I found this on the qld windsurfing page posted by jusavina.
I musta hit the wrong tab! but i'm glad I did, so cheers for the post there jus!
Please click the link and put one minutes time into this no matter where you are from.
this is a great public resource that we can and do all use and it is under threat of privatisation by development.
A kiter from "the pond" was over here a month ago and commented on how awesome kfc is.
It's bigger and has less people. He was stoked. It's a great thing and it's worth putting a minute into & let the power's that be know that we are happy with our public space and we intend to keep it public.
Thanks in advance everyone
Happy breezes
Maybe read it and understand it before you protest it. It won't affect KFC or any spots close by, it will however create thousands of jobs for unemployed Gold Coasters, so your choice, more jobs or one less place to sail past........
^^ and provide one more place to send your Australian dollars overseas.
You're the one who obviously needs to read it m8.
It's nowhere near KFC, and the employers being from overseas has nothing to do with job creation on the Gold Coast, that's a different topic all together, if someone in Australia wants to man up and fund it then great, if they don't then I would rather have the jobs than not.......
Wow, you actually don't have a brain do you? How is you Australian made kite surfing gear and your Australian made phone and your Australian made TV going for you? Have you ever purchased anything from overseas because if the answer is yes then all of your comments are ridiculous.
As for your KFC drama, the chances of 3 ships being in dock at the same time as a northerly is blowing, on the exact same time you want to kite and actually causing a wind shadow is about a billion to one, genius. Also the drawing you have posted is just one of many artist impressions of proposed development. The one I have seen is the boats when they dock once a week (if that) will be on the Eastern side of wave break adjacent to the deep water in the seaway, which makes more sense and also makes your wind shadow drama even more farcical. So you think we should give up the opportunity of hundreds of jobs on the GC just in case you want to kite KFC one day and there may be a wind shadow?
You really do seem to have a problem with Asians don't you?
Do you actually live on the Gold Coast?
I say built it, if you choose to live on the Gold Coast,
you can expect to have huge developments like this,
there are highrises and skyscrapers everywhere
It is only a matter of time before development in some shape or form starts on the Broadwater
the Gold Coast is the 6th largest city in Oz
The Goldy is the Las Vagas of Australia
This development would create 100s or possibly 1000s of jobs
There is going to be heaps of big developments starting up over the next 12 months
If you dont like it, move, I did, I used to live on the Goldy, but not anymore
Goldy is a great place to spent some time
But I would not want to live there
And Im sure there would be 1000s of people
who would love the oppurtunity to work
God I may even move back to work for a bit during Winter when the wind is scarce
But then again........ probably not
Man, a lot of fuss about losing a KFC. Surely there's somewhere else to get chicken and chips close by
this will kill the family friendly enviroment of this part of the gold coast. it will end up turning the whole place into an extended version of surfers. seriously keep the casinos and clubs and all that crap in surfers. keep the junkies and drunks up there too. and the ship thing. oh my god i cant even believe somebody even came up with that idea. but your right if you dont like it move on. thats what im doing. its sad tho because i really love where i live. so if i leave now ill always remember it as a good place.
Mmm heated topic. Sustainable way of thinking? More jobs? bitch please! every inch of the goldie will be exploited one day for jobs... then what? Glendog better rent in the sunny coast because that's the next port of exploitation! Yes it is the Goldie but we're not all tom tates with misguided views, here's one one of tate's best on Fanning
.. "He's a good surfer, but I tend to listen to people with qualifications and information to add,? .
Fact is, at KFC, we get kite enthusiasts from all over Australia and the world here who froth on our little spot at Loders Creek.
Lads from the Pond drool over this. Folks from Tarifa tell me how lucky we are. We see 40 kites and think its crowded.
But you can tack up or downwind and find a great spot of flatwater to cut out your latest trick with a m8 or no-one. Or you can just cruise and boost for literally miles.
This is, in my view a national treasure, and with us on the water, a national spectacle. Kiter's regularly bring families or just themselves, down from Brisbane, Logan and up from Byron, Coffs and even further. They are bringing $'s and sustaining employment to and in the area in an enviromentally, family and people friendly way.
Some of us say losing it in the name of progress is all part of progress and creating jobs. Sure a few short term construction jobs, that would happen somewhere else anyway. Do you think the Chinese will say, "oh forget Australia", because they got shut down on this cruise terminal?
Chinese are frothing any way they can to get in to Australia and to hand them over a tax payer built Island for their exclusive Corporate profit is simply bending over and copping one for the team. Team China. We will be funding the dredging and the road taxes for this. As Glendog stated, "let's keep this stuff in Surfer's". It has no place in the culture up here. Kirra have, for now, got rid of the immediate threat to their National Treasure from the same insane planner's.
If you go to Asia and try to buy up land for any reason, even domestic, see how far you get. In most of Asia you cannot purchase freehold land as an independent landowner. So Paul1 if you like Asians so much, go marry one, buy it up, then move yourself over there m8. Bon voyage buddy.
It make's good financial sense what these countries are doing as it keeps the land ownership tied to people who live in the country. This is one reason mining in Australia is such a sham and is denegrating the country as much as if not more than improving it as the vast majority of profits go to OS interests, and in much greater figures than those that stay in wages that support the miner's.
If you have a look at the Ilha de Madiera of Portugal off the coast of Africa and find a doco named Jewel in the Crown. You can see how development can scar and ruin a natural wonder's potential for country. KFC is a potential PKRA host. It has great potential for event capability and viewing, something kiting lacks in the corporate sense here in Australia. A potential huge event similar to the Quikie pro. In the same way that Pro Surfing an Surf tourism were just budding at the time Madiera was trashed, Kitesurfing in Australia is still yet to hit it's teen's, and KFC is a jewel in the crown of kitesurfing Australia.
This would be a much more positive way to market this area of the GC rather than the "straight off the menu" tourism promoted by foreign owned Cruise companies.
I say to lose this spot is short sighted, enviromentally reckless & that it will only increase the cost of living for local's and long time visitor's to the area. Anyone who want's to state against this should state their reason's with accompanied data that supports their statements. Wild statement's and slander presented with no backup data do not serve a progressive, integrative and educational forum like this any good in the least.
Here is another great thread related to the subject by Philnott
Further evidence of councils unscrupulous desire to prepare the area for the terminal at the cost of people who don't want it and won't use it, but will be forced to pay for it the destruction of their own back yard. Thanks for the everyone’s input here & the jests and all guys. Let me ask though if you’re opposing the sentiment here please try and present some information that bolster's your case. The cowboy presentation style of any of the pro development side here only further serves to illustrate the type of emotion, fear mongering and lack of rational thinking & respect that is at the source of pro developments knee jerk reactions to our opposition to the development, here and in the council. Obviously all in the name of more of the mighty dollar for us all. Frankly, what a crock.
And thanks Main for the lend of his whole year's collection of Women’s Weekly's . Well done m8 keep it up.
Please sign up and support and contact Cr Dawn Crichlow, Gold Coast directly with your objection to these ill fated white elephants.
Thanks in advance for your support and the efforts in particular of Philnott and Lost in Space in galvanizing this opposition to stupidity and greed for good sense and preservation.
A national treasure? Fck me, what a drama queen,'s a big broadwater out there buddy, heaps of flat water spots, heaps better than loaders, it makes me laugh when I see you and your forty mates from Brisbane and Logan crammed into that gusty, crowded little spot. Marry an Asian and move there because I like to see jobs for GC locals????? You are off ya head. Do you even live here???? Your profile says you are a kite instructor that lives in NSW.
Personally I agree with the conservation and environment argument – these are the arguments that need to be structured well to have an effect – considering Wave Break Island is man-made and really the waterway south of Tipplers has already been destroyed from an environmental point - the entire area needs to be the focus. As mentioned elsewhere, the argument is not going to make any ground with claims about how you’re going to loose a kiting location and effectively stating that the community owes you a fantastic spot to park your car and kite – a lot of people don’t care.
The other thread on SB is even proposing a huge 6kn zone that for some reason kiters should be allowed to cruise through at 20-30+. So the authorities should stop everyone but us going fast – because everyone else is dangerous if they go fast and we’re not????
As someone who has compiled several successful government submissions, I can tell you that your argument needs to be very well structured, full of scientific and/or social data and completely free of emotion – which is not what I see here. You need to provide a counter argument to the pro camp that discredits their data and claims. “I want to kite here and that stupid Asian development is going to block my wind” is not going to solve it – that argument even has some kiters off side.
On another note - What does make me laugh is people who live on the Gold Coast (or any other heavily developed area) and are against tourist infrastructure development – the entire place only exists because of the tourist trade, most of you would not be able to live there if it wasn’t for the current tourist infrastructure – directly or indirectly everyone working on the coast is supported by tourists. It is the nature of the area, the only way to grow the coast is to build – if the coast doesn’t grow you’ll be bitching that there’s no growth and peoples wages and living standard isn’t growing. It would be like people in inner Brisbane protesting against city high rises...
If you want to live in an area that doesn’t develop try 1770 – but there’s not many jobs there…
I have lived on the Gold Coast for 12 years mate, so I believe I am entitled to my own opinion on what is good for where I live. I personally don't think it will have a huge impact on KFC if any development actually goes ahead, the downside of the development could be gusty wind conditions for those who chose to sail there, the upside is more jobs for Gold Coasters. I prefer the latter you prefer the former so no need for the name calling and derogatory terms. Which beach did I meet you at the other day? Maybe come say g'day next time you see me, I am a very fun approachable guy And to answer your second post, I have nothing to do with the development if thats what you are insinuating, I would prefer if an Australian firm was funding the development, but currently with the lack of employment and limited projects lined up for the coast, I don't think we can afford to be too fussy.
Dude, no kitesurfer is anonymous here on the goldie! If you wish for the destruction of the Broadwater with a massive Chinese super island blocking ALL the wind from the north to KFC and ALL the wind from the south to Shearwater Park then you are indeed entitled to your opinion now that you have moved on from being a newbie in the Broadwater for many years to being a Surf Nazi obviously now despising all the kiters who still enjoy these locations!!!
JOBS PFFFT why would you care for jobs, i know you well and you are a fun dude when we kite together we have a hoot but as we hide behind our forum names we can indeed get carried away with our own self importance and maybe forget that jobs that can be created by massive decade long construction will also destroy jobs in the fishing, boating, diving, kayaking, kitesurfing and windsurfing not to mention many more industries that all use and care for the Broadwater!
Mate, Save Our Broadwater
Maybe use your real name then mate, like I do and not hide behind a forum name. I am now a surf Nazi and despise kiters who use those areas? Not quite sure how you managed to take that from what I wrote....but hey good luck to you and your petition, maybe you could stand for Gold Coast mayor and make a real difference.....
As someone who has been underemployed for the past 3 years and has completed a number of job enhancing certificates, programmes etc. I'd rather have the area to kite. Chances are the tradies will be imported anyway and there will only be a handful of permanent jobs created.
My main concern is that there is already a safe port about 50 minutes away in Brisbane. Why build a superfluous port with all of the hassle when one already exists?
Seems to me it's all about getting the casino licence and shafting the vulnerable....
You still will be able to kite there. Baldrick reckons it will also destroy jobs in the fishing, boating, diving, kayaking, kitesurfing and windsurfing not to mention many more industries that all use and care for the Broadwater! Not sure how possibly having 1 slightly worse kite spot will destroy all these industries, most of these industries he talks of are tourist driven, so with the extra holiday makers on the scene will probably see an increase in business.....
Please share the petition link again via social media and email - it's quick, easy & effective - plus you can download a hardcopy petition from, collect signatures offline and enter them yourself OR scan/ email them to us for entry at Make it your Christmas dinner & holiday bbq mission to get friends and family signed up and on board!SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER
4. The Known Statistics/ Facts
ASF plan to dredge 6 million cubic metres from the Broadwater (2 x Abbott Point volume) & will use 5 million cubic metres to triple the size of Wave Break Island to 90 hectares, bringing it around 100 metres from the western shoreline.
The development entails many many high rises up to 50 storeys in height, 6750 apartments, 2885 hotel room in 6 high rise hotels, private villas on a dredge-enhanced Carter's Bank just north of WaveBreak- renamed 'Moon Island', three private marinas, a huge 65,000 square metres of retail space, 32000 square metres of commercial space, casino and ship terminal.
It will cater for over 20,000 people and their cars - with one four lane bridge flowing into Labrador.PLUS ASF want to construct one huge 30 storey hotel, marina development - just north of Versace - on The Spit.
To put this in a local context, it is twice Main Beach in built development, the Sheraton Mirage has only 300 hotel rooms and Harbour Town has approx 48,000 m2 of retail. We have estimates of over 30 high rises exceeding 30 storeys.
It is a massive "mini Dubai", built the developer states "for the Chinese market".
All over OUR Broadwater.