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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2009 Liquid Force gear

Created by SurfConnect > 9 months ago, 2 Jun 2008
QLD, 50 posts
7 Jan 2009 1:31AM
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Where can I try a HiFi Comp please? I am in Sydney.

VIC, 181 posts
7 Jan 2009 12:56PM
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Is there any LF dealers in Perth at all or just the one in Rockingham? Time for a new harness.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
9 Jan 2009 12:26PM
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its just jason down in Rockingham, LF made great harnesses, super comfy! with no rash on your hips.

QLD, 1674 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:24PM
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Golf Bags in store now. Looks fab. Giving one away at the Brisbane Demo Day on 31 Jan. See Kitesurfing news column.

QLD, 21 posts
31 Jan 2009 10:30AM
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Hey Guys my sponsor LF german decided to put me on a full sponsorship....
and equips me with the comps.....
so I'm giving away my 2MONTHS old Hi fi '09 12m for $975 colmplete just check the listenings, or mail me colour (this kaki brown sort of things)
The gear is soo sick and the hi-fis are so forgiving!!! They let me progress very, very fast.... I do really hope the comps can keep up with that....

QLD, 1674 posts
31 Jan 2009 10:21PM
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Congrats mate. You will love the HiFi Comp.

holnissurfer said...

Hey Guys my sponsor LF german decided to put me on a full sponsorship....
and equips me with the comps.....
so I'm giving away my 2MONTHS old Hi fi '09 12m for $975 colmplete just check the listenings, or mail me colour (this kaki brown sort of things)
The gear is soo sick and the hi-fis are so forgiving!!! They let me progress very, very fast.... I do really hope the comps can keep up with that....

QLD, 50 posts
15 Feb 2009 11:39AM
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Finally got my HiFi Comp and so impressed I am! Wind range is unreal and the different settings gives me the options to fine tune the kite in different conditions I ride. Seriously, this is one kite to be tried. Well done Liquid Force. I am so sold!

QLD, 1674 posts
28 Feb 2009 1:29PM
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New stock Boardshorts harness just arrived, new design with extra re-enforcement. Contact your local stockist to try.

QLD, 50 posts
17 Mar 2009 10:15PM
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Has anyone tried to add or shorten the centre bridle line to see how different the kite performs on the hifi comp? Also how hard do you guys inflate it?

SA, 501 posts
19 Mar 2009 9:53AM
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AaronB said...

Has anyone tried to add or shorten the centre bridle line to see how different the kite performs on the hifi comp? Also how hard do you guys inflate it?

About 7 psi. No I haven't shortened the bridle lines but I see no reason why you would want to. It only attaches to the 5th line for canopy stability. If you wanted to shorten anything you could simply shorten your 5th line for the same experimentation/result.

QLD, 99 posts
20 Mar 2009 1:30AM
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I usually pump my HIFI Comp up until it only just creases slightly in the centre of the LE when ya hold it with one wing tip on the ground and put pressure on the other side of the LE. (i.e. put downward pressure on the LE to fold the kite in half).

The 08 HIFI's have a few different attachment points on the 5th line, from memory approx 30mm apart. i always ride them on the 5th line knott furthest from the kite.
Im interested in how the 09 hifi comp would fly with adjustments on the 5th line..mmm.. Though just remember if ya shorten the 5th line too much, youll lose its power coz it'll be flying only on the front 5th line, with minimal backline tension.

5 posts
21 Mar 2009 7:56AM
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What is exactly the difference between the 09 Hifi and Hifi Comp.
I love the Hifi and havn't tried the Comp yet.
In 12m² the 09 Hifi is more stable but slightly slower than 08 Hifi. Recognized slightly more bar pressure on the 09 Hifi too. Range seems to be the same.

The Hifi in 9m² is very nice looping machine. This size seems to be much better than the bigger size.

What about the Hifi Comp in 12m² is he as fast or faster than the 08 Hifi?
In 9m² is the Hifi Comp maybe too nervous?

Is the Hifi Comp better overall? For sure not as good for relaunching.

Thanks in advance!

SA, 501 posts
21 Mar 2009 12:08PM
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The Comp has a range of trim options so you can have it quick turning or slow it down for wakestyle. Also has a range of bar pressure options from light through heavy. Re-launching is pretty easy for a C kite.

I ride both the 12m and 9m but can't offer a comparison on the 08 HiFi.

I ride wakestyle and the 9m is not too nervous. As I said because of all the trim options you can do with it what you want. The 9m is actually my favourite size. They are great kites that you can easily rig to suit your style of riding.

5 posts
22 Mar 2009 6:56AM
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So many trim options on the hifi comp but why is there no direct trim option for the fifth line?
Tried my Comp 12 today with the wakestyle setup on the front lines and the middle knot on the fast setting on the back lines. Seems to me that I should go one knot further up to sheet in more and the fifth line should be longer.

On the 2009 Hifi there is a second pigtail for less tension on the fifth line. My Hifi Comp didn't come with this accesory.

SA, 501 posts
22 Mar 2009 10:55AM
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The 5th line on the Comp is not designed as a trimming option, it's there to provide greater stability to the canopy. Which works pretty well IMO.

5 posts
22 Mar 2009 12:03PM
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thought that the comp should be working best with a similar setup like on the fuel or hadlow pro. They are working best without fifth line support although the hadlow pro has quite thin front tube too.
On the other hand every front line conection point on the comp influences the fifth line tension.

And if the lines are streched there should be a possibility to adapt the fifth line length.

QLD, 99 posts
22 Mar 2009 9:15PM
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I had the 08 12m Hifi before upgrading to the 12m hifi comp. Yeah everything is better on the hifi comp than the hifi.
Has a better low end windrange and i seem to hold it down a bit better in higher winds than the standard hifi.
It def turns quicker than the 08 hifi too.
The construction and materials of the comp kite is more bomb proof aswell.

Keen as to get a 9m Hifi Comp soon.

5 posts
27 Mar 2009 8:31AM
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Standard setup on the 12 Comp didn't work in gusty conditions.
Wakestyle setting for the frontlines and fastest setting for the backlines was bad.
The kite was wobbling around like crazy even with the maximum pressure I got in the front tube. Could it be that the diameter of the front tube is too small? The Hifi in these conditions was much better even with less or because of less tension in the fifth line.
Some tips from anybody before I have to try it on myself how to improve the kite performance in gusty winds.

Best regards in advance.

QLD, 99 posts
27 Mar 2009 12:01PM
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I ride my 12 comp on slow turn and either medium or light(freestyle) in the front lines. This is in 13+ knott winds.
Otherwise in light stuff, fast turn and freestyle bar pressure works best for me.
I have tried the whole range of setup options on the comp; Wakestyle front line settings seemed to progressive or delayed in response to any bar movement. So in gusty/ high wind conditions it wasnt that fun.
Personal preference really; its just a matter of trying out all the combinations and finding what suits.

NSW, 5 posts
31 Mar 2009 8:14PM
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just got a brand new 2009 hifi comp 9m on sunday, cheers padi!!! so happy with the proformance of the kite!! great wind aswell.

QLD, 99 posts
1 Apr 2009 12:38PM
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Yeah man, its one of the sexiest comps ive seen. Great colour combo.

blue ice
33 posts
7 Apr 2009 11:17AM
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Hmmm what colour looks the best then close up?
As i havent seen the kite in the flesh yet...
Whats the red and white look like?

NSW, 5 posts
8 Apr 2009 3:56PM
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hey, the red an white one looks really nice, havent seen much of the blue. i have a gold 9m and it is one of the nicest looking kites. the gold on it is actually a good shiny gold. best bet is to check them out for yourself and choose the one you like.

410 posts
10 Apr 2009 2:31AM
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anyone used the comp in the waves?
reckon with the depower setting, should fly forward nicely in window and with those super quick turns and super stable should be sick?
let me know your thoughts

QLD, 50 posts
30 Apr 2009 9:52PM
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Yeap, top kite for the surf. Turns really well and great feel. Best kite I owned to date!

leepasty said...

anyone used the comp in the waves?
reckon with the depower setting, should fly forward nicely in window and with those super quick turns and super stable should be sick?
let me know your thoughts

QLD, 1674 posts
16 May 2009 8:21AM
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Come and win a LF Surf board today at the last LF demo of the season in Brisbane. 12nn start. Details

Bring your old gear to sell in the gear swap.

SUPs, Zooter Landcarts, Indo Boards, Batwings and landboards are all coming to demo.

QLD, 1674 posts
16 May 2009 7:27PM
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Congrats Jayden in winning a brand new Liquid Force Surf Board, and thanks LF for giving out so many other prizes. Nearly every one went home with a prize. Thanks for coming to the demo day too Zooter landcarts, Indo Boards, Batwings, and NSX SUPs. It was good to see windsurfers and kiters mixing in well.

NSW, 836 posts
16 May 2009 10:38PM
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Tell Jayden I'm after a sick surf board at a bargain basement price in case he's not into surfing.

QLD, 1674 posts
17 May 2009 9:03AM
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I have a brand new one here with a chip on the nose (fell on floor in warehouse), board hasnt even touched water you can have for $400, board only. Takes standard fcs fins. PM me if interested.

Smedg said...

Tell Jayden I'm after a sick surf board at a bargain basement price in case he's not into surfing.

SA, 113 posts
17 May 2009 10:51PM
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SurfConnect said...

I have a brand new one here with a chip on the nose (fell on floor in warehouse), board hasnt even touched water you can have for $400, board only. Takes standard fcs fins. PM me if interested.

Smedg said...

Tell Jayden I'm after a sick surf board at a bargain basement price in case he's not into surfing.

Hi Padi.

What model board are you talking about?
If Smedg isn't interested i could be.



Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2009 Liquid Force gear" started by SurfConnect