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Forums > Kitesurfing General

friendly racing series at Botany Bay?

Created by Jacques > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2009
NSW, 159 posts
22 Jan 2009 7:48PM
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Hi guys,

Are there any kiters interested in racing for the fun in Sydney?

Heard in September 08 that NSWKA was working on organising such project with one of Botany Bay's sailing clubs, but as I didn't see any further news since then, I was wondering if they had found ressources to allocate on that front. If there is anything being organised, could anyone please let us know?

I believe that at Botany Bay we have a fantastic playground with quite e few options to do long distance races on uncroweded areas with both choppy and flatwater zones... (and wind!!) For example Dolls Point to Towra/Kurnell, or Dolls to Hollywood with long upwind followed by a strait downwind... could be fun to see what gear and riders perform best in each different situation, and on "long" distance.

If nothing is planned, would there be any kiters interested in getting together and try that? If we don't have marker buoys and marshals, I guess it's going to be a bit difficult but we could always give it a try for the fun and see (for example we could do the start roughly together from just downwind of Dolls green fixed buoy, and the goal would be to be the first to touch the dry sand of the sandbank at the westerned end of Kurnell)... if we can get 10-15 kiters I think it could be good fun!

PS. the idea is definatly not to do a strait downwinder!

average Joe
NSW, 18 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:29AM
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Should be fun. Count me in.

NSW, 93 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:05AM
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keep me posted

NSW, 116 posts
23 Jan 2009 8:46AM
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Count me in too.

NSW, 1625 posts
23 Jan 2009 8:59AM
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It will take some people with a passion and some enthusiasm to organise and run the event
It looks like there are now 4 people who can run with the idea and make it happen

NSW, 60 posts
23 Jan 2009 9:12AM
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sounds like fun, id like to compete!!

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Jan 2009 9:26AM
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make that 5

23 Jan 2009 9:27AM
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Thanks for making the post Jacques.
Southern Sydney Kiteboarding Club and NSWKBA have had this idea on our meeting agendas for a few months, but have been snowed under for other reasons.

Since there are now at least 7-8 people that I know including all the above, we are halfway there to having a field of competitors.
I've got a boat, and a couple of other people have ski's, so getting buoys out is covered and so is safety/rescue.

So who wants to be the co-ordinator? We need a small organising group, we can all be contacted via email.
Just set a date and see how we go?

Kurnell catamaran Club have regular race days, and have asked us to come along and hold our races in between theirs.
I reckon its a great idea and venue, they have club rooms with showers and a bar! They also have a boat and marker buoys.
Anyone here have a contact for the Kurnell cat Club?

Cya and



PS - I am sure I can get some good prizes for the series a couple of brands have expressed an interest in backing a fun racing event or series, once a couple get involved others will too.

NSW, 17 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:06AM
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Great idea Jacques,

Count me in for any assistance to organise it and of course participate

I'm sure I can round up a few people to join in too.


NSW, 416 posts
23 Jan 2009 10:25AM
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Count me in too. Sounds like fun

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
23 Jan 2009 9:51AM
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Hi Jacques... good on you mate. Count me in..

WA has been doing this stuff for a while and its about time we start here as well. The kiters community is quite large here and this I am sure will take shape in no time.

I have some free time during the day and can lend a hand for whatever.


NSW, 298 posts
23 Jan 2009 11:16AM
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I'm trying to imagine tacking duals with 30m lines and priority around bouys and calling starboard. I can see some interesting racing going on. And the starting line that should be fun.

Perhaps a straight out time trial might work better with guys starting every 30 seconds, just to put some space between the lines.

NSW, 100 posts
23 Jan 2009 11:27AM
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The Georges River 16ft Sailing Club might be another good one to contact. I think their Saturday sailing is a little light on. Plus its at Dolls Point so its a good central location.

23 Jan 2009 12:57PM
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Now there is more than enough interest and I'm sure there's heaps more that will join in, would be great to have a female division as well, come on girls where are you?

All it needs now is for one of you to take on the role of leading the pack and be the head organiser, or delegator?
It would not be a huge time consumer if the right person steps up and gets support from several others.

Sorry I am too busy to do the job, but can be counted on for a minor starring role! :-)

Cya and



Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:01PM
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eightfootplus said...

I'm trying to imagine tacking duals with 30m lines and priority around bouys and calling starboard. I can see some interesting racing going on. And the starting line that should be fun.

Perhaps a straight out time trial might work better with guys starting every 30 seconds, just to put some space between the lines.

heres a link

its getting quite popular in San Fran .A mate had a race there when visiting and can prolly give an idea of what they did .the 30 second break would prolly be a good idea to kick of but starting from scratch can be done and would be quite exciting

NSW, 416 posts
23 Jan 2009 1:55PM
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Yeah, starting from scratch could be exciting

common 2868
26 posts
23 Jan 2009 12:55PM
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and I say - let the fun begin!!! Need help organising? - PM me.

NSW, 58 posts
23 Jan 2009 4:09PM
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I am/was a keen sailing racer, so would definitely be interested.

Unfortunately, I am just starting out, and can't stay upwind, so I would only be interested in leeward leeward courses, not windward leeward courses

Apart from that, I am on like donkey kong - just give me another month to learn to steer this bloody thing.


1 posts
23 Jan 2009 3:16PM
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hey, that sounds awsome! I would love to do some racing since i have a sailing background. so count me in.

NSW, 446 posts
23 Jan 2009 5:25PM
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Awesome idea.

Would love to give it a shot

Gotta do the lot, upwind, crosswind, downwind.

NSW, 42 posts
26 Jan 2009 12:59PM
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Sounds like a challenge.

I'm in too :)

NSW, 42 posts
26 Jan 2009 1:01PM
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Sounds like a challenge!

I'm in


NSW, 159 posts
28 Jan 2009 3:00PM
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Hi all,

Very glad to see that many positive feedbacks about the idea, let's make it happen!!

Steve, this is really nice of you to offer assistance with your boat, I guess this is the most important bit, we will contact you once we have a more detailled project.

I will coordinate the organisation the best I can, with the little time I have available. Currently starting to put something together with the help of Mike (Schmik) and Manny (manno_au):
==> For suggestions please PM me or email at
==> At this stage aiming to have something up for the start of March


NSW, 13 posts
28 Jan 2009 4:50PM
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Sounds like fun guys. As Kite surfing is not exactly the same as sailing a boat, why not have check point type setup where the surfer has to obtain say 5 different colored Velcro tags from buoys or beaches... just an idea... ive got a few :)

Id be happy to set up a basic website for keeping dudes up to date........

NSW, 116 posts
28 Jan 2009 5:25PM
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Don't have much time but I am happy to help if needed. PM me if needed.


NSW, 1715 posts
30 Jan 2009 8:45AM
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I had a visit from Steve from KP yesterday and we agreed that the quickest way for racing to happen is to have a talk to the Kurnell Catamaran Club again now that we have strong interest. I'll put the ball in motion with them.

As you guys know I'm stuck at home with a fractured foot and can't get out without assistance so SSKC will need help.

The Cat club has the infrustructure to easily run races and have offered their help in the past. They have windsurfer racing every second weekend and are prepared to slot us in with them on those days for our own races. They will set the course to our specification and provide marshells.

Remember, if you wish to compete you MUST be a member of NSWKBA (or equivalent) for the insurace otherwise they will not let you compete.

I'll send private messages to the guys I know on this post so we can set up some dialogue.

Anyone keen to help please send me a message. Once we have something in place I'll email all of the NSWKBA southside members which are automatically SSKC members

Graeme Snowdon

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
30 Jan 2009 9:21AM
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KIT33R said...

I had a visit from Steve from KP yesterday and we agreed that the quickest way for racing to happen is to have a talk to the Kurnell Catamaran Club again now that we have strong interest. I'll put the ball in motion with them.

As you guys know I'm stuck at home with a fractured foot and can't get out without assistance so SSKC will need help.

The Cat club has the infrustructure to easily run races and have offered their help in the past. They have windsurfer racing every second weekend and are prepared to slot us in with them on those days for our own races. They will set the course to our specification and provide marshells.

Remember, if you wish to compete you MUST be a member of NSWKBA (or equivalent) for the insurace otherwise they will not let you compete.

I'll send private messages to the guys I know on this post so we can set up some dialogue.

Anyone keen to help please send me a message. Once we have something in place I'll email all of the NSWKBA southside members which are automatically SSKC members

Graeme Snowdon

might be an idea to try sailing a cat with a cat too .I found that it works great .just hop on the tramp and put your feel up against the leeward side of the tramp frame .great light wind option.Big kite works well (doona )don't know how LEi would go in the lulls or stuff up Gybes.initially we rode with akiter and a steerer but got pretty good at it and kited and steered .i'd stick with the kiter and steerer

NSW, 298 posts
30 Jan 2009 10:11AM
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How about this, Race from Dolls to Kurnell and back again. At Kurnell kiter must turn within the rock walls( I am thinking skull a beer on the beach!) .

At Dolls we draw numbers for starting positions, handicap start biggest kites last, biggest boards last or we use the line between the two channel markers as the starting line.

All we need to do is agree a start time, 2pm this Saturday? Take a list of names and then go. It doesnt need to be that complicated,its a social race.

An alternative is start at Dolls, run to Kurnell, then across to Novatel and back to Dolls.

Steve we may need a race sponsor to supply cold beverages at the end!

NSW, 1715 posts
30 Jan 2009 10:27AM
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All good ideas fellas. We initially discussed a trianglular course out from the Cat club with an up wind leg and an off the wind leg for speed. A staggered timed start would eliminate any pile up before you got going and you could handicap the competitors depending on their level of skill (years/months kiting), that way no one is disadvantaged. If we keep everyone in sight it is also much safer. And each race should take about 15 - 30 minutes.

Any thoughts?

NSW, 416 posts
30 Jan 2009 2:29PM
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What if you've been kiting for years but still suck? I get speed wobbles if I go too fast...

I've got a b'day party this saturday but if this is on I've got an excuse to go kiting instead!! Next saturday I've got a stripper party so fingers crossed there's no wind cause I'm not turning that one down

NSW, 159 posts
30 Jan 2009 2:53PM
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I am very keen on doing starts with all kiters at the same time... have a look at videos of PKRA races such as this one:

... having 10s of kites all together looks awesome fun to be part of, and even just to watch!

Also, I think if we go one at a time it would not be completely fair because the wind will be slightly different each time, and there would be the hassle of timing each rider, and also each rider would not know how good or bad it is doing until the results are announced...

Of course, getting tangles is a risk, and in the racing series in Europe or US, it is recommended to be well powered or have a park&ride type of kite, as you don't want to have to work your kite and be in the way of all the other competitors... but at the end of the day, what we want to start with at this stage is just a race format suitable for a good laught so no big issue I think... riders will just have to take it easy on the start and avoid too agressive kite flying on the first few tacks.

In regards to handicaps, I think this is a valid thing for a mature sport whrere standards are clearly established, but I would personaly find it a bit constraining for our sport at this stage, and I would also love to try and encourage people to make prototypes boards, kites, line lenght and try them out... for the fun of seeing what works best, and without trying to penalise the ones who are trying new things...

let's do some tests and see what format we like most for our sport!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"friendly racing series at Botany Bay?" started by Jacques