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why foil boards are just a fad

Created by myusernam > 9 months ago, 16 Sep 2014
QLD, 6123 posts
16 Sep 2014 11:22AM
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thought I would offer some balance here as to why I think foils are a fad.

In the same vein as they jumped on SUP even in zero surf areas (spend $50 on an old windsurfer long board instead of 2k), now they are trying to flog foils.

I used to waterski foil (airchair/skyski) for several years. I did it for a quite a while and whils no ledgend I was there from the early days and tuned foils etc. I also rode with the AUS and occasional world champ. the kiteboard foils are the same just bolted on to boards. Mike murphy introduced laird hamilton to foils and he rode them at jaws.

The sit down versions behind a boat can get fairly high air due to the leverage you get. Being strapped in to the board sitting down has it's advantages as when you crash it's hard for the hard, sharp metal foil to injure you. That said you still need to wear a helmet.

When the stand up versions came about it was a lot easier to get wounded by the foil. The stand up versions have never taken off.

Now they have kite foil boards and kite winsurfer boards. Sounds awesome but if you know the limitations and what to look for in the videos

The limitations are - the foils are very directional - you have to land in the exact same direction (the strut has a wide knife like surface area) so if you land slightly off you crash immediatly.
When you crash it's a dead stop as it all becomes a sea anchor. you dont skip, decelerate etc as you are strapped to it. you completely dead stop. this can hurt.
they have a terminal velocity, and a fairly limited speed range, although I think this could be developed. But the faster you make it the less lift and low speed performance.
They are not the rough water tool everyone thinks. you can glide over a bit of ripple. get high chop though (i.e. enough wind to kite in) and you have to keep the foil well below the water otherwise as soon as it cavitates or breaks the surface you loose all lift and sink down onto the conventional board. You sort of have to raise and lower it to keep the foil at the appropriate depth. Too low and the waves slap the doard part. to high and it areates and you sink straight down/ slow right down.

You need fairly deep water. Any scratches, nicks cuts in the reasonably soft aluminum are quite significant - water is much denser, and you can really feel this effect. So too as the foil tarnishes. a good polish does wonders.

Because you need deeper water if there is wind you are back out in chop.

The sensation for the sit down at least is like balancing on your school chair on two legs.
It's a bit of a sensation gliding over calm water for the first couple of goes, but once you have it down, it's nothing extrodinary.
But when you start trying to incorporate ariels, the combination of having to balance your weight fore and aft (to control the height of the foil) landing in the same direction with the foil at the correct elevation angle, and the resulting few seconds before the foil starts to work and generate lift again will mean it wil lbe very difficult and very unrewarding as a tool for an uncontrolled enviroment like the ocean. Noone does anything good on the stand up ones behind a boat at a constant rate fo pull in dead flat conditions. there is just too much to control.

So their only application is 10 knots? but you need deep water (dont scratch it). then as the wind picks up (it's fairly deep) so does the chop. Fun factor goes down. and at the end of the day you are mowing the lawn. you might be able to point high. MIght be ok for yacht style match racing (yaaawn).
For me in marginal conditions I think you are far better with a wide board in the shallows (flat water) and pulling moves having fun. Or do some jobs around the house so you can go when the wind picks up.

The surf retailers are always quick to jump on any new bandwagon because it makes them money and they are under pressure from the distributors to do so. even when it is an ordinary product. They are always trying to bring out new things to make a buck. I saw on here som dutch dudes with a kiteboat for $5k euro. It looked like you had to hold the boat from the ground to relaunch in strong winds. and it's 5k euro.

anyway I thought I would write this in case someone has their heart set on spending 2.5k or whatever thasking price is because they are in love with the idea of a kiteboard foil. The promise is just a long way from reality.

WA, 1103 posts
16 Sep 2014 10:06AM
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Bag of popcorn, peanuts, and an ice cold six pack in the fridge. Feet up, comfy chair.

Let's go peeps. This one's going to get fruity.....

QLD, 1855 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:24PM
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Here is another rook ranting and comparing kite foiling to wheelchair foiling behind boat Go downwind 30knts on a kitefoil and then reassess your opinion, to give you an idea its a bit like boosting 10metres high and then looping the kite. Ever done that matey?Even free ride on a foil is lots of fun. I have taught 3 people how to foil last week and they were all stoked.

QLD, 918 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:27PM
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I don't think enough peeps give a rats about foils for this to get fruity... Except maybe SirV.. Who I met on a surf fx trip one year and is a good bloke who cops an unfair pasting for being passionate about something...
A well constructed post though and I wouldn't get one just because of the elevated chance of horrendous injury... The juice just isn't worth the squeeze...

NSW, 861 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:30PM
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Juddy said..
Bag of popcorn, peanuts, and an ice cold six pack in the fridge. Feet up, comfy chair.

Let's go peeps. This one's going to get fruity.....

Yep! looks like a set-up for some heated debate.
Every style of kiteboarding has its knockers.
Its just another aspect to the sport. If people are getting some enjoyment out of it, good luck to them.

WA, 1103 posts
16 Sep 2014 10:37AM
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BennyB12 said..
I don't think enough peeps give a rats about foils

I'd probably agree, I'm just here for the entertainment.....

QLD, 1855 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:41PM
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keep sucking on your red thumbs lads haha

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
16 Sep 2014 1:34PM
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Expert's opinion -

WA, 1874 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:04PM
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And everybodys Happy

1196 posts
16 Sep 2014 12:52PM
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kiteboys vid - interestingly, most of the things he says agrees with myusernames comments! just seems like the difficulty factor makes it interesting for the pros (and could for anyone else for that matter.

savethewhales vid - gold! haha difficulty factor up another notch surely

WA, 66 posts
16 Sep 2014 1:53PM
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Calling them a fad is probably a bit harsh - niche for sure, probably similar to raceboards.

I'm just surprised how many people are anti a new thing (on Seabreeze anyway - most people on the beach are pretty curious and interested). It's got a bit of the "road bikes when the mountain bikes came along" "Skiers when the snowboards came along" or even "windsurfers when the kiters came along" feel to the reaction to foils. `

I reckon any new crazy scheme deserves a crack and an open mind - hence people like Gary Fisher inventing mountain biking, The Legaignnoux brothers with inflatable kites etc.

If I had 3K to spend and I could spend it on a 17m Ozone edge kite or on a foil, I'd go the foil. But hey, each to their own - peace.

WA, 641 posts
16 Sep 2014 2:16PM
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I fail to see the connection between "waterski foil (airchair/skyski)" and kite foiling. Isn't that a bit like comparing knee boarding at a cable park to kiteboarding?

QLD, 6123 posts
16 Sep 2014 4:59PM
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Here is another rook ranting and comparing kite foiling to wheelchair foiling behind boat Go downwind 30knts on a kitefoil and then reassess your opinion, to give you an idea its a bit like boosting 10metres high and then looping the kite. Ever done that matey?Even free ride on a foil is lots of fun. I have taught 3 people how to foil last week and they were all stoked.

not surprised a retailer who sells, races and instructs foils has something to say. Yes i have looped a kite at 10 meters probably (I dont carry a tape) certainly not far of it. I used to land and ride away various inverts on the foil and also land loops on a sailboard so I think I am qualified to comment.
Of course someone just learning to ride it will be stoked. It's relatively easy to ride . (you can get up on the waterski ones first go and not fall off) standing on a kite one is probably a fair bit more difficult I would imagine.
What I am saying is all they will be is a lightwind racing tool, good for mowing the lawn.
Worth a go if you can try one for free? definatley
worth several thousand dollars for something you can only mow the lawn with?

WA, 278 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:16PM
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myusernam said..

Here is another rook ranting and comparing kite foiling to wheelchair foiling behind boat Go downwind 30knts on a kitefoil and then reassess your opinion, to give you an idea its a bit like boosting 10metres high and then looping the kite. Ever done that matey?Even free ride on a foil is lots of fun. I have taught 3 people how to foil last week and they were all stoked.

not surprised a retailer who sells, races and instructs foils has something to say. Yes i have looped a kite at 10 meters probably (I dont carry a tape) certainly not far of it. I used to land and ride away various inverts on the foil and also land loops on a sailboard so I think I am qualified to comment.
Of course someone just learning to ride it will be stoked. It's relatively easy to ride . (you can get up on the waterski ones first go and not fall off) standing on a kite one is probably a fair bit more difficult I would imagine.
What I am saying is all they will be is a lightwind racing tool, good for mowing the lawn.
Worth a go if you can try one for free? definatley
worth several thousand dollars for something you can only mow the lawn with?

What about the free ride crew?
The guys who do like to move the lawn 10-20km UP or down the coast, just a fun cruise away from everything enjoying the ocean and the views.
Foiling looks effortless and the guys can rack up a good 60km in a session in short time, that's a lot of coast if you enjoy cruising.

They not just a light wind options, its just about all the guys are now riding in San F bay. San F bay is not the flattes water around.Rostan Bridge to bridge record now 2minutes quicker by Jonny H on his foil in 20+ knot winds. Guys are hammering our 35+ knots on foils. 25+ knots upwind. No doubt there are injuries but then if you just cruising on you Sunday bike ride its as risking getting hit by a car, by the injuring stats even more likely.
Rostan 2013

Foils are not 4k+ anymore... if you want the best of the best, and are heading to a world foil cup event and chasing big prize money, yes buy thest of you'll be off the pace.
Foils are now coming into main stream production... well under 2k. Liquid force will be available later this year in aus.

2 smallish kites 11 and 7 will see you kiting just about every day of the year, easy on the body (if you not using straps when learning) and easy going once you've learnt. whats not to like for the cruiser.
I havent riden a foil but certainly see the appeal, for those cruisers/adventures than simply want a fun session the way they enjoy it.... each to own, as long as you stoked who cares if its a fad or not :)

PS. High profile big air comps have also been won recently on foil boards

WA, 1395 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:24PM
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So, there's only one big problem to solve for the crew in the west now...
do they make a seaweed repelling version? Can't imagine foiling is much fun with .5 kg of weed wrapped around your foil (anchor).

QLD, 6123 posts
16 Sep 2014 5:37PM
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Damo said...
I fail to see the connection between "waterski foil (airchair/skyski)" and kite foiling. Isn't that a bit like comparing knee boarding at a cable park to kiteboarding?

The connection is, the foils were invented and developed by the waterskii crowd, and ride the same. The limitations are the same. The last time I looked, the waterski crowd were the only one doing any sort of invert or trick on them. It's even harder when you are standing instead of sitting as you have more balance to worry about. No need to look down on it mate. If you want to spend 2.7k on something that goes in a straight line in light winds in only deep water then fill your boots.
My point is if you think it will progress to something more, I dont think it will.

If you look at any vids of windsurf or kite foiling or even big wave surfing you might see a lot of cut shots/ editing especially if there are any jumps involved. You wont see a video like save the whales where he does any tricks like that with a foil.

Oh and marvin, I guess you could do 30 knots on them in flat water, in the narrow window of enough wind but flat enough water to hold the speed. bet u cant in 30 knots of wind in the ocean though?

And you might have that frog in your throat feeling like before you pull the trigger on a loop because you approaching terminal velocity of the foil. the drag goes up logarithmically once you start hitting it, to a point where they wont even fly. You can gratly reduce the surface area of the planes and the angle of lift of the rear foil to have less lift, but then you wont have the slow speed performance

WA, 278 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:42PM
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So you saying dont expect to see a foil board in a final of a pkra freestyle event.... Not sure anybody anywhere ever is expecting a freestyle revolution from foil boards. :)

There are lot of other things that cost the same or more for going in a straight line on water which people enjoy equally... Is their fun less relevant than your fun? Not sure what you trying to get at?

If cost is an issue there are example of wooden foils on the interweb than ypu could build for under $100 as a weekend challenge. Diy project again fun for those who enjoy them, or thatmight be an issue aswell?

WA, 278 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:46PM
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Just poking the bear, dont take it personally

WA, 66 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:54PM
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30 knots open ocean already happened

WA, 281 posts
16 Sep 2014 3:55PM
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myusernam said..

It's relatively easy to ride .

Yeah right - shows how much you know

WA, 278 posts
16 Sep 2014 4:32PM
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myusernam said..

Damo said...
I fail to see the connection between "waterski foil (airchair/skyski)" and kite foiling. Isn't that a bit like comparing knee boarding at a cable park to kiteboarding?

My point is if you think it will progress to something more, I dont think it will.

High profile events world wide, and solid prize money.
The fernch & euros have been smashing free ride racing all of the last season on foils - google redbull coast to coast

Not too many of you local invest comps keeping up with that sort of money ;)

WA, 2119 posts
16 Sep 2014 4:59PM
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The America's cup on those 14m foils looked a lot more thrilling than a great big displacement hull.
Yes foiling does have its limitations but I could imagine at 8-12 knots It would be a lot more thrilling going faster than the wind and staying upwind than mowing the lawn on a 155-165 X 46-48 massive Door.

SUK (stand up kiting on a2 line F1 Source) now that was a fad.

NSW, 2707 posts
16 Sep 2014 7:07PM
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westozwind said..
So, there's only one big problem to solve for the crew in the west now...
do they make a seaweed repelling version? Can't imagine foiling is much fun with .5 kg of weed wrapped around your foil (anchor).

i went over to Santa Barbara coast, and all the local crew were on foils.
that is the weediest place i have ever seen as well.
so i dunno.

NSW, 6451 posts
16 Sep 2014 8:36PM
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I think the only place you will see an increase in people riding foils is in WA,
cause they are all so scared of sharks over there they dont like being near the water.

WA, 97 posts
16 Sep 2014 8:02PM
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Hey guys easy does it no one gets paid for posting ,he's just sharing an opinion you can disagree but he didnt say anything offensive.i thought he had some valid points especially about the injury factor. I'm sitting here with a bruised foot and cut leg and that's from surfing one mt waves today.,if I tried foiling I'd probably lose a leg

NSW, 1625 posts
16 Sep 2014 10:59PM
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myusernam said..

The surf retailers are always quick to jump on any new bandwagon

To my knowledge none of the big brands are selling these yet so they are not making money from them, but they will be soon.So far all the foils you get are from smaller companies

Is there anything wrong with a fad?
sports come and go people come and go
How many different sports have you done in your life? would you do it any different if you had your time over again? I bet you enjoyed them all no mater how long you spent doing them.

Is there anything wrong with it being hard to master?
Will only be a niche average joe sport, but the main action for foils will come from racing, which is def not every ones cup of tea.
If it gets you out the house and on the water enjoying your short time on planet earth it is all good ;)

It will be around for along time to come because for many aspects of wind powered sport it is very efficient

"Foiling" you better get used to that word

NSW, 2707 posts
16 Sep 2014 11:49PM
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wdric said..

"Foiling" you better get used to that word

whats it called when you ride a foil board powered by a foil kite?
is that hard?
or kook?

WA, 2119 posts
16 Sep 2014 11:07PM
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wdric said..

Is there anything wrong with a fad?
sports come and go people come and go
How many different sports have you done in your life? would you do it any different if you had your time over again? I bet you enjoyed them all no mater how long you spent doing them.

"Foiling" you better get used to that word

Everything comes from innovation.

If foils can jump they cant jump well. It has a centre keel and is too long for efficient jumping. Yet they rocket in terms of speed.

I could see lightwind twin tips get a lot better combining both technologies. Create a light wind fin that looks more like a wing off an F1 car still with a centre strut as well as the sides. It would have to be a directional. Once up to speed it would rocket, yet still provide a twintip feel toeside.

Build a foil like this so the board has no contact with the water on a flexible niche twintip, you would boost and break records.

WA, 445 posts
17 Sep 2014 7:10AM
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dave...... said..

wdric said..

Is there anything wrong with a fad?
sports come and go people come and go
How many different sports have you done in your life? would you do it any different if you had your time over again? I bet you enjoyed them all no mater how long you spent doing them.

"Foiling" you better get used to that word

Everything comes from innovation.

If foils can jump they cant jump well. It has a centre keel and is too long for efficient jumping. Yet they rocket in terms of speed.

I could see lightwind twin tips get a lot better combining both technologies. Create a light wind fin that looks more like a wing off an F1 car still with a centre strut as well as the sides. It would have to be a directional. Once up to speed it would rocket, yet still provide a twintip feel toeside.

Build a foil like this so the board has no contact with the water on a flexible niche twintip, you would boost and break records.

Exactly, innovation will lead to new ideas, twintips have been done already, google twintip foil board..

Lets hope some new toys come from this experimentation.

WA, 64 posts
17 Sep 2014 1:32PM
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I get the feeling they are going to be more used by the racing crew, I'm sure there will be a few people that use them for cruising around but racing is where they are getting big.

I would assume most people on here are not races and not interested in it, they just enjoy riding in waves or freestyle, which I also enjoy, but having sailed for most of my life I like the racing side and to me if there is a faster way to race then it interests me.

If you haven't raced and not interested in competition then stick to the surf board or TT and save your coin for something else.

WA, 2119 posts
17 Sep 2014 5:05PM
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SydPete said..

If you haven't raced and not interested in competition then stick to the surf board or TT and save your coin(COMMENTS) for something else.

Sorry Pete, couldnt help it.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"why foil boards are just a fad" started by myusernam