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wedge shark attack

Created by spot1 > 9 months ago, 23 Oct 2010
WA, 1588 posts
23 Oct 2010 8:52PM
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liam was attacked by a shark at wedge this avo receving multiple punctute wounds to the lower leg he will be fine but no kiteing sunday its a long drive to the joondalup health care campus

WA, 1255 posts
23 Oct 2010 8:57PM
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Wow, a day for sharks!

A small bronzy or something?

Speedy recovery Liam!

WA, 4263 posts
23 Oct 2010 8:59PM
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Was Liam kiting at the time of the attack ?

WA, 317 posts
23 Oct 2010 9:01PM
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WTF what time i this happen

WA, 3464 posts
23 Oct 2010 9:12PM
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Lucky boy, and a brave one too........get well very soon bud.

WA, 1588 posts
23 Oct 2010 9:24PM
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WA, 13 posts
23 Oct 2010 9:40PM
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Liam was bitten by a small 4-5ft shark in shallow water.
49 puncture wounds !! and a few stitches. Speedy recovery mate.
BTW he was also stung by a bee on the way to wedge ! ouch

WA, 995 posts
23 Oct 2010 9:52PM
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Unlucky mate. Heal up quick.

WA, 975 posts
23 Oct 2010 10:40PM
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who was the guy who said it was more likely to be killed by a bee than a shark.
Pranoid DH

the walks
WA, 448 posts
23 Oct 2010 10:53PM
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waveslave said...

Was Liam kiting at the time of the attack ?

Just back from hospital, as shark bites go he's a lucky lad, after watching it all being cleaned out and stitched a ****ing brave one to, thanks to spot 1, kip and the staff at joondalup health campus.
He slipped off his strapless surfboard in the shallows while turning to go back out, felt a tug on his leg and saw the bronzey
before he new it his kite was in the water and the noah had gone, very lucky to be close to shore.

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
23 Oct 2010 11:07PM
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Liam had a tougn run of luck. Lucky he taste bad and the shark spat him out.

Get well quick. Some sweet bragging rights back at school. The only kid in school to have shark bite scars. High School chicks dig scars Lol!

See you on the water soon Liam.


WA, 322 posts
23 Oct 2010 11:09PM
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Get well soon! Between this, the great white at leightons and jaws on tv.....feeling a little un easy about kiting tomorrow.

WA, 3472 posts
23 Oct 2010 11:26PM
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Geez bad luck Liam hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back on the water soon and get them gybes sorted.
Obviously your old man must have been on his tt or strapped otherwise he would have been floundering around heaps and got bitten instead

WA, 995 posts
23 Oct 2010 11:37PM
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Those scars are going to get you so much tail. Use your new power wisely.

the walks
WA, 448 posts
23 Oct 2010 11:45PM
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tightlines said...

Geez bad luck Liam hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back on the water soon and get them gybes sorted.
Obviously your old man must have been on his tt or strapped otherwise he would have been floundering around heaps and got bitten instead

Gold just the front strap at moment, this surfing thing takes some time to learn

179 posts
24 Oct 2010 4:15AM
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some guy in Kallliiiforrrnia was not so lucky.. amputated leg and he died. Was in news yesterday.

hope you have speedy recovery..

WA, 1871 posts
24 Oct 2010 9:45AM
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Jr Walks said...

Well home now.
Great day up until the shark.

Thanks to Jeff, Ian and the wonderful nurses and doctors in the emergency room.

Back in the water on the 3rd if theres no problems with the recovery

You are officially "FLAME PROOFED" from any HTFU comments ever again by Seabreezers
Speedy recovery dude

WA, 101 posts
24 Oct 2010 10:25AM
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****e, extremely lucky looks like the shark wasn't interested after he took a nibble!!

How far in were u when he grabbed you? Two of us were kiting a few kms south of wedge, assume you guys were coming up the coast??

WA, 1588 posts
24 Oct 2010 10:32AM
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ok this is just after we dumped the kite off him got him to the car and not knowing how bad it was ....warning there is blood and a lot of the swearing #%@*&^

WA, 1916 posts
24 Oct 2010 10:34AM
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that looks scary!
see you back in the water soon
r u getting any tv news coverage?
they might need to bleep out some of the audio, hehe

WA, 15 posts
24 Oct 2010 11:44AM
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Holy crap, best wishes Liam, get well soon, J & C

179 posts
24 Oct 2010 11:52AM
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spot1 said...

ok this is just after we dumped the kite off him got him to the car and not knowing how bad it was ....warning there is blood and a lot of the swearing #%@*&^

Yikes on the video that looks painful but at least in good spirits about the whole thing.

WA, 3619 posts
24 Oct 2010 12:04PM
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ApatheticEnd said...

Those scars are going to get you so much tail. Use your new power wisely.

Amen! to that. Wisely & often as possible. [}:)]
So glad to see you still laughing even at the time.
(and so glad we are all able to laugh with you)
Liam - u R da man !!
Now with the stamp of approval.

(hope ur mum recovers sometime too)

NSW, 984 posts
24 Oct 2010 3:12PM
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That video is great. Classic ozi footage. "What happened? I got bitten by a shark" That could be sold to one of those dodgey current affairs shows. You deserve a new kite out of it.

WA, 92 posts
24 Oct 2010 2:38PM
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All the best mate.
Just think you will never need another chat up line again.

My name is Liam
I kite, and I have shark bite scars.
Your place or mine."

Looks like we will have some show and tell at Mullers for the BBQ.

WA, 363 posts
24 Oct 2010 3:31PM
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The 22 stiches i got in me ear yesterday after board met head doesnt even freakin rate now! Was supposed to be at wedge this week end but had to do a wedding - not sure which choice would have been appropriate in hindsight Fark mate - get well soon!

WA, 1871 posts
24 Oct 2010 3:52PM
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should have sold that as exclusive footage to the tv stations & bought a new kite

WA, 478 posts
24 Oct 2010 5:18PM
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Nah don't sell it to Current affairs, you know that Tracy Grimshaw will turn it into something against kiters the stupid slag...

WA, 317 posts
24 Oct 2010 6:45PM
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bingles said...

The 22 stiches i got in me ear yesterday after board met head doesnt even freakin rate now! Was supposed to be at wedge this week end but had to do a wedding - not sure which choice would have been appropriate in hindsight Fark mate - get well soon!

Allways wear a hat then silly boy. As a bite can get you laid,but a clumpy old ear well ( a wayne rooney lookalike no chance )

WA, 2940 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:08PM
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no wonder there were ****all kiters out at wedge today

good to hear the kid is ok

where abouts at wedge did this happen ?

WA, 1194 posts
24 Oct 2010 7:27PM
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glad it wasn't worse, i recall last year at the exmouth expo how my Friend and i mentioned the 2 to 3 meter shark near the outer reef at sandy bay to your dad/mum and your mum looked troubled .. cant imagine how troubled she was when she heard you actually got bitten.

all the best with the recovery.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"wedge shark attack" started by spot1