Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2008 Core Combat

Created by lancekenny > 9 months ago, 27 Apr 2008
SA, 402 posts
27 Apr 2008 11:30AM
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Found this new kite today - the Core Combat - site is in not in english - so waiting for the run down...


Looks nice - I still like their bar principle but yet to see one in the flesh - and this kite looks a lot like the f-One Delta which gets some decent reviews...

QLD, 312 posts
27 Apr 2008 6:00PM
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Looks sweet!

VIC, 484 posts
27 Apr 2008 6:46PM
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Hey look it's a bandit with different colours and a different front bridle. Awesome innovation there guys.

QLD, 142 posts
27 Apr 2008 7:13PM
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Neill said...

Hey look it's a bandit with different colours and a different front bridle. Awesome innovation there guys.

An ugly bandit!

WA, 572 posts
27 Apr 2008 5:56PM
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TheChad said...

Neill said...

Hey look it's a bandit with different colours and a different front bridle. Awesome innovation there guys.

An ugly bandit!

R u kidding me this looks way betta than the bandit!
and it looks more like the Rhino

SA, 402 posts
27 Apr 2008 8:50PM
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Yeah I reckon it looks pretty sweet - just cant find any more info about it and my German in crapola... knew I should have learnt another language

SA, 601 posts
28 Apr 2008 9:49AM
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No flagging system on the bar and a 6 pulley bridle is a bit of a worry tho (or was that 8 pulleys in total, I lost count). Alright it does seem to have a flagging system but it doesnt flag from 1 line, which I prefer.

I'd be keen to see the bridle in the flesh cos it does look pretty unique.

I see they stopped using the Riley pulleys and have gone to some SPRENGER pulley. I've never heard of them before.

Hey lance, go into google and click on the language translator. The grammar is shocking but atleast you can read it. The core website just has the regular kite hype. Looks like it has an optional 5th line if you want a good flagging system.

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
30 Apr 2008 7:42AM
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It comes standard with four lines, however if you feel you need the security of a Fith line this is an optional extra.

QLD, 80 posts
7 May 2008 3:38PM
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Love the look of that combat, cant wait to fly it !!

I'am happy with the Core Riot, its just easy to fly, plenty of grunt and heaps of glide.
I havent unhooked on many kites yet, but this baby behaves like a loyal puppi dog even if you stuff up, thumbs up.

anyone orderd wind for Brisie yet ?

SA, 402 posts
8 May 2008 9:56AM
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They have updated the site and have text in english now,en/

Seems every kite company in the world has the exact same marketing person - wonder if he actually kites - they all say the same thing

Still a nice looking kite with what looks like some pretty cool new takes on things like bridles etc

Has anyone seen any reviews on them?

just do it
4 posts
18 May 2008 7:14PM
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I had the 9m Combat for about three weeks and only now can I truly say I get close to the most out of it.
Unlike the EVO and Bandit Delta Kites this kite needs a little getting dialed into for sure.
I definitly wouldn't say it is a beginners kite. It needs a good rider who knows what they are doing to really appreciate what this kite can deliver and then it does.
Bar pressure is not as light as on the Riot for sure.
All I can think of when discribing this kite, is that it seems to be fullfilling the expectations that excentric riders like Lou Wainman might want to see from their kites.
I might be totally wrong here but for me it looks like Core didn't want to target the masses with this kite and not jump on the Delta bandwagon just to launch another easy to ride and easy to relaunch Delta but instead use the Delta shape advantages to achieve different goals. It is certainly very different from other Deltas.
In waves this kite is hard to beat. I never had anything that would suit me better in waves and it is the first kite in ages that made me think of ditching depower alltogether, go for a fixed set-up and depower via edge control. Of course the windrange is massive on this kite when using the depower. A bit more top end maybe than low end on the 9m though.
Use it once and you might be unsure, use it twice and it starts to make you think. Third time out and you get a sniff of its potential.
I am sure that this kite will start a few discussions.
B.t.w. We are a shop that amongst other kite-brands sells Core-kites.

WA, 108 posts
22 May 2008 3:08PM
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Anyone got any idea what the purpose of the short yellow line on the bar is? It runs in a loop from just right of centre to just left of centre.

just do it
4 posts
22 May 2008 6:42PM
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The short yellow line on the bar which is called the Microloop, is an excellent little gadget. The Combat has more bar pressure than kites like the Core Riot and when the wind is light you often ride with the bar totally sheeted in. This can get a little tiring if you are a weakling like myself. So I just hook into the microloop with the metal hook on the chickenloop and ride like this. The Combat can be pushed to the edge of the windwindow very easily just through edge-control and thus you can ride with this fixed solution quite happily in light to medium winds. For me it is an essential gadget on the Combat and I wouldn't want to miss it on this kite.
Regarding pulleys.
The Combat has three pulleys either side(2 on each side of the front-line-bridle and one on the backlines) but don't be worried as the bridling is so incredibly short that they don't ever tangle or cause any reasons for concern.
On kites like the Bandit the bridle is superlong and even though it only has one pulley on each side of the front-line-bridle it will potentially tangle a hell of a lot more and also show more wear more quickly as the load on this single pulley is way, way higher than on any of the pulleys on the Combat.
All I can say is and I probably repeat myself here, that the Combat is the most excellent of Wavekites.
If you have waves to ride then get this kite.
I haven't seen or ridden a better wavekite yet.

just do it
4 posts
26 May 2008 9:56PM
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We have made a short video of the Combat 9m. Mainly just about waterrelaunching as my riding isn't really good for any proper action. I really hope we get some wave conditions soon and do some more video footage of this as that is where the Combat really excells.
Here is the link.

SA, 402 posts
27 May 2008 3:54PM
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Nice vid John - I like the forward roll transitions - very cool - may have to go practice some today as the wind is starting to blow - whooo hooo

Kite looks great even though it looked like really light winds - what size were you riding and how strong was the wind in kts?

14 posts
5 Jun 2008 8:03AM
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I like the Kite, and it's not a Bandit

more Pics Combat and Riot, Spain-Empuriabrava

Tribal Elder
WA, 85 posts
11 Jun 2008 8:54AM
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Got my hands on a demo last night. No wind to fly it (until after dark-aaarrgh!), but what I saw was impressive German design, attention to detail, and a kite with not a stitch out of place or a ragged edge anywhere. Wear points are all lightly reinforced which makes for a light but robust kite, and fittings such as the strut entry points on the 1-pump inflation system are all high quality. True to previous overseas reviews, the bar and line set-up is beatifully designed and finished. Comes with mesh bar bag and spare micro-loop.

If the performance of this kite matches its presentation (and the reviews), I am in for a treat!

Saturday looks the goods, but we have been caught out the last 2 weekends. Will post again after the wind delivers.

Hemi Tuwhaaka

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Jun 2008 8:07AM
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Looking forward to your feedback TE.

SA, 402 posts
26 Jun 2008 1:59PM
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Thanks to Scott in Brissy I got to see and touch one of these kites - cant wait to take one for a blast!!

The kite construction is very good like others have commented, and the Delta shape is certainly very striking, and it "looks" fast so fingers crossed. The fact that the rear bridle is seperate to the front bridle arrangement indicates that it should also be quick in turning.

The bar still has me sold, the self untwisting feature contained in the chicken loop is as the "Top Gear" presenters say - a piece of brilliant german engineering, although it would require a degree of care and maintenance, but so does all your kite equipment regardless.

Great kit out of the bag, now need to take a puppy for a test run!

WA, 108 posts
29 Jun 2008 12:01PM
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I kited a 12 Core Combat for about an hour in 12-20 knots, semi onshore, 2-3 foot surf, with some waves maybe a bit higher than head height and am stoked with the kite. I was riding a strapless surfboard.
The 12 Core is about as loose as my 9 late model bow kite and jumps ahead of my 12 bow, which seems to wallow in the window in comparison. It zips around the window like a bumble bee, and feels different to my bow – it is difficult to describe the difference – the best I can do, is to describe it as feeling a lot “lighter” in the air and having a “softer” pull. The softer pull is great when trying to go out through the waves as it is easier to skip over them without having to “blast” your way into and then over them. Being so loose, it is easy to set the direction of your board up to go over them.
It is really great when riding the waves, and I found it easy to park the kite, so I could surf the wave, but when I needed power, because it is so quick, it was back in the power zone in a shot. The quickness in the air is also great for hitting the lip or transitioning from riding left to right, smacking the lip, and then transitioning back to riding a left again. The power and depower is also instantaneous.
I didn’t try unhooked riding, but the positioning of the donkey dick, will make it easy to hook and unhook (the dick is fastened to the edge of the loop and not the middle, so if you unhook, the dick points out of the edge of the loop and the loop stays completely open, which will make it easy to slot into and out of your harness).
The power and depower straps are easy and light.

From the little I rode on it, the Combat rocks my socks as far as a wave riding kite is concerned. I am looking forward to a lot more hours in the water and especially to try the 9.

Tribal Elder
WA, 85 posts
2 Jul 2008 9:46AM
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Had my my first session on the 9 Combat at Scarbs last Sunday. Frontal SW weather, typically 10 mins of breeze followed by 15 mins of nothing. Smallish (1m) surf, Spleene Zone board and 95 kg of.....buoyancy. The windy periods averaged around 14 kts and gusted to 18 kts. The lulls were unsailable.

Keep in mind that I am comparing the Combat to my experience of late model flat SLEs with quick turning, great depower, long bar travel and very light bar pressure.

Previously I had flown the 12m in very light conditions and found it so different to my SLE that I was struggling to adapt to the kite's flying characteristics and keep it trimmed in the conditions. Not helped by being on a TT when I have been riding directionals exclusively for the past year.

This time I had a different experience. The 9m is such a fast turner. (I also rode an 8m SLE for comparison.) The 9 Combat turned just as fast as the 8 - maybe faster - and had way more grunt. More power through the turns too, which I am not used to.(I prefer to turn the kite "off" when turning onto a wave, then turn it back on to accelerate on the wave.

The biggest difference between this session and the previous one was that I was getting more familiar to the kite's flying characteristics. That made a huge difference to how well I kept the kite trimmed and "in the zone". As the session went on, I tuned in more and got much more performance out of the kite.

The Combat feels just so different to the flat SLE's. I don't think it's as easy or forgiving to fly because of higher bar pressure and what feels like a narrower "power band". Had a C-kite feel in the way it can power up and pull. Trimming the kite becomes more critical because there is not a lot of throw (travel) of the bar between powered up and depowered. Total depower is probably achievable only by adjusting the depower strap. I am used to a bar setup with no depower strap and all the depower in the travel of the bar. The Combat flies less off its front lines - hence more bar pressure than I'm used to, and a more sensitive power band.

Overall impressions:

I find myself echoing previous reports coming from overseas, where the Combat has been available for a few months.

Light weight.
Excellent construction & distribution of reinforced areas.
Very fast turning.
Powerful above its size. (the 9m would be my 80% kite, rather than a 12m).
Significant bar pressure.
Relaunch and unassisted launch/land is a no-brainer. The kite simply rolls around its swept back leading edge and takes off.
A great wave kite
There are friendlier kites around for novices

Looking forward to more time on this baby. Definitey a kite that requires some time 'getting to know'. An exciting kite to ride in the surf.

Hemi Tuwhaaka

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
7 Jul 2008 11:11AM
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Lance, How was your first experience on the Combat?

SA, 402 posts
7 Jul 2008 11:03AM
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Got to ride the 9m Combat on a good reef break and favourable winds. First thoughts of the kite was for a 9m it seemed so much smaller - but once in the air the pull was as you would expect for a kite of this size - what wasnt expected was how fast this thing is in the air.

My first tack out and I thought I had picked up a trainer kite and was a bit anxious if I could keep it on a level - a few runs though and all was good and the speed is awesome to have on tap.

To a degree I was able to turn the power off and run further into the wind while on the wave - which was also very pleasing.

The only down side was the bar pressure - although the Tribal Elder had adjusted both centre and back lines - so Im pretty sure this isnt how it is out of the box, Im not a fan of the strap adjustment - I like the simplicity of the airush and north systems.

That said though a pretty damn good kite that with experience Im sure would make an awesome wave kite - not to mention a kiteloopers dream with the speed this thing had in the air!!

QLD, 80 posts
15 Jul 2008 9:04PM
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Hey Scott

lets organize a demo for the Combat at brighton beach soon, wind or not, need to see/feel that machine, and i am sure i am not the only one...

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Jul 2008 9:36AM
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Lets make it on the 3rd of August wind permitting.

WA, 108 posts
4 Aug 2008 4:15PM
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An unreal kite for waves because they are so quick and reactive!
The more time I spend on them, the more I like them – roll on sea breezes.

WA, 108 posts
4 Aug 2008 4:16PM
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An unreal kite for waves because they are so quick and reactive!
The more time I spend on them, the more I like them – roll on sea breezes.

QLD, 470 posts
5 Aug 2008 3:50PM
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rode the Combat 9m in 27 knts on lizard island. I am not a fan of delta shaped kites in general but this kite is very nice, even it took me 30mins to get used to it...
super fast and good boosting, just be gentle on the bar it will react quicker than u can feel it.

Bar pressure is average (400-500grams i reckon), i really liked the feeling when riding unhooked.
The manufacturing quality-as normal for german engineering- is top notch!
A lot of detail and strong support stitches along leading edge!
Relaunch is super easy.

loops are quiet powerful but delta kites just dont loop like c-kites!

minus points: no stopper ball riding this kite will wear you out quickly... some people might like that!

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
9 Aug 2008 8:01AM
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Did you get a chance to use the mini hook? With the right settings you can make your up wind tack effortless.

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
1 Sep 2008 10:20PM
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Combat will be in Port Douglas on the weekend if anybody is keen for a demo

SA, 402 posts
2 Sep 2008 12:39PM
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Hey Scott any details on the GT?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2008 Core Combat" started by lancekenny