She who must be obeyed didn't go for that idea.
Great trip, great place, brilliant people up here.
Get amongst it.
Hey epstein,I know its a bit late to contribute.Anyhow ,if thats you up there,is that a new example of Helicopter Parenting ? Go the antman..his got a big future.
I had the privilege of watching this young fella progress all Summer. Eppo Snr spending hours standing in the shallows, on a folding chair in the shade or shallow water, showing incredible patience. Ants progress was rapid and impressive. Classic watching him learning how to jump in only inches of water. Clearly no fear like his old man...
My partner actually used the young tacker for motivation with the theory "that if he can, I can" and it sped up her progression too.
Haven't seen him kite for a couple of months now as its been pretty fickle down our way but can only assume he's already overtaken my generally poor skill level.
Go the Ant man!
Surfing and footy season for him now as well as competitive club swimming.
He will have a grom axis board from westoz next season so he can't wait.
The way my injury is progressing I might be still sitting on a chair watching simsat.
You got beat up alot at school didn't you? Keyboard cauncy
No need for the shower btw, spent a lovely night in the spa with mrs cauncy
....I would just love to see you say that to Cauncy face to face.
You should do more research into people's past lol..
Not sure about that but I do know I wouldn't be saying that to him face to face... especially considering I can't run at the moment.
Mowingthelawn why would you want to pick a fight on a thread about somones kid getting stoked on kitesurfing?
My young fella has gotten into kitesurfing and last season became relatively independent. He's now hooked.
It's fantastic as we get to spend heaps of time together, which makes me, him and my missus happy. Win-win-win hey...
Negative posts aside, this is a really good thread. Keep up the good work boys.
I was showing this thread to a couple of my non kiting mates in work as my 13yo is getting into kiting and I'll be showdowing him over the upcoming summer. Was looking forward to getting some tips etc but I see mowing the lawn has hijacked and screwed up the thread.
JoeMc, apart from getting your son some lessons beforehand (so you can avoid some of the less than proud fatherly moments), is as follows...sounds simple but it was advice I had from a great friend (and fellow Kiter) who was also their shadowing his learning curve from the start.
At some stage you have to swallow that knot in your throat/ stomach (which comes from that primitive protective place) and let him sort through some things himself.
So here was the situation. He could control the kite, practised all the safety stuff bla bla bla and was going on the board. But he could not for the life of him get upwind. This also meant he was getting frustrated and still dropping the kite, and sometimes a long way out (luckily in an estuary that he could stand). Now he wasn't that good at relaunching at this stage, it was hit and miss so I'd be trudging the long trek out there often...and of course being so young (you might not have this issue st 13) he'd be crying and shouting in frustration, so of course this would frustrate me (hence the non proud fatherly moments).
Then one day my buddy spoke in my ear (he had just dropped his kite again and was going through his usual tantrum) and said "mate just let him go, let him sort this one out".
So I just stood their against all my instincts. Next thing I know he had the kite in the air...THEN
He ROCKETS upwind!!! To the point now he can out point all of us if he so chooses!!
After that...all he needs is a little encouragement to try new things and's all gravy.
So bottom line, not too many instructions, and at some stage let him sort through some issues.
Soemtimes all the theory we give them just confuses the hell out of them.
Keep it simple and try at all costs to avoid losing your sh1t...which only comes from fear of their safety.
Tell ya man the day you are riding along side your son, jumping, laughing (while still watching like a hawk) is a day to remember man.
Hope that helps.
And MTL, seriously, have a look in the mirror you sad sack.
You are one messed up
mofo dude. You c an't hurt my feelings as I pity you. Truth be told I've come across bugger flog bags than you who at least had some ability to counter arguments in a clever fashion.
Then again there is no place for counter dueling on a thread regarding the experience of watching our children learn to kite.
Bad form.
You are just a simple stupid fool without a clue who seems to have little respect or honour.
The fact you have used a thread on the journey of teaching our sons (and I presume daughter as well in some cases) to kite, to further your misplaced trolling is just purely disgraceful.
You really should be ashamed of yourself but then again a village idiot is a village idiot. A nobody with nothing to add of any value as I'm informed and the empirical evidence so far backs up this claim.