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Created by sci > 9 months ago, 1 Oct 2011
WA, 762 posts
1 Oct 2011 12:01PM
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We are going to be in Shark bay today where should we go to launch our kites?

WA, 1675 posts
1 Oct 2011 12:25PM
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Launch on the beach next to the ocean and go out on the water to kite
From memory most launched on the se corner of town in Denham.

WA, 3848 posts
1 Oct 2011 1:04PM
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Someone once warned me of heaps of stonefish in the gulf area (monkeymia/eastern side) .. does anybody know if this is this case, and what months are they around more?

WA, 139 posts
1 Oct 2011 1:12PM
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Clean water and no crowds

WA, 3472 posts
1 Oct 2011 1:17PM
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I was told the stonefish were in the two lagoons (particularly big lagoon) but I know of quite a few people that have kited them without any worries.
I reckon I would be trying not to walk around to much if you did kite there though.

I had lots of strong Easterlies whilst I was up that way so kited the around the corner from Monkey Mia in the gulf (East side)

WA, 139 posts
1 Oct 2011 1:36PM
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We heard that there was some stone fish but they said they are at the mouth of the lagoons in the shallows near the rocks. We saw none at little lagoon, its all sand on the bottom.

WA, 74 posts
1 Oct 2011 7:32PM
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hey sci,

at shark bay, on southerly, launch your kite on the small sand beach between the camp site and the sea, right hand side of the round about as your facing the water.
there is a sort of post in the ground, near the bush, which should still be there, to help you launching if needed
about shark bay, the man you wanna talk to is: WAYNE, he works at the dec ( department of environment and conservation ), he s also a kitesurfer, he s THE good man, he ll tell u everything you need to know kitewise and else in this area.
the dec office, is right behind the bakery, on the denham foreshore, you can t miss it.
BIG LAGOON, in francois peron nat park, IS A GREAT IDEA BUT YOU NEED A 4X4, was there last year, magnifique and unreal site in the middle of nowhere.
can t wait to get back this season with all my pinna crew mates. bon voyage and safe kiting. rv.

WA, 175 posts
2 Oct 2011 8:22AM
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laurie said...

Someone once warned me of heaps of stonefish in the gulf area (monkeymia/eastern side) .. does anybody know if this is this case, and what months are they around more?

I had a charter boat in Monkey Mia for a couple of years , Sportfishing and Sightseeing Safari's, I operated it mainly out of Monkey Mia at the time and would occasionally fish in the Western Gulf aswell due to the Pink Snapper bans while I was there.

I have never seen a Stone Fish on a sandy bottom, I have only ever seen them camouflaged within rocks close to shore. The only real place in Monkey Mia to be concerned about them would be in shallow water behind the Pearl Farm and you are not likely going to go there and kite as there would be a wind shadow in a SW and your also going to get tangled up in the Pearl Farm lines. If you stay away from shallow rocky areas you should be fine.

The thing I would be most worried about kiting Monkey Mia is the Tiger Sharks!!! Not being alarmist but man I have seen some BIG ones there!!! There used to be some American's that would come over every year for 6 months and go out every day catching and releasing them for research. I can't remember a day when they didn't catch one. The Tiger's are there for the Dugong and Turtle.

The places to be concerned about Stone Fish in Denham are Little and Big Lagoon's, never saw any there though and anywhere with a rocky shallow bottom on Peron Penninsula and I have seen them there!

I think the safest and best place to kite Shark Bay is out the front of Denham, shallow, warm and flat, in summer the seabreeze nukes for days!!!!

QLD, 114 posts
2 Oct 2011 11:50AM
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Yes Big Lagoon is great if you have a 4wd, little lagoon can be a little gusty but is a fun spot close to town. Also Nanga Bay is really good, there i a caravan park you can stay as well. There is a sand bar a few K's driving along the beach south of Nanga, otherwise in front of the caravan park is a huge stretch of beach to play on. Wish i was there now!!

WA, 93 posts
2 Oct 2011 11:02AM
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i've never kited at shark bay my self but i have been going up there for the last few years fishing. i would NOT go on monkey mia side as i have seen lots and lots of sharks there. i would go around to Denham side and kite either out the front of denham or at little or big lagoon.

if you want a good reason not to go out on monkey mia side ill give you one. once my dads mate was up there fishing in the shallows in his boat and and along came a 21 foot hammer head shark. it was chasing a turtle in to the shallows. then last year i was up there fishing and there wasn't a day where we didn't catch a shark over 5 foot long. once i was pulling in a pink snapper and a nice 6-7 foot tiger shark came along and ate everything apart from the fishes head.

be care full of the shuvel nose shark. they dont bite you but they blend i really well with the sand. if you step on them they swim off very fast and you land on your ass on a rock on on the sand.

WA, 995 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:26PM
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natemarshall said...

if you want a good reason not to go out on monkey mia side ill give you one. once my dads mate was up there fishing in the shallows in his boat and and along came a 21 foot hammer head shark. it was chasing a turtle in to the shallows.

So you saw the largest hammerhead ever then? largest ever caught is under 20ft.

Seriously though. Exmouth is at least as sharky as Monkey Mia and i don't think twice about kiting and snorkling there. Granted, out the back of the reef there are some big fishy buggers but the chances are so low.

WA, 175 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:43PM
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I guess the difference between Monkey Mia and Emouth is that there is not the daily regular feeding in the "Dolphin Interaction Area" in Exmouth. One of the biggest Tiger Sharks I ever saw was in that area when it took a baby dolphin

The local helicopter pilot who was running joy flights up there would tell everybody to get out of the water whenever they were swimming out the front of the resort, he used to tell me how big the schools of sharks were that were in the shallows just south around the point.

WA, 1675 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:49PM
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^^^Oh don't worry they come in to the shallows too although pretty rare at sandy bay during the day. The good thing is you can keep an eye on them in the clear shallow water (the big ones anyway) Also in the shallows they are pretty timid and just want to get a ray or mullet and get back out to deep water.

WA, 1675 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:53PM
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Don't worry too much about all the shark talk sci it's the horny male turtles you want to watch one got another unsuspecting tourist the other day.

WA, 9443 posts
2 Oct 2011 12:53PM
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Any waves in shark bay??

WA, 139 posts
2 Oct 2011 1:32PM
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WA, 3271 posts
2 Oct 2011 2:21PM
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TurtleHunter said...

Don't worry too much about all the shark talk sci it's the horny male turtles you want to watch one got another unsuspecting tourist the other day.

And the goats, don't forget the goats, they will take a kiter's leg right off, no kidding.

WA, 93 posts
3 Oct 2011 11:26AM
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i NEVER saw the hammar head cause i wasnt there. this is how my dads mate explained it: it was chasing a turtle in to the shallows were he was fishing. he said the tail stretched from past the motors at th eback of the boat and it stretched all the way up past the bow of the boat. his boat is 21 foot long. he said it was about 22 foot long.

i dont think he was there for very long after that cause if that was me i probly would have shat my self and ran away.

WA, 2940 posts
3 Oct 2011 12:36PM
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natemarshall said...

i NEVER saw the hammar head cause i wasnt there. this is how my dads mate explained it: it was chasing a turtle in to the shallows were he was fishing. he said the tail stretched from past the motors at th eback of the boat and it stretched all the way up past the bow of the boat. his boat is 21 foot long. he said it was about 22 foot long.

i dont think he was there for very long after that cause if that was me i probly would have shat my self and ran away.

sorry but i call bull**** on that story . Your dads mate needs a whopper stopper

WA, 175 posts
3 Oct 2011 12:57PM
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The biggest Tiger shark I saw during my time in Shark Bay was at the northern tip of Faure Island.

We were out fishing for Pink Snapper one day and were doing ok, then suddenly all the fish stopped biting, as they do when a shark is near by, we waited a few minutes to see if the shark would leave and the fish come back on the bite. After waiting and the fish not coming back on the bite I went up to the bow to retrieve the anchor. I reached the base of the forward step when a customer called to look out the back. OMG, this dark grey Tiger swam from the stern towards the bow on the starboard side, when its tail was level with the back of the outboards its eye was level with me at the base of the forward step!!!! My boats total length was 35', this shark was somewhere between 20 to 25 feet long, but its girth was what amazed me the most, it was BIG

We moved to a different coordinate after that!!!!

WA, 93 posts
3 Oct 2011 1:16PM
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see there are some amazingly big sharks out there

WA, 2940 posts
3 Oct 2011 1:50PM
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i was fishing off rottnest one day and i went to retrieve the sea anchor and there was a squid attached to the anchor . The anchor was about 2 foot in length and this squid was at least 1/2 as big . I almost choked on my chiko roll . I **** YOU NOT .

Water always makes things look bigger so i still call bull**** on your stories .

WA, 175 posts
3 Oct 2011 2:28PM
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I had a couple of Humpback Whales swim under the boat in 15 - 20 feet of water on the eastern side of Dirk Hartog Island, they were massive and I s**t myself

Now that I know water always makes things look bigger I realise I needn't have worried

Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
3 Oct 2011 2:36PM
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Ohhhh I thought this was a thread on Cocburn Sound

WA, 737 posts
3 Oct 2011 6:07PM
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There's a reason it's called "Shark Bay".

Check out the dolphins that are in the lagoon. Nearly all of them have some sort of shark bite.

Also, snorkeled there and saw heaps of stingrays about 75cm wide all along the bottom within 10m of the shore right at the resort.

But by far the most evil and dangerous creatures there....

Are these:

NT, 253 posts
3 Oct 2011 9:01PM
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laurie said...

Someone once warned me of heaps of stoned fish in the gulf area (monkeymia/eastern side)

does that make them easier to catch?

WA, 139 posts
3 Oct 2011 9:30PM
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On the topic of stingrays, I went on the Leeuwin Tallship from Perth to Monkey Mia and when we arrived my dad picked me up and we went fishing out from the resort. On the way back to the boat ramp we saw two stingrays fly out of the water. Don't know why they were doing it but they were fully out of the water. Never seen it before in my life.

WA, 1675 posts
3 Oct 2011 9:33PM
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dogfish said...

laurie said...

Someone once warned me of heaps of stoned fish in the gulf area (monkeymia/eastern side)

does that make them easier to catch?

lol that explains it. Theres no such thing as catching one it's just finding one and it won't move. They just pretend to be a rock even when picked up
haven't ever seen one on sand (no rocks to hide in) but I doubt you would find one on reef until you get your eye in.

WA, 3472 posts
3 Oct 2011 9:52PM
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TurtleHunter said...

dogfish said...

laurie said...

Someone once warned me of heaps of stoned fish in the gulf area (monkeymia/eastern side)

does that make them easier to catch?

lol that explains it. Theres no such thing as catching one it's just finding one and it won't move. They just pretend to be a rock even when picked up
haven't ever seen one on sand (no rocks to hide in) but I doubt you would find one on reef until you get your eye in.

Just look for the red eyes.

WA, 175 posts
3 Oct 2011 10:19PM
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Ironman said...

On the topic of stingrays, I went on the Leeuwin Tallship from Perth to Monkey Mia and when we arrived my dad picked me up and we went fishing out from the resort. On the way back to the boat ramp we saw two stingrays fly out of the water. Don't know why they were doing it but they were fully out of the water. Never seen it before in my life.

They do that to stun the schools of bait fish underneath them, if a stingray landed on my head I think I would be pretty stunned aswell

WA, 3848 posts
3 Oct 2011 11:03PM
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Here's big lagoon, looking NE ..

No wind at the time, we motored in from the top left .. place is so isolated, you feel like you're the first person to set foot there...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"SHARK BAY" started by sci