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Strapless Kitesurfing illogical and egotistical?

Created by realitycorrodes > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2017
WA, 5353 posts
3 Feb 2017 11:48AM
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realitycorrodes said..
Riding Strapless is illogical

Kiteboarding is illogical.

NSW, 259 posts
3 Feb 2017 2:49PM
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realitycorrodes said..
Riding Strapless is illogical

Surfers are strapless because the water is glassy.

No chop and strapless makes sense!

But when the sea is choppy it is illogical to be strapless.

Even surfers when the sea is only mildly bumpy know it makes sense to wear straps.

An example of this is big wave tow in surfing - they wear straps for a reason!

Being strapless on a surfboard in choppy conditions only means more time spent body dragging because one comes off their board more often and less time carving the waves up.

Spending more time body dragging reaches a whole new level when individuals need to get their bliss more from others watching them rather than them enjoying what they are doing - nothing highlights this fact more than by doing strapless tricks/airs.

The only time strapless kitesurfing in terms of wave riding really makes a lot of sense is in perfectly glassy
conditions - which means offshore wind - very rare in most parts of the world. And it is amusing that all the great wave riding videos of people hitting lips is always in offshore wind.

The other time one would be practicing strapless kitesurfing is when there is no waves in that person's area - so in order to overcome the boredom of not having waves, they try to challenge themselves by doing strapless tricks on flat water lakes or river mouths. I've never seen anyone yet choosing to do strapless tricks/airs on flat water over actually getting out and riding monster waves with their kites?

The only logical reason for one to be strapless while kitesurfing is it is easier to have one's feet anywhere on the board without the straps getting in the way. Also, being strapped into your surfboard can cause damage to one's knees - if one comes off the board with straps on - sometimes one's foot gets stuck in the straps and the board twists around causing the knee joint to twist - most likely causing damage to the knee joint.

Kitesurfing has made it so that an individual no longer needs to rely on having the energy and strength to
paddle themselves onto a wave - therefore one can use a significantly smaller surfboard - which means one does not really need to adjust their feet as much as they would have had to riding a standard sized surfboard. That way the straps can be put exactly where they need to be without really getting in the way of the riders feet as the feet never move out of their original position - except if the rider needs to ride switch (heel side in both directions).

Any good wave rider on a kite knows the secret to riding waves is to be proficient at riding toe side - when
the Kitesurfing wave rider is so proficient at toe side they never really have to switch their feet to go heel
side in both directions.

Being strapped in on a small surfboard for kiting allows one to really attack the waves without fearing coming off their board - they can really commit and extend themselves - hence the bottom turns and top turns are more radical - which is what true surfers are looking for..."radical wave riding".

Not wanting to take advantage of the extra features of being powered up and strapped in while kitesurfing is really quite illogical as such features only extend the possibilities of wave riding. Those strapless
kitesurfers who say they want to ride the wave as if they are actually surfing the wave without a kite
should just do that...stick to regular surfing! Because riding the waves with a kite is always going to be
"riding the waves with a kite" - it's different, it can't be otherwise!

Strapless kitesurfing more often than not makes as much sense as a twin tipper saying they want to twin tip without straps - Why? Because it makes it more difficult to twin tip hence I can spend more time body dragging! Makes sense doesn't it?

To not want to be able to improve on surfing a wave by having straps on and to be powered up by the kite does not make any sense to the person who gets their bliss from just wanting to ride the wave for the sake of just riding the wave.

When all of the above is taken into consideration, one has to wonder whether strapless kitesurfers are not
victims of their own insecurity. Often persisting in doing something that is illogical is usually a sign of
misplaced ego.

Some have suggested the reason strapless surfboard riders persist in their illogical behaviour is more about what others think of them.

In other words, instead of just wanting to ride waves as efficiently and as radically as possible - and getting pleasure directly from that intimate relationship with the wave solely - they are getting more pleasure from thinking someone else on the beach is watching them.

Their happiness seems to be geared towards getting a picture of themselves in a magazine spread than the pure enjoyment of riding a wave.

On the internet, one comes across sites that have titles like "Lose the straps..dedicated to the progression
and evolution of strapless kitesurfing". If one were to replace "strapless kitesurfing" in the phrase above with "people who need other people's attention to make them feel good about themselves" things would make a lot more sense.

One never sees web sites encouraging people to wear straps i.e. "Get into straps...dedicated to the
progression and evolution of Kitesurfers who just want to extend the possibilities of what one can do on a
wave". This is because the strapped Kitesurfer does not need to overstate the's simply more logical to be wearing straps.

Strapless kitesurfers are always the first to make derogatory comments towards individuals who are logically using straps on their surfboards. They seem to have this continual need to put others down in order to big themselves up...this behaviour on its own should give the game away about what their real motives are behind their illogical perseverance with strapless kitesurfing - a deep insecurity based on a profound lack of self love?

So now we have cut through the insecurities of strapless kitesurfing we can hopefully hear less insecure
comments about needing to become a strapless egotistical kitesurfer!

Peace and love!

Wow, radical rant bra.

My mum says im pretty cool for riding strapless, so I'm going to have to disagree with you.

WA, 1916 posts
3 Feb 2017 12:02PM
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QLD, 1371 posts
3 Feb 2017 5:38PM
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I taught myself to ride strapless because it is harder
when you are already hard
it is harder to be harder
That said to beat off about how hard I am
would make me soft

I ain't a competition
so if you wanna ride strapped
Just love yourself
and don't worry about
what others might think

NSW, 452 posts
3 Feb 2017 7:22PM
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Strapless surfboard riders seem to have achieved a god like state where they feel they are superior to the rest of the human race.
For me, growing up surfing over a 40 year period without a kite, and strapless, was the only surfing that counted.
It seems for a lot of these guys, the only way they are ever going to ride a wave is with a kite.
If it makes you feel good, do it!

QLD, 6995 posts
3 Feb 2017 7:04PM
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I ride everything strapped , TT , SB & Foil but if I ever get to this level strapless is the go. I've been very fortunate to hang around Keahi and film him over the years and he puts a whole new perspective to strapless riding.

NSW, 331 posts
3 Feb 2017 9:02PM
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Underoath said..
Imagine getting a foot stuck and rolled in a 4 foot close out.


thats been known to wreck a few knees

VIC, 240 posts
3 Feb 2017 9:09PM
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Realitycorrodes, apologies for not reading all the way through mate - I got bored half way, but I think I got the gist - you sure have some time on your hands!
My three year old can talk all day, maybe you two can hang out? She just asks why, why, why? I'm thinking you would get along great. PM me I need a baby sitter so I can go to the beach and ride strapless

NSW, 5780 posts
3 Feb 2017 9:33PM
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Strap on Rosie, its called a strap on

QLD, 2043 posts
3 Feb 2017 8:44PM
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Back in the day I used to ride strapped, boosting over everything I could find. Then it was off to the knee specialist... decided to give the OP a miss & just take it easy on the knees.
Been riding strapless for years now with no pain & loving it.

WA, 610 posts
3 Feb 2017 6:47PM
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What a random thread and rant to kick it off !

i find riding strapped SB really hard because I have to choose to be either set up for riding on the wave, or set up for riding back upwind.

Why make things more difficult than they have to be ? I like to be able to choose where I stand to suit what I'm doing.

Cant do airs very well anyway so no argument for that.

Ride what you want when you want.

WA, 76 posts
4 Feb 2017 7:03AM
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I always bring my TT and SB when I go kiting as I like to mix things up. However I find myself more on the SB lately. I love the feeling of landing big smooth strapless airs.

NSW, 226 posts
4 Feb 2017 10:30AM
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26 paragraphs of rubbish. Ride what you want but don't judge others choice of weapon. I'm pretty sure I don't ride strapless to be egotistical and to me it is logical to be strapless- and I'm not coming from surfing background but more snowboarding. I can see why you'd want to bag strapless riding if every time you tried you spent all your time body dragging back to your board, letting all the good waves go unridden...but come on... doesn't look like many good riders are held back (ie Keahi at cloud break) cause he cant handle a bit of chop. I guarantee if he was strapped in on the same day it would be awkward for him being so at home with no binders. Sounds to me like you don't get it and never will.

Two Ao shots of unsteapped and unhooked. Spent all day ( or at least 10-20 seconds) body dragging after these illogical crashes. Time to strap up and snap shackle in so this will never happen again. At least I can be more aggressive on wave and won't get bucked off by that nasty chop.

NSW, 42 posts
4 Feb 2017 12:00PM
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So are you going to name the strapless bloke who rooted ya missus?

VIC, 361 posts
4 Feb 2017 12:23PM
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I'll put my two cents in, I love both strapped and unstrapped and have the appropriate board for both, I use either board for appropriate conditions. There are so many pros and cons on both, there are many riders using the wrong board, volume/length for the conditions ,experience , and there weight,height

I use a small volume strapped board, no wider than 17 to 18 inches, my straps are located at sweet spot and I have no need to move, I just move my body weight. I love my back hand surfing or kitesurfing so toe side is as good as my natural and most who have a problem just need to practice. Also my straps are so loose the only way I can stay in them is to twist my feet, so any mishap and my board is away from me. I love unstrapped in down the line waves. Enjoy strapped or unstrapped it really doesn't matter.

NSW, 861 posts
4 Feb 2017 12:46PM
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Somebody please tell Mitu it's not logical. That prick has gecko feet

WA, 1363 posts
4 Feb 2017 10:00AM
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theDoctor said..

Strap on Rosie, its called a strap on

You would know!

NSW, 984 posts
4 Feb 2017 2:34PM
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Loose Choose the straps......... Another strapless clown in the way!

QLD, 496 posts
4 Feb 2017 2:25PM
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After reading all the garbage I just want to shout at him and say bullish.t do what ever makes you happy, who the Fark are you to pass judgement on people's choice. Logical or illogical. ??

WA, 26 posts
4 Feb 2017 12:35PM
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Piros said..
I ride everything strapped , TT , SB & Foil but if I ever get to this level strapless is the go. I've been very fortunate to hang around Keahi and film him over the years and he puts a whole new perspective to strapless riding.

Any one noticed at 1.52 and at other spots this guy lets go of the bar in the tube!!!!! ?

WA, 4485 posts
4 Feb 2017 6:21PM
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Each to their own but I have to agree that there is a 'status' sought by many strapless riders that simply don't have the skillz.
By all means challenge yourself but be real about your capabilities.

Some of these strapless dreamers are the dudes (and dudettes) that are mowin the lawn and repetitiously falling off in the breaks that everyone is trying to enjoy.

To have also one of these dreamers also charge downwind through a mooshy wave/set that I'm already a part of is fkn annoying.
In their mind they are smashin 6 foot barrels at Pipeline - but the reality is they are pissing about in the same metro moosh I am (which is more akin to a skatepark than a line-up btw)

Generally I just tack out back and forth a couple of times till the un-co dreamers are out of the way. Still, to have them faffing about in the way, time after time, really tests the patience.

For the record I spend most of my time on a TT in the waves but this season have been on a SB 40% of the time.

When on an SB I have ridden strapped and unstrapped. I'm no legend - in my mind or the real world - but either strapped or unstrapped at least I can stay on the fkn board and I don't become a traffic hazard for others.
(Er.. I am hopeless at jibing tho and usually fall off - well outside the break)

Keep it real dreamers.

NSW, 46 posts
5 Feb 2017 5:38AM
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I think what the OP said in 2000 words or more can be actually said in a simple statement.

"I think kitesurfing strapless is illogical because why would one not want the board attached to your feet? It must be because they like showing off to people on the beach because it's difficult"

Logical reasons to disagree..

1. It's healthier on my knees. I'm over 40 and I like my knees working.

2. I find it easier to surf the waves unstrapped. I move my feet around a lot depending on what i'm doing and that includes in the middle of a turn.

3. I think people on beach are probably more impressed by big strapped airs.

4. Um that's it.

5. Oh wait, I enjoy it.

Next topic..

why would someone ride a bicycle when it's easier to ride a tricycle? They must be showing off.

4862 posts
5 Feb 2017 4:30AM
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At my local theres dudes that rip strapless and dudes that rip strapped.

Both can ride any waves in any condition.

My conclusion is that it doesn't matter if you use straps or no straps.

NSW, 331 posts
5 Feb 2017 9:58PM
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richierich said..
26 paragraphs of rubbish. Ride what you want but don't judge others choice of weapon. I'm pretty sure I don't ride strapless to be egotistical and to me it is logical to be strapless- and I'm not coming from surfing background but more snowboarding. I can see why you'd want to bag strapless riding if every time you tried you spent all your time body dragging back to your board, letting all the good waves go unridden...but come on... doesn't look like many good riders are held back (ie Keahi at cloud break) cause he cant handle a bit of chop. I guarantee if he was strapped in on the same day it would be awkward for him being so at home with no binders. Sounds to me like you don't get it and never will.

Two Ao shots of unsteapped and unhooked. Spent all day ( or at least 10-20 seconds) body dragging after these illogical crashes. Time to strap up and snap shackle in so this will never happen again. At least I can be more aggressive on wave and won't get bucked off by that nasty chop.

well said,
i dont get how folks carry on about all the "falling". you gotta start at the bottom right. We all fall strapped or not. thats part of progression. bloody hell, if Im not falling, I get hard on myself because I know Im not pushing my limits

QLD, 2433 posts
5 Feb 2017 9:29PM
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I always thought straps were training wheels.

QLD, 6493 posts
6 Feb 2017 7:23AM
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This is almost as good as a Cauncy thread.

NT, 2177 posts
6 Feb 2017 7:32AM
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... just checking, but I ride with one strap, is that cool or un-cool, I'm confused now

11 posts
6 Feb 2017 6:06AM
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????do you use a leg rope or not ??

NT, 2177 posts
6 Feb 2017 8:09AM
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Blacksand said..
????do you use a leg rope or not ??

... no leg rope, just one loose front strap!

NSW, 3 posts
6 Feb 2017 11:03AM
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I can't help but ponder over the reason for the rant.....

1. Tried it and put it in the too hard basket
2. Couldn't afford a North Wham. (Because if you ride strapless you need to look cool too)
3. Jilted ex lover ('I feel we need to move on...I just feel strapped down when Im around you. Its not you its me')

My money is on #3...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Strapless Kitesurfing illogical and egotistical?" started by realitycorrodes