Forums > Kitesurfing General

Osmosis- the new move?

Created by hi fliya > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2007
156 posts
23 Aug 2007 3:03PM
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my nana's proud too

Anyway back to the vid that Lance stuck up..... i honestly reckon Lou Wainman (the godfather of wakestyle) would have allready done that. Since he invented most kiteboarding moves chances are he's most likely to have brought a 540 osmosis into kiteboarding as well (thats the trick on the clip by the way 4 those who have NOT seen it but have come here to get entertained by me and mr charlie)

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
23 Aug 2007 4:59PM
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hahahah yea... never tried a bulla? nor have i kited muriwai, seeing as its an hours drive!!! yea theres alota little things best should touch up in 08, if they did id be happy with them. I wouldnt mind givin the bandit a try but i most likely woudnt ride it as ive gone anti bridle. You should see the new CL i made for my best bar! its HUUUGE flipin sick but i havnt used it koz i think the rope dad used to make the centre line is a bit weak?

Mark i thought u hated wake tricks? didnt you say we shud leave it for behind a boat?! haha funny man you are eh...

156 posts
24 Aug 2007 10:26AM
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Yeah Muriwai is a bit of a drive... Joel and i occasionally head there in the weekend when its on.

As for the Bandit, not really any real bridle as such, could argue that its more of a 5th line but ends up being 3 lines... they did that with the tribal too and way less strings than the waroo etc... which is a good thing. but i still find the waroo less hassle than a c kite cos its way easier to self land. As for 5th line c kites.... yuk, another line to untangle..... waroo is easier to self land than the bullaroo cos it doesn't have that solid pull so easier to walk up the front lines when its nukin... other than that the bullaroo is nice and stable for all sorts of moves.

And in regards to wakestyle... i don't hate wakestyle at all, i just personally don't see the point of just solely doing wakeboarding moves and nothing else... but hey each to his own.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Osmosis- the new move?" started by hi fliya