I'm being blown away by the way we are abusing the planet on which we live do we really care? I know I do
Sorry Taurus I was refering to the BBC series frozen planet and tonights episode on the arctic or what's left of it due to us abusing it i was particularly interested on how the UK s royal marine commandos of which i was one of, trying to retrace Hillary's footsteps but where unable to due to how much ice had melted ,the statistics are mind boggling maybe you should stop watching x factor and educate yourself ,and don't abuse people ,I used too be sent all over the world to kick peoples arses so you just living in the same country would be an easy hit no offence intended cauncy
if that scared/enlightened you watch
HOME its the one JBHIFI have on the big screens its on bluray or utube
dick smiths population puzzle or david att one same thing
some of my all time favs
I saw the same episode and have to agree.
To kitesurf you need wind. If things continue this way then there might not be any wind or less of it. And if you're into skiing or snowboarding, there might not be any snow or the seasons will be shorter.
Before you decide to call someone a hippie stop and think about things.
The negative reply's come from self absorbed, money spending, tattoo wearing, ignorant Gen X'ers.
Pull your heads in!!!
All of the above is a mini version of why the polar bears and the penguins are rooted.
Anyone applied for a grant ?
We need to study these commandos.
No we don't !!!!! WE as a human race are like a cancer ,a cancer eating away at the earth . And you wonder why we cant fix it you cant even be nice to each other on a forum!!!!!!!!!!
forget your polar bears and penguins............ just have a look how many species are in danger of extinction due to de-forrestation.
Check out the damage the persuit of palm oil is doing to the species of the areas....... another decade and its bye bye mr orangutan, bye bye mr Tiger.....and they are the flagship species there are literally hundreds more in danger just due to palm oil plantations....
The whole climate change debate has become a massive distraction from the real issues this world will face.
Cricky guy's, I thought I was gunna read about the great photography on that show and the dedication to capturing it.
Cant wait for the sequel "Windy planet"
No special forces guy would ever tell everyone. Tool. The sort of guy who if every got close to being special forces, got weeded out for attitude long before become the real deal.
Half the reason the world is f#cked is because stupid people spend money on stupid sh!t all the time.
One perfect example of this is that stupid penguin or whatever it was that was eating sand off the beach (in WA?) because it thought it was snow... Ok, it's alright to help an animal, but when you spend a couple of mill (or whatever it was) rehabilitating this thing and building a special slide so he can slide off a****** boat into the ocean it's getting way past a joke... To top it off he went two days and then went missing off the radar, likely eaten by a shark or something.
I can't help but laugh my ass off at this story, but at the same time think "what the f#ck were these people thinking"... You can be damn sure it's the same knobs that are ranting on about climate change...
Here's an idea, f#ck climate change! that is something that is going to happen no matter what we do. What about "World Change", that would be a better thing to get on your high horse about... F#ck Carbon Tax, how about taxing people to fix the world and help those in need, instead of inventing taxes for bull**** that is never going to help anyone.
yo reevsy youve been watchin toooo many steven segal movies, the royal marines although an elite fighting unit are not special forces ,like the sas or sbs which was the next level for me to take,only serving sas or sbs are to keep lets say hush about what they are doing or who they are , i wasnt bragging about what i used to do, it was a form of employment ,enough on that matter,what i wanted to raise was the state of the planet ,what fuels peoples passion ? mother nature,what use is a kite if the is no wind or a surfboard if the is no swell ,have you seen the long faces on your beach when the elements arnt playing ball,so for people to say they dont give a f**k is crazy,how many times have we all had the best session of our lives on big wind and a solid swell,who serves it up ,SHELL,BP,? im no tree hugger but im passionate about what were doing to the environment,and for people to say sea levels arnt rising must be living on a hill,ive seen plenty of proof with my own eyes especially during the last few years,anyone booked into the big 4 caravan park for kitestock? a 5mtr x 6mtr rock wall is now in place of the beach its our answer to rising sea levels,the weekend is looking good again here in wa, 20 plus knts good swell ( midwest) ENJOY ALL( well if you live in wa)
yo reevsy sorry the sbs isnt a tv station its the special boat service but you know that im sure cauncy
Well, its good to see a Australian Kiter ( Our Family ) trying something to help the planet with energy alternatives.