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MultiRack Best Friends Rail Jam

Created by chrwar > 9 months ago, 24 Apr 2010
QLD, 272 posts
24 Apr 2010 2:29PM
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This week will see the finishing touches applied to the features and with wind forecasted 15-20kts for the Saturday (Clinic Day) we are in for a great event!

With two jetskis operating in no wind periods and in the initial learning phases for riders who have not hit rails before will make the clinic priceless!

Anyone who is planning on coming up earlier and would like to help out getting rails in the water will be rewarded with some early park riding and of course a few beers! Let me know either by PM or mob 0422 430430. Obviously the more hands the lighter the workload and the happier everyone will be!

Registrations are pretty much closed, so if you have not yet contacted Adrenalin Rush Sports Australia, please make it a point to do so on Monday! (I have kept a few secret spots available for justincase)!!

Looking forward to having everyone in Mackay, esp crew who are making a huge effort to get here from Vic, NSW and SE Qld regions, nice one!

Please check the website click on multirack rail jam page and check out the updates......we will be kicking off at 9am on Saturday at Town Beach, those who need to pay and renew or join AKSA can do so either on Friday at the shop or first thing Saturday morning at the event site.

Cheers, Chris

QLD, 403 posts
24 Apr 2010 7:03PM
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QLD, 272 posts
25 Apr 2010 1:25PM
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Don't forget your helmets!!! All riders in the clinic will be wearing them for sure!

QLD, 272 posts
26 Apr 2010 12:13PM
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Very sorry to Lisa H coming all the way from Tassie.....yeeeeeeeoow!

A very warm Mackay welcome to you Lisa, looking forward to meeting you and hearing all about Tassie Kiting!

Cheers, Chris

QLD, 134 posts
26 Apr 2010 1:54PM
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Hey thanks Chris and totally cool...def no strangers to being left off the map

Looking forward to meeting the crew and getting schooled on this stuff – have heard really good things about Mackay - sounds like it’s going to be epic.

chrwar said...

Don't forget your helmets!!!

ahh -do I need one or two?

NSW, 184 posts
26 Apr 2010 10:24PM
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Hopefully be in mackay sometime thurs. happy to help out. will give ya a call when im in town. cant wait. forecast looking good for the weekend. whats the final count for the features?

QLD, 272 posts
27 Apr 2010 1:13AM
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1. Multi Rack - wall ride
2. Gale Force/Underwave - A-frame
3. KSA Designs - Kicker
4. KSA Designs - Wedge
5. Adrenalin Rush - Flat bar
6. Best Kiteboarding - 20m Flat Bar
7. Thrifty - Rooftop
8. KitePower Qld - 10m box
9. KitePower Qld - 7m box
10. KiteThrills - Inflatable flat bar
11. Project Kaizen - secret rail
12. Will try for a 12th if we have materials!


Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:46AM
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Yeow!!! Getting sorted to leave on Thursday morning :) Can't Wait!!!

QLD, 272 posts
27 Apr 2010 11:14PM
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Hey Guys and Girls,

An email will be coming soon from Adrenalin Rush Sports Aus, highlighting a few very important things. ONE of which is payment prior to the event starting on Saturday! There will be little opportunity to pay on the day especially not by card. If you have to join AKSA you will need to pay for this as well. (working on grp discount hahah)

If you can't for some reason pay before, can you let me know so we can arrange something!

Another important piece of info, is you all need to be ready to go at 8am, Town Beach. You will easily find the event site, as there is only one toilet block at the beach and there will the odd flag and stuff!

As this is a Rail Jam, it will take everyone helping to get stuff in and out of the water and move obstacles throughout the day etc. The only way rail jams will work in kiting is everyone pitches in. It is not a cable park where we can leave stuff forever. Everything has to be put in and taken out! Some stuff will stay in situ all weekend and get taken out Monday, but other rails will need to be pulled in each day, as they will float off to sea and take out a coal tanker causing some badness and loss of hair! If by chance I see you are not helping there will be a little monkey set lose with a knife and he will take you down to china town!

8am your fees (ring ARSA) and AKSA if required (can be done Saturday, no cards cash only)!

Cheers Chris

matt camo
QLD, 95 posts
30 Apr 2010 10:07AM
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1 day left winds looking good tooo
can everyone have ago at the kickers and sliders or is it just for the people in the comp????

132 posts
30 Apr 2010 9:55PM
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////////sup Chris//////

So looks like this is gunna be a pretty sic event, any chance we could explain it again... so people need to register to hit the obstacles for insurance reasons yeah???

Everyone welcome??? You, Camo & Rowdy giving tips??? So the comp is not tooo serious? If people haven't hit this stuff before it's not a major thing yeah???

So are you saying the whole idea is to give ppl the chance to learn how, hit some rad stuff, hang out with cool crew, kite, comp if they want and learn how you smell old man's balls???


QLD, 272 posts
1 May 2010 12:00AM
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Hi Doonas.... if that's really ur name......


QLD, 1855 posts
1 May 2010 6:21PM
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good day, heaps of peeps.
multi rag looks wicked.

NSW, 184 posts
2 May 2010 6:23PM
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Wind + Multi Rack Wall Ride= Siiiicnesssss!

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
4 May 2010 10:01AM
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Massive thanks to Chris, Joe and Mel for the weekend

The event was a massive success with everyone scoring some epic hits, and learning a bunch of new skills on the obstacles. Was great to see so many people who'd never hit anything - havin a go and pulling it off by the end of the weekend. Great group of riders there, everyone was friendly and full of encouragement - i've never heard so many "Yeeeeew's" "Lightweight buddy!" and random sh1t being called in my life lol.

The obstacles themselves were great - with good sliding surfaces (that were kind to our boards) and perfectly suited for the range of abilities we had there.

The super long Kitepower QLD Flat box was packed out the whole weekend - with everything from straight boardslides, to presses and something like a 1080 from Josh Porter going down. I'm pretty sure every rider had at least one hit on this one.

The Best 20m flat bar proved to be a killer - sitting in the shallows it took it's fair share of victims. Lisa had the best though with a taco bill down the whole length on her stomach Was worth it though and I saw some steezy hits and presses going down the whole length.

The Kite Thrills Inflatable banana rail was a bumpy and fun ride - popular with the kids due it having no pointy sharp bits.

The Galeforce A-frame proved to be for the experienced only this time, sitting in very shallow water with a small ollie on necessary - it was a great one to be watching - you'll definitely see that one again because it's indestructible...

The KSA Wedge & Kicker (more like BOOTER) saw many a faceplant into the mud - but it was a bit of fun and something different to hit.

The ARSA drop box sat in the middle and I saw a couple of attempts - the ollie on made it a bit intimidating but it had a fun slide surface.

But the Highlight feature for me, was definitely the MULTI RACK WALLRIDE. If there was wind - there was a lineup for the wallride. It was home to everything from boardslides, presses, 3's & best of all the ridiculous faceplants. Wait until you guys see the photo's of the wallride from the 2am night shoot - amazing!!! Rob & Paul have some sick skills with a camera (and some insane equipment) so a HUGE thanks to you guys for getting up at midnight for us, and staying out all day every day in the rain, sun & wind.

Thanks again to Chris for running the show, all the sponsors for funding the weekend, the guys who spent countless hours working on the build, and the repair crew for running round with the drills and hammers to fix everything when it broke. Was an epic weekend - worth the drive, worth the entry fee, worth the bruises - bring on next year

Backside boardslide on the Galeforce A-Frame

Josh Porter goin for the 3 off the wall

The man himself - Chris Wardell goin for the top

Hayden Porter - Showing us why boots are better on this stuff

Jacob Goodwin - Sliding on his face

Jacob Goodwin - Now sliding on his tail

Josh Porter - High and backwards

Josh Porter pushin hard on the nose [}:)]

Obviously a very scary looking edge on the KP box

Sideshow Bob, Pinapple Head or simply Darren - about to get a face full of sand

Mr Kitelife - Paul

Rob putting his gear on the line - sorry mate - best photo I got of ya lol

SA, 142 posts
4 May 2010 10:09AM
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looks sick guys - keep posting pictures

Kite Mag
VIC, 154 posts
4 May 2010 11:16AM
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At last, something worthwhile on this forum. Well done Chris and to all of you who made the effort to build sliders and kickers.
You guys must have worked your buts off to get all of that set up. Congratulations and I look forward to hearing more about the event.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
4 May 2010 9:38AM
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man some of that stuff looked ghetto as hell! so devastated i missed that thanks to uni

WA, 5353 posts
4 May 2010 10:28AM
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Huge thanks to Chris, Joe, Mel, Mike and everyone else who helped get this thing going!!!! It was actually really sick and the vibe was awesome.
I was stoked to see even some older guys coming along and having a solid go at it, showing everyone that age isn't a limiting factor for sliders etc...
Also thanks to Rhys for taking me home on saturday night, sounds like it wasn't a simple task. And another big thanks to old mate down the beach for chucking a tyre on my fire...

p.s. If anyone knows what happened on saturday night or found Lee's shoes please send me a message.

p.p.s Next stop SANDGATE!!! Bringing back the scene one step at a time.
If anyone wants any tips for building rails kickers or holding an event at your own beach, just send me a message.

QLD, 851 posts
4 May 2010 1:05PM
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Also have to say it was a super fun event.

Big thanks to Chris and all the sponsors who got involved and made it happen. It's good to see heaps more of these events happening and hopefully we see more in the future.

It was good to see everyone having a crack at it and there was definitely a pretty cool vibe and everyone was super keen to help out.

Well done Chris for a fun event.

QLD, 851 posts
4 May 2010 1:07PM
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Oh and thanks to Rhys and the his brothers for giving me a place to stay on saturday night. It sure beat sleeping under the truck at the event site

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
4 May 2010 2:53PM
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Lol just call me the Multi-Rack Taxi & accommodation service You boys missed out - Was an epic day/night on the water after you left...

WA, 5353 posts
4 May 2010 1:28PM
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Hey it was my plan to hang out at the beach and get some night riding/ shots haha, dunno what happened to that though.

1 posts
4 May 2010 7:18PM
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Hey guys,

Also got some shots on the day, was good to meet some of you. I was one of the other fools taking my camera in the water :S

Let me know what you think:

For more shots have a look at

Feel free to add me on facebook:

QLD, 134 posts
4 May 2010 9:41PM
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One cool weekend.

Big thank you to Chris, all the sponsors who made it possible and to everyone there who contributed to the vibe.

The pros and better riders looked awesome and the encouragement given to people like me, hitting the stuff for the first time, was a standout – nothing like clearing an obstacle for the first time and hearing a cheer from other kiters on the water. The rider progression was crazy from day 1 with the support, coaching and continual tips fom Chris and the team who took us from trying not to peak at the sight of a funbox to getting over it, hitting with more pace, wide rails, 50/50, sidewall and to the theory behind pressing and spinning - always something to keep working towards. Had no idea there were actually names for the different stacks too haha! Have a much better understanding now of how easy they make it look.

Night photoshot was a def highlight- wondering where the hell the wall was in the dark, realising there's a millisecond to unhook and rideup and then, bam, 3 bulbs go was rockstar!


QLD, 796 posts
4 May 2010 11:10PM
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Cant wait to get hold of some of the night shots. On the camera they looked amazing. Fantastic job.

QLD, 272 posts
5 May 2010 1:41AM
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This will be a bit long winded but worth the read...

One of, if not the best event I have ever been involved in! Without the massive effort put in by almost everyone in getting rails in and out of the water, adjusting angles when needed, helping out repairing damaged rails etc, most of which was done without asking and or pleading with people to help....the event would have been a disaster!

My idea was to build a heap of rails, some easy, some not so and really aim at riders who have not had an opportunity to hit rails in kiteboarding before and for some hit rails for the first time ever. I myself have had limited riding with rails with a kite so I know first hand how difficult it is to get comfortable riding a rail in kiteboarding compared to the ease of cable sessions. So I wanted to build easy beginner rails whilst providing coaching tips to get riders to loose their fears and give it a go. The first day was supposed to be a full clinic day, but with a few rail positional problems it did not really go to plan, so I decided to continue coaching Sunday as well. Sunday was by far the day for progression and seeing riders hit rails with confidence and some introducing their natural style on the rail were showing why I did this in the first place!

Can't thank our sponsors enough - Multi rack for all the slide surface, Thrifty for helping in trucks and buses, ARSA for everything kiteboarding in Mackay, Best kiteboarding, Balance kiteboards, KitePower Qld, KSA Designs, SOLRX Sunscreen, Underwave Hardware, Cardboards, Surf connect, Project Kaizen Coaching, KiteThrills and of course look out for full coverage in your next issues of Kitemag and Kiteboarder! Huge thank you to Tracey Mac for her continued support in letting us have her ute through the build process and Blake, Anthony, Joe and Colesy for build help, along with James Dolby for truck driver and getting in!

Thank you to our organised photographers Rob W. and Paul Cousins, huge time put in and the night shoot was well worth rewarding you guys with what I hope will be some sick shots. Thanks for your efforts! Anyone who was taking photos as well thank you and can you share them with us all on seabreeze or face book, cheers. The pro photographers will be working with me to showcase the ethos & vibe of the event thru our respective mediums soon.

Thanks be to Mike and Lisa for cooking BBQ, yewww!

I definitely could not have done this without the amazing support and non stop giving from my beautiful partner Andy B. From helping me all the way during the build right thru to bus driving and marshaling riders and more. Andy gave up her chance of learning to hit rails to be in the background doing all the little, sometimes over looked things. Without her, this event would have been a sham! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Results...... well everyone should an deserves something for their efforts, due mainly to the fantastic attitude to help when needed, try when asked, and give it a go when fear is face on!
But of course we can't do that so we reward those who in my mind really stood out, so here goes....

Best Overall Rail Rider - Josh Porter (Winner of RedBull and Cash)
Most Improved/Progression - Lisa Hickman (new Cardboard coming Lisa' way)
Best Grom - Jacob Goodwin (New LF Board - thanks to Surf Connect)
Encouragement awards Male - Toby the Scorpion. Female - Mel Millen (prizes from Gale Force and SolRs Sunscreen)
Best Local Talent - Brent Coles (Gale Force T and Red Bull)
Best Helper - Jason Goodwin (Gale Force T and Red Bull)
Best 'Sweet' - Paul Cousins lol (encouragement pinch on the bum)

From a pro rider and coaches perspective, I am proud as punch! To watch riders on the first few hits smash themselves and get up again to try again led them on the path of max progression. My fav moment overall was watching Lisa H and Mike Walker hit the wall ride at night (about 1-2am) with only the light of the flash as they hit the wall and come in fully smiling and cheering as if it was there first ever time getting up on a kiteboard, priceless!

May you all go back home and build bigger and better rails, think about better materials to use, make them lighter etc, then once you have found the answer we will come together and do it all again!

Thank you for all for making the journey to beautiful Mackay and your tireless effort I hope you learnt something, I hope you found passion to progress further with wakestyle and I hope you pay your event fee's this week if you have not done so all ready lol!

Chris Wardell

Ps, I am sorry if I forgot to mention you and your efforts, Thank you!!!

WA, 314 posts
4 May 2010 11:42PM
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So wanna make it to this event next year.

Looks like heaps of fun and great opportunity to meet some new people and up the skills.

Hope it is one next year.

Can't wait for the night pics.

QLD, 185 posts
5 May 2010 11:24AM
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Yeeaaahhh - it was an awesome weekend - I'd only had a handful of slider sessions before and always with the result of bruises and pain. Thanks to rowdy and Chris for some simple but effective tips.

So stoked with the event - fantastic vibe, and great progression. loads of new experiences, and good times -

thanks Chris and the Mackay crew for puttin on a classic event - again!

6 May 2010 7:13PM
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Ditto from us too. Everyone made a huge effort to carry kickers and sliders every day. Sitting back waiting for the water to come in gave everyone a great chance to catch up.

Massive thanks to Chris who gives his heart & soul in every event he has anything to do with, but especially for this one. Months of making this the biggest rail event & a huge fun park. He gave every bit of his spare time to the work with the help of a few local Mackay crew to make this event happen.

Andy B, thanks for your constant support, airport pick ups & drops, encouragement and super positive smiles, you rock!

Thanks to Joe & Mel for there support of the event and all the other sponsors who gave gear, money, prizes & time.

We had some great sessions kiting in Mackay & will be back on board for the event next year.

Will muck around making rails for the local lake weyba crew over the coming season to see if we can come up with a few light weight options to bring along to mackay.

Awesome effort, thanks for a great weekend!

6 May 2010 7:23PM
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Just a few pics

Mike Walker


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"MultiRack Best Friends Rail Jam" started by chrwar