheel gets the grease as we know and have had demonstrated to us by the fact this proposal is even on the cards.
P.S I emailed the Mayor yesterday and had a reply at 7 o.clock this morning. Good on him.
Yep to all of that TL
And the concept of seasonal or weather related usage guidelines has never even been mentioned anywhere in any of the decision making process.
A 24/7 ban of the whole beach is just not on.
What staggers me here is that they go to all the trouble of running a public comment/survey campaign.
They get a clear indication that (no mattter who counts) more than 2/3rds of residents are in favour of kiting being allowed at Nth Mullaloo
Then they come back with a recommendation to council for an "option 2" which recommends a total ban of kiting even though that most extreme of extreme options was not even among the options offered for comment in the survey.
Given that the survey was technically flawed to begin with anyhow* just how is an outcome like that possible?
* those who have any background in statistics will have noticed that the main question relating to your choice of options for kiting was a classic case of "have you stopped beating your wife yet". A much touted joke in stats lectures.
This is why WAKSA had trouble recommending an appro option. Whatever option you chose could be taken as being anti-kiting.
You just have to wonder who is pulling the strings at Joondalup.
It makes being prepared to be reasonable very difficult.
Yep it certainly does make you wonder who is behind it all, I mentioned the fact that the survey was a little 'confusing' in my email, it seemed to be slanted towards getting the answers they wanted, guess we will find out if some of the Councillors are deserving of your alias or not POAS.