Forums > Kitesurfing General

Wave kiting clips

Created by pearl > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2009
WA, 4263 posts
5 Mar 2009 7:07PM
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I believe that flying the kite fast thru the sky,
sending it back and forth aggressively in the zone across the ridden waveface,
actually 'surfing' the kite thru the air,
hardcore power-flying,

together with the riding of the board on the wave,
again, 'surfing' the board on the water,
these are both integral components that fit nicely together in the wavekiting puzzle,

But if you just want a free tow,
a cheap joy-ride,
only use the kite as a source of power to drive out thru the surfbreak,
back to the take-off zone,
to pick-off and catch yet another wave,
that's cool too,
there are no rules,
I get it,
you're lazy,
you don't want to paddle when surfing.

SA, 492 posts
9 Mar 2009 12:52AM
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waveslave said...

Ithat's cool too,
there are no rules,
I get it,
you're lazy,
you don't want to paddle when surfing.

Well said waveslave
If it is windy enough to get the kite up, it is better than getting the spray in your face.No Rules. Yeh I like it.
Keep the great vids going.Some are good ,some are real good.
Umm no rules????

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
9 Mar 2009 9:28AM
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Im GETTING it more vert ,more height, more freedom ,more soul............ what eeeeeeevvvvvver ............ yous set the bar((har har)) as youVE also drawn your lines in the sand, like a gun from a holster , blurryed eyed from to much looking into the sun, forgoing any previous forsight and prior knowlege of how to handle a loaded gun.

Live and let live.......... carve or starve ? float of sink ? is it about the kitchen sink?

Rules... what rules ant that the truth?

Walk the walk before you can talk the talk ?.

Wave count ratio Vs Time Vs dificaulty Vs location .........=flatty


Good footage QUESTION

What ever happened to the cut back (Bring back the cut back ?)

QLD, 6120 posts
9 Mar 2009 8:06PM
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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Wave kiting clips" started by pearl