Forums > Kitesurfing General

Why a surfboard?

Created by sir ROWDY > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2010
WA, 5355 posts
14 Apr 2010 9:46PM
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I just wanted to know why there are so many wanna be surfers out there kiting around on these huge surfboards? This is kiteboarding not surfing, if you want to go surfing buy a real surfboard and find some real waves, stop pretending like it's cool riding a surfboard and telling everyone who rides kiteboards to buy a surfboard.
This is KITE boarding, not surfing, we should be making it look spectacular and awesome, ripping huge toeside carves on twin tips and sending a sh!tload of spray! or boosting fifty foot up out of the wave and doing a kiteloop then landing back in the same wave again! How are we going to get anywhere if everyone just copy's surfing.
This is Kiteboarding, lets make it something new.

WA, 2119 posts
14 Apr 2010 9:57PM
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cause Im lazy and cant be arsed paddling.........

QLD, 5283 posts
15 Apr 2010 12:00AM
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maybe surfing stuff on a surfie with a weeny kite is easy peasy, i dunno.

WA, 57 posts
14 Apr 2010 10:10PM
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Here we go again. Why not do both? and appreciate other aspects of kiting also without narrowing the options.

Mister Dugong
368 posts
14 Apr 2010 10:17PM
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nope, I think dave has got it,
Paddling sux.

WA, 55 posts
15 Apr 2010 10:43AM
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SA, 65 posts
15 Apr 2010 12:28PM
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its all kiting..

WA, 2119 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:11AM
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all you lucky guys who can actually surf on a real surfboard, with real waves........ Have you seen the waves in Perth? lucky we have all the wind....

wave knave
306 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:14AM
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and bindings are gay.

wave knave
306 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:15AM
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and twintips are gay-trays.

VIC, 672 posts
15 Apr 2010 1:26PM
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wave knave said...

and twintips are gay-trays.

what you learn on?

WA, 108 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:28AM
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I’ve ridden both and enjoy a surfboard more than a twinnie.

In my opinion the best kiter, whether on a twinnie, or a surfboard, or whether he fits the kiting fashion groove or not, is the one having the most fun, and that me!!

wave knave
306 posts
15 Apr 2010 11:51AM
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sleek1 said...

wave knave said...

and twintips are gay-trays.

what you learn on?

actually a 6'10'' thruster , circa '99.. and a two-line kite... it was a foil kite, ya, foil kites are gay too.

VIC, 672 posts
15 Apr 2010 2:02PM
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wave knave said...

sleek1 said...

wave knave said...

and twintips are gay-trays.

what you learn on?

actually a 6'10'' thruster , circa '99.. and a two-line kite... it was a foil kite, ya, foil kites are gay too.

lucky you didnt learn on a twin tip then= double gay

NSW, 1520 posts
15 Apr 2010 2:11PM
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OK I'll bite-because I go kiteSURFING NOT kiteBOARDING-because I've surfed for decades and still do and I see kiting as an extension of my surfing-because doing spinny tricky technical wakeboard moves are, well, wakeboard moves and after 10 years of kiting I find spinny technical stuff boring.

I usually surf a 5'10"-6'1" surfboard and kite waves with similar boards when it's windy-because that's what I enjoy-it's my deal-why would you give a fugg what I ride and what I enjoy-and who gives a fugg what you think?

WA, 5355 posts
15 Apr 2010 12:32PM
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I think your missing the point.
I'm not talking about spinny technical tricks, I'm talking about riding waves with a Kite, using the kite to your advantage, instead of pretending like your surfing. You have a kite so there is no need to ride a massive surfboard. If surfers could ride a tiny board, throw massive spray and do huge airs, they would.

WA, 108 posts
15 Apr 2010 12:55PM
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..depends how you like to ride the waves – if you ride waves whilst using the power of the kite, a small board works, but if you like to spill the power out of the kite once you have caught the wave and surf it as though you didn’t have the kite, you usually need the planing area a bigger board offers. In that case, the size and shape of the board, as with normal surfing, depends on the type and size of the wave you ride.

There are heaps of threads debating which style of surfing is better – this is a massive generalisation, but usually the guys using the power of the kite are strapped and also do jumps, aerial off the lips and spins as well, and the kites spilling the power are the strapless crew.

WA, 2119 posts
15 Apr 2010 1:07PM
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riding a twin tip in the waves is sooooo gay, they dont even bottom turn properly.

QLD, 776 posts
15 Apr 2010 3:42PM
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zzzz pft zzzzz pft

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
15 Apr 2010 4:44PM
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sir ROWDY said...

I think your missing the point.
I'm not talking about spinny technical tricks, I'm talking about riding waves with a Kite, using the kite to your advantage, instead of pretending like your surfing. You have a kite so there is no need to ride a massive surfboard. If surfers could ride a tiny board, throw massive spray and do huge airs, they would.

im with you rowdy, 90% of blokes I see using a surfboard are muppets they dont surf the pocket and instead use the kite just to keep them moving while waaay out on the shoulder getting in peoples way. They dont do any tricks or ever get slammed, then you see blokes in the surf on twin tips smashing the lip, boosting and looping off the waves AND generally hacking it up.

Now I admit there are some blokes who do know what they are doing and use the kite to get back out and then surf the wave properly .......and as a surfer of 20+ years i can appreciate that, but when muppets are out on the shoulder causing the sections to shut down or closeout I get and unfortunately 90% of kiters with surfboards do exactly that.

WA, 266 posts
15 Apr 2010 2:50PM
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only a surfer knows the feeling

WA, 614 posts
15 Apr 2010 2:55PM
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we are such a tolerant bunch aren't we ?

Live and let live hey- if crew want to bang to the beat of their own drum, let them.

Riding strapless on a skim and surf board has taught me heaps about kite control and board control. I can also see what Rowdy is saying about using the kite to create a new style in the surf,it would be great if he could use tha same logic when thinking about his beloved wakestyle..

For me personally the strapless style on a surfboard has given me a new challenge that I am enjoying. If ya don't dig it don't do it...

VIC, 5046 posts
15 Apr 2010 5:51PM
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Kiting on a strapped surfboard in waves is loads of fun.

Kiting on a strapped surfboard without waves is not a lot of fun and pretty much pointless.

I don't care about riding the waves. I am more than happy to use them as a giant mobile berm/half-pipe for carving and bashing and generally playing.

I am looking at getting some kind of mutant as my next board so I can get some of the advantages of a directional and have the versatility of a TT. My legs get tired riding toe-side all day, my toeside jumping skills are limited, and the directional straps with thin pads hurt my feet.

Flyboards and Ocean Rodeo are doing mutant style boards and hopefully the other manufacturers will see that there is a market for these boards.

WA, 1883 posts
15 Apr 2010 3:52PM
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and they wear them Gay confused boardies over wetties haaaa

NSW, 517 posts
15 Apr 2010 6:48PM
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just need a surfboard that can take a decent jump so i can hang xmas stockings on the TT over chrissy at least it would be used once a year

NSW, 1089 posts
15 Apr 2010 7:41PM
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NSW, 6451 posts
15 Apr 2010 8:04PM
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ok said...


Because windsurfers cant surf a wave at all, they have the turning speed of a sail boat, and you cant get any decent air on a sail boat.

QLD, 416 posts
15 Apr 2010 8:05PM
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sir ROWDY said...

I think your missing the point.
I'm not talking about spinny technical tricks, I'm talking about riding waves with a Kite, using the kite to your advantage, instead of pretending like your surfing. You have a kite so there is no need to ride a massive surfboard. If surfers could ride a tiny board, throw massive spray and do huge airs, they would.

Kite is a tow in machine"

QLD, 2776 posts
15 Apr 2010 8:11PM
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your best work ever rowdy

NSW, 609 posts
15 Apr 2010 8:13PM
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On the other hand :

Why try to wakeboard with a kite? I have rarely even at the highest level of "kiteboarding" seen someone pull a trick that has even 1/10th of the power, consequence or style, IMO there is not 1 teeny iota of comparison. Is that why even at the top level people spin and jump big while incorporating wakeboarding tricks because they are kiteboarding not wakeboarding??

I "kitesurf" not "kiteboard"

WA, 790 posts
15 Apr 2010 6:36PM
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Horses for courses,
Why not use these deadly twin boards for low kite/big air!
Think this guy was lead roll in a few horror films.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Why a surfboard?" started by sir ROWDY