Just gone and broke a metatarsal bone in my foot by stacking it off a wave
Have been informed by the doctor that this means six weeks without kiting
SIX WEEKS Your Killing Me
Has anybody out there done this before? How long did it take you to get back out there?
PLEASE tell me six weeks is over the top P L E A S E
Not happy
Its always hard to find someone to video the session.
I think we found a video bitch.
6 weeks seems to be what all the doctors say for any broken bone to bond with good enough strength to start having fun again.
I know your pain,was out of the water a few years ago for 3 months after an operation.The loooongest 3 months of my life.
After 3 weeks DONT think stuff it Im having a kite ,because the bone wont have mended enough,SNAP,back to square one.
Sorry mate,suck to be you.Hope you get heaps of sympothy sex
oh yeah, and HTFU,had to say it
i broke the metatarsal right above the pinky toe knuckle last year during rugby at school, had it strapped for about 2 weeks and after the 3rd i started kiting with my foot strapped in tape... didnt hurt or nuffin so after a few weeks just try it but make sure u strap that **** up good.
Keep in mind that resting a bone for it to recover is a bit old fashioned.. best rehab works the bone, stressing it at a rate that demands it to remodel to strengthen without stressing it to the point that it aches like a shin splint, which would indicated its rate of repair is not keeping up with the damage incurred from stressing it. just take it easy and listen to your body. aching and swelling mean rest and ice and elevation if necessary, but definitely rest.
Some repair quicker than others. don't be lacking protein. (its essential for all recovery and plays the most important role in bone strength, it makes the collagen fibres that work like reo in the otherwise weak concrete of bone which is basically calcium. wear supportive shoes as your doc may have suggested and avoid unpredictable impacts eg don't run on sand for a while. (proprioceptors can't function their best in sand as its constantly giving away in different directions and by different amounts. this unpredictability means our muscles don't prepare as perfectly as usual to sustain the forces and stabilise the joints. this means extra stress on bones and joints.)
If you're in plaster get it off as soon as they will let you. then slowly and carefully and gently get moving it and walking on it.
If doc has advised otherwise follow the docs instructions incase there are other complications. If your are feeling rich and desperate to get back asap fork out for a sports physio apt. and take the xrays. don't leave 'till they give you some sort of regime and answer all your questions.
Some metatarsal fractures are really uneventful (minor) but others can be a real hassle. Best of luck.
hey you think thats bad i broke my hand punching my bro now i a have a cast for 6-8 weeks and i cant kite surf untill chrisy
haha what do u have little fairy hands?
i remember wen my older brother (7yr diff) lived with us we used to smack each other around... he got a bit angry and gave me a solid boot into a wall... i returned the favour with a cheap rib shot while waitin for the microwave, cracked two on the left side. ribs 0 - charl 1
Cheers guys
Smedg, thats like Owl size knowledge mate
Lotofwind, beware of low flying crutches, I think I can just about make NSW from here
cabstar, know that feeling mate. One drunken session saw a mate and I trying to reenact the "hit me as hard as you can" scene from Fight Club. Well, I did not punch him in the ear but decided to give his upper arm some medicine. Helpfully he dropped his shoulder just as I landed a big right hand and I connected with fist to shoulder bone. CRACK!!! three metacarpals broken and a hand the size of a balloon
seriously, you broke A metatarsal (as in one.?) in your foot, you got like four more in than foot alone and another whole foots worth of okay ones...
harden a wee bit up princess.
junglist, do what your doc says (if you have a good doc, if you dont have a good doc, find one and get them to carefully check the xrays, they missed 2 breaks in my foot...). I broke a bunch of bones in my foot 5 years ago and they still arnt too flash (ok, also wrecked a few ligaments, my ankle got riped apart and my foot has a different shape now), so think yourself lucky as 6 weeks aint much.
As for treatment, physio and pilates are gold, so once you have mobility back, invest some time in a good physio. Good luck healing, hope it is a simple little break, in which case you will be up and riding quick as...
You can try liquid bovine cartilage to enhance healing (5-10ml / day). Take some better quality fish oil (10-15ml / day), and if you find a physio or acupuncturist who understand microcurrent therapy, and has a high end machine you can have treatment once or twice a week. Alternatively you can buy a cheap (few hundred $) hand held microcurrent device, that can do low frequency or direct current, and use it at least twice a day. That alone may double the speed of new bone formation, and you can use it for muscular or other injuries in the future.....ahh and don't put ice one it even if it reduces the pain, as it reduces the circulation as well, rather use heat......and don't even think about alcohol as pain killer, as it just makes it worse.
Hey! Girl!
I think it was just an excuse to get us to help pack up ya kit.
Lucky the KBV crew didn't get to 13th for the fun. we'd have pics of Junglist hobbling around plastered everywhere.
Just as long as you can still operate a pump, then you can still come kiting with us.
Maybe try a skimboard when you feel you can hit the water again, if footstraps could potentially cause grief.
Hey princess,
Broke a bone in my foot a couple of months back and kept on riding with the injury.
Went like this:
better,worse,better,much worse,better,couldn't walk and finally at present better but somehow pretty dodgy.
Maybe giving it a proper rest is a good idea or you can always HTFU
Hey Junglist,
I currently have a broken 1st Metatarsal. Commonly causes bone chip with tendon damage as it is the larger metatarsal. I first did it years ago playing soccer, I was put into an aircast but was told to exercise and load bare as long as no pain being caused.
This time I did it only a few weeks ago, I was riding a board with straps for the first time in a long time, normally wear boots, and my feet kept coming out only to have realised at once that I have hurt that joint again. It came with immediate swelling and bruising. I just iced it that night and have strapped it ever since.
I can still ride as long as my foot does not twist or hit anything. If it does the pain goes thru the roof and I have to rest it for a few days. The latest research on this injury is based on English footballers such as Becham and Rooney, they both broke their 5th Metatarsal which is the most common. The research suggests movement, load baring and activity that does not cause pain! If there is pain stop!!! Breaking a metatarsal is the most common injuruy in sport to date!
Strapping works, so go see a phsyio to be taught how to do it and get back riding!
Cheers Chris
Had 2 torn ligaments (out of 3) at my ankle 10 month ago, following a bad reception from a jump (one foot in the strap... ). Had to deal with 3 months off the water... I am so passionated about kite-surfing and give it about all my time outside work, but despite that, at one stage, after around 2 months "off-sick", I started to think: "actually what is the fun of kite-surfing, **** I really forgot what is so good about it!!!". THIS is the scariest part you need to be ready for...
My only advice would be to take it easy make good use of these comming weeks by staying away from forums and by doing things you really want to do but usually do not have time for... and time will go very quick. It is sometimes good to have a break from things we love, it makes us think a bit more about it and appreciate how lucky we are when healthy.
Getting back into the sport strapless is really good, as this is not more demanding on the feet than just walking, so as long as you can start walking back with confidence, you will be able to have fun on the water again. When you will be back, you will have a lot more creativity and motivation... and will enjoy the sport even more!
good luck
Jacques, top post mate.
This made me feel so much better:
So I am at work, crutches, plaster cast on foot etc fending off numerous questions. Decided to tell truth rather than: I fell down the stairs / tripped over cat.
Work mate asks, "how did you do it"? "Kite Surfing", I reply. "What's that" he asks, cue explanation: bloody big kite, strings, harness, board etc etc...
He takes a moment to think about this, then asks:
Isn't that dangerous?
I broke the 4th and 5th metatarsals in my left foot a year back. You can HTFU with this kinda thing but it's not worth an annoying injury for the next year. After getting stuck back into things too early before, next time I'll definitely sit it out and let things heal properly. I still feel it in a cold surf etc..
6 weeks? I warmed up with 6 weeks after a MCL tear in my first 2 months of kiting.
Try fracturing your tibia at the start of summer 10 weeks on crutches, now walking with a huge limp and probably looking at another 10 weeks before kiting again, and another 10 before my leg gets as strong as it was.
no it just makes me want to work harder to get back on the water faster. Not much help ignoring reality.
i feel your pain, i've been off the water since 4th of october and won't be able to kite again until may. left and right shoulder reconstructions
Hey Junglist
I feel your pain too, I had a good start to the season, new board , 2 weeks of kiting up north
, new kite
then a fractured fibula.
Oh well good winds and tightlines to the rest of you.