Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Am I going to die if my first kite is a....

Created by Mikedobee > 9 months ago, 8 May 2011
NSW, 1714 posts
21 May 2011 2:12AM
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Mikedobee said...

Guys, please let me know quick!

There is a Naish R3 5.2 kite for sale 500 AUD on ebay. It's 7 m and it comes with bar and lines and pump.

Should I buy it now?

What do you think?

Forget the ebay stuff. You've already been to Kitepower. Check out their second hand gear. They will advice what's suitable. If they don't have any appropriate stock wait until Spring when people will start selling their kites and buying new ones. There'll be more to choose from and people desperate to unload old gear for something new and shiny. Most of us old hands tend to trade up every 12 months around spring time. Not much wind until then anyway.

21 May 2011 3:33PM
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Mikedobee said...

Guys, please let me know quick!

There is a Naish R3 5.2 kite for sale 500 AUD on ebay. It's 7 m and it comes with bar and lines and pump.

Should I buy it now?

What do you think?

Mikobee thats worse than your first purchase and its definitely not worth $500 not even worth $50, that kite is 10 years old, and is a 2 line kite that could be converted to an equally crappy 4 liner.
Come in to see us there are several trade ins here that are in excellent condition (checked by us) like a Naish Boxer 2006/07, near new for $550, 2 x 12M Slingshot Turbo Diesels either one $400, boards from $350, harnesses from $80, surfboards from $350, etc, etc.
Buy with confidence, the kite will be checked and we will give you support even if you do find something wrong with it.

33 posts
29 May 2011 9:27PM
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even though we know you want to save money you frustrate people because;

you know nothing about kitesurf and you don't listen to advice. For example you said you wouldn't use that piece of trash in more than 15 knots. You think that the weather are always that predictable. What happens if they say it won't be more than "15 knots" but as a beginner you don't notice that a big gust is coming you way and you wind up in 25 winds gusts... What will you do if in half a second you get lofted to 30 feet in the air... you will release ??? no; you will do like every body else that has no experience.... just get lofted against the first obstacle that will stop you and than fall down and go to the hospital...

You want to save money by not taking a course; we don't allow these kind of behaviors on ours spots because you will risk hurting people around you, hurting yourself, and you also risk closing down spots. Unless where you go is very remote and you can only damage yourself than why don't you use common sense and take a course, than after you won't ask any stupid questions about kiting equipment. You will know what you need to kite safely and your teacher might help you find a kite within your budget if that is possible.

Yes some people learned on old piece of equipment back than, but a lot of people also got also badly hurt in the process. With today's equipment you can ride a lot safer.

For example last friday a guy was kiting with an old 2006 9m kite and he was struggling and told me after he self rescued how gusty it was. I took my 2011 9m Switchblade in the same conditions and somehow it was a really smooth ride, popping some great jumps, riding safe and never being endangered at all... Why is that ??? because equipment have evolved. a 9m kite today has a lot more range and is a lot safer.

Buy Hey, you seem to have everything covered and you don't see why you should "waste" some money on course when you can teach yourself... Good luck.

Get smart dude, you might learn the hard way !

NSW, 331 posts
30 May 2011 12:24AM
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Yeah, you are right. I just thought that the wind in the winter is stronger and nicer than the one in the summer. But I guess this is not Europe.

KIT33R said...

Mikedobee said...

Guys, please let me know quick!

There is a Naish R3 5.2 kite for sale 500 AUD on ebay. It's 7 m and it comes with bar and lines and pump.

Should I buy it now?

What do you think?

Forget the ebay stuff. You've already been to Kitepower. Check out their second hand gear. They will advice what's suitable. If they don't have any appropriate stock wait until Spring when people will start selling their kites and buying new ones. There'll be more to choose from and people desperate to unload old gear for something new and shiny. Most of us old hands tend to trade up every 12 months around spring time. Not much wind until then anyway.

NSW, 331 posts
30 May 2011 11:05PM
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Dude, you probably didn't notice, but I replied like a thousand times stating that I made a mistake and I am sorry. I also gave away the monster kite and don't have it anymore. What more do you want me to say? :|

Plus, I actually got my new 2009 Slingshot Rev 2 today. It has two small repairs, but they seem to be professionally done. The lines look a bit dogie, but hey I didn't pay that much. I also got a better board. It's a Slingshot 135. A bit scratched, but it will work for a couple of months. It's not much wind anyway.

Sorry again for frustrating you or anyone else.

Fair winds my friend!

jumarcil said...


even though we know you want to save money you frustrate people because;

you know nothing about kitesurf and you don't listen to advice. For example you said you wouldn't use that piece of trash in more than 15 knots. You think that the weather are always that predictable. What happens if they say it won't be more than "15 knots" but as a beginner you don't notice that a big gust is coming you way and you wind up in 25 winds gusts... What will you do if in half a second you get lofted to 30 feet in the air... you will release ??? no; you will do like every body else that has no experience.... just get lofted against the first obstacle that will stop you and than fall down and go to the hospital...

You want to save money by not taking a course; we don't allow these kind of behaviors on ours spots because you will risk hurting people around you, hurting yourself, and you also risk closing down spots. Unless where you go is very remote and you can only damage yourself than why don't you use common sense and take a course, than after you won't ask any stupid questions about kiting equipment. You will know what you need to kite safely and your teacher might help you find a kite within your budget if that is possible.

Yes some people learned on old piece of equipment back than, but a lot of people also got also badly hurt in the process. With today's equipment you can ride a lot safer.

For example last friday a guy was kiting with an old 2006 9m kite and he was struggling and told me after he self rescued how gusty it was. I took my 2011 9m Switchblade in the same conditions and somehow it was a really smooth ride, popping some great jumps, riding safe and never being endangered at all... Why is that ??? because equipment have evolved. a 9m kite today has a lot more range and is a lot safer.

Buy Hey, you seem to have everything covered and you don't see why you should "waste" some money on course when you can teach yourself... Good luck.

Get smart dude, you might learn the hard way !

NSW, 331 posts
30 May 2011 11:13PM
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You guys are awesome! I've been there a couple of times. I got a kite for now and probably in the spring, after I'll save some more money, I'll buy a proper new kite from you.

Thanks heaps!

Kitepower Australia said...

Mikedobee said...

Guys, please let me know quick!

There is a Naish R3 5.2 kite for sale 500 AUD on ebay. It's 7 m and it comes with bar and lines and pump.

Should I buy it now?

What do you think?

Mikobee thats worse than your first purchase and its definitely not worth $500 not even worth $50, that kite is 10 years old, and is a 2 line kite that could be converted to an equally crappy 4 liner.
Come in to see us there are several trade ins here that are in excellent condition (checked by us) like a Naish Boxer 2006/07, near new for $550, 2 x 12M Slingshot Turbo Diesels either one $400, boards from $350, harnesses from $80, surfboards from $350, etc, etc.
Buy with confidence, the kite will be checked and we will give you support even if you do find something wrong with it.

2129 posts
31 May 2011 5:04AM
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Glad you got a newer model kite! You'll definitely have lots more fun on it and your progression will be faster. In a couple of years when you are going really well, try one of the old kites that you were wanting to originally buy and compare! Youll be so pleased you took on the advice of the forum.

Good on ya, have fun!

NSW, 331 posts
13 Jun 2011 6:29PM
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****ing hell! You guys were so right!!!

Having a kite that actually depowers it's so important.
I almost got dragged today into a fence, thankfully I just drop the bar and the kite stopped immediately. I love Slingshots Rev II. It's amazing@

Thanks so much for givin' the advice guys!

678 posts
13 Jun 2011 7:40PM
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Glad you got yourself a decent kite rather than the old crap you were first thinking of,one bit of advice though call into your local shop and get them to check your lines,if you think they look a bit "dogie" then they could be close to breaking point if overloaded,nothing worse than snapping a line at the wrong time,well worth investing in a new set.

NSW, 1088 posts
13 Jun 2011 10:01PM
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NSW, 331 posts
13 Jun 2011 10:43PM
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Yeah. Last week I've just bought some new lines, I am looking to replace them soon. Unfortunately, work starts again tomorrow and no time for kitesurfing :(

WA, 3619 posts
26 Jun 2011 2:04PM
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Way to GO Mikedobee.
Rev 2 is an awesome kite. It will challenge you a bit more than a standard entry level kite but will see you through your learning curve safely and quickly with no compromise from your post learning requirements - until you know exactly why a different kite may be for you.
And with a Rev there is not a lot of reasons requiring a change - they do everything well.
Just keep an eye on the 'P' lines - they are a bit like brake linings - a maintenance item. Annoying when a lot of other kites dont require this attention but not expensive. I always thought it was a small price to pay to have the privilege of flying my Revs - loved them.

10 Aug 2011 5:41PM
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Mikedobee said...

Yeah. Last week I've just bought some new lines, I am looking to replace them soon. Unfortunately, work starts again tomorrow and no time for kitesurfing :(

We have about 20 sets of used, but checked, lines that are $50-$75, they are in the bargain bin in front of the counter.
We will even help you fit them to the bar and make sure the bar is tuned.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Am I going to die if my first kite is a...." started by Mikedobee