Don't normally but been thinking about chucking them on for a play.
What's everyone's thought?
Post some pics of your set up.
I'm a bit of a fence sitter, just the one strap/hook up front. (I took the back one off)
I'm along way off strapless airs but I think it will help me to transition. It is great for those solid bumpy days also.
I'm mainly a strapped surfboard guy because to me kiting is a combo of windsurfing, snowboarding, surfing, and a little bit of motocross. That said, I do like strapless, especially learning how to do bigger jumps and light wind wave riding. I'm on an older than dirt Cab, the only era where the boards didn't fall apart from my abuse.
100% STRAPLESS y'all if I want the airs n straps stuff I just head out for a twintip sesh BOARING!!!!
No straps for me, I move my feet all over the board and change weight depending on what I'm up to.
If Im keen for the straps they're on my TT
I like being able to walk around one the board and move the weight but sometimes I just want to drop the back knee and just pin it.
Not sure about how long my back leg can handle not switching though.
Yup My surfboard has straps. Came from a 30 year windsurfing background so when I started kiting 4 years ago I started with a north wam.
But I bought a nugget last 6 months and am thinking straps are useless on coz it does not jump or wave ride very well.
Funny how threads like this go now days, go back 6 years or so on SB (or anywhere) and the thread title would be the total opposite, some people might just even insult your intelligence for wanting to ride without straps hahaha.
Unstrapped - "Trending".
That being said I think everything has it's place, it's all depends on what you want to get from the gear.
I have a strapped board, but that doesn't mean my feet are always in the straps. My back foot moves all over the place. The front foot is usually in contact with the front strap, even if not actually in it.
My feet really only go fully in the straps if the kite is well powered and the surf sizable. In those conditions I don't need to be moving my feet around and I am more concerned about staying with the board.
The only time I move my back foot is when Im going upwind toeside trying to gain ground, for kiting waves on downwinders Im strapped as I don't need to move my feet around ,my board is 5'8 so where am i going to move them,I don't move them much when I'm surfing as you know where the sweet spot is on a short board,bit of pressure adjustment at most ,most surfers plant their feet in the one spot,now if I was kiting on a mal well that would be different.i know it takes more skill to ride and jump strapless but when you only get to kite now and then due to fickle conditions Id rather be riding than swimming while getting strapless sorted and Im not that skillful.
... I started out strapless when I went to surfboards purely to see what all the fuss was about and found it easy enough but I also rode slower than I normally would, especially when it was choppy or windier. Eventually I put one front strap on and I found not only could I ride faster but I had more options in sh!tty conditions especially as the lumps of water got bigger and steeper. I ended up leaving it on, use it probably 50% of the time now or as I said, when conditions get sh!tty.
Lose the straps,feel the freedom fellas!
Some conditions i think are defo suited to having a strap or two,but I prefer moving around the board alot. Will admit some lads throw some serious strapped in hacks tho
What ever keeps the stoke going
Ok I don't have a surf board yet but my comment is still relevant haha. I have a big light wind board I made. It has straps but I take my feet out of the straps a lot especially when I'm playing on small waves. I can distribute my weight better. And when the wind is strong, I take my front foot out of the strap so I can get more of the board out of the water for more speed. But in such cases my back foot normally stays in. But it depends. I rode that board in some serious chop without straps without a problem. I love strapless for cruising and surfing a bit but I like my straps when I'm boosting or pulling a lot of tricks.
Mostly with straps but on short board 5'6" x18 and I do not need to move around I am already in the sweet spot but also enjoy unstrapped on same brd which I do need to move from going up wind to wave action
Depends...cross off unstrapped as the waves are so smooth and generally no boosting. Side or cross on it's usually pretty bumpy and I prefer straps, especially at beach breaks where hopping over white water makes getting out easier. I keep my straps quite loose as it helps slide the back foot around. When I am tacking up wind back foot is never in the straps. I also love a good air with straps. Don't really ride twin tips anymore, they tend to give my knee more issues. I don't think I will ever go down the strapless air road, too many injuries in my life and I don't really feel like a nice sharp fin up my back side on a stuffed up landing. I sure enjoy watching the dudes like Leo and Surfingboye hit their strapless airs, a real thing of beauty. Just not for me...
One of my favorite clips from right around when strapless was taking off. Notice Reo and Johnny still killing it in straps. Good blend of both styles and a sick day at backyards.
@jkimbler, thats one of my favourite movies, and John Bilderbeck is one of my favourite photographers too. When you look at all the riders in that clip, they are all ripping and handling that epic wave really well and I could not care less if one had straps on or not, BW has always ridden unstrapped really well and Reo looked very comfy in straps, same with Alldrege compared to the other strapped riders. Up home here, its about 60+% strapped and the rest unstrapped, mainly younger guys in the strapless team.
When I first kitesurfed it was on a surfboard with straps, with Bob Dawson in Sawtell, using one of his awesome and horrible giant 2 line stunt kites, I still have it, its about 15' wingspan at the tips. We just bolted straps right through the board, then came the early Naish and stonker directionals, everyone rode them, and almost always with straps, but there were strapless pioneers from the very beginning for sure.
Began to look seriously at surfboards again about 5 years ago, and began using a Cab Skillet poly board with no straps, which was fine learning the technique in Botany Bay's flattish water. Then 2.5yrs ago moved to an awesome wave spot on the far north coast of NSW. Then I copped about 3 fin chops and broke my big toe trying to get out through big whitewater, and I was forever chasing my board to the beach, for the slightest mistake, riding a wave or heading out. Then I eventually put straps on all my boards, and this is what my quiver looks like now. One of the Axis boards is sold, and I mainly ride the Firewire Vader 5'2" and the Axis Rakau 5'7" (inegra), but still love to ride the Delta 5'9" and the Smook, as well as the 5'4" Axis new Wave when its really windy and small waves. Often ride with my back foot in front of the rear strap, when heading out and upwind, but both feet in straps when on a wave.
No more injuries, no more fin chops and a lot less pain in my knees and have almost stopped riding TT's (don't have any normal sized ones at the moment)
Hey Puetz,
Yeah it looks a bit odd I know but its just what feels right. I like to be able heal pivot out of the strap etc. Make Jibing easier too. When it gets bumpy or jumping I just slide back and the hook clamps so even when the tail is hanging it still holds.
The photo is a little deceiving, the front looks really far forward buts it's not, just over half way.
Terry as far as next board I think the Vanguard be the pick, everyone who has them loves them.
Yeah when I had the board shaped I asked him to put a full run of inserts to make it easily adjustable. I did have it the way you describe when I first picked up the board but changed to how is now after a bit of tinkering. The majority of the time I'm out of the strap but its nice to have it there.
Yes I was thinking around the 5'4- 5'6 for the vanguard as I am 80 pies.