Why have the idiots in power let this carcass wash up on Scarborough this afternoon ? They should have attached explosives & detonated it whilst it was still out at sea off Rottnest....taking out a few whites circling also
You are looking at it all the wrong way,.. nature has provided you with a natural slider (Just dont fall off)
We were told to get out of the water around 5ish by the surf clubbies.
But the whale was still a few km's off the coast. (You could tell by the helicopter)
I'm surprised it washed in so quickly.
L2l organisers are behind it, seems they are trying to make it more exciting for spectators, and competitors
agreed Burnsy
of all metro shark attacks in last 20yrs, most have been close to where they buried a dead whale 20yrs ago. Coincidence...?
why the FARK do u want a berley trail near swimming / kiting / surfing / windsurfing beaches..????
yeah nets and aerial patrols will save us
This is a shameful disgrace in my opinion, that they let this Shark Magnet float into a metro beach cause they are all to disorganised to do f*** all about it and frankly they don't give a ****. May the blood rest on there shoulders should someone be killed in the weeks coming.
I believe they should have towed it to sea at 1/4 the fuel range of a military helicopter armed with a 50 calibre machine gun. They should then have anchored it there. Then every day morning and night they should have dispatched the chopper and shot and killed every f***** shark that was over 3m in length feeding on it. They should have continued to do this for weeks.
So why are they not doing this? Why are they not protecting public safety? Why? Cause they don't give a **** that's why, they don't use the ocean, they don't go in it they are not at risk like us and they don't give a **** if we are killed.
Take it out past Rotto where they dump the dead and live sheep carcases (The ones that broke legs whilst being loaded at Freo) from the live meat export trade, anchor it there and dispatch the armed helicopters twice every day.
Why they don't just tow whale carcasses out deep and let nature decompose them is beyond me. If it washes up unexpectedly on a popular beach I understand you need to remove it, bu this one has been well tracked on its way to the beach.
Probably need permission from Canberra and the greens before you can touch it I suppose.
Who was the nutter on the red kite doing tough laps around the whale and boardsliding shark fins?
A lady from my work saw you, she thought it was pretty awesome.
Just got back then and its a circus down there. Beach is shut execpt for one hero riding at 3rd car park trigg. And he cant make it upwind (very light conditions otherwise I may have considered a bash as waves look for fun). So lets hope he keeps his kite up as it wont be relanching in a hurry!
I just got back from scabs and I've now got a really bad taste that won't leave my mouth, it bloody stinks.They were really struggling to pull it up the beach. It's windy enough and there are some nice waves but the beach is closed.
There was a big tiger shark out the back of the breakers by other peoples report.
hope it is not what it looks like and they do not bury it on the beach , you will have guppies from south africa to new zealand hanging around. every off shore morning...
I heard he had to throw his boardies in the bin from the stench and can't get the smell off his feet even after soaking them in disinfectant, classic.
I love his quote "would you do it again, na mate I've already done it" legend in his lunch box.