Forums > Kitesurfing General

switch foot / directional board riding ?

Created by Jeff R > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2008
QLD, 175 posts
30 Jun 2008 3:45PM
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Talking about harness just got an email from a mate titled “lose fitting harness” I think it must have been a fall arrest harness not a kite harness, It came with pictures that I better not post. Have a read it is defiantly a pro for a wast harness.

On arrival in the accident and emergency department, the patient’s vital signs were
unremarkable but he was in obvious distress. Radiographs were normal, but a
secondary survey revealed horizontal lacerations on each side of the scrotum with
protrusion of the testes suggestive of a “degloving” mechanism of injury
Other injuries were skin abrasions related to the shoulder straps and abdominal
tenderness in the right hypochondrial region (abdominal ultrasonography was
Initial treatment was analgesia, sterile dressings and intravenous antibiotics, followed
by operative management within 4hr of injury.
Examination under anaesthetic revealed that both testes had penetrated the scrotal
They were swollen but well perfused and intact. The tunica vaginalis had ecchymosis
at the site of laceration that was debrided, but the overlying skin showed no
Each hemiscrotum and testis was irrigated with povidone iodine and sterile saline, and
three point orchidopexy was performed with 3/0 polydiaxone suture (PDS II, Ethicon
Inc.) in a subdartos pouch. The scrotum was closed with single layered interrupted 3/0
Vicryl Rapide (Ethicon Inc.) and covered with a petroleum jelly dressing and a scrotal
The patient received further antibiotics and daily wound inspections until discharge
on day 3. No short term complications have been reported.

Jeff R
QLD, 70 posts
30 Jun 2008 5:07PM
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How is that guy / Top Hat is out of control , I guess switch foot wouldn't be a worry to him .
Lance kenny / thats a good posting .

WA, 637 posts
30 Jun 2008 9:55PM
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Hi Gerard, was it a kitesurfing accident or a rock climbing one?

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
30 Jun 2008 9:59PM
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Andrash said...

Hi Gerard, was it a kitesurfing accident or a rock climbing one?

Either way, I don't want to see the pictures!

Good winds,

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
30 Jun 2008 10:49PM
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Oowowoowoowoowoow!!!!!!!! CH!

I can see the pictures even though you didn't post them!!!!
Blokes just don't wanna hear that stuff!

On a brighter note, there re a couple of other vids of The Het and Felix with the back pack cam, but they're no where near as good as that one. They must have made the pole longer or changed the angle, whatever - way better, you can really see what they are doing now. Great stuff.

270 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:49PM
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Jeff R said...

Thanks for all your advice , I guess it is now up to me .

Yes, keep working at it Jeff, be persistent and a surfboard with no straps will make it easier.

WA, 3464 posts
2 Jul 2008 8:50PM
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I just keep watching the All In video over and over again...even like the tunes. They look like they are having so much fun.

Fantastic mastery of so many skills....all low impact smoothness, masters of a part of the sport.

Wonder what size kite TH is riding and his bar set up looks cool too, real small bar with pulley I believe. I don't think the boards are light though, these guys have got some good muscle for the grabs. Best part is the pure fun they are having in the waves.

WA, 49 posts
2 Jul 2008 9:47PM
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I agree - so smooth - it has made me vow to take the surfboard next trip to the beach - evry time I out on the SB I feel like im fighting the thing - edging as hard as possible, board almost 90 dgrees to the water - need to cruise relax and learn that 'shove it' gybe - and Im taking the straps off

Jeff R
QLD, 70 posts
3 Jul 2008 9:29PM
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Sambo / Are you back in OZ . We all wish we could go over sea's to sail . How was it ? And yes , I agree a surf board is the way to go for a while , after watching you switch foot , it looked easy ,evan if I know it isn't . Hey hows that Psycho 3 going . Send me an e-mail when you get a chance .

QLD, 418 posts
4 Jul 2008 10:20PM
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Found a good video about gybing the kite

Jeff R
QLD, 70 posts
5 Jul 2008 7:55PM
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Jt 737 / That is an excellent site showing in slow motion switch foot and many other tricks as well . Tried it on the Spleene Zone board today but I feel I needed more speed and less RAIN . Not a good day on the sunny coast at all .

WA, 138 posts
5 Jul 2008 11:26PM
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Dont you just hate some people,


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"switch foot / directional board riding ?" started by Jeff R